Mother-WEFers Roll Out the "Eat Ze Bugs" PSYOP in #1 World Beef Exporter, Brazil
(Running Time: 51 secs - Pub. Feb 20, 2025 on - photograph by Javier Torrent/vwpics)
Brazil's fake president, Lula had two brain surgeries last December. Brazil has been completely housed by China during the past 4-year combine of the Globalist Zombie OBrandon and Lula Regimes.
Criminal, Luiz InĂ¡cio da Silva ("Lula") was released from prison in 2019, in order to set him up as a puppet to counter the populist movement led by President Jair Bolsonaro.
Besides being a Communist, Lula was the only person who could be totally blackmailed and with enough name-recognition to convincingly play the role during this pivotal period.
Due to Lula's 24% approval rating, Brazil's Globalist regime is currently conducting baseless lawfare against Bolsonaro, following all of the same scripts that were run against Trump, including Brazil's version of the January 6th Fedsurrection and the unlawful detainment of thousands of unarmed, patriotic protestors.
Brazil is the world's largest exporter of beef and the world's largest exporter of food to China but it is experiencing an economic collapse, due to the purposeful mismanagement of the CIA-installed Socialist government, effected by the theft of the 2022 election, using the same fraudulent voting machines as in the US and in 70 other countries.
Brazilian mainstream media outlet, O Globo has recently started promoting the World Economic Forum's "eat ze bugs" agenda. Brazilian mainstream media is trying to make bug-eating seem like something that is trendy "hot" in Europe. Most Brazilians don't realize that Europe is a total basket case!
Chitin, the main polymer in insect shells causes an inflammation response in the human body. If you have a dust mite allergy, you have already experienced this.
Eating insects is bad for you. Insects host bacteria, like Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella. This is why humanity has largely striven to avoid eating insects for hundreds of millennia and why only the world's most desperate people eat insects in order to survive.
from the @tupireport on Telegram
Due to the rising prices of meat and eggs in Brazil, the pro-government newspaper O Globo published an article promoting the benefits of eating crickets. According to the report, the insect may "offer sustainable and nutritious solutions" for the human body, catering to a desire from the vice president's office
đŸ¦— The article claims that crickets "are a viable alternative to conventional animal proteins" and reflect "the need for alternatives that balance environmental, nutritional, and economic considerations." Because of the inflation in food prices in Brazil, even egg prices have increased, with a 40% rise in several regions of the country. Data from the Brazilian Supermarket Association (Abras) shows this trend.
đŸ¤¡ The price increase in meat, meanwhile, has been higher than that observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout 2024, during President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva's second term, the average price of protein increased by 20.4%, according to records from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
đŸ“ˆ The publication also highlights that the edible insect sector has experienced rapid growth in recent years. The market for this industry is estimated to reach over US$ 9 billion by 2029. Currently, over 400 companies in Europe and the United States are leading this type of business. Additionally, countries like Australia are emerging as key players in production.
đŸ‡²đŸ‡½ Mexico, on the other hand, has 549 recognized edible species. The country plays a leading role in Latin America, with sources close to the government suggesting that this may be an attempt to boost trade in the region.
TV Presenter: Would you eat insects? Well, Europe has just approved the use of flour made of larvae. The new trend is produced from the Tenebrio molitor beetle. In many cultures, like ours, eating insects seems something unthinkable.
But eating bugs is not entirely unknown. About 2 billion people around the world already consume insects.
The production of flour made from larvae, in addition to being a source of protein and other nutrients, has a much less harmful impact on the climate than traditional sources of protein, such as cows or chickens.
Furthermore, consuming larvae does not pose any risk to health [LIE!]
So, what do you think of this novelty? Would you eat bread made of larvae flour?
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HARD NO TO INSECT-EATING. I'm a vegetarian, but my husband is not. Nuts, seeds, beans, etc. provide plenty of protein. I grew up on a small cattle ranch, but that's not the reason for my choice. I don't expect others to do as I do. Geoenginering and other toxins are contaminating the food supply. The bugs are probably as contaminated as the air, water and soil. The agenda is pure evil.