I think we’re reenacting Dallas and the grassy mound. We learned that lesson long ago.

I don’t think it will take 60 years to figure it out this time!

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Bingo! A fall guy with a gun, and the real shooters (who work for the feds) doing their level best to make SURE the assassination goes down as planned. But now it's going to get MUCH harder to kill Trump, MUCH harder.

Does this fall guy have any history of going to the range for target practice? Hunting? ANY history using guns for anything ever before this event? I saw a video of him screaming in some sort of town or college center "square" that he was going to slit some throats. He did appear to be unhinged, badly hurting, extremely enraged. I wonder how long it takes to "program" someone to go try something like this, i.e., an obvious suicide mission?

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

Crooks was kicked off the school's shooting club because he was such a bad shot. I didn't see the video of him screaming in a town square. The video I saw was kind of a quiet, shy, "nerdy"-type taken by his friend's cellphone. I think he was MKULTRAed. The boy I saw did not seem like an enraged mass-murderer, in the least.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Have you seen any more on Crooks being alive and saying they got the wrong guy? This seems pivotal as the story develops because now we're identifying at least two killers stalking Trump, either or both of whom could have been highly trained marksmen, not your local nerd bullied into rage. The bullseye is going on Joe Biden and his puppet masters.

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The guy turned out to be an uncanny lookalike who goes by “@jewgazing” and is a known prankster on Twitter who has now locked his account.

But you’re right, that lady said they cleared everybody out of there because they thought at least one or more shooters had escaped into the woods behind the barns.

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

It was probably Twitter that locked his account. I feel like he was the guy.

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Oh crap.

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Yes. Definitely mind control to get someone to execute such an obvious suicide mission.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Not unlike the Uber killer who said the Devil talked to him through the app, Son of Sam's neighbor's dog, or possibly some or all of the mass shootings in the "news" (show), someone was likely using "voice of god" weapons on him just so he'd be the believable patsy for plausible deniability. "Always kept to himself. Always the quiet sort." And those psych profiles, esp. isolated personalities, are exactly the kind they like to encourage with neuroweaponry (MK-ULTRA with range).

It happens to Targeted Individuals everyday. TargetedJustice.com

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

all the psychotropics given by the "psychiatrists" to kids...........remember the killer psychiatrist at Fort Hood? "diversity" right? in case you've forgotten;

Nidal Malik Hasan (muslim) was a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist who carried out the 2009 Fort Hood shootings, killing 13 people and injuring over 30 others. On November 5, 2009, Hasan opened fire at Fort Hood, a military base in Killeen, Texas, while he was stationed there as a psychiatrist, and where no one is allowed to carry a weapon. so stupid. so inanely stupid, when do we wake up and take our power back from the liberal communists before they completely take us over?

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

I'm a Nam combat vet....We weren't allowed to carry a weapon at our base until enough of us died, We also had rules of engagement that said no firing at the enemy first...Reminds me of this failed assassination attempt.

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My God, what they put you through.

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

same as with the other kids, you can bet he was on psychotropics and came from an abusive household, this is what they look for, someone easily manipulated to do their dirty work. God turned Trump's head..............God is in this. God saved America that day.........but more to come, so prepare ahead, people. pray and prepare.

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They always show pictures of when he was 12, wearing a sweatshirt covered in American flags.

Reportedly, this is what he was looking like recently: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/why___.jpg

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

He was MK-Utra'd and given psychotropic drugs as were all the other mass shooters.

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

And then there's the video of that guy saying he was Crooks, and that they got the wrong guy. What about that? Forbidden News posted it.

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I wouldn't doubt it. Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook) switched over to being the poster boy for the anti-gun lobby a few years later, after the Parkland shooting. Go look. They are the SAME person. Forget the name of the guy from the Parkland shooting, but he was a very big deal for awhile. When I posted both of their faces side-by-side on Twatter they shut my feed down.

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I’m being told that that was the prankster, “jewgazing” by many people.

I’m kinda flying blind because I’ve been de-platformed by almost all social media.

I’m still allowed to login to X but I can’t like or post anything and I’m rate-limited, so I can only see a couple tweets at a time, before I’m locked out and I have to wait a few hours to try to see other important tweets later.

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Jul 22Liked by Forbidden.News

I don't believe he was a prankster. I think he was real.

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at the RNC Convention they FINALLY had SS with tall burly men instead of the "inclusive, equal opportunity, diversity" hires..............short women who are inept in the use of their weapons, too short to protect a big man, fumbling, stupid.........but THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE NWO WANTED. it backfired though, now WE ARE MORE ENERGIZED AND UNITED IN THIS, too bad commie overlords, you failed in your attempts to mock God and He blocked you. 🇺🇸

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

They're still refusing to release the sequestered info on the CIA's assassination of JFK, Bobbie and John Jr. Also Pearl Harbor and 9-ll.

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Grassy knoll yes

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

I've posted this before but will do so again on the role of the Shadow Men.


The signature fact to me is that the FBI almost instantly proclaimed that the shooter acted alone and that it was this local loser without any real identity. All fake.

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Agree. And the media is pushing out the “younger” school photo of him- not a more recent photo. All to make him look like an innocent child who was “on the Spectrum “. Makes me sick to my stomach that our country is so corrupt and evil.

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it is not WE the PEOPLE but those in our midst who are trying to destroy us and take us down from within. they have done a pretty decent job.......Yuri Bezmenov, look him up, watch his longer videos, not the 1 minute snippets, get a real idea of what they came here to do, he warned us, no one listened. Joe McCarthy was 10000% right too.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

The cabal is a one pony act, a stuck record playing over and over. This is the same tale they've told for all of their assassinations or attempts. Crazy, lone, nobody gunman. Certainly not a highly coordinated, multi-level, multi-agency governmental execution to benefit an oligarchy's geopolitical goals. It goes back to anti-bankster Andrew Jackson's attempted assassination where BOTH of the perp's handguns misfired. Talk about standing there with your dick hanging out. There has to be pushing a dozen assassinations blamed on the crazy-lone-nobody who is killed on the spot or asap.

An interesting one few people know about happened when Huey Long, governor of Louisiana, was going to run for president against Franklin Roosevelt in 1936. Huey actually had a very attractive help-the-common-man platform ("Every man a king!") and probably had a good chance of winning. Bankster scion Roosevelt was claiming that was his objective too, when what he was really doing was setting up the welfare system, lengthening the ghastly Depression and making sure his buddy corporatists made every dime they could on it. So, Huey was cornered with his bodyguards in the marble halls of the brand new Deco state capitol building he built..... by the lone-crazy-nobody. This particular LCN was a doctor whose wife, or mother or some relative, had been "insulted by Huey." They shot up the hallway and the holes in the marble wall are still there. Huey died a couple of days later and the LCN was shot on the spot, naturally. Roosevelt won the election and screwed the people right into WWII and was idolized in the history books for saving us.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

FDR allowed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor....a book >>Day of Deceit ..gives amazing details..The General and Admiral in charge were the fall guys. They were kept out of the intel loop. 9-11 was the second Pearl Harbor event to justify War and all the Freedom robbing agencies.

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Absolutely. Roosevelt was a rotter and spawn of the devil oligarchs. I hope to one day see him creamed in school history books. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Thanks for sharing this forgotten history.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt was a baddie in many ways. He apparently was full aware that Pearl Harbor was going to happen and welcomed it to get us into the war. PROOF OF THIS IS THAT HE HAD JOHN FORD FILM THE ENTIRE EVENT AS IT UNFOLDED. also here;


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Yep. Roosevelt was of the bankster/war profiteer class. They promote all wars and they wanted this one. Roosevelt was their boy. He made sure they profited the max from the Depression and then from WWII. All wars are banksters' wars. Depressions are controlled events. These are the people who enslave us. They are our enemy. I'm not surprised he got John Ford to film Pearl Harbor. It meant nothing to him that people were dying. The day of infamy belonged to Roosevelt, not the Japanese who Roosevelt had goaded and provoked into it for a year before they did the attack. He was despicable and a traitor.

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Bingo. And because we can clearly see these OBVIOUS patterns, we're "conspiracy theorists." ;-)

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CIA coined that term to objectify and ridicule those who might question the "official narrative" of the JFK assassination. ridicule, as in political correctness. we need to get back as kids and do this instead;


we became weinies.........we need to take back our power and stand up again as ONE NATION UNDER GOD, UNITED WE STAND or DIVIDED WE FALL.

which will it be? we need to become more like the Wild West again and get some balls.............and take back our power to govern ourselves, we are being ruled by the communist mobsters and gangsters. God is our only hope, without Him we are doomed.

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That’s their standard reply. That’s how you know it’s fake.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, the conclusion I've also reached is that Crooks was a patsy à-la Lee Harvey Oswald and that Trump was probably shot by professional CIA snipers from much further away. Crooks was a distraction and mis-direction, a set of ready-made answers to protect the guilty.

When the so-called "elites" start shooting each other instead of killing the rest of us, you know they are desperate.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Intersting. I was wondering 🤔 how this young man being such a bad shot almost shot him dead on the first round fired...hmmm. ( Praise God, Trump is okay.)

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

When JFK was assassinated people didn't have the internet and personal cell phones videoing everything. It's made a phenomenal difference in how this attempt is being processed....like right now in full view of the world. In 1963, we were dependent on newspapers and nightly news to understand what was happening. They were corrupt then as now. It took decades to suss it all out. We now know the CIA was responsible and why they did it. It was citizens who worked over those years to put the pieces together after a worthless, lying report was put out by the government. Exactly the same thing happened after 911. Today it's different. You can no longer successfully suppress witnesses and grab evidence as was done in 1963 and 2001. Too many cell phones were taping it all and it's already all over the internet. You can't pick the assassinated ones worst enemies to be on a panel to whitewash the guilty and twist the story. In fact, within 3 days of the assassination attempt the public is getting a pretty clear picture of what happened and their minds will not be changed by whatever bullshit narrative the FBI tries to float out.

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Yes, but how much of the narrative that spewed out from the beginning - indeed how much of the event itself - is CIA/FBI narrative painting? Some? Most? All? Is any of it what it appears to be? Or is it all theater?

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Theoretically, it didn't happen at all. It was a movie filmed with extras and somebody in a million dollar mask who appeared to get shot. For all you know you're dreaming and none of us exist. But more than likely the videos we've seen were taken by many real people in a real setting. A real candidate got shot. There will be kabuki and bullshit, no doubt, but if we haven't got at least that much of a touchstone with reality, we might as well not even attempt to understand anything...right?

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5GW, Baby!

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Lee Harvey Oswald was the CIA's patsy. He was terminated to avoid his version of what went down. This is the latest Deep State attempt at altering history in their favor . They allowed this patsy to get off a couple shots to coverup the real assassins shot which would have succeeded if Trump didn't move his head.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

It is frustrating, all of the various angles on this story, and trying to understand which ones are supported and credible. If I were in Trump's shoes, there's ZERO chance I would permit ANY feds anywhere NEAR me or my staff. I would ONLY use hand-picked security of MY OWN, because he needs this to protect himself FROM the feds, (SS, FBI, etc.) Elon just gave his support people a ton of money. Let this pay for security. I am still completely baffled as to WHY Trump would trust ANYONE who works for the federal government with his security.

My understanding is that back in 2016 when Obama sent his Secret Service goons to Trump tower, Trump rented a trailer for them and put it out on the side-walk in front, refusing to let them enter the building. What changed? WHY did Trump permit these freaks/demons/murderously-treasonous slags to be involved in his security NOW??

One thing does occur to me as a possibility:

Inside of a Trump Rally, Trump's team can control the NARRATIVE (at least somewhat, I mean CNN initially claimed Trump "fell down"). After the endless and obscenely fraudulent lawfare we've witnessed being initiated against him, it's not a bad "look" for Trump to have this attempted assassination against him. And it's not as though most of us would question who was behind it. We KNOW who's behind it. So in the end, even if it were "staged" by Trump's people as a "false flag" I still wouldn't believe I should vote for anyone else. But it truly does appear he was shot at, and that Biden's puppet masters arranged it.

It's impossible to believe that this was merely the spontaneous movement of a deranged individual who had NO SUPPORT from the shadowy overlords/deep state, whatever you want to call "them."

Sometimes, (not very often) but sometimes, it's just as it appears, i.e., the CIA worked with the Secret Service to make SURE this shooter was ABLE to shoot Trump. And it appears they had full cooperation from at least some local law enforcement in their plot to assassinate Trump. This is what it looks like. This is the most obvious answer. So what else do we really need to know about this event?

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Yes, I would call that an "Occam's Razor" analysis of what happened.

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There is no doubt that it was staged. My guts said it in second one.

Ask the right questions:


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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Absolutely agree. These are the same thought I have had. I will not be voting this year. I had hopes for Trump, and still hope for the best, but this was just too scripted. I have lost all enthusiasm for Trump being an answer to the underlying corruption that is destroying a once great constitutional republic that was crafted by wise men for an informed and moral society. It seems that as a people we have failed to preserve it.

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They will lose.


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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

May it be so. It is time for all things to be revealed that are done in darkness. This world is a test and a trial, may we be among those who are ready to awaken and take back our individual power granted to those who trust in the Divine Presence.

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Did the Cheney's orchestrate the multiple failures of Trump's Secret Service, too?

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In spirit, perhaps but really, the true blame rests with Sec Mayorkas, who repeatedly denied Secret Service protection to RFK Jr and for refusing to provide the adequate resources to the Trump Campaign for some time, now. We're talking about the former President/front runner in the 2024 and the likely future President of the USA. You don't treat him like that, obviously, because this is a coup. Several Democrat members of Congress, including January 6th Committee Chair, Bennie Thompson have been trying to pass legislation to remove ALL of Trump's Secret Service protection. But I guess they'll stop with that BS now.

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Literally, I have been at war with the US government since the 90's and have access to the highest communication level. Through the supercenter, Lucid, I have interacted with all the major players including Trump. I don't see him in the same light as you. I know his games, his criminal personality and his false flag actions. He pulled several on the US public: Parkland High mass shooting and the Poway Synagogue shooting to name a few. He was trained by the Clintons.

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Don't Trust but Verify. Trump's a Jesuit....Their oath is diabolical. Pence is too...Trump is also a 33 degree mason and Club of Rome member. Israels purge of the Palestinians will clear the way for the 3rd Jewish Temple. The Rothchilds central bank Ponzi scheme is coming to an end soon.

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wrong on Trump, not a Jesuit. if you had said that Peter the Roman, the current Pope was a jesuit, I would have agreed, or any of the other NWO pigs in power like the Rothschild. but you are free to continue......and Netanyahu will fall as well.

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Trump is anything he believes will make him God and ruler of the world. He is also Chabad, but loyal to no one but himself. No oath means anything to him. Now, on the topic of the Rothschilds whom I have renamed "The Abusers", I have much to say that is not common knowledge.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Cheney, Bush and their Deep State crew orchestrated 9-11 so they are the usual suspects.

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That’s why you’ll never see DJT in one of these “reunion” photos.

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You don't see Trump with certain people because for good reason no one likes him.

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Bush Jr. admitted it and that "bombs were set to go off high up" to avoid people getting out *a slip of the tongue to be sure, and then of course Bill Clinton also admitting it and Bush Sr. laughing about it. sick psychopaths, sociopaths but all the same who go along with their satanic desire to take over the World for themselves. karma is going to be a beeach and God already blocked them on Saturday but also is helping the USA to wake up that there indeed is evil in our midst. so obvious.

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Old man Bush, Clinton, Cheney, Rumsfeld and many others orchestrated 9/11. I was being framed for it and know quite a bit about the behind-the-scenes actions. Trump's fingerprints - not the Cheney's or even Biden's, are on his own faked assassination attempt.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

After the FAILED assassination attempt, here's how it goes:


"He's got security up the ass now!"

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Thanks for this report.

Interesting quote:

“ It's so weird to see all of these Globalist news agencies, like BBC and NBC allowing Trump supporters to actually speak!”

I am a bit suspicious…We’ve been prepped somewhat that chaos shenanigans will be perpetrated by DeepState actors playing MAGA supporters. (We have seen this with the J6 psyop). I don’t believe the MSM at all, especially MSNBC and CNN.

On the other hand, this 20 yr old kid was certainly (imo) not acting alone on his own private solo plan to get Trump!

The coverups and exposures begin!

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Yes, I was going to write to this and I will soon but it was getting late (4AM) and I'd been working for 20 hrs straight and I thought I'd make a separate post about this topic, i.e., that there's a shift in the wind. The DNC can't win 2024 so a deal was struck by him choosing Deep Stater, JD Vance. That was the compromise Trump made with them. They would allow him to take office, as long as their Deep Stater was the VP. Pence-Vance, same idea.

Our only hope is if Vance is a double agent or switches affiliations and truly becomes America First.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Looking forward to your comments. Some version of that is also my hope, as I also think the same about Trump. In any case they will almost certainly let us have a period of peace and prosperity if this comes off as I suspect, but I'm afraid that pride and self indulgence will come out of that leading to something pretty bad within a decade or so.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Oh no! I had not come across anything like that. Looking forward to your post about it. Thank You!

Super arrogant that the DeepState thinks they can “allow” Trump to become President!

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

The dark controllers who use the DS like to encourage arrogance in their minions who can be abandoned to destruction as soon as they have finished serving their purpose. Too bad they are so stupid as to think the devil ever supports his children.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Agree. Too scripted, like some TV drama. Glad I trust in a Higher Power because although I had some hopes, I sure no longer have any firm trust in Mr. Trump.

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Trust in a Higher Power is our true north through the coming months for sure. That said, I do still trust Trump. I hope this attempted assassination gives us a cascade of exposure of the criminal syndicate currently doing their best to destroy our country.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

May it be so.

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Peggy Hall, of The Healthy American, brings up a really valid point. (she thinks this whole thing was staged; meaning, Trump was also in on it)

And that point is......WHY was there only a small crowd there, at THIS rally??

And she is right! Trump pulls in AT LEAST 10,000 wherever he goes!!

So, WHY WAS the crown so small THAT day??????

And I have asked the question......WHY WAS THE BBC THERE?

#1 They are NEVER at Trump rallies.

#2 Let alone in some place RURAL.

So, I have to ask, was there ANY OTHER MSM in ATTENDANCE???

While I'm here, I'd like to point out something about some photos of 'Crooks'.

I am sure that everyone has seen the 'outdoors' photo, which has the individuals back to the camera, and we can see the profile of the individuals face.

There is also a photo of 'Crooks' seated in a classroom; I'm assuming that this was from the Blackrock commercial. In this photo, we can see the profile of 'Crooks' face.

These two individuals are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE; they are NOT the same individual ('Crooks').

'Outdoor Crooks' has a pronounced UNDER BITE; 'classroom Crooks' does NOT!

'Outdoor Crooks' has a pronounced/PROTRUDING forehead; 'Classroom Crooks' does NOT.

'Outdoor Crooks' has thicker lens glasses than 'classroom Crooks'.

And NEITHER of those 2 individuals match DEAD SHOOTER close-up photo!

Beside the EARS (that do NOT match)........'Crooks' NOSE is SHORT and WIDE at it's end.

Dead shooter's nose is long and slender.

LIPS......'Crooks' has thin lips; especially the BOTTOM lip.

Dead Shooter's bottom lip is much 'fuller'.

These Deep State Demon Psychos really do believe that they are smarter than ALL of us (put together)!

And we always find out 99% of the truth/facts, collectively, now don't we!!

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As I was falling asleep last night, thinking aboout the whole setup of the rally and the two tiny stands, I realized that it looked more like a Joe Biden rally, it was so small!

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Jul 17Liked by Forbidden.News


I don't follow/watch Trump rallies, but one thing that I DO know, is he pulls a shit-load of people at EACH one. And this one should have been no different. Butler isn't far from Ohio.....so there would have been many from Ohio making the trip for the rally, I'm sure. And the die-hard Trumper's from WV and western NY, too. And, of course, the PA people.

There should have been the typical 10,000+ at this rally.

Would love to know if there were other MSM, laying in wait, besides the BBC.

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Yes, yes, and yes.

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Jul 22Liked by Forbidden.News

To Dr Rima here on Substack, what do you say about the latest, that 3 eye witnesses have come forward saying there was a shooter on the water tower. Cheatle should be fired! She should resign. I doubt we will ever know the truth! Just like the assassination of Kennedy, we still don’t know the TRUTH!!!

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Professor Plum in the Gazebo.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

The water tower video has no sound either. BTW I believe it’s all theater to drum up support for Trump.. and boy is it ever. People this govt is run by the GLOBAL ELITE. All the presidents in the last 100 yrs if not longer are SELECTED not elected. NEVER MORE TRUE THE LAST 70 yrs.

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

Reality is the only thing that matters.

This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the powerlessness of the powerless.

Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy.

Periodically they let us, the citizens, vote for representatives who, each and everyone, promise to do the right thing.

Voting for someone to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Yet the Congress and Legislatures openly admit that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on. In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day.

The honest representative admits that they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

According to the powerless, nothing changes except for the worse.

As responsible Citizens, we must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.

This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that the representative can view in order make their vote congruent with that of their constituents.

Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall.

And we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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Jul 16Liked by Forbidden.News

shades of JFK. How many israeli's were there filming the event just like 9/11 JFK.

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