Globalist Puppets
(Running Time: 24 mins - Pub. Feb 21, 2025 on
All our lives, most of us on this planet have been unknowingly programmed, to some degree by Globalist Communist propaganda. Its grip has been almost impossible to escape. You'd have to be Amish or Hasidic or be a member of an Amazonian uncontacted tribe to avoid the effects of this mass cultural programming.
During this time, the Globalist consensus has been steadily pushed further and further Left, to the point of total Wokeism, where "having nothing", "eating bugs" and other horrors are now normalized.
Right up in your face, dissing you!
Wokeism perpetrates that the United States "invented slavery". This is an aberrant, dumbed-down version of history. Prior to the Industrial Age, slavery was the only business model on the planet, in a system known as Feudalism (outside of small, nomadic tribes). You were either an aristocrat, who owned land, usually by terrorism and conquest or your were born a serf on the aristocrats' land and you were a slave. Period.
There were virtually no "jobs" until the Renaissance and those jobs remained very few and far between until the 19th century.
Slavery is still happening on our planet, in societies with low industrialization and especially in such societies that are also Islamic, where the 1,300-year Islamic Slave Trade continues to this day.
The Globalist-subsidized Wokesters who dominate Western pop culture and who support Islamists want the largest human trafficking operation – and the largest child-trafficking operation in world history – to continue unabated.
This is the result of Democrats trafficking over 400,000 unaccompanied children across the border:
(Running Time: 53 secs - Pub. Feb 20, 2025 on
Woketards want everybody to ignore that the Biden administration financed the trafficking 30-million human beings into the United States during a 4-year period, dwarfing the ~12 million Africans trafficked to the Western Hemisphere during the 400-year Atlantic Slave Trade.
They want everybody to ignore that white men in the United Kingdom were the first to legally abolish slavery in 1833, and that white men (and women) completed the Abolition of slavery in the US in 1865.
The Left's entire plank is incoherent, because it's never been about any principles, it's only ever been about using whichever lies they can wield on any given day, towards their goal of collapsing the US and Western Civilization.
Anti-Communist organizations and people, like the John Birch Society and Ronald Reagan, to say nothing of Donald Trump have been vilified in pop culture and in mainstream media, simply because they are anti-Communist and pro-US Constitution.
I had a hard time writing that last sentence, having been raised Hard Left! I've been shocked to find out that many of the people I was taught to hate were great, including all of those mentioned above and many others. They're called "Far-Right", because they're not Communists. That's it!
And if the European cry-bullies of the New World Order who have subverted the US Government decide to call you "Far-Right", you get de-personed and de-banked, under their Satanic perversions of "Freedom" and "Democracy".
Don't Europeans always tell us how much smarter they are than Americans? Why are they standing for this tyranny? The answer: Leftist brainwashing. It's time for them to wake up.
One person Westerners have been taught to hate is Aleksandr Dugin, aka "Putin's Brain". This is a person that the Western establishment does not want you to hear from, which is a all the more reason to take this golden opportunity to see and to hear him, up-close and personal – and speaking English pretty well, I might add! – in this historic interview on The Alex Jones Show last Wednesday.
Aleksandr Dugin is one of the greatest living Russian philosophers, who deeply understands the machinations of the Globalists. This interview of him by Alex Jones is an incredible, rare treat!
Dugin says something pretty extraordinary here: that the American People managed to defeat the Globalists in the 2024 election, in what amounts to the Second American Revolution.
(Running Time: 65 mins - Pub. Feb 21, 2025 on
The two discuss the hidden history of the Globalists' manipulations behind-the-scenes. Alex basically goes over the work of Antony Sutton, that prominent bankers on Wall Street financed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and then, continued with the creation of Communist China.
Sutton also wrote 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler', which shows how the same financial interests that bankrolled Communism in Russia and China also financed Adolf Hitler.
These aristocratic European Globalists and their various agents and cut-outs always control both sides of every global conflict. This is the same group that enslaved America with the Federal Reserve Bank, which Antony Sutton wrote about, as well.
One of Marx' benefactors, while writing 'The Communist Manifesto' was Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, who was a Member of British Parliament, a representive of the City of London constituency under Queen Victoria.
It could almost be said that Communism was a production of the British Crown. Lionel was later ennobled as a baron by the Queen and then he served in the House of Lords. Was this his reward for the success of the Communist revolutions that he helped to spawn?
On a horribly tragic note, Aleksandr Dugin's daughter was murdered in front of his eyes in a 2022 car bomb attack. Ukrainian terrorists were blamed but he tells Alex Jones that he suspects Boris Johnson ordered the hit through MI6.
But he also says that Johnson is just a Globalist puppet, following orders. This is what's so vile about the Globalists: they hide in the shadows and use these cardboard cut-outs, in politics and in industry to enact their anti-human agenda.
(Running Time: 16 mins - Pub. Feb 21, 2025 on
Few, if any have done more than Alex Jones to raise awareness about the stealth infiltration of the US Government by malicious actors with the intention of ending America. More and more people are beginning to understand what he's been talking about the whole time and to are beginning to appreciate the scope of his decades of work.
Below is a good summary by Alex Jones of the hidden history of the past 100 years of history.
Alex Jones: The Russians, and the meeting just ended about an hour and a half ago, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, met with the United States – because they know the United States runs NATO and has ran the overthrows of Ukraine and has been doing all this – Europe's been like a junior partner in that and so, Russia said, we're not going to meet with people that actually aren't in charge.
And that's the adult thing to do. And Zelenskyy's pissed off, and the corrupt Globalist EU's pissed off, because what's left of the CIA and the NGOs in Soros – and that's actually in the news, they're saying this – I'll show you them and show you clips of them saying in a moment, they're like, "How dare you? Our new world order is falling, our global government's falling. No, we need more money! We need to continue the war. We need NGO money to keep brainwashing five-year-old boys that are really girls, and little girls are really boys!" I mean, they literally are saying all this, "And our whole system that took 80 years to set up is dying. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
So let's take Russia, 1917 on record, British Intelligence with the elites in the United States, finance 80,000 Russian Jews that lived in New York on ships – this is mainline history – to go to Europe, load up on trains with weapons and gold, given to them by the British and US government, on record, it's all on record. Look up Lenin's train of gold, Stalin drove it, and that's just the train with the gold on it.
Hundreds of trains, 80,000 Russian-speaking soldiers led by Lenin, funded and directed by British Intelligence, this is the mainline history. The Russians have been put in touch by all the time. Go in and only take over Moscow, it takes them years to get control of all of Russia. Then, they slaughtered tens of millions of Christians, killed the czars, and set up the Communist command base.
Then, they help take over and overthrow China. That's how they replace feudalism in China, in Russia, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire; is with the Leftism you see today.
And then, you're told you're a "Progressive", you're "Liberal", you're "Avant-Garde". No, you work for the Globalists, who are Corporate Fascists, above it all; Monopoly Capitalists.
And then, they use Communism as a control system. So, I know the intellectual leadership in Russia – because I've read their writings – and I know they know exactly what I know, and I know Putin knows it, and has totally rejected it.
They've rejected Czarism, that was a kindness, compared to Communism. They've rejected Communism, and now, they want to be innovative and be wealthy and successful. And so do you and so do I.
So, just like the Globalists put their foot on our neck economically and culturally, they've done it to the Russians, the Chinese, everybody.
But China is still in the firm grip of the spirit of the New World Order, even though it's split with it and is going on its own.
We've been infected by the Globalist Communist system, they've been infected, we've all fought the same enemy, and fought the British Intelligence wind-up toy, Hitler, and it needs to stop.
And we need to stop this careening into total conflict, the world's too small, the weapons are too powerful.
PS: I will not be posting for a few days, because I have to do my taxes (hopefully, for the last time!) and I have figure out if I can even still continue to post here and to keep doing this, at all.
I do not aggressively monetize my work and I hate it when others do. You will not see me on the list of "influencers" who DOGE discovered were paid $4 million. You will not see me on the list of recipients of USAID. I am not a grifter.
I'm not saying that anybody reading this owes me a living. I'm not a PhD. I'm not a specialist. I'm just a writer.
I had a great ad income but that is long gone and I don't see it coming back any time soon, if ever.
I've operated at a loss for 4 years and now, I have to support my disabled brother, so I'm not sure that I can keep doing this. I've been looking at local job listings.
I need to look at the numbers and figure out what I can do.
I am patiently, although running out of patience, waiting to see arrests and prosecutions.
Prices to be paid. Without these actions, it will be more shuffling around and kicking down the road the painful realities needed to be done.
Waiting on the full and transparent Epstein lists. The full and un redacted, JFK documents.
Full accountability and prosecution of all matters regarding Covid/ and Pharma, and much more.
I know things take time , I know things need to be proved, but without anyone going to jail, we will not see this necessary corrective process begin and nothing will change.
I applaud DOGE, but money stolen from the AMERICAN taxpayer needs to be returned to the tax payer in some way shape of form.
I have allotted in my mind, 6 months to see all be put in action .
Subterfuge. I wish it weren’t.
Trump and Musk are not here to save the US or American citizens. Trump was cast as the martyr with the 2020 steal. Biden-Harris was installed to weaken the US from within.
On November 5, 2024, following Trump’s re-election, Elon Musk posted a screenshot on Twitter (not calling it by its tribute to Osiris Risen), with a photo of Trump and 69.9% (derivative of 666) with the caption, “The prophecy has been fulfilled!”
On November 6, 2024, Elon Musk posted a photo of himself with son X on his shoulders and Trump, with the caption, “Novus Ordo Seclorum”.
With his re-election it’s no longer hidden that Trump is a Zionist, deeply supportive of Israel. He is also a self-proclaimed Kabbalist. He practices Kabbalah [dark arts, Jewish mysticism].
Trump was quick to surround himself with WEF: Elon Musk, Linda McMahon, Dr. Mehmet C. Oz [photographed with satanic spirit cooker Marina Abramovic on numerous occasions]. Scott Bessent was/is partnered with George Soros. Russell Vought is an architect of Project 2025 which the Trump campaign denied its affiliation. Dr. Marty Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; Johns Hopkins and Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 in October 2019 just before the covid ‘pandemic’.
ALL world governments and leaders are captured and controlled by the globalists aka Zionists, Freemasons, etc. dba UN/WHO/WEF. The UN is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The UN, with its library/publishing house, Lucis [Lucifer] Trust, is the one world government of the NWO.
The Zionists control every facet of this world: politics, government, judiciary, commerce, finance, science, technology, medicine, agriculture, education, and media (news, entertainment). Only those in league are allowed into position and power.
The dismantling of the US government, DOGE, Stargate, air mishaps, climate change, orchestrated bird flu, etc. are ALL about ushering in the infrastructure of AI governance, Smart Cities and the digital ID of the NWO beast system prophesied in the Book of Revelation.