The Biggest Coverup of All Time
It has been said that it could take a hundred years for us to dig ourselves out of our programmed misconceptions about science (and everything else), which have been viciously and systematically misconstrued for thousands of years and hidden from us within the Vatican and things like Black Projects.
Clif High has suggested that the collapse of the US dollar could make it impossible for the US Government to continue to pay to keep these secrets hidden and that, on the other side of this war we're now in will be the declassification and release of technologies for energy and healing, discussed in this film that can liberate humanity – quite the opposite of the anti-human Technocratic model now being shoved down our throats.
This mini documentary gives us a clue as to where this is all going. To watch this video is to luxuriate in the dynamic, independent thinking of Michael Tellinger, who I had the pleasure to meet, along with his lovely wife at a CONTACT in the DESERT event in Joshua Tree, California exactly ten years ago.
Michael Tellinger is the narrator of this beautifully-produced, thought-provoking documentary by the excellent Video Advice YouTube channel, based on the findings of maverick thinkers, like Nikola Tesla, Paul Dirac, Raymond Royal Rife, Dan Winters and others, fully transcribed, HERE.
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Some of the key points discussed:
• We see skullduggery and deception, already in the very first sentence of the original Hebrew texts of the Bible. As shown by Michéal Ledwith, the original Hebrew text begins with the letter B or Beth, which he says is already a dead giveaway, because all Hebrew sacred texts are complex mathematical formulas that must begin with the first letter of the alphabet, which is A or Aleph.
• Further, this first sentence refers to Elohim, which is plural for "gods". The singular term is Eloah. When Ledwith added Aleph to the front of the text, it changed the meaning to: "The Father of the Beginnings created the Elohim, the Heavens and the Earth" – and suddenly, "Elohim" no longer signifies "God" in the first statement of the Bible.
• Tellinger breaks down the "Three Holy Cows" of our education system, that: 1) We evolved out of apes, 2) Nothing can travel faster than the Speed of Light and 3) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another – and he demolishes each one, handily.
• The first three sentences of the King James Version of the Bible are: "1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2) And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." Tellinger says, "I could never understand that! What does that mean? How come there's water? That nothing has been created – He hasn't even said, "Let there be light," you know? And yet, there's already water!"
• Being that our Solar System is surrounded by the Kuiper Belt, which consists largely of water in the form of ice, which in turn, is surrounded by the Oort Cloud, which, too consists mostly of ice – and that we can observe other solar systems with this same structure – Tellinger says, "Suddenly, scripture takes on a very different kind of meaning to me – and is it possible that all of Space [the so-called vacuum] or that water is the stuff that holds the Universe together? If "the Spirit of God moved across the waters"?
• This is the clue as to the main thesis of this film: that Sound is the Source of Creation. Sound is God. Sound creates light, sound creates the Universe, which is, in fact what the Bible says.
• In Christianity, it's "The Word". In Hinduism, it's "Om". The Ancient Egyptians believed the Universe was "Sung into Creation". The Original People of Australia believe that the world was created with "Three Sacred Songs" and he demonstrates how cymatics offers us a clue as to how Creation works, via Sound.
• Tellinger says, "Modern science tells us that we live in an 'Electromagnetic Universe'. Everything spins and vibrates. I'd like to correct that. I'd like to say that it's not an 'Electromagnetic Universe' it's a 'Magneto-Electric Universe'. It's a very big difference, between the two...because magneticism is the thing that rules the Universe, not electricity."
• Tellinger says that particle physics and "electron particles", etc are a very poor way to represent the forces of Creation and that the Toroidal model of the electron is a more accurate representation. He says, "The same with the atomic structure. The atom is a Toroidal Field. It's not the atomic structure that we've been shown by science, throughout our schooling careers. This is probably a lot closer to what an atom looks like. Here's a picture of a Molecular Torus of the carbon monoxide molecule and you start seeing how the toroidal shapes appear everywhere. Everything is sound and magneticism – and this is really important."
• Tellinger continues, "God said, Let there be Light – so, it's sound moving sound. Sound manifests as Toroidal Fields, those moving Toroidal Fields create magnetic fields, which are Toroidal Fields, as well – and moving magnetic fields create electricity. That's the sequence of events. But what this tells us: that because sound creates magnetic fields, it means everything must be magnetic, in some sort of way – and if it's not, there's a very specific reason why it's not magnetic.
• We have been incorrectly-taught about the Earth's Magnetic Field. It's represented as a half magnetic field, with "North" and "South" – which is at the root of the biggest lies that we've been taught about reality and the world that we live in.
• He says, "This is a Full Magnetic Field, Toroidal Field Spectrum. It's both positive and negative on both sides. There is no positive and negative in magnetic fields...It's actually just one field that works in opposite directions. It's centrifugal, centripedal forces that work towards-against each other and oppose each other...That's a Complete Magnetic Toroid: it's not "North" on the one and "South" on the other – that's an Incomplete Magnetic Field...And as far as I'm concerned, it's impossible for an earthlike object to be in a Complete Magnetic Field, like the toroidal shape of our Solar System and be an Incomplete Magnetic Field, itself."
• He continues, "It's the Sound of the Earth that creates a magnetic field – and not NOT the molten iron core – there is no molten iron core in the center of the world. That's another theory that's been proposed and most people believe it, these days. It's a nonsensical idea! It's the Sound of the Earth that creates the magnetic fields around us! By now, you should know that sound is the cause of everything – and especially magnetic fields.
• "As above, so below", he says. "We start to understand some of these basic fundamentals of Creation, all coming from the Breath of God, the Breath of the Creator. The words that we utter – everything that we say and create has the same effect – creating these complete, perfect magnetic fields. This is what the Toroidal Fields look like – or that are created by the sounds we make when we speak."
• "So keep in mind: Not only thoughts are powerful tools but the images and the words you write are powerful tools. The words that we write; this is why the original letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, the 22 letters are very specific shapes and size and forms. Each letter is actually a two-dimensional representation of the three-dimensional sound of that letter, that's been reduced to 2D. Now, you get a better understanding of how that is possible.
• It doesn't take Light Years for the thoughts we have or the words we speak to permeate all of Creation. It happens instantaneously, because Sound and Resonance traverses all of Creation, instantly – not like light, that takes time to travel through what we believe to be the Cosmos.
Running Time: 38 mins
Thanks for posting this Alexandra, very uplifting and magnetic!
In Elana Freeland books she mentions that the Governments and militaries are no longer using newtonian physics but Tesla physics and have been for sometime now...
Michael Tellinger is such a gift to mankind, his personality and demeanor are quite humble
Thanks again for posting
The Truth will set us all Free...for those who care to listen!
The root cause of all delusions is the belief that linear historical time is real. It is an approximation, sampled and framed together in the movie theater of the mind. But Truth never changes. Linear historical time Always changes.
Ergo, Infinity Rules, Linear Time drools. All shiny objects and IQs disappear over linear time. The Only gift of Linear Time is death.
So all human beanz have a simple binary choice. Linear Time 🍿 transitory movies in our head. Or eternal existence as a wave on the Infinite Ocean of God. As God is infinite Love, we have free will to choose. Other wise we would just be puppets. Which are Not true Love freely given back by free will. Free will never tested by shiny linear time objects temptations would be pointless.
No matter how “hard” you “think” about reality, it’s still just a transitory approximation over linear time doomed to disappear. The only Boogie Man hiding reality from you is your Ego framing narratives on the unTrue hamster möbius wheel of linear time. If only Einstein and Bohr had listened to Max Plank, they could have saved their 30 years debate. Which was never going to be solved by the box of light MIND experiment. Per Max, “the MIND is part of the Ultimate mystery we are trying to solve”. Put in a different version, “If you THINK you understand, that’s not God (Absolute Reality).”