How Obama & Biden Helped Xi's Rise to Power and Advanced the CCP's Unrestricted Warfare Plan to Control the World
(Running Time 9 mins - Pub. Feb 28, 2020 on
This racket about Jeffrey Epstein's client list is a distraction from the potentially larger scandal of Hunter Biden’s "Laptop from Hell".
Many are aware of the gross videos of Hunter having sex with hookers and committing incest with his niece, while simultaneously smoking crack. That was a limited hangout.
The "laptop" consisted of three hard drives that were left behind at a Wilmington Delaware computer shop by Hunter AND copies of which were ALSO hand-delivered to the FBI in 2019 by Chinese rivals of Xi Jinping – only to be covered-up by the DOJ, whose leaders were working with the CCP, aka the Biden Crime Family and the Rockefeller cartel – the same narco cartel that brought us the Postwar "Rules-Based Order", the United Nations, the COVID PSYOP, lipid nanoparticles – and so much more!
Last Monday during James Grundvig's podcast, Kerry Cassidy played part of a 2020 interview that she did with the late Cyrus Parsa, in which he begged President Trump and William Barr to "please release the China sex tapes of our corrupt politicians and corporate leaders."
During the run-up to the 2020 election, I covered this story at length.
With so much news coming at us like a firehose, it's hard to stay focused, so I thought we should take a stroll down Memory Lane, shall we?
The following is what I was able to glean, between September and November 2020, from reading several posts and watching several videos from the Chinese dissident podcaster, Lude, aka "Luther". Most of the originals have been removed from the internet.
Lude explained how the Biden hard drives are a much bigger story than just the lewd videos we've seen and how the very presence of the hard drives on US Soil is the fallout of an internecine battle raging among the top CCP families in China.
On September 24th, Miles Guo associate and fellow Chinese dissident, Lude predicted that the information found on the Hunter Biden's laptop would come to light (we're still waiting). He announced that three hard drives had been delivered to the US DOJ by three very high-level retired CCP officials, Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinhong, Meng Jianzhu, who are respectively, the former CCP General Secretary until 2002, former CCP Politburo member until 2007 and the former CCP Attorney General until 2017.
(Video removed - Pub. Oct 18, 2020 on
"There are three very important hard drives, which have been delivered to the DOJ. They gave these to the DOJ - but someone within the DOJ working for Biden held it up.
"But, in God's will, a fellow fighter of our Whistleblower Movement - we won't mention the name here - was able to pass it to President Trump.
"The contents are absolutely shocking. Please be prepared. Take your heart medication. Are you ready? Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden - this is all verified - is seen in sex tapes, pedophilia tapes, in extremely disturbing and obscene pedophilia, involving extreme torture and abuse.
"Who filmed these? The CCP did! But more than just sex videos, there is also a copy of a secret $4.5 billion agreement signed by Hunter Biden, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Vice President Wang Qishan, with a $1 million tip plus a $10 million signing bonus paid out to Hunter immediately after he signed it.
"It is said of these three hard drives that the first, as just mentioned contains sex abuse videos, with Hunter Biden and the money he took and the agreement. It also covers information involving Kazakhstan, his agreement with the Ukraine natural gas company.
"The second hard drive contains information and materials about Xi and Wang's overseas wealth; their hidden assets in the United States.
"The first hard drive is from the families of Jiang, Zeng, Meng. They've been directly delivered to the US DOJ.
"It's said that another copy of this first hard drive was also sent to Nancy Pelosi.
"Their purpose, in giving it to Pelosi is to show that, 'We have your materials.' Because of Joe Biden. During the last Democratic National Convention, the whole Democratic Party started a fight with the CCP, causing cadres to become anxious. They have always been the supporters of the Democrats.
"Frankly speaking, they've signed a deal with the Democrats, right? Now, the message from the CCP is, 'Don't ever think we don't have your secrets in our possession. Our giving you this hard drive is so you never forget that we have the evidence of your crimes. You have to win this election. You must do whatever it takes to win this election. Otherwise, you'll be in trouble. Secondly, once you win, you still have to follow the CCP's orders.'
"However, when the hard drives reached the DOJ, those who are pro-Biden took it under custody but a fellow fighter of our Whistleblower's Movement got it [into Trump's hands].
"This is Jiang, Zeng and Meng's strategy. Killing two birds with one stone.
"The second hard drive contains Xi and Wang's financial information about their hidden offshore wealth, their asset allocations in the US and also information about the so-called 'Architectural Art Project', which is Xi and Wang's wide-ranging plan - it's almost beyond imagination - to control not only 1.4 billion Chinese people but also the United Nations and the United States, the President and any future presidents. From now on, all shall be under CCP control.
"This $4.5 billion agreement involved Kazakhstan and Ukrainian natural gas. It was arranged by Ye Jianming, who was arrested immediately after he returned to China, which means whoever else involved in this plan was arrested. This is Xi and Wang's operation!
"This is one case. Another is Anbang Insurance. Wu Xiaohui was involved, too. Wu was planning things in New York. He was also arrested immediately after he returned.
"So you can see how brutal the CCP is! Why did they provide the hard drives? Why did they have these on hand? There's no doubt about it. Meng Jianzhu was in charge of the Central Political Legal Affairs Commission. Of course, he would have it. Why? They want to use this to blackmail both sides (Chinese and American).
"Why did they provide the hard drives? In short, to protect themselves. To tell all of the Americans who have been collaborating with the CCP, 'Look at Xi and Wang. We know all of your dirty secrets. Which means you should blame Xi and Wang. During the Hu Jintao era, and the Jiang Zemin era, we were sincere to you. Never tricked you. Never played dirty with you. But Xi and Wang are ruthless.'
"So the directed the blame on Xi and Wang. But in God's will, these hard drives ended up in the hands of President Trump.
"Many asked if they had dirty materials on President Trump? Let me tell you this. Definitely not. Because he's never collaborated with the CCP. Many have asked if this would affect the election. After all, it's Biden's son. That will be up to the voters. Bloomberg is also in these hard drives.
"The third hard drive contains information about a virus and bio-weapons. All three hard drives have since been delivered to Trump."
The original show notes read:
First Hard Drive: The files on this hard drive appear to be the same or similar to the ones discovered on Hunter's abandoned laptop, as reported by The New York Post and others, containing shocking videos of Hunter Biden sexually abusing and violently torturing 10 year-old Chinese girls, as well as a copy of a $4.5 billion agreement signed by Hunter Biden, Xi Jinping and Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, describing a $10 million signing bonus paid out to Hunter immediately after he signed it - plus a $1 million tip. The CCP apparently filmed these videos as blackmail, to ensure that Hunter would hold up his end of the deal.
Second Hard Drive: According to Lude, this hard drive contains Xi and Wang's financial information about their hidden offshore wealth, their asset allocations in the US and also information about the so-called 'Architectural Art Project', which is Xi and Wang's wide-ranging plan to control not only 1.4 billion Chinese people but also the United Nations, the US President and all future US Presidents. All would come under CCP control.
Third Hard Drive: Lude said this hard drive contained information about a virus and bio-weapons.
All three hard drives were delivered to Trump sometime in 2020 after the DOJ had buried them.
Biden could not have been elected, if the FBI and DOJ had investigated the "Laptop from Hell", which they'd had for a whole year prior to the election and if Big Tech and the Mainstream Media hadn't moved mountains to censor the leaks that came out from the Chinese Whistleblower Movement and from the American public, which strongly implicated Joe Biden in crimes of corruption and espionage.
This is to say nothing of the information war and the lawfare waged relentlessly against both Trump and the American public for the past 9 years.
Lude also reported that Michael Bloomberg has strong business ties with the CCP and is one of their most powerful agents in the US. He also says that Bloomberg is featured in the "Laptop from Hell", in files yet to be released.
Lude said the person who physically delivered the drives to the DOJ in 2019 was Bo Tiantian (alias Bao Jiaqi, who emailed with Hunter Biden). Bo is the illegitimate daughter of former CCP luminary, Bo Xilai, who had competed with Xi Jinping for the leadership of Communist China but was defeated. After Biden provided Xi with Bo's blackmail information, Bo ended up with a life sentence in prison.
According to billionaire dissident Miles Guo, Obama and Biden gave Xi Jinping all of the US bank account information of his CCP rivals, as well as a family map of those hiding in the US, including illegitimate children. This provided Xi with the means to wipe out his opponents within the CCP and gather tremendous power and wealth for himself and his faction, leading to fiercer battles between the gangs in the Party – and the US delivery of the "Biden hard drives".
Guo claimed the Obama-Biden administration sold-out 36 CIA informants to the CCP. All were in well-paid key positions in the core departments of the CCP establishment, with access to the CCP's top secrets. They saw the evil of the CCP regime and its collaborators and they took the side of justice and worked with the CIA to take the CCP down.
Because of Biden, the informants were all assassinated in cold blood. Their families have either been killed or they're under CCP surveillance and control, including no access to credit cards or air travel, forced to wear ankle monitors and barred from certain jobs.
These informants were a mere bargaining chips for Biden, who had been collaborating with the CCP for decades. When Xi came to power, Biden worried that his deals would be uncovered. So he preemptively contacted Xi and made him an ally. Biden helped Xi eliminate his opponents and Xi helped Biden cut off the sources of the evidence of his corruption and crime. Needless to say, the two are allies and Xi desperately wanted Biden to win the 2020 election.
Leaders of other countries saw what Biden was doing and followed suit, leading to a disastrous collapse of the Western intelligence systems in Communist China, according to Guo, with many secret agents being sold-out and killed.
As the hub of the massive military and communications technology transfer that Biden has been facilitating between the US and China, Ukraine had already seen the death and disappearance of many spies and agents by 2020.
A since-deleted video produced by LudeMedia illustrated the money and technology and human trafficking flows and how The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and CNN have so many Chinese Corporate shareholders that they are controlled by the CCP.
Lude described how Xi Jinping waged a Battle Royale around the 2020 US Presidential Election, betting on a Biden win to guarantee that the CCP would stay in power for another century. Lude and the Chinese dissident Whistleblower Movement fought back, with a two-week information war focusing on the Biden Crime Family's criminal links with the CCP.
BGY, abbreviated for Blue (Intelligence), Gold (Money) and Yellow (Sex), represents the tactic the CCP uses to control individuals and networks in the West, such as the Biden family, through information control, money and sexual blackmail.
In one of the videos, filmed in Beijing in 2013, Lude said Hunter Biden was provided crack cocaine and was sexually serviced by Liu Yifei, the lead actress of the Disney movie, 'Mulan'. He said Liu is a CCP asset who's being paid $150 million per year to do such things, in a classic example of the "Yellow" strategy to sexually manipulate Western figures in business, politics and the media.
It was during that December 2013 visit to Beijing that Hunter signed a $1.5 billion agreement with Bohai Capital to found BHR, of which 10% equity share was reserved for the 'Big Guy', now confirmed to be Joe Biden.
Many US journalists have had access to the contents of the hard drives for 5 years but they have never published the materials because they, themselves are also compromised by the CCP with evidence in Biden's hard drives!
As the hard drive story went viral in 2020, the CCP activated its "silent powers" to block and censor, while the majority of the mainstream media, themselves previously compromised by the CCP's BGY program went from blatantly censoring the Biden hard drive story to telling outright lies to the public.
Xi was fully confident that Biden would win and Biden was a hostage of the situation.
In August 2015, CIA-contractor-turned-whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery provided the FBI and DOJ with evidence stored on 47 hard drives that implicated Hunter Biden in illegal activities. As a contractor, Montgomery worked directly for former CIA Director Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence Clapper.
Montgomery's 600 million pages of documents show that for more than four years before the 2016 election, four contractors working for the Obama Administration's FBI illegally surveilled American citizens. Among the 600 million pages of documents stored on those 47 hard drives, he turned over to the FBI, there were 10,000 files, including videos and images that specifically incriminate Joe and Hunter Biden. Montgomery maintains that both Hunter and Joe Biden have been under continuous electronic surveillance since 2003 via THE HAMMER.
On February 2009, Brennan and Clapper moved THE HAMMER to Fort Washington, Maryland and began using the surveillance system to target Obama's political enemies for "blackmail and leverage". The information regarding Hunter and Joe was known at the highest level of the Obama administration.
Montgomery became a whistleblower upon seeing firsthand how the Obama administration had turned THE HAMMER against Americans. Montgomery received two limited immunity agreements in exchange for evidence production and testimony.
Montgomery says the Obama White House provided 1,200 preloaded Blackberry devices to trusted Obama insiders, including Hunter Biden. The 1,200 BlackBerry devices, similar to those used by Obama and Hillary communicated over a closed encrypted secure network, known as PIN-to-PIN messaging that did not traverse the Internet, operating directly off THE HAMMER.
Each of those devices could access the HAMMER VAULT, a secret database of THE HAMMER's illegally-collected data, including corporate and military intellectual property and US Defense secrets, accessible only to Obama Team insiders.
Some of this sensitive data may have been passed to US adversaries, like Russia or China. The FBI and DOJ are in possession of this entire body of evidence and have covered it up.
Chinese dissident members of Miles Guo's Whistleblower Movement on and published an overwhelming amount of potentially incriminating evidence for a corruption case against the Bidens. The purpose of these leaks was to provide evidence to the American people that the Biden family is a real threat to the National Security of the United States.
All of the major news outlets received copies of the hard drives but The New York Post was the only major outlet to report on these – for which it was swiftly de-platformed by Twitter, weeks prior to the 2020 election.
The Chinese dissidents explained that the Bidens are the poster children of the CCP's unrestricted warfare strategy and that through information control (censorship), money and sexual blackmail, the CCP has surreptitiously taken control of the Mainstream Media and the Big Tech social media companies.
Notice how:
• Mainstream media and big-tech social media continue to remain silent about the Biden hard drive scandal – to this day!
• Twitter de-platformed accounts that shared this information, including The New York Post. They even de-platformed accounts that simply shared the URLs, "" and "".
• Facebook had (and may still have) Chinese nationals working in their censorship department, while allowing members of the "50 Cent Army" to spread CCP propaganda throughout the site.
• In 2020, if you typed "Biden Lost Election" into Google Translate, what you would see in the Chinese translation was, "Biden runs for re-election".
• The Chinese Whistleblower Movement's websites, GNews and GTV were permanently removed from the internet.
In 2020, the Chinese dissidents said that all of this was evidence that the Biden family and other traitors had sold out American interests to the CCP, inviting CCP-style censorship and social credit. They warned that the US was on the precipice of of being defeated by the CCP.
Furthermore, they warned that the CCP's tactics of controlling people through the lowest aspects of human nature such as fear, intimidation, bribery and blackmail could eventually collapse human civilization.
In October of 2020, Twitter persona Carlos Osweda aka Thomas Wictor, who no longer posts on social media tweeted an interesting thread, which dovetailed with the information coming from the Chinese Whistleblower Movement.
He wrote, "The Chinese plan was to blackmail all American politicians and people of influence AND to buy up every American enterprise and destroy it…The Chinese were doing that all over the world."
Carlos suggested that when Trump says, "We caught them all," he was not just talking about the Democrats involved in Obamagate, because they didn't act alone. He says Trump meant everyone in the world who is working for the Chinese.
Carlos cautioned those wanting to see immediate arrests and perp-walks worldwide. "Well, that means a global economic collapse. You can see that, right? Every person of influence is exposed simultaneously? Politicians, bankers, CEOs, tech giants, athletes. Do you want to live like the Flintstones?
"JUST THIS ONCE, put aside your obsessions with orange jumpsuits and TRY to see the big picture. Because it's much bigger than you know.
"Trump did it. He drained the WORLD swamp. But he didn't do it alone. His partners were the Saudis and Emiratis…"
Carlos continued, "Trump and the Saudis began working on a plan for China years ago. They understood that GENUINE global improvement was impossible with the malign power of the Chinese Communists to blackmail the WORLD…Trump and the Saudi royals had millions of [such] attempts. So Trump and the Saudis knew that the only way to take China out of the picture was to steal the blackmail database…
"There's absolutely no way that you could use locals to do this. That's old-school CIA stuff. The CIA blackmails locals into doing their bidding. If they get killed, so what? Trump and the Saudis couldn't do that. And it was EXPECTED.
"So they did the UNEXPECTED. They did it with OUTSIDERS. Military forces. They didn't shoot their way in and out. They used technology that we can't begin to comprehend.
"The USS Carter was the transportation, but Gulf Arabs stole the Chinese blackmail database."
Interestingly, Miles Guo is an Emirati citizen but he is currently in US custody, convicted by the crooked Southern District of New York of defrauding his followers. His followers disagree and believe the charges were politically-motivated. Guo was supposed to have been sentenced last November but no news is forthcoming and the sentencing has not been re-scheduled. Guo is also wanted by the Chinese government and he may face deportation. Steve Bannon is a staunch supporter of Miles Guo, so we'll see what happens.
It's been suggested that the entire Biden Presidency and the sheer insanity of the CCP-friendly Woke agenda of the ESG-DEI nation-state organized bank fraud, human-trafficking and narcotics money-laundering operation were allowed to propagate, as part of a massive sting operation.
The light-hearted approach of Trump towards his mortal enemies these days does seem to suggest that things are not as they are portrayed by the blackmailed legacy media.
Whenever any politician or President gives an interview or press conference and talks about "getting tough" on China, they are simply trying to fool an already indoctrinated American populace. For more than 50 years, thanks to our political leaders, not only have we allowed China to become a world power, but we've allowed them to purchase our banks, buy American land and take away our jobs. Even the Pentagon receives many technological components from China. Get tough on China?🤣🤣🤣
Wow, this certainly seems like the other shoe that has not dropped yet. I’m relieved that I’m not the only one who keeps waiting for the Chinese connection to the pandemic, getting rid of Trump and the Bidens. My family makes fun of my “paranoia“ but it’s true that there have been many leads that are unaddressed.