Fauci Funded $10M+ in Transgender Animal Testing; Authorized $200M More
Running Time: 5 mins - Pub. March 10, 2023 on ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net)
There is a visceral response to revelations about Taxpayer-subsidized experiments creating transgender animals and to the testing of drug interactions between "Gender Affirmative" hormones with the bioweapon-vaccines and about the measuring of animal genital sizes before and after these hormone injections – and just overall revulsion towards the sadistic, Fraud, Waste and Abuse that defines the entire industry of animal testing.
People might then ask themselves how the vast, ongoing Taxpayer-subsidized transgender experiment with human children is somehow seen as more acceptable?
If it freaks you out that they're doing this to Beagles, shouldn't upset you that they're doing this to kids, in Public Health and in Public Schools?
How is it still legal to have US Tax Dollars subsidize the chemical and surgical mutilation of children in the name of a flat-out anti-human, genocidal ideology?
Last Thursday, former United States Navy SEAL and serving US Congressman from Arizona Eli Crane posted this video to his Instagram account, with the words:
Thought you knew everything about Anthony Fauci…
He also authorized more than $200 million of YOUR money for transgender animal studies.
From today’s @gopoversight hearing…
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): Thank you, Ms. Chairwoman, for holding this hearing today, thank you guys for showing up. It was just yesterday in an oversight hearing, that I asked Chairman Comer if we could get some therapy dogs, up here because of some of the meltdowns that were going on.
I had no idea, I'd walk into this hearing today and see three beautiful Beagle puppies and I've noticed that my mood's already improved, so thank you guys for bringing them there. I think we should make it mandatory!
We also talked about in the oversight committee hearing yesterday that some of the ridiculous programs and initiatives that need to be cut from our bloated government.
And it seems like a lot of these studies are just another example of our senseless, out-of-control spending by bureaucrats who never really get held accountable.
I want to start with you, Mr Goodman. You said you have estimated over $20 billion in Taxpayer Money, wasted on ineffective animal research, is that correct, Sir?
Justin Goodman: Yes.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): Wow. Mr Goodman, did you also say that it was your estimation that $241 million was spent for transgender animal testing?
Justin Goodman: Yes, and that's, I would say is the floor, not the ceiling, because the information on federal databases is pretty incomplete.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): So you think we're going to find out that it was much more money than that, for transgender animal testing?
Justin Goodman: Yes.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): Can you describe what, exactly the American people's Taxpayer Dollars were spent on, regarding transgender animal testing?
Justin Goodman: Yeah, in a lot of these cases, they involve mice, rats, monkeys, who are being surgically-mutilated and subjected to hormone therapies, to mimic female-to-male or male-to-female gender transitions; gender-affirming hormone therapies.
And then, looking at the biological, psychological, and physiological effects of the gender transitions; looking at the effects of taking vaccines, after you've transitioned these animals from male-to-female or female-to-male; looking at the size of their genitals changing, after you've put them on estrogen or testosterone therapies, to transition them.
And in the example the Chairwoman gave, there was a $1.1 million grant to give female lab rats testosterone, to mimic transgender male humans and then, overdose them with this party drug [mephedrone], to see if female animals taking testosterone were more likely to overdose on this sex party drug than animals who were not taking testosterone.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): Mr Goodman, are many of these Taxpayer-Funded animal studies shared with the public or is there a significant oversight of this research?
Justin Goodman: You essentially need a degree in Information Technology to navigate the federal spending databases to find any of this stuff.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): So, what you found is, we're not being very transparent with what we're spending these funds on?
Justin Goodman: Not at all, and it's by design.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): Did you say that Dr Fauci, in your estimation, had funded close to 95% of these animal research projects?
Justin Goodman: Yeah. In our analysis, Dr Fauci funded about 95% of the transgender animal experiments.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): OK, I found in some research, that the EPA, under President Trump, is planning to reduce the Agency's animal testing by 30% by 2025 and completely, by 2035. Mr Goodman, can you explain why that's a win for the American taxpayer?
Justin Goodman: Absolutely. Animal testing is incredibly time-intensive, inaccurate, and expensive, and it's not very good at predicting the human health effects or environmental effects of chemicals and pesticides.
And right now, what we are doing to test human effects is poisoning lab animals, forcing them to breathe wildfire smoke, simulated in a laboratory by burning different types of foliage and pumping it into animals' cages; making them obese, to simulate what it would be like for obese people to be exposed to wildfire smoke; shooting-off handguns and rifles, and forcing animals to breathe the emissions in gun control experiments, and the list goes on and on.
That's what's happening currently at the EPA, after the Biden administration overturned the Trump plan to phase-out animal testing.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): Mr Goodman, one more question: You've also been outspoken about the COVID-19 outbreak, stemming from Dr Fauci's US-funded research at China's Wuhan lab. What are the public health risks, if we continue some of these outrageous animal studies?
Justin Goodman: We're flirting with disaster, if we continue to fund dangerous virus research, both abroad, like in Colorado, where Fauci greenlit this bat lab. They're trying to import hundreds of bats from Asia, to build a new lab in Colorado to do virus experiments with Ebola, Nipah, Lassa, deadly viruses for which there's no cure.
It's just a matter of time, before we have another pandemic on our hands if we let mad scientists run amok with our money.
Rep Eli Crane (R-AZ): Thank you. I yield back.
Staggering. Yes, liberal Democrats. More Obama-Clinton-Biden-Harris "legacy"
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