Bodycam from Beaver County Emergency Services Unit
This is bodycam footage released by Senator Chuck Grassley from the Trump Pennsylvania rally on July 13th. The video was obtained from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit, in compliance with congressional requests.
In the footage, the men were discussing how they had noticed Thomas Crooks earlier, before the incident unfolded.
Beaver County Police photographed him and sent the pictures to the FBI.
Grassley did not identify the gentleman in the suit questioning the police officers but at one point, the former says, "I'm trying to get clear information to relay back to DC," so he is a likely a Federal Agent.
This is my attempt to transcribe the video. The camera's moving a lot and there's lots of cross talk, off-camera voices, police jargon and radio chatter, so it's a bit of a challenge.
Man in Suit: So we don't know. (Pointing to the corpse of the alleged shooter) So this is the guy that our...
Beaver County Police Bodycam: Yes, yes. Beaver County Sniper Team sent the pictures out. This is him.
Man in Suit: OK. Got it.
Beaver County Police Officer #1: (Off-camera) So, the bike is there, obviously.
Man in Suit: So, the bike in the back, was he on that bike?
Beaver County Police Officer #1: (Off-camera) We don't know. I don't know.
Man in Suit: We don't know. So, we're just treating that as a suspicious device.
Beaver County Police Officer #1: (Off-camera) Correct.
Beaver County Police Bodycam: One second. I believe the sniper that seen (sic) these and sent the pictures is right inside this building. Michelle, is Greg in there?
("Michelle" is a Beaver County Police medic is seen straight ahead, roughly 20 feet away, near the edge of the roof. She points to our left).
Beaver County Police Bodycam: Alright, so if you go to that window that's open, and yell for Greg, that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and seen (sic) him come from the bike and set the book bag down and then lost sight of him. He's the one that sent the pictures.
Man in Suit: OK.
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Beaver County Police Bodycam: I don't know if you got the same ones [pictures] I did.
Man in Suit: I think I did. Yeah, he's like got his glasses on and he's...
Beaver County Police Bodycam: (Scrolling through his cellphone to find the images). So we had the picture of that.
Man in Suit: I got that.
Beaver County Police Bodycam: And then, this is his bike with the stuff and our sniper seen (sic) him walking away from that, I believe, but he would be right inside that window. He's the one that physically seen (sic) this, sent the pictures and called it out.
Man in Suit: OK, so, so – and we have somebody detained, correct?
Beaver County Police Bodycam: That, I don't know.
Beaver County Police Officer #2: There are some people detained on this side.
Man in Suit: Our guy that was just up here told me that there was a guy detained, who's the owner of the bike, and I said, no, no, that's the owner of the bike.
Beaver County Police Bodycam: We've been up here, so we wouldn't know that information.
Beaver County Police officer #1: (Off-camera) We just hauled ass and got over here and we hopped up on the roof.
Man in Suit: Got it. No problem. Is that all your stuff? (Indicating knapsack next to the police medic).
Beaver County Police Officer #2: That was one of our officers'...
Man in Suit: Someone came up looking to treat him and...
Beaver County Police Officer #2: Yes.
Beaver County Police Bodycam: Copy. Gas is off to the building, just so you know.
Man in Suit: Thank you.
Beaver County Police Officer #2: (Pointing camera-right, mostly inaudible). We had some...
Man in Suit: Yeah, I talked to the guy. They were just people detained in the building. Maybe they were involved. Maybe they weren't.
Beaver County Police Officer #2: Other than that, I haven't heard anything else.
Man in Suit: But I think, you know it's – the guys that saw them filming were like, "Oh, they were filming us and then filming the guy up on the roof and then filming us. And then, when shots started firing, they tried to run away." Isn't that what everybody would do? I'm not saying they weren't involved, but you know what I mean?
Beaver County Police Officer #2: It's still up in the air right now, right?
Man in Suit: Right, so I got no problem detaining. Detain those guys, find out what they know, who they are, whatever. I'm trying to get clear information to relay back to DC.
Radio: We have control of the water tower.
Man in Suit: We have one shooter deceased. I think we have three victims in the crowd? Is that – you guys hearing that, too?
Beaver County Police Officer #1: (Now, on-camera) That, I'm not sure.
Man in Suit: So I heard one deceased, two life-flightings.
Beaver County Police Officer #1: I know two helicopters did take off. I don't know how many victims.
Man in Suit: (Answering cellphone) Hello?
Radio: We have access to a drone.
Beaver County Police Bodycam: Any LE [Law Enforcement]?
"Michelle": No. (Inaudible)
Beaver County Police Bodycam: (Inaudible) In the van. (Inaudible) He did he survive? Probably.
Running Time 3 mins
Here's the deja vu: The stand down by security, the feigned outrage of Congress and media against the “incompetence” of the security (constructed to make THAT the issue), the patsy backed up by trained assassin(s), the creation of a crazy lone gunman narrative, the need to get rid of someone standing in the way of deep state criminal activities and pathological social goals, and, finally, the complete lack of scruples to execute a person of importance to the people in front of their very eyes. When is somebody going to ask who was behind ALL of this? No one has asked so far. The buck stops at security factors. This was a deep state hit. THAT'S THE ISSUE.
Greatest threat for the plans they have for America. They being the United Nations.