Bilderberg Expert Advises Trump: He Must Destroy the Intelligence Apparatus
Daniel Estulin joins Alex Jones live to reveal the war raging between the US intelligence Deep State and President Trump. Daniel offers his analysis, as a 24-year Russian military counterintelligence veteran.
From his point of view, recent events in the US appear to be propelling the world toward the "Multipolar World Order" championed by Vladimir Putin.
The alternative being offered by the One Word Order Atlanticists is genocide and "You will eat zee bugs."
The debt that has been deliberately run up by the US Government is not repayable, therefore, the continued existence of the United States, as we know it hangs in the balance. The Liberal Banking Elite (aka Atlanticists) need to trigger a force majeur in order to legally write-off that debt.
Enter World War III and a concomitant civil war in the US that splits the country in two – or three or four – or however many necessary to then impose the CBDC enslavement system controlled by the same Atlanticists via the Bank for International Settlements.
Daniel explains that there are two models before us: The Global Financiers, who are willing to destroy the United States, in order to survive vs Donald Trump (aka MAGA), who wants to save America.
Daniel asks, "What does Make America Great Again mean? It means the survival of the United States at the expense of these Global Liberal Banking Financiers. And this is exactly what Trump and this part of the Globalist Establishment Wing behind him [are trying to do]; you're trying to avoid the destruction of the United States.
"But the people who own the world money; the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, they're Globalists. They're not American Citizens. You and I have talked about this, before. They may have American passports, but that's only because that's where the money is.
"They're Globalists, and they're willing to destroy the United States. Now, why – a lot of people don't understand – why would someone like David Rockefeller, who allegedly makes all his money in America – would want to destroy the United States? Because, they already own almost everything on Planet Earth that interests them. And...what they own no longer brings them an increase in their wealth, it only increases the cost, because there's nowhere else to expand. Because we've reached the "Limits to Growth" within a current economic model, which is Bretton Woods."
In other words, Daniel says the only way the Atlanticist Elite can continue to increase their wealth is by impoverishing – or eliminating and stealing the resources of – those beneath them on the social ladder.
In order for Globalist minions to survive and succeed, they must be in complete lockstep with the Liberal Banking Cartel's goals to collapse and dismantle the United States and to asset-strip everything (such as our National Parks).
This is the Treason being committed daily by people like Alejandro Mayorkas and countless other minions of the Biden administration, including members of the CIA-controlled mainstream media.
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Daniel says the Western intelligence agencies are the main instruments driving this Atlanticist financial international policy, which is why Trump advocates for the abolition of the CIA, FBI, etc. – and needless to say, they're not going to forgive him for it.
Daniel says the 2024 Elections are essentially a race between a faction in the United States Establishment committed to maintaining a One World global empire, at the cost of destroying the United States and a faction committed to a robust, re-industrialized, more self-sufficient United States of America that, by definition would be part of a Multipolar World Order.
Daniel continues, "And the question before us is whether the United States administration can re-engineer the Federal Budget to a positive return on investment? If it does not succeed – again, if it does not succeed – we're entering a long, harsh financial squeeze. Worse, if tinkering with the US Constitution occurs and/or piratization takes over, I think we're looking at some serious trouble, ahead."
The everyday people of America are being crushed by the same Globalists who have been immiserating countries like Russia for centuries. This is why the Globalists fear any alliance between our peoples and why they attempt to smear Westerners who refuse to dehumanize Russians as "Russian Agents" and as "Putin's Puppet".
Daniel goes on to say that the US needs to have a civil war, in order to resolve the conflicts between the Woke Left, who have been brainwashed to hate America vs the more conservative Patriots, who want to save their country. I disagree with him that a civil war is necessary to accomplish this.
Should Trump manage to get back into the White House, there will be mass lay-offs of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of US Government bureaucrats but before that can happen, we may see the Deep State assassinate Biden, since he is no longer of use to them – and the false flag that they use may, indeed become the flashpoint that triggers the civil war that Daniel thinks that we "need".
Running Time: 40 mins
(A Full transcript of this interview appears beneath the video linked above).
Something has to give. Our country is being destroyed every single day. Bit by bit. All by design I know. The uncertainty is stressful for all of us. Enough is enough. The globalist demons and the alphabet agencies gotta go…
It's humans vs the billionaire globopsychohomopedos.
I vote for the humans.