Isaac Kappy's 'Brackets and Jackets - Epstein Island Edition' with Transcript
This startlingly-information-packed little musical interlude was posted by the late actor, Isaac Kappy on May 1st, 2018.
According to police, on May 13, 2019, actor, Isaac Kappy "forced himself off" (as opposed to jumped?) from an overpass onto Interstate 40 in Bellemont, Arizona, where he was struck by an oncoming pickup truck. His death was ruled a suicide.
Having now transcribed this little ditty for the first time and added some hyperlinks, the significance of what he was saying has become somewhat more clear to me.
It's one thing to listen to Kappy's ridiculously supercilious musical comedy performance. It's quite another thing to do so, with over 5 years of hindsight and poring over his words and looking a little deeper into everyone who he calls out, here.
In this performance, Kappy referred to the late pedophile billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein as "The Keystone" of the entire blackmail network that has completely turned our world upside down. As Kappy sang here, "Once you pull [The Keystone] out, it all falls down."
Kappy did not live to witness the global COVID DoD PSYOP + mandated deployment of bioweapons – but it was blackmail that enabled that abominable episode in human history.
And it is blackmail that is behind so much in this spike of vicious villainy that we've witnessed seize the world.
From the sound of this, I can only think that Kappy was working for some very high-level law enforcement when he recorded this song/information dump.
Hopefully, his efforts were not in vain.
Hello Guys, something special is happening in here!
That's right, it's 'Brackets and Jackets;, bringing it back for Brackets and Jackets, Special Epstein Island Edition!
That's right folks, Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein – the Man with the Island – which is suspiciously close to Haiti.
That's right, you see this man, Jeffrey Epstein, is funding lots of people – he's funding lots of people on the street to make sure his sh!t doesn't get out!
That's right, they want the records sealed, and they're paying a lot of people, Epstein's paying a lot of people!
Oh, Boy! For one, he's got a whole Mossad Media Matrix in America – and I would bet you anything, that Alex Jones is one of them – prove me wrong.
That's right, Kappy's in the portal, Kappy's in the portal, Kappy's in the building with songs about Epstein.
It's 'Brackets and Jackets', Epstein Edition!
Guys, I had some epiphanies, today. I had some real big epiphanies, about some guys; a big network of guys and spies – and lies – and liars!
Alright, think about this for a minute: OK? The guy in Portland, the scientist that just got busted for producing CP [ch!ld p@n@gr@phy], that guy, is one-degree-of-separation away from Epstein!
Epstein, the investor that lives in West Palm Beach, Florida – I know a guy who lives in West Palm Beach, Florida, as well – investor, as well, also involved, as well – and all is not well with these guys, the Florida Boys, the Glow Boys, the Scott Israels of the world.
You see, Epstein is Hillary Clinton, and Epstein is Haiti, and Epstein is a big network of media assets.
By the way, did you know that Steve Bannon is going to that guy for money?
Also, Epstein – is Epstein Oprah? Epstein is Chris Tucker, you remember him? Epstein is also Kevin Spacey, Epstein is also Prince Andrew, Epstein is also – who else is Epstein? Who else is Epstein?
Tell me! You guys know! Who else is Epstein?
Is Epstein Big Pharma? Is Epstein Bryan Singer? Is Epstein Naomi Campbell? Yep, all of the above, all of the above.
Who is Epstein? Epstein is the *keystone* of a whole m@therfucking Matrix – and once you pull it out – once you pull it out, it all falls down.
Dersh, Dersh [Alan Dershowitz] was there, too.
So here's something that really made a kind of weird epiphany to me today, is when I figured out that Gabe Hoffman lives in West Palm Beach, Florida, and is an investor in West Palm Beach, Florida, and had a documentary about this guy, Bryan Singer, but is this Bryan Singer Epstein, as well?
Were they maybe setting up a little play for this guy, Bryan Singer? Maybe they didn't even bring him down to where the real sh!t was happening? They always had a Fall Guy to take him out. That's kind of where my mind's going. Prove me wrong. Prove me wrong.
What about Alex Jones?
Who else is Epstein funding? The guy was friggin' loaded, and there's accounts in the Cayman Islands.
Plus, if you've got paymasters, if you've got people that will pay and do your dirty work for you, like set up ops on patriotic Americans. What about that? [Is he referring to J6?]
By the way, I got a call today. I got a call today from somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. It was the best, Guys. It was a very good call.
Some things are happening all over the world. Oh yes, some things are happening all over the world!
By the way, by the way, may I remind you that that scientist that was busted in Portland, just a couple of days or maybe a week ago, was busted for producing CP. And he is one degree away from Epstein. That's right, Epstein!
Pull it out. Pull it out. Pull it like a ding on the bottom. Pull it like a ding on the bottom. Pull that motherf@cker out. And everything – everything all falls down. Prove me wrong.
You see, Epstein did so many things and so many people and so much, what's going on underneath the Temple of Doom. Well, I hate to be a harbinger of bad news – but people took devices into the Temple –you friggin' idiots!
That's why, that's why we have everything. We have everything. It's true.
And you know how we do? Send this to your mom. Be like, "Hey Mom, hey AOC, hey Rashida. Is there anyone – anyone – who would like to look into this Jeffrey Epstein character? Because he has some associations we should look into." You might as well do it. Is there anyone brave enough? I think all of America could be brave enough.
Because here's what Epstein means: Once you take it out: That means a bunch of bad guys – on both sides – go tumbling down!
Like, hey, Democrats, I'll tell you what. I bet you if you pull this Jenga, we could get, oh, ho, ho, ho! We could do a lot of good for all of America. Make all of America Great!
And get rid of the hate and infighting and people that, somehow irrationally go after Q – because I think Q is a pretty cool dude. That's right, Turtle [?] That is correct.
We must unseal! Let's see what lurks inside. Those records.
What's inside the records? Let me see what you got in there. What do you got in there?
Oh, Boy! Nail you to the wall! Prove me wrong. You can't prove me wrong!
Ooh, ooh, ooh. I am high. I am, indeed high on amazing vibes and feelings that we are entering into a New Era!
But first, but first, we might have to do a few things. That's right.
See, you can't just keep covering it up, because the truth is coming out – and you can't put it under the ground.
As hard as you try – run to it. Make a run for it, you b!tch!
See, you are going down and you're clowns! You are all going down to the ground!
There's a Dark to Light, Dark to Light. That's right!
Get another proxy, B!tches!
Mossadi Hotties and motherf@cking little Hoe Daddies. You got all that f@cking blackmail from Epstein Island and you want to keep it on the low, low, but you can't, Bro. You cannot keep it up, Bro!
Oh Boy, this Epstein guy keeps some interesting company, doesn't he? Prove me wrong.
What about Branson? I mean, he's right there. What about the guy named, uh, what about some, maybe some secret guys, huh? Maybe some filmmaker guys?
Who else is Epstein? That's the thing we don't know. We don't know what's going on with Epstein.
I mean, it is a fact that Epstein was pictured with Trump.
Now, I know better – but shouldn't it at least be looked at, America?
Yeah, Rachel, that's where my head's going. Who else was on the Island? Was Paris Hilton? Oh, shit. Was Paris, were you there, Paris? Paris, were you there? Is that why you're f@cking doing what you're doing?
You know what happens when we sing this song and we all sing along?
Yes, the Lolita Express. Who was on that plane and what was they doing? They were in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Weren't they?
Santa Fe, Epstein. Heard he got a ranch out there. Heard Mexico's really close. What about when the Border was porous, with all those people pouring upon us? Those little people, smuggled-in and sold to people, like what happened in Tucson and probably New Mexico and probably California. All over the world. This industrial complex of f@cking slavery.
These modern day slavers are slavers! That's right. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
I don't know if he was in the city. May have been the County [Yes]. Not quite sure on the details of that aspect.
Probably should look it up. But I know that the flight log showed that Jeffrey Epstein was definitely in Santa Fe.
Oh, me. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Yes, please have a look. Have a look. Spread it around, now!
Oh yeah, Prince Andrew. So that brings the Royal Family into the equation. Who knew?
See, there's lots of choppers overhead, sometimes. They like to have a peek. Yeah, they like to have a peek.
Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy!
So think about the concept of a Bagman, okay? What about a Bagman? A bad man who holds the bags for bad men. Is it Jeffrey Epstein? Hey? Is it a Jeffrey Epstein?
Hey! Palm Beach, what's up? I'm coming to you live, from America!
Oh boy! It's so funny, to watch people be stupid. F@cking idiots. True story.
It makes me laugh. Sometimes it makes me cry. When bad people do bad things to other people.
But that's why – that's why we do what we do!
So who else was on the Island? Who was on the Island? Who was on the Island?
Illuminati, gay frogs! That's correct. Illuminati gay frogs! Gay frogs!
Get on the phone with your senators and let's make a f@cking ruckus!
We need to get to the bottom of this Epstein guy! Who wasn't, who was? What was going on, on the Island? Who was on the flight logs? What was in the tunnels?
And why is Jeffrey Epstein paying so many f@cking people, all across America?
That's right. That's right. That's right.
Is Trump involved? Well, I mean, it's obvious. He hung out with Epstein, a few times. So yeah, he is involved.
Everyone's involved, Guys. Everyone, everyone! Maybe, uh, what about – oh – the Clintons are – big time, big time, big time, big time into it!
Of course! We must know! Let's clean America out!
I guarantee you, we'll have a better taste in your mouth! I mean, this is all done. It's like toothpaste. Lick it up!
Avenatti? I don't know. We know that Avenatti was trying to blackmail Nike – but by the way, Nike is Epstein Problems, too!
You see, Portland is Epstein Problems, too. Hillary is Epstein Problems, too.
It's all Epstein, guys. All Epstein.
Make sure you download this! Spread it around. This is important, guys.
Who else is on the Island? We know Ray Chandler has an association.
Why do you think there are media assets of Jeffrey Epstein? Because who has the will and the means to take the truth-tellers out?
You see, you can never take-truth tellers out, because we tell the truth! And that, for you, means you are at a "strategic disadvantage".
Especially now, when we have friends. We have friends who aren't the Bad Guys. In fact, we have friends who are the Good Guys. And the Good Guys win!
Read the Book. It's in the end!
Running Time: 17 mins
I always felt Epstein is very much alive...if your best employee is devoted and good at what he does why kill him...put him out to pasture with some young girls, I mean he is a pedophile and just watch his soul rot into the energy that it is...
Governor Bill Richardson of NM was in like flint with the Clinton's...a total sleazebag
The Zorro Ranch is an intelligence agency wet dream for the human trafficking, blackmailing lots of land to bury whatever you want and cameras galore inside that house...statues of antiquity stand about
I'm sure it's still operational for the intended purpose you don't give up on that wet dream...
I was following Isaac Kappy. He outed pedo Tom Hanks who like to take odd pictures and post them on Instagram.. One was a shoe near the Rt. 66 bridge where Kappy was tossed. Hanks said "I hope he's all right ?" Spielberg, Seth Rich and others were outed too.