Alex Collier on the 5 Subspecies of Greys
Artwork by talonabraxas
This is a 1994 interview with Alex Collier, who for several decades has published and spoken about being a contactee of highly-evolved extraterrestrial humanoids from the Andromeda Galaxy. At this point, the information he's shared has become a part of the pop culture, the folklore and of the Urban Legends of the late 20th century into the present.
This persistent, classic alien taxonomy of ufology has become popularized through the entertainment industry, talking about how the "Grey Aliens" from Zeta Reticuli cut a deal with President Dwight Eisenhower, to allow for the abduction of Americans, to harvest their DNA, in exchange for advanced technology.
Now, I had a friend, who passed away 20 years ago, who was shocked to discover that his father, a high-level Freemason and former Navy commander was one of the signatories of Eisenhower's contract, as a Witness. As a result, he had been disowned by his own father.
So, when my friend finally met his grandfather at the age of 11, he asked him, why they had never met before and his grandfather told him, "Your father sold-out the human race. It's complicated, but one day, you'll understand." I may elaborate on this story in future posts.
According to this multi-decade Urban legend (aka longterm CIA PSYOP?), Zeta Greys are supposedly subservient to the tall, "big-nosed" Orion Greys, who are in turn, subservient to the Reptilians from Alpha Draconis and that all of the above are to blame for a lot of the antihuman evil that we now observe in our reality.
I'm not telling you to believe this, I'm talking about a pop culture phenomenon that has been ongoing for several decades, that could alternately be viewed as Jungian Archetypes from the Collective Unconscious that express the dark "shadow" aspects of ourselves that we don't want to own: The proverbial "Man's Inhumanity to Man".
But having read some of Collier's material, back in the 1990s and to listen to it, now is very interesting, in light of the Attempted COVID Genocide and the absolute governmental insanity of the past decade.
When asked, here how the Greys were able to conquer humanity via the US Government, Alex Collier replies:
"That part was really easy. Number One, their technology is 2,500 years or more ahead of us. Number Two, because of our greed factor, certain groups of Power Elite are in touch with them, on a physical level. Well, many of them are implanted. Many of them are so implanted, that they have now become part of the Grey Group Mind – and the Andromedans no longer consider some of these human beings – "Terrans", as they call us – human at all, anymore.
"They're nothing but clones for what the Greys want. And they pass down orders. They tell others what to do. And, of course, the chain of command that we've established on our planet is exactly what's happening."
Thinking about people like Anthony Fauci, Jacinda Ardern, Jennifer Wen (the cast of COVID characters is endless), to me, the idea of them being implanted alien drones who are no longer human sounds about as reasonable of an explanation of the COVID War as any, because they do seem so anti-human, that they can't possibly be human!
I'm not trying to convince anyone of the reality of aliens. Personally, I've seen a lot of UFOs but I've never seen an actual alien, that I know of. So I'm open to the reality of aliens, without being a hysterical proponent of something that I cannot prove.
If anything, an open-minded attitude is what I am fostering in this post, because when listening to Alex Collier, the potential for an Alien Agenda behind the COVID War comes alive for me, the same way that a potential Alien Agenda behind Artificial Intelligence comes alive for me in Cyrus Parsa's film, 'AI: The Plan to Invade Humanity'.
However neither scenario actually requires "evil aliens"; they merely require a vast network of human psychopaths.
Questioner: Let's focus for a while on the Renegade Zeta Reticulans. The agenda of the Greyskin Zeta Reticulans.
Alex Collier: OK. Number one, I would like to say that there's a lot of confusion; that not all Reticulans are evil. There are some Reticulans that are incredible healers, that are incredibly benevolent.
Unfortunately, most of them are getting a bad rap right now, because of what the Greys are doing, and, you know, there are five different subspecies of Greys.
Questioner: May I interject here for a moment? I've heard the phrase, "Long-Nosed Greys", describing the physical…
Alex Collier: Those are not the Benevolent Reticulans, OK? The Benevolent Reticulans look like children.
Questioner: So the non-benevolent ones are the Long-Nosed Greys?
Alex Collier: That's correct.
Questioner: That's what I thought.
Alex Collier: That's correct. OK and, you know, there's a lot of information that's being… some people are experiencing real benevolent experiences with them, or they're told that they're experiencing benevolent, when in fact they really haven't.
They just maybe haven't been regressed or taken deeply into their subconscious, to know what is happening. They're incredible masters of mind-manipulation.
But anyway, their race is dying. They have been so genetically-altered by the Orion Group, that they cannot reproduce.
So, they were told by the Orion Group to come down in here, to come in here – this is how it's been related to me, to come in here and set the stage, to break-down the social structures, so that when the Orion Group and the Draconans come back, there are two classes: 1) Royalty and 2) Workers, which is exactly what they're doing.
Questioner: You can see that agenda happening, right in the United States, since the beginning of the Reagan administration.
Alex Collier: Well, this is where the focus has been. It's been on the United States. Singly. And there's been a reason for that, which we'll cover in just a little bit. Let me get my thoughts out here. Which is exactly what the Greys have been told to do – and they're doing it.
In the meantime, they themselves have their own agenda. They see us, because of our genetic stock, of having the DNA of 22 different races, and the racial memories of trying to breed; to cross the genetic bridge, so that they, as a race can have enough genetic stock to continue to propagate their race. Which, according to the Andromedans, they're destined for extinction.
What they're doing is not going to have any long-term effects, to propagate their race. So they're desperately trying to do what it is that they're trying to do, before all the other two groups get here.
The Greys also, themselves want to be free from the manipulation of the Orion Group. Just like we, as a race want to be free of their manipulation.
So there's this incredible triangle of crap that's hanging all over us. And all these hidden agendas and just brainwashing and bizarre belief systems that are being thrown at us.
When they should all leave! Not only the good ones and the bad ones – they should all just leave and leave us alone.
Which is ultimately what the Andromedans want. But unfortunately, that isn't going to happen, right now. Not until some changes occur.
Questioner: And that's the reason why we need to raise our consciousness.
Alex Collier: Right. We need to. And the first thing we need to do is we need to stop warring with each other. We need to come together as a race. And no matter what happens, we need to stop all of the political garbage and say, "Look, when it comes down to the bottom line, all we have is each other, as a race. Period. And this is our planet. This is our home. And there's enough of us that are polluting the planet, that we need to stop. Because if we don't stop polluting the planet, we're not going to have a place to live. Period."
Questioner: Is there an Earth quarantine that the renegade Zeta Reticulans violated?
Alex Collier: Yes.
Questioner: And what was that quarantine?
Alex Collier: The quarantine was, they were supposed to – well, it's the same quarantine that evolves, that any other evolving planet has: No intervention with an evolving race.
But because of our genetic stock, the Greys did it. Now, but they did it in such a way that they didn't totally violate our Free Will. They dangled a technological carrot to the Government. And the Government took the bait.
They said, "Sure". For their own reasons, they took the bait. And there was an exchange of technology. And there was a treaty that was signed. And this is a dilemma that the Andromedan Council has.
You know, if the United States Military had said, "Go away," the Greys would have had to have left.
Questioner: So, was this the Air Force Base situation or the Eisenhower situation, where he had representatives? Is this the one that took place in the '50s?
Alex Collier: Yes.
Questioner: Alright. And this was with the Long-Nosed Greys?
Alex Collier: That's true. And there were two groups there, as well. The Zeta Reticulans from Sirius B, who are still here, were also witnesses to this, to add credence to it.
Now, just to add to this, the Andromedans have also said that in 1933, when the Greys really first got here, that they had actually approached the Germans. And the Germans said, "No, you're out of here! We already have an agreement."
And apparently, the Germans were in touch with Giza Intelligence. So the Greys left. They didn't pursue it, at all. And they found their next opening here, in the United States.
Questioner: Let's digress, just a moment. You mentioned Sirius B. They have a relationship with the Dogon tribes in Africa. Is that correct?
Alex Collier: Yes, I understand that there is some ancestral genetic connection, there.
Questioner: OK. Does that play a part in what's going on here, on a global level or is that just kind of a minor sidelight?
Alex Collier: I don't think, at this point, they give a damn about the Dogons or the humans, at all. They all have their own agendas. And the fact that the way we're being treated and the fact that there is no support, support of government coming, support of information coming out of our government or any truth that they even want to discuss, like just coming to the people and saying, "Look, folks, we screwed up. We need your help. We need to raise a consciousness," and start implementing – the fact that they don't even want to do that. It tells you really where they're at.
What I do know about the Sirians is that, between Sirius A and Sirius B, there is a civil war going on, there. And there are also 21 other systems. There's war going on in Perseus, as we speak.
And 21 other star systems are also looking at the potential and it has to do with the fact that there is now an uplifting of energy in our Universe that's occurring. And the two positives, fear and love, are just banging themselves at each other.
And the intensity is growing. It's growing, every single moment. And we're just a microcosm of that.
Questioner: As you're disseminating all this information to us, we should look at all this information in the Spirit of Love, so we don't feed any energy into the Spirit of Fear.
Alex Collier: Love is the answer. That's the bottom line. Love is the answer. Love does conquer all. Love does move mountains. It can make the shifts in consciousness, but it starts, number one, with ourselves.
Questioner: So, all this is going on around us, we just need to remember to focus on Love.
Alex Collier: Love of self and love of Earth. Love of race. That's right. That's right.
Questioner: Now, when did the Zeta Reticulans begin to create their genetic atrocities? Where did this take place on Earth? And what have the results been?
Alex Collier: Well, it's occurring everywhere. Much of it is occurring underground. Some of it's occurring in the oceans. Some of it's occurring on the Moon. Some of it's occurring on Phobos, the moon of Mars. It's happening in a lot of different places.
Questioner: Is that an artificial moon?
Alex Collier: Yes, absolutely. So is our Moon. Our Moon is artificial, completely artificial. It was brought here from Ursa Minor, apparently, between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago.
Questioner: For the purpose of?
Alex Collier: Of being a satellite and a base, which they evacuated some time ago, but it's now being operational, again. And I cover this in the 'Series of Eight'.
It came from a star system called Chatta (?), that's for a word, that's the word they used, "Chatta" (?), and it was the 17th planet out of a solar system that had 21 planets, and it was one of four moons. And it was brought here. It is older than the Earth. There are ruins all over it. There are bases underneath it. It's everything that we're told it isn't!
So that's a whole unique story, unto itself.
Questioner: OK, now what are the results of these atrocities, these genetic atrocities been? And are we going to begin to see more of them appearing?
Alex Collier: Well, the Greys are trying to create a subrace that is a blend between human culture; the human race, and their race.
Questioner: A kind of a hybrid set.
Alex Collier: Exactly. They're not being very, very successful. And one of the things that they're trying to do is they're really looking for the soul. They don't understand the soul. They don't understand our extremes of emotions, as well because they're very, very different from us.
Their experiments haven't been all that successful. There are a lot of emotional problems with that… because what really makes a human being a human being, is our essence; is the spirit that animates the physical form.
Well, there's also another factor, and that is that they actually feed-off the energy. They're vampires.
Questioner: The Zeta Reticula Greys.
Alex Collier: The Greys, right. They're vampires.
Questioner: Is this where we get our vampire legends, a lot of our vampire legends?
Alex Collier: I don't know about that. I don't know if that has to do with it. I don't really know. I wouldn't be surprised, to be perfectly honest with you. But they feed-off the energy. They can even bottle the energy and use it for later times.
They're also stealing the vital bodies of human beings and storing it. So, I mean, they're just doing some really horrific things, here that other races just simply wouldn't conceive of doing!
Questioner: Now, are you familiar with Salvador Furtado?
Alex Collier: No, I've never heard of him.
Questioner: He's a gentleman who proposes… He's a former Jesuit priest who proposes the idea that Colosseum-type sporting events are used to vampire energy off the crowds.
Alex Collier: I wouldn't, at all be surprised. It wouldn't surprise me, in the least.
Questioner: He said, like, the sacrifice of human beings in some ancient civilizations, here on Earth was a form of belief system that was set-up for these beings, to vampire energy off of.
Alex Collier: I wouldn't be surprised at that, either.
Questioner: OK.
Alex Collier: War. Our wars, here? It's the exact same thing. And to all of your viewers, I'm going to give you some homework: It is an absolute must that you go out and get the book 'The Gods of Eden' by William Bramley. It is an excellent introductory book that will bring you right up to speed with what's going on. It is over 80% accurate, with the information in there, and I strongly suggest that people read it. It's excellent.
Questioner: And the 20% that isn't accurate revolves around what type of ideas?
Alex Collier: Around the soul and the being that we know as Jesus, which I'm not going to go into.
Questioner: OK. Now, how are we doing on time, here? Do you still have some more time?
Alex Collier: Well, we've come here an hour so far. We'll continue. OK.
Questioner: You let me know when we need to break. How are the renegade Zeta Reticulans able to manipulate Earth's most powerful governments into a position of checkmate?
Alex Collier: It's easy. That part was really easy. Number One, their technology is 2,500 years more ahead of us. Number Two, because of our greed factor, certain groups of Power Elite are in touch with them, on a physical level. Well, many of them are implanted. Many of them are so implanted, that they have now become part of the Grey Group Mind – and the Andromedans no longer consider some of these human beings, "Terrans", as they call us, human at all, anymore.
They're nothing but clones for what the Greys want. And they pass down orders. They tell others what to do. And, of course, the chain of command that we've established on our planet is exactly what's happening.
Also, playing on the greed factor, those who are still human, they look at the fact that, "Well, they're here. They're the Rulers," you know, "We can still maintain our place of privilege in the world, so we'll form the new priesthood. We'll be the go-between, between the workers and the gods," just like we saw in Babylon, in Assyria, Egypt. It's all over again. It's history repeating itself, all over again.
Questioner: Because it's the control factor, the hierarchy is the established mode for these negative civilizations to keep their power structure intact.
Alex Collier: That's right. And it's another thing, and there's also one more factor: It is about human beings out for power, selling-out their own race.
Questioner: The World Club.
Alex Collier: Just selling out the rest of us, the human race, for their moment in glory – for their privilege to be with the "gods", so to speak – who are aliens. That's what it is. To have technology that can take them to the Moon, the technology that can take them to Mars, that'll give them the technology to do time travel. They totally sold out our race, our history, everything, for their brief moment in the Sun. Pisses me off!
Questioner: I'm sure, when they look back on their lives afterward, they'll, I would assume that they would regret their choice?
Alex Collier: I don't know. I don't know.
Questioner: How will the renegade Zeta Reticulans have to be removed?
Alex Collier: It's, well, if we can create, if humanity makes a real commitment to create an environment of Unconditional Love and simply refuses to hate or to kill each other and destroy our planet, they'll have to leave, because they can't deal with the vibration.
If we can't, it's going to take outside intervention to get them out of here. Period.
Questioner: Are the renegade Zeta Reticulans going to try to deceive humanity with an elaborate religious event they are staging?
Alex Collier: The perceived Second Coming? Yes. I have been told to really beware of that. That they are very capable of playing-out the Second Coming, creating a clone, who will look like the image on the Shroud of Turin, which – by the way, was one of their deals. And this soul will have holographic imprints and information, regarding all the world's religions. He won't have a soul.
And yes, we've been led down this path, of the Book of Revelations that, "This is God's Word. This is the way it has to happen." And you know what? God didn't write the Bible. Man wrote the Bible. Period.
ETs didn't write the Bible, but some ETs did tell those souls, those men, what to write and we have been led down this path, where we totally will succumb; our Free Will to become subservient.
And I'm not here to offend anybody, but really, think about it. Really think about what we've done and what our history has been. We've been to this place so many times before, and we still haven't gotten it right. And we're still not going to get it right, unless we do it as a race and just cut out all the crap. Period.
Questioner: Now, that leads me. I'm going to jump a question. Do they have control of the world media?
Alex Collier: Greed does. Greed does. I don't know if it's them, themselves. The programming is being introduced, and it is mankind that is introducing it to the masses.
Questioner: So it's the people that are selling out.
Alex Collier: That's it. It's the new priesthood. That's where the responsibility lies.
Questioner: What would be the outcome if human beings believed that renegade Zeta Reticulans were the hope of mankind?
Alex Collier: We would know a tyranny and an enslavement as far beyond anything you could even imagine. To put it just quite bluntly, we'll never be free, again. We'll never be free, again. We will be stuck, until we're rescued by an outside force. We, ourselves will not be able to break free.
That's the bottom line. And right now, we have an opportunity. There is a window of time for us to break free; to do it ourselves, to really make this incredible leap, ourselves so that we can have the benefit of taking responsibility for it.
Questioner: Now, in that passion that you talk with right there, that passion that we have, if we want to break free, should be manifested into the Spirit of Love?
Alex Collier: Yeah, love. That's the bottom line. It's brotherhood. It's knowing that, hey, we're a race. It doesn't matter, the color of our skin. We are a race and we're being messed with in a big way. We're being manipulated, in an incredibly audacious way. They're just mocking how stupid we are, when we're really not stupid.
But nobody will tell the truth. Nobody will come out and say, "Hey, you know, none of this is right. We would have never meant to live this way. And they have no right to come down here and mess with us the way they've done that."
You know? And the real strength in us, in our own permanent evolvement, as a race, will come from us standing up, taking a stand and saying, "You know what? No way. We're not going to do this. We're not going to destroy ourselves for your enjoyment so you can feed off of us. You have no right to manipulate our governments, to create wars. None of this was right."
And that's it. We need to stand up as a race, exercise our free will, and say, "You know what? We don't want to live this way, anymore. We want to create a real future where our kids will have an opportunity to be whatever they want; to live in an environment that's clean, that's free, where they can have water to drink, where they can go out and eat fruit, where they can play in the dirt, without getting radioactively toxic. All of this stuff that we're doing to ourselves.
Questioner: So the people with weapons are the police, the military people. These people need to be persuaded and persuade themselves that they can lay down their weapons, that they don't need to use them against other human beings, that they can love other human beings, interact with them, without a violence or power-control type of situation going on.
Alex Collier: I'm not saying that there aren't some human beings here that definitely don't have some serious problems. I'm not saying that, at all. There are some who do.
But the bottom line is, when you look at the whole picture and you go up the ladder, OK, we are not the Enemy. The Enemy isn't human, at all.
But it's pushing all our buttons, so that we're so busy looking at each other and so neurotic about each other, that we're not looking at the real reality here, the real cause; which is another race – or races – that are here, who are totally playing games with us, feeding off our energy and hoping that we destroy ourselves, so that they can keep the planet for themselves.
Questioner: And really, let's say who it is, again. It's the Orion Group.
Alex Collier: It's the Orion Group. It's a group that is on its way here and now, from Alpha Draconis. They're the real culprits behind this whole deal.
Questioner: Alpha Draconis or Orion or both of those?
Alex Collier: Alpha Draconis. They're the real culprits behind this whole thing.
Questioner: Above the Orion group?
Alex Collier: Yes. Then, there's Orion. Then there's Orion. They're the Orion group. Then you've got the Greys.
Questioner: And where did the Giza Intelligence fit in, here?
Alex Collier: They were just a group that were totally independent, that came in and did their own thing. They were perceived as gods and they played the role out.
And they got stuck in it. They got stuck in the ego part of it: "We're gods! We can do this! We have all this technology!" And they just played it out, for all that it was worth.
To be honest with you, at this point, they're not really much of a factor, anymore. You know, Giza Intelligence. They're not much of a factor, at all, anymore.
Questioner: What should a human being do if they encounter a renegade Zeta Reticulan? What would your advice be?
Alex Collier: Stand in their truth. You can't run. Stand in their truth and just look at them.
If they try to project their thoughts into your head, you just stand firm with who you are and you say, "No! You are not coming into my head. You are not taking me over. And you are not, not going to violate my Free Will. I don't give a damn who you are. Leave me alone!"
Period. Because if it's a Benevolent, they will not try to do it. They will not try to take you over. They will not try to put crap into your head, so they can feed off of your fear. Period.
Running Time: 22 mins
Plain and simple inversion. Explains behavior we observe. I’ve considered the rewards of pure deception and climbing the ladder, commonly called back stabbing.
Just not me.
I’m a misfit by not following authority.
You tell me what to do and how to think and I’m angered immediately. Education is nothing more than an authority programming of thoughts that are misinformation of the truth.
I ask myself how and why are humans so easily deceived?
This is a very plausible explanation.
And furthermore we have playbooks from all kinds of cults as clif calls Elohim worship cults to reinforce this group think.
Whoa, that's a blast from the past. Is Alex still with us?