Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

WOW!!! This just thrills my soul! πŸ₯° Especially about those involved in the stealing of the 2020 election going to prison.πŸš”πŸš¨ May the scales of Justice prevail! βš–οΈ I think we will need a special day to celebrate Independence from the globalists tyrants and our own corrupt government with a fervor and knowledge like we never have before.πŸŽ‰ Truly it will be like our country is being reborn! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² Maybe we will have a new yearly holiday when we are all through this and truly free again! Let Freedom Ring! β€οΈπŸ€πŸ’™πŸ—½βš–οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

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We'll call it "Julyteenth!" (just kidding)

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Wow, I like that Micah! Your wonderful vision must come to pass, it has too much love, joy and passion behind it to ever fail.

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Thank you! Long live the Red, White & Blue!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’₯πŸ’«πŸ™Œ forever may it wave!!

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

I've been watching the positive SCOTUS decisions mount up... Le Pen's victory, Trump's kangaroo court cases failing, States taking action, more understanding of the truth about Ukraine, the apparent stability of Musk's X, the growing awareness of the 2020 election steal and so on. I think we can see that things ARE changing and people are finally taking charge and being made more able by the courts. I'm very glad to see it. Everybody who ever reads my posts knows that I'm not a White Hats person. But what I object to is the ridiculous air-head levels people like the Q crowd take it to. Those people seem to be less about waking up and more about going back to sleep. It's not "over and we're watching the clean up movie." We're still in the middle of the war and we're fighting for our lives quite literally. But what we're seeing recently as summarized in today's FKTV presentation IS watershed and it IS taking place beyond doubt. It's the taking down some of the most important pillars that have held up the deep state. I absolutely believe that there are many, many patriotic people in the struggle to right things worldwide and my faith is that it's these people who will cumulatively win. It happened in 1776, with brilliant minds designing a completely different system of government from what existed in their day. I don't think we realized just how wise they were and how much they knew about the evil of financial tyranny until the last number of decades when it's all come into focus. We almost let it be lost, but now I think we understand what the Founding Fathers told us, that it would take eternal vigilance to keep our freedom. It's looking very good at this moment and once we see this much reversal we can look forward to significant change. Enjoy your BBQ!

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Well said !!!πŸŽ‰

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Jul 5Liked by Forbidden.News

I believe we need more Visionaries. I call it Valiant Vision. I would not turn back the hands of time and wish that the covid hoax, election stealing and everything else never happened. So much has come to the light! Now we are paying attention. The things that have been brought out have been going on for a long time. This battle is between Good and Evil. Who would want to destroy creation other than evil? They want to destroy our planet , dim our sun, depopulate the entire planet and enslave the rest . The enemy we face is the same enemy we've been facing since the beginning of time. Above all of this evil is the One who makes the sun shine every day, and the rain fall on the good and the evil. Despite all the weather modification! Bill Gates is not more powerful than the one who created the Sun! It's just not logical . The Cabal, the Jesuits and everyone who is supposedly our enemy is not greater than the One who gives me the breath that I breathe and keeps my heart beating.

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Freedom is in the works!

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I truly never thought this day would come. Quick aside, the need for a wholesale absolute 'distraction' is greater now than ever before. The demonic Dems will do all they can to cheat again in November, stay in power, & carry on their Coward-Piven subversion & destruction of the USA. A big part of this destruction is making America unrecognizable to its own people, & cutting the people OUT of that corrupted unaccountable governing process. So they need a distraction more than ever, be it civil war(s), a global war, in-countty terror attacks by the 20,000 military-age male 'migrants', a new pandemic round, or other such events.

The rule of law, transparency, & accountability for crimes committed look set to be returned to the people & their representatives. I especially enjoyed Sachs' rebuttal to Piers on Ukraine & President Putin. And look. Even if all this falls apart, just the fact this sea change has occurred at all is hugely, profoundly encouraging. The dark tide of destruction may actually be turned back. Hallelujah!

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Nationalism and patriotism are not on the rise in Britain, the British are about to elect the communist Labour Party in the forlorn hope that things will improve. Changes must be made in order that things remain the same. At least in is nice to know that Americans have got great reasons to celebrate July 4th, at least you will have when you get rid of Biden and the Democrats, assuming that Biden is still in the White House in November.

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Thanks, I needed this. In the last few years I have felt there was little to celebrate on the 4th of July, but it is very encouraging to see these signs of push back and restoration of the principles that made America an exception in the world. May the Divine Presence empower those working to restore our great Republic and make America the magnificent nation and example to the world that it was and is meant to be.

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Thank you. Just a couple of quick notes:

1. Bill Barr has been at the center of the Deep State for a very long time. Look him up on Wiki.

2. Happy to report that my new book, "Our Country, Then and Now," will be translated and published in Bulgaria later this year. Thanks for that!



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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

I just bought and am looking forward to enjoying your new book.

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

I've been looking for an American history book up to the snuff of Wayne Jett's book on the causes of the Great Depression, The Fruits of Graft, that dropped the dime forever on Franklin Roosevelt.

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The World’s Most Dangerous Secret Societies

The Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, The Jesuits, Skull And Bones And Others by James Jackson


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Do you know who's above them? Look into the Black Nobility. There is a level/layer well above the satanic secret societies you mention above.

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Hip? Ok...

Good article, thanks.

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Jul 5Liked by Forbidden.News

The Warburgs invested millions of dollars in various projects which all served one purpose: one absolute world government. That’s how the war of Japan against Russia (1904-1905) was financed by the Warburgs Bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The purpose of this war was to destroy the czardom.

As said before, in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, James P. Warburg said:

β€œWe shall have a world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”

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As long as the Jewish Plutocrats continue to pull the strings behind the scene, power will never be returned to the sheeple. As the proverbial saying goes:"Changes Must be Made in Order That Things Remain The Same," and even Donald Trump is completely controlled by the Jews, so voting for Donald Trump is a loose loose, not a win win.

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

You are very correct.

1- Take away the Feds permission to print moneys and lend it to us with interest.

2- Default on the 30 trillions owed to the Feds.

3- confiscate the ill gained wealth of the banksters, big pharma, and big tech.

4- shut down EPA, Dept of Education, Dept of Enrrgy,...

5- shut down 90% of our military bases overseas.

6- Make all future wars a public vote.

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America has a standing army of over two million personnel and even they cannot get rid of the Jewish Federal Reserve which was signed into law by Woodrow "wooden head" Wilson in 1913 and which has been responsible for all of Americas financial woes ever since. Who is going to take away the FEDs permission to print interest bearing notes? Who will default on the total debt of around 150 Trillion Dollars?

Who will confiscate the ill gained wealth of the Banksters, big Pharma, and big tech?

Who will shut down EPA, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy?

Who will shut down the American Empire?

The Industrial Military Complex won't allow future wars to go to a public vote, and finally, AIPAC{The American Israel Public Affairs Committee} controls the American political system with an iron fist. All America can do is continue to turn in ever decreasing circles and disappear up its own rectum.

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Jul 4Β·edited Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Who? Us. That's who. Nobody is going to do it for us. We have to do it ourselves. If we don't do it, nobody will.

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Adolf Hitler did everything in Germany that you want to do in America and in 1933 International Jewry declared war on Germany:"JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY," 24th March 1933, and in 1939 the Jews in England got their stooge Neville Chamberlain to give Poland a blank cheque to kill the Danzig Germans and attack German territory along 44 points of the German/Polish border. Over 58 thousand Danzig Germans were slaughtered in the most bestial fashion in order to provoke a response from Germany.

Germany repulsed the Polish attacks from 25th August 1939 up to 1st September 1939 when Germany launched a full scale defensive counter attack against Poland. The British guarantees to Poland giving Poland access to the British army, navy and airforce in the event of Poland being attacked by a foreign power were never ratified by either Britain or Poland, they were based on a gentleman's agreement, and subsequently, Britain did not lift a finger in Polands defence. On September 17th 1939, Russian forces attacked and invaded Eastern Poland and the Chamberlain government in Britain did not raise an eyebrow in protest because the Jews controlled Russia.

International Jewry and the warmongers in Britain got the war they wanted and America eventually got suckered into another war by the Jew Franklin Delano Rosso-campo Rozenfelt whose ancestors were Dutch Jews. The Jewish plutocrats will declare war of one kind or another on America rather than loosen their stranglehold on America or they will impose a staggering inflation on America just as the Jewish plutocrats did to Germany as a form of economic warfare to destroy any and all opposition to Jewish International Finance. Over 50 million Evangelical Christian Zionists have sold their souls to Satanic Israel and millions of Americans will go to their graves believing that the Asiatic Turkic Mongol Khazar Jews whose ancestors converted to Satanic Talmudic Judaism in the 8th century AD, have no historical, biological or ethnic connection to Palestine or any part of the Middle East and who occupy Palestine, are G-ds Chosen People.

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Jul 7Liked by Forbidden.News

You Sir, are a genius! of TRUTH. I have tried for 50 years, since being against the Vietnam War (undeclared by the U.S. Congress) and founding sds as a protest when only 20 years old, to be able to uncover the β€˜deepest Talmud’ among us. Eventually, we uncover the profoundly EVIL β€˜Protocols of Zion’.

This screed tells WHY we are WHERE we are now! Unfortunately, Adolf was profoundly correct! That’s WHY there was a β€˜Holocaust’! (We are never told WHY the Holohoax happened). Only that the same number of Jews were killed as the Sanhedrin claimed were killed in WW1-β€˜6 Million’; but of course, that false claim had to be β€˜pulled’ (like Larry $ilver$tein’s WTC-7 on 911) when the Red Cross claimed it was an obvious lie! The Izzy Mossad did 911!!

A total coverup by Clinton/Bush teams.

I am very afraid of a β€˜false flag’ terror event (like the assassination of DJT) that will allow the Zionists to β€˜declare Martial Law and suspend the 2024 elections’. They have never stopped at any level of EVIL to maintain total power. Now, the Zionists are going to try to subjugate the Earth! There is a great movie on TUBI,’ The Death of Stalin’ that should be a required visual curriculum for every HS in the USA. It is an incredible statement of the evils of a totalitarian Soviet system and the 40,000,000 gulag murders of White Christians done by the Kike, Lev Beria to maintain Stalin’s rule by Fear!

(Hitler never killed a single German!) He armed them because he saw what had happened to the peoples of Russia and was terrified the same would be visited upon his beloved German folk.

We now are in a battle to see whether the American system (imperfect as it is) shall prevail over a Demonic Global

Zionist β€˜New World Order’ run by fake Jews who use β€˜The Holocaust’ to stop all rational discussion about any terror act done by Israel. Even to say the word: β€œJew” brands you as an obvious β€˜Antisemite’. The slave must never say the name of his master. β€œEat ze Bugs!”

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Don Lewis: Many thanks for your kind comments which vindicate my my 54 years of studying history and pursuing the truth regarding the two world wars which were engineered by International Finance together with more recent wars which were started by the "usual suspects."

Get on to Bit Chute search engine and key in:"Six Million Jews Ten Newspapers" to discover the origins of the "six million," which goes back to around 1865. I have enclosed the following:"WORLD JEWISH POPULATION BEFORE WW2. The National Council of Churches USA 1930........15.0 million.





1946........15.75 MILLION.

1947........15.69 MILLION.

1948........15.50 MILLION.

1949........15.50 MILLION.


See if you can spot the "six million." Another fabricated lie by the British during WW1 when the British government claimed that 750,000 Jews were gassed to death in mobile gas vans which was all part of the anti-German British atrocity Propaganda. You are correct about who was behind 911, and Larry Silverstein went laughing all the way to the bank via his insurance claim.

See:"The Conquest of The World by The Jews" by Maj. Osman Bey, also the book:"Secret World Government" or "The Hidden Hand" by Arthur Cherep Spiridovich which are highly recommended. If there is a 'false flag' terror event in America you can bet that the "usual suspects" will be behind it.

It is not too difficult to see why American politicians and around 50 or so million Evangelical Christian Zionists swear a total allegiance to Israel.

Keep in touch and I will look out for your comments. All the best, John Sinclair.

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Only those who have unshakeable faith in truth will come to see and experience such a rebirth of freedom and liberty for all.

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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

My faith is not in DJT it is in truth. Mr. Trump is not perfect, I suspect there may be reasons for some of these things he does or neglects that we don't presently understand. Major players are being used by unseen forces and personalities. I think there is a purpose in what is happening and the President can be used to bring about what is needed for the faithful. Not the faithful so much in DJT but in the Divine Presence, Which works in some very mysterious ways that work out in favor of the lovers in Truth.

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Well Hat, here's some Truth:


Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, from what I know I consider that to be true. There are exosomes that have been claimed to be viruses. The virus theory is certainly not proved to be truth and I think that is clear.

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So how stupid is Donald Trump???

There never was a virus!

20million vaxxed have died. Millions are sick and dying, and millions more are permanently vaxxine damaged for life.

Funeral directors are now ordering 30% more INFANT-CHILD size coffins, up from 20% increase last year!

And there never was a virus!

So how stupid is Donald Trump???

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Wasn't it actually The Queen of Canada who lost that case? Why pass the blame off onto "England"?

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Tirion, who is the Queen of Canada?

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And Bill Barr AG. And Anthony Fauci of Op Warpspeed. Now they are implicated/caught. See how it works? Nobody will be getting away. They can be tracked down wherever they try to hide.

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So why did Trump appoint the corrupt Acosta to be Secretary of Labor?

Do you think its the same reason he appointed all those Deep State, Globalist, Rottchild banking executives, CabaI spawn, Skull&Bones, Goldman-Sachs secret society frat bros that Trump FILLED the Swamp with to govern our country?

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Probably because the office of PoTUS is not as powerful as most people think and because Trump was operating within the realities of shark-infested political life in DC at the time?

He was an outsider, a business man, not a politician. He probably relied too much on the wrong people; and he was probably more naive than he should have been. Trump is neither a saint nor infallible.

It remains to be seen how much Trump learned in his first administration and how much he will do differently in his second. Fingers crossed!

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Well Tirion, how stupid is Donald Trump???


Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


So how stupid is Donald Trump???

20million vaxxed dead, and there never was a virus?!!!

Donald Trump must be the stupidest president we've ever had, and that includes Bush Jr!

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Jul 7Liked by Forbidden.News

Makng too many assumptions is a fools errand. The no-virus theory is unproven. It is debatable. Interesting, though not proven. But the vaccine was made to cure a PCR-created Pandemic, which wasn’t real. About 300 million Americans believed it was real. Trump was supposed to do what exactly? Let them get away with it? Trump appointed Fauci to head the Op lightspeed and (through efforts by Dr. David Martin) we now know this conspiracy goes back to 1966. Fauci hires Baric who invents Sars. Malone/Kariko invents mRNA. While justice hasn’t been served yet, scrutiny is on Fauci, DOD, Baric, Acosta and all the scum. We are only at Intermission! Retribution is coming. And when it comes, 300 million Americans will see big pharma is just about globalism/slavery and that they were used by the scum of the earth to usher it in. And it will fail because 300 million Americans will stand up to the global coup. See how it works? Nobody will be getting away with it. Trump 2024 Take America Back!

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"Makng too many assumptions is a fools errand"

No "assumptions" here O'Neal.


That is court documented and entered into Canadian judicial history. No "assumption" O'Neil, there NEVER was a SARS CoV2 virus.

And Trump was never draining the Swamp O'Neal, he was FILLING it. With all those Deep State, Globalists, Rottchild banking executives, CabaI spawn, Skull&Bones, Goldman-Sachs secret society frat bros that Trump FILLED the Swamp with.

No "assumption" here O'Neal.

DPF, Demonstrable Public Fact.

And of course Trump knew about the genocidal vaxxine O'Neal, even my GRANDMOTHER knew there was a genocidal vaxxine coming!

Because in 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told the whole Conspiracy Community, and anyone else that was paying attention, that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling". Not a genocidal virus O'Neal, a genocidal VAXXINE.


So O'Neal, either Donald Trump is the stupidest president we've ever had, or he is the llluminati prince and Herald Of The New World 0rder and he did exactly that. Donald Trump heralded in the New World 0rder, right in front of our faces.

And of course you believe that the election was 'stolen' because anyone who believes the 2020 election was 'stolen' doesn't yet know the Enemy.

Or the New WorId 0rder.

Trump was never supposed to win in '20 because his platform is anti-immigration, "I WILL BUILD A WALL!"

So Biden was installed to open the gate to the required number of illegals necessary for re-elected Trump to declare Martial Law. And that is when America and Americans will be completely controlled.

And THAT is the New World 0rder O'Neal, with Donald Trump leading the way.

"See how it works?"

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Hat Bailey: Who wrote the following:"None are More Hopelessly Enslaved Than Those Who Falsely Believe They are Free." America has debts to the tune of 150 Trillion Dollars and the Jews still control their Federal Reserve Private Central Bank, and the American Empire is imploding, so what kind of future do Americans have?

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

That was Goethe and is undoubtedly a true statement in my view. Fraud vitiates all contracts. Restitution is needed, there is a problem, all problems have solutions for those who seek them rather than simply blaming and thinking this is helpful. You have no idea how fast things could turn around with an awakened humanity and righteous leadership. Not to say that this will happen in this world, but things can get much better and there are possibilities for those who honestly seek them.

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Since America can never resolve its debt problem, the problem can only get worse. Did you know that Americans are paying over 800 billion dollars in interest payments on a total debt of around 150 Trillion Dollars and all of this is the fault of Woodrow "wooden head" Wilson who signed into law the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 forcing Americans to pay interest on all debts borrowed from the private central Federal Reserve Bank.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy threatened to destroy the Federal Reserve by printing Americas own debt free currency and he threatened to destroy the CIA, and Kennedy was going to withdraw from Vietnam and he would not allow Israel to have nuclear weapons. Kennedy was murdered because he threatened the New World Order. No American President since JFK has dared to print Americas own debt free currency.

The American Empire is going the same way as the British Empire because of the policy of "endless wars" and militarising its self out of existence.

So be honest with yourself Hat Bailey, do you really believe America has a future? And just for the record:AIPAC{The American Israel Public Affairs Committee} controls the American political system with an iron fist.

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I've heard it is more like a trillion dollars, more than the whole so called "government" used to run on. Evil always destroys itself, it dies, evil is going in the opposite direction of "live." You think AIPAC is all powerful? It is becoming exposed and will fail. You take this little life all too seriously John. We are passers through and when we have received the inner realizations this world is meant to make possible by making the impossible seem real we will exit it. What makes it possible to continue is that so many, as you are demonstrating here, have such great faith in the power of evil. It actually has none of its own. Those who have faith in what is real will inherit the real and will even experience it in this life in this place. Believe me John, it is so much more enjoyable and pleasant than the hell so many create for themselves here.

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Hat Bailey, I don't take life seriously at all, I am consciously aware that life is finite and that reality and fantasy are just dualisms, and believe me Hat, EVIL has conquered America, as demonstrated by the fact that America supplies weapons to Israel that are used to kill innocent Palestinian civilians and the mantra of the Jews in occupied Palestine is:"KILL THEM ALL," referring to the Palestinians. The Satanic Jews are totally indoctrinated by their Satanic Talmud and Torah which says kill all of the Goyim {non Jews} including all of their animals, and America swears total allegiance to Israel, one of the most EVIL countries on the planet and that makes America one of the most shameful countries on the planet. America and the Jewish plutocrats who run America have made EVIL possible and no amount of Bible thumping will alter that fact. EVIL has triumphed in America because as I said:AIPAC {The American Israel Public Affairs Committee} control. the American political system with an iron fist, in exactly the same way that the Jews controlled the British Jewish Empire, and what happened to the the British Jewish Empire will happen the the American Jewish Empire. All empires have come to an end ostensibly due to Usury {Jewsury} and wars. Enjoy what is left of the 4th of July.

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Jul 4Liked by Forbidden.News

Trump Owned by Bankers


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Don't fall for this folks...

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That WAS very encouraging! Thank you for posting that!

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Unfortunately the will of the people, a resurgence in patriotism and nationalism and more facts and truth emerging may not be enough to overcome the collective stupidity of the masses which can be counted on to be cowardly and complacent when confronted with the possibility of change....even for their own good!

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Lindell will help. It is prophesied. He is "the simple stone" of Kim Clements prophecy.


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The first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

d. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

e. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

f. minimum18 years

g. minimum 21 years

h. minimum 25 years

i. minimum 30 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax combined jurisdictions (school district, county, city, state, federal) - Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

j. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

k. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

l. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

m. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

c. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Only married males with children who have never been divorced should be allowed to vote. – Yes - No

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