Western NC Update: Amazon Pulled in with 8 Trucks Full of Heaters for Operation Mountain Relief
Image from Bethel Wesleyan Church Website
"Folks, eight trucks pulled in from Amazon just this morning to the Bethel, Wesley and Church in flat rock North Carolina full of heaters hoses and adapters.
"We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this effort to save the lives of our fellow Americans in Western North Carolina by providing heat to those living in outbuildings, bar and tents.
"You have no idea how many lives you have just saved by your donation. May the Lord bless each and every one of you who has stepped up to help provide for those in need.
"Central Global Methodist Church plans to release checks to each family that has been vetted through the helping hands on Wednesday, December 4 to help these folks pay for renovations and expenditures to rebuild.
"If you would like to contribute to help these families rebuild, please see down below the link that you can send money to for the helping hands.
"Make sure you designate your own Line contribution or check to the Hurricane Relief otherwise it will go into the general fund and we will not know about your donation to help western North Carolina, so please designate it online by using the other box and designate or mark on your check in the memo for Hurricane Relief helping hands.
"Thank you so much . Thank you for all your support. May the Lord bless you."
Operation Mountain Relief Donation information Helping Hands for a Family:
Central Global Methodist Church
300 S Main St
Asheboro NC 27203
Main office - 336-629-1425
Midway Wesleyan Church
331 Worthville Rd
Randleman NC 27317
Pastor Kenneth Davis - 336-859-9889
Bethel Wesleyan Church
901 Tracy Grove Rd
Flat Rock, NC 28731
828- 489-1714
Project Santa (Toys for Children)
PO Box 175
Denton NC 27239
Physical Location:
First Baptist Church
383 W Salisbury St
Denton, NC 27239
Pastor Tim Clark - 336-859-3531
Christ Centered | Bethel Wesleyan Church | United States
Budd McCall - appalachiannavy@yahoo.com
Wayne Allred - deepriverfarmnc@yahoo.com
Running Time: 11 mins
Beautiful how people have stepped up. Thanks to Forbidden News! A bunch of people spending a couple of hundred dollars if they have it, while current junta launders billions. We are still the power they fear.
Who would have thought Amazon would put FEMA and Biden to shame? Of course, the government's point was to destroy these people not save them. America should understand that FEMA is not on our side and either defund them or make them accomplish their original mandates, not move their funds around to illegals to destroy America. Exactly what's stopping FEMA from bringing in temporary housing as they did after Katrina? (After much stalling and incompetence.) Looks like genocide to me. With Marxist regimes, the first thing that comes is always the genocide.