Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle "Has close ties to the Cheneys, the Bidens and is responsible for the J6 deleted texts scandal," according to this CBS News report:
Running Time 39 secs:
DC insider and researcher extraordinaire, Helena Glass says that Cheatle lied about her job experience:
"The claim that she was Senior Director of Global Security at Pepsico – would seem at odds with the current Director, Timothy McCormick, who has had that position since 2014. His degrees are in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement. His bio begins in 1987 when he worked as a special agent in the US Department of Justice.
"Meaning – Cheattle did NOT have the experience, the degree, or the expertise as claimed. Her bio has been modified to alter her experience, and she is incompetent as observed in the selected detail given to protect President Trump. So, why was she chosen?
"Precisely why every person within the White House was chosen – for their ineptitude and incompetence. Because those are the people easily malleable."
The fact that the shooter was on the roof of the building being used as a staging area for the local police – and that an officer did approach him but quickly retreated when he aimed his rifle at him begs this question from author, John Leake:
"If Crooks turned his rifle on the police officer who was 'vaulted' onto the roof, why didn't the counter-sniper—who was watching Crooks through his scope—shoot Crooks then? That is, why did the counter-sniper wait for Crooks to return his aim away from the vaulting police officer and back at Trump for long enough to fire at Trump?"
@pepesgrandma reports that so far, 3 eyewitnesses to a SECOND shooter in the water tower have emerged but this information is being totally squelched online.
It's so weird to see all of these Globalist news agencies, like BBC and NBC allowing Trump supporters to actually speak!
As the witnesses describe what they saw, it is obvious that the Secret Service stood down and it seems likely that Federal Agents loyal to the Biden Regime staged the deadly attack:
NBC News Reporter: You're out of there as you're starting to process this. I know we'll all be processing this over the coming days and weeks. How are you feeling now in this moment?
Witness named "Erin": Well, what I've heard coming out here is now they feel that there was two shooters on both sides.
So they got the one on the tower on this side but the one on the right side they never got. So that's why they wanted us to leave immediately, because they thought there's still a shooter out there, somewhere. So there could be, in these woods around Butler.
NBC News Reporter: Erin, you know I've covered many Trump rallies. I don't know how many you've been to.
Witness named Erin: This is my 6th [inaudible]. I was the fourth car in the parking lot this morning.
Running Time: 34 secs
@In2ThinAir has made this speculative video examining the possibility that Matthew Crooks was the patsy and that the real shooters were Feds in the water tower behind the building. Other witnesses reported a yet another shooter on the ground next to a fence.
Running Time: 3 mins
I think we’re reenacting Dallas and the grassy mound. We learned that lesson long ago.
I don’t think it will take 60 years to figure it out this time!
I've posted this before but will do so again on the role of the Shadow Men.
The signature fact to me is that the FBI almost instantly proclaimed that the shooter acted alone and that it was this local loser without any real identity. All fake.