John Kerry's Daughter Says 'First Amendment Terrorists' Must Be 'Federally Executed'
John Kerry made headlines last week by stating that the First Amendment is a major obstacle for the Global Elites aiming to transform America and the world into a totalitarian society, where only one official narrative is allowed.
Under Kerry's Globalist vision, anyone who dares to challenge the elite's agenda would be labelled a "Threat to Society" and imprisoned. As if that wasn't disturbing enough, John Kerry's daughter's position is even more extreme than that of her authoritarian father!
According to failed presidential candidate John Kerry, everyday citizens shouldn't have the right to decide what they read on social media, let alone express their own opinions.
In Kerry's vision of the near future, citizens will be force-fed a diet of controlled information, disseminated by Globalist institutions, and barred from posting online unless they are using a digital ID.
(Roll video of John Kerry)
John Kerry: "And I think the dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing. And it's part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue.
“It's really hard to govern today. You can't, you know, there's no, the referees, we used to have to determine what's a fact and what isn't a fact – have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree.
“And people go and then people self-select where they go for their news or for their information. And then you just get into a vicious cycle. So it's really, really hard, much harder to build consensus today than at any time in the 45, 50 years I've been involved in this.
“And, you know, there's a lot of discussion, now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have, you know, some accountability on facts, etc."
Kerry is reading the same Globalist script previously perfected by WEF Young Global Leaders, Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern, who is now employed full-time by the WEF, after the people of New Zealand threw her out of office for spreading Globalist authoritarian propaganda like this:
(Roll video of Jacinda Ardern)
Jacinda Ardern: "We will share with you the most up-to-date information daily. You can trust us as a source of that information. You can also trust the Director General of Health and the Ministry of Health. For that information, do feel free to visit at any time to clarify any rumour you may hear, Otherwise, dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth. We will provide information frequently. We will share everything we can, everything you else you see, a grain of salt."
Justin Trudeau is just as shameless, working to transform the once-proud nation of Canada into a Globalist propaganda machine, where only a single state-approved source of news is allowed, much like Fidel Castro's communist Cuba.
(Roll video of Justin Trudeau)
Justin Trudeau: "There is, out there a deliberate undermining of mainstream media. There are the conspiracy theorists, there are the social media drivers who are trying to do everything they can to keep people in their little filter bubbles, to prevent people from actually agreeing on a common set of facts, the way, you know, the CBC and CTV, when they were our only sources of news, you know, used to project across the country at least a common understanding of things."
But it gets even worse, because John Kerry has admitted that he and his Globalist colleagues have a major problem with the First Amendment.
Citizens in WEF-infiltrated states, including the UK and Australia, are already being imprisoned for social media posts, in which they express their own opinion!
These Free Speech-haters understand that they're losing every argument, and the only way to regain control of the narrative is to censor speech, control social media platforms and, as Kerry says, "hammer" independent media "out of existence."
(Roll video of John Kerry at the World Economic Forum's 2024 Sustainable Development Impact Meetings. The Satanic Inversion of his statements, here are head-spinning!)
John Kerry: "But look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.
“So what we need is to win the ground; win the right to govern, by hopefully, having, you know – winning enough votes – that you're free to be able to implement change. Now, obviously, there are some people in our country who are prepared to implement change in other ways. And that's really dangerous.
WEF Moderator: "So, you're questioning, really, if democracy can survive unregulated social media?"
John Kerry: "I think democracies are very challenged, right now, and have not proven they can move fast enough, or big enough, to deal with the challenges that we are facing. And to me, that is part of what this race, this election [2024 US Presidential Election] is all about. Will we break the fever in the United States?"
John Kerry is right about one thing: Things are heating up in the United States and around the world. But the fever isn't going to break until the Global Elite are driven from power and held to account for their crimes.
But the elite aren't stupid. They are experts at reading the room. Bill Gates even employs a team of people to monitor those who are talking about him online.
(Roll video of Bill Gates being interviewed on some non-existent show, The Best in Politics LEADING):
Interviewer: "How do you feel when you become part of this whole kind of conspiracy theory stuff going on? Does that bother you? Does it get to you, at all?
Bill Gates: "So, I have people who track it, and we often think, 'Which of these things should you respond to?'"
The elite understand that We, the People, are waking up and rising up against them, determined to expose their Satanic religion and their dystopian vision for the future of humanity. This is why they are becoming increasingly desperate to censor and control the voice of the people, and eliminate anybody who dissents from their agenda.
Vanessa Kerry claims that her father John Kerry is going "soft in his old age", and that his approach to censorship falls far short of the control the Global Elites need to achieve their vision for humanity. According to Vanessa Kerry, such is the importance of the Globalist Agenda, death is the appropriate punishment for dissent!
Anybody who was surprised by Vanessa Kerry's radical positions has not been paying attention to recent developments.
This is the woman who celebrated her promotion to the World Economic Forum's Board of Agenda Contributors by urging the elitist organization to transform itself into a worldwide government and seize total control of humanity, regardless of whether We, the People, consent.
According to Vanessa Kerry, in 2024, the time is ripe for a Globalist coup d'état to create a World Government that rules by force and answers to nobody.
Explaining that humanity was successfully softened-up by the COVID pandemic, Kerry outlined disturbing plans to ramp-up an agenda of fear-mongering propaganda about "Climate Change", to terrorize humanity into giving up the last of our freedoms without a fight.
(Roll video of Vanessa Kerry on a Center for Strategic & International Studies broadcast)
Vanessa Kerry: "I think we're still playing catch-up on the data, to be honest. I mean the WHO unfortunately still has 250,000 additional deaths, you know, that we're going to see between now and 2050...I mean a the March of 2050. That data is incredibly old. They'll be the first to tell you that data is incredibly old, needs to be updated.
"The World Economic Forum just came up with a new number of 14.5 million deaths by 2050, which is more than 600,000 deaths a year. So it's over double what the WHO had. But the truth is, I think that's still an underestimation. To your point earlier, the attribution science isn't there in a way that we're not actually really documenting, I think, accurately enough, who is actually dying from 'Climate change'.
"There's a movement in Australia, right now to be able to put 'Climate Change' on a death certificate, in a more accountable way, so that we can start to track this data a little bit differently.
"So, I think that we have to understand, truly how we're being impacted, in the quantifying that full degree, in which health is being impacted by 'Climate Change', right now."
According to Vanessa Kerry, the will of the people means nothing, anymore. And it's time for the Global Elite to seize total control over the future of the human race.
According to her former colleague, the unelected Globalist bureaucrat is advocating behind-the-scenes to dismantle the First Amendment and execute anybody who dares to continue speaking-out, in defiance against the Globalist Agenda.
(Roll audio from "Vanessa Kerry insider" who sounds like Whitney Webb)
Insider: "In Vanessa's view, the right to Free Speech and dissent only fuels chaos and opposition to the Globalist Agenda – and what's worse – they've openly advocated for the execution of those who dare to exercise that right!
"This is not a conspiracy theory. I've heard these words firsthand. It's not a joke. She's not the only one. It's a popular position in Davos: The goal is to silence all opposition and create a society where questioning the official narrative is punishable by death."
It's time to accept your digital serfdom. "Own nothing and be happy." Such an outcome would suit far-left techno-fascists, like John Kerry and his daughter down to the ground.
Like their colleagues in the WEF, they've given up pretending they haven't completely sold their soul to the globalist cause.
(Roll WEF video of Vanessa Kerry)
Vanessa Kerry: "We are losing progress against our Sustainable Development Goals. We have put billions of dollars towards those goals. We're truly losing progress! We're now about to see the statistics of the deaths, that we're seeing by 2050 is more than double what the statistics used to be.
"This is not a future problem, though. We always talk in future numbers. This is a problem happening here and now, today. 2023 was an apocalyptic year, in terms of extreme weather events and what we've seen happen. That is about to get worse."
Vanessa Kerry is not alone in demanding World Governments take action post-COVID, to keep humanity on its knees. The United Nations has threatened anybody who opposes Agenda 2030, stating, "This is no longer a negotiation." That's why it's called an "agenda" and not a "wish list".
We have all the evidence we need to haul these criminals before an international tribunal on charges including Mass-Murder and Crimes Against Humanity.
But first, humanity has to wake up and smell the coffee before we do not have any rights left to defend!
The Global Elite are laughing at us, provoking us to see how far they can go, in revealing their agenda, before we rise up against them.
According to Klaus Schwab's daughter, Nicole, the Global Elite are preparing to roll-out "Permanent Climate Lockdowns", whether you like it or not. And you had better get used to the Elite's plans for a "new humanity", because there's nothing you can do about it.
(Roll video of Nicole Schwab)
Nicole Schwab: "Clearly the system, I mean you mentioned it earlier, that we had before is not sustainable. So I see it as a tremendous opportunity to really to have this Great Reset and to use this huge flows you know of money, to use the increased levers that policymakers have today in a way that was not possible before, to create a change that is not incremental but that we can look back and we can say: 'This is the moment, where we really started to position nature at the core of the economy.'"
Note that Klaus Schwab's daughter uses the same words as Vanessa Kerry, when she says that COVID was a "Tremendous opportunity" for the Global Elite to usher in their Great Reset agenda.
These plans are purely Satanic and go against everything our society has been built upon. The Bible makes clear that private property ownership is the key to wealth-creation.
Private property – or to use a more accurate definition, the Right to Property – is the linchpin of freedom.
(Roll video of Jordan Peterson)
Jordan Peterson: "You know what the C40 consortium is? Yeah, well they're a lot of fun. 40 of the biggest cities in the world. They've all signed on to this. So what's their agenda? You can't even believe this is true! One short-haul flight, per person every three years! 95% reduction in private automobile ownership! No meat consumption. No meat consumption! And finally, three items of clothing a year. That's their plan. Absolutely. 100%. Three items of clothing. C40. Three items of clothing. How much bloody clothing do you need? The planet's at stake!"
This evil plot against humanity has been in the works for years and now we're seeing it play out before our very eyes.
Sadly, most people in the General Population still do not understand what's happening. Here, at The People's Voice, we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the Elite but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel on Rumble, tell your friends and family about us and join The People's Voice locals community for exclusive and uncensored content."
I'm not buying it. She looks like she missed her adrenochrome appointment. Additionally, I think she's just spouting off because of that house that landed on her sister. To top it off, Barf, her pet flying monkey was run over by a Pfizer delivery truck and the city towed her broom for being double parked in a no bitch zone. Tough week....even for a psycho.
Ummmmm… did Vanessa used to be, maybe Victor? Or James? Or Mike?? she appears to be as demonically possessed as her disgusting father.