I have friends all over the world. It's a good way to keep in touch with them. We're all well aware of all the BS involved though. Thanks for your concern. 💕
The last time I was on FB, was approximately 15 years ago. After learning the truth about FB, I wanted no part of it. Then after the censorship of the POTUS election, and CONvid (two major censorship events), I don’t think anyone who loves freedom should be using FB.
That’s just my opinion (and opinions are like 🍑…everyone has one-lol!).
FB did me a favor by de-platforming me. The downside is FB was how I communicated with my extended family and old friends - who have all been programmed into Radical Leftists, now and we've lost touch. Parts of my family always were Radical Left. I don't want to fight with my peeps, so I just stay away until they wake up. Because, when I do try to talk to them, they just treat me like garbage. THAT has been the worst part of this whole thing: my brainwashed family.
I KNOW! My family is on the “other side”, but I often wonder what they’d think about the state of the world today. I’m thankful to God/Creator for all of them not having to see this sci-fi world.
My mom was born in 1936, and dad was born in 1934! They grew up post Depression era…quite a different time!
My mom did vote for BHO in 2008 (I warned her after seeing Rev. Wright), and 2007 was the beginning of my “awakening” to Truth. I’m definitely not looking in my rear view mirror!
All one can do, is pray for them to find discernment, and guidance. To love, is all one can do.
In 2013 I read "The Party is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted" (2013). Mike Lofgren
That's went I saw that both parties are so full of lies, deceit, and both parties are owned by Israel...wake up Americans...we are the United States of Israel...
It depends on which "Israel" you're talking about. My love for the Jewish People and the Golden Rule are beyond question. Half of my family are married to Jews. Jews are an awesome human phenomenon and I absolutely adore Jews.
My love for an apartheid, genocidal Atheistic state, that steals the indigenous people's homes and their land *in the broad daylight of the 20th and 21st centuries!* and whose innocent victims I have to pay to bomb and kill with $ billions of my tax dollars, when my country is bankrupt – in order to fulfill some Secret Society, Black Nobility-concocted eschatology – not so much.
We've already been laid to waste by these a$$f@x. Time to reboot.
The dark luciferian overlords using the left right polarity are bringing in the new world order using division. Walk away from political theater altogether! Be an an- archist which means no-rulers- not “no rules”
I am philosophically an anarchist. I can barely tolerate having a boss, which is why I've been self-employed and I've lived as anarchic a life as is possible on this planet for most of my fairly long life, especially because I was lucky enough to be born in the United States. To have lived at the degree of anarchism that I have would not be possible anywhere else, unless you're talking living in the woods and catching all your own food.
The Constitution is practically a declaration of anarchism but it only works if everybody is well-informed and not stupid. And the reality is that most people have had their minds destroyed by propaganda and indoctrination. I have PhD relatives who are dumber than rocks.
Unfortunately what you say is happening. however isn't it the same on the other side? Both major parties are manipulated by corporations for their own ends and democracy has been compromised.Reconnecting to the spirit of the Founding Fathers is they ONLY way to make America great again. I'm Irish, living in Ireland and to me, it's as plain as daylight.
I don't think it's fair to say that the RNC is anywhere near as heinous (these days).
Basically, the Cabal destroyed the Republican Brand with the Bush presidencies, so they had to re-brand as Democrats.
I grew up in Blue Cities and I knew no other reality than only ever voting Democrat my whole life, until I started getting demonetized and de-platformed everywhere and it was always the Dems who were doing that to me.
It took a few years to "transition" out of the Leftist mindset and I'm very glad to be free but it is horrible to be ex-communicated from my family, who all remain enslaved, despite the DNC becoming so surreal and so outright Satanic and Communist. How can they not see it?
I’m a “rightie” living in a blue area. Democrats, lefties, Progressives, live in a totally different reality…a bubble. Very few people are actually awake, and know that nearly everything we’ve been taught to believe, is a complete LIE.
I will not vote, because I do not give consent to the system that is in “authority”.
I agree with everything you say except for not voting. You still have the right to do it and you should exercise it and do everything you can to save the future for our children. You're just giving your vote to these demons, as Steve says. Fight, Fight, Fight!
I disagree. I think it will make a difference to all of our our futures, whether Kamala is the President or whether it is Donald Trump.
Factions exist within the criminal syndicate that controls the world and whoever's got the upper hand affects our User Experience in this 3D hologram called "reality".
Philosophically, I love anarchism and as a self-employed person for most of my life, I have lived it, to the degree that it is possible to do so at our current level of consciousness.
And that's the key. The majority of humans are not developed enough in awareness and consciousness to live peacefully within Anarchism.
You're right of course. When Republican baby George Bush was in office his regime did maximally scary stuff, including 911 which Bush used to start hideous, unjustified deep state wars in 7 middle eastern countries. It was all a deep state kabuki show. The difference between then and now is that the operation of the deep state has become ever clearer to the public thanks to the alternative media and the internet. In Bush's day it was still fairly undercover and the media was more able to justify what he did with its lies. That's no longer true. It's claimed that the RINO Bush style Republicans are where the deep state resides and that's undeniably true. We see the RINOs in deep collaboration with the Democrats. Donald Trump gained the presidency and ostensibly repurposed the Republican party because he was perceived as different and he did do some very different things, but many of us question some of his actions because they tended ultimately to zero out his achievements... and many don't think that was an accident . You're right about the only exit from the situation being defense of the Constitution. That's what the MAGA movement is all about with the public and we hope that's what Trump is about. We will see.
It is refreshing to see a liberal seeing the light. I love to see Republicans critical of wars, and demanding digestive of the huge companies like Amazon, and Google,...
Just shared this on FB. I’m counting the minutes until I get “fact checked” or sent to FB Jail.🤦🏻♀️😳
😂 I got 2 warnings this week for posting memes about Kameltoe...on my 3rd account and have my 4th email address ready...
Why are you still using FB?
I have friends all over the world. It's a good way to keep in touch with them. We're all well aware of all the BS involved though. Thanks for your concern. 💕
How do you get your email address?
I just make a new one at gmail or proton...
It is still up. I’m shocked.
Why are you still using FB?
I do this about once every few weeks and it always reminds me to stay off!
The last time I was on FB, was approximately 15 years ago. After learning the truth about FB, I wanted no part of it. Then after the censorship of the POTUS election, and CONvid (two major censorship events), I don’t think anyone who loves freedom should be using FB.
That’s just my opinion (and opinions are like 🍑…everyone has one-lol!).
FB did me a favor by de-platforming me. The downside is FB was how I communicated with my extended family and old friends - who have all been programmed into Radical Leftists, now and we've lost touch. Parts of my family always were Radical Left. I don't want to fight with my peeps, so I just stay away until they wake up. Because, when I do try to talk to them, they just treat me like garbage. THAT has been the worst part of this whole thing: my brainwashed family.
I KNOW! My family is on the “other side”, but I often wonder what they’d think about the state of the world today. I’m thankful to God/Creator for all of them not having to see this sci-fi world.
My mom was born in 1936, and dad was born in 1934! They grew up post Depression era…quite a different time!
My mom did vote for BHO in 2008 (I warned her after seeing Rev. Wright), and 2007 was the beginning of my “awakening” to Truth. I’m definitely not looking in my rear view mirror!
All one can do, is pray for them to find discernment, and guidance. To love, is all one can do.
In 2013 I read "The Party is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted" (2013). Mike Lofgren
That's went I saw that both parties are so full of lies, deceit, and both parties are owned by Israel...wake up Americans...we are the United States of Israel...
Isaiah 60:12 " For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you ( Israel) shall perish.; those nations shall be utterly laid to waste. "
It depends on which "Israel" you're talking about. My love for the Jewish People and the Golden Rule are beyond question. Half of my family are married to Jews. Jews are an awesome human phenomenon and I absolutely adore Jews.
My love for an apartheid, genocidal Atheistic state, that steals the indigenous people's homes and their land *in the broad daylight of the 20th and 21st centuries!* and whose innocent victims I have to pay to bomb and kill with $ billions of my tax dollars, when my country is bankrupt – in order to fulfill some Secret Society, Black Nobility-concocted eschatology – not so much.
We've already been laid to waste by these a$$f@x. Time to reboot.
The dark luciferian overlords using the left right polarity are bringing in the new world order using division. Walk away from political theater altogether! Be an an- archist which means no-rulers- not “no rules”
I am an anarchist…the true, correct meaning. Unfortunately, people, especially the media, change the meaning of words (very 1984).
I am philosophically an anarchist. I can barely tolerate having a boss, which is why I've been self-employed and I've lived as anarchic a life as is possible on this planet for most of my fairly long life, especially because I was lucky enough to be born in the United States. To have lived at the degree of anarchism that I have would not be possible anywhere else, unless you're talking living in the woods and catching all your own food.
The Constitution is practically a declaration of anarchism but it only works if everybody is well-informed and not stupid. And the reality is that most people have had their minds destroyed by propaganda and indoctrination. I have PhD relatives who are dumber than rocks.
of course! The great "subversion" of the satanic new world order ...
To those who don't want to take on "anarchist" FFS, quit voting.
Brilliant! THIS IS THE LEFT. Read it and know the Left for who they really are, and fight them like your life depended on it...because it does.
Great summary of the Democratic party, which is to say the current cutting edge of the deep state and its puppeteers.
Unfortunately what you say is happening. however isn't it the same on the other side? Both major parties are manipulated by corporations for their own ends and democracy has been compromised.Reconnecting to the spirit of the Founding Fathers is they ONLY way to make America great again. I'm Irish, living in Ireland and to me, it's as plain as daylight.
I don't think it's fair to say that the RNC is anywhere near as heinous (these days).
Basically, the Cabal destroyed the Republican Brand with the Bush presidencies, so they had to re-brand as Democrats.
I grew up in Blue Cities and I knew no other reality than only ever voting Democrat my whole life, until I started getting demonetized and de-platformed everywhere and it was always the Dems who were doing that to me.
It took a few years to "transition" out of the Leftist mindset and I'm very glad to be free but it is horrible to be ex-communicated from my family, who all remain enslaved, despite the DNC becoming so surreal and so outright Satanic and Communist. How can they not see it?
I’m a “rightie” living in a blue area. Democrats, lefties, Progressives, live in a totally different reality…a bubble. Very few people are actually awake, and know that nearly everything we’ve been taught to believe, is a complete LIE.
I will not vote, because I do not give consent to the system that is in “authority”.
I agree with everything you say except for not voting. You still have the right to do it and you should exercise it and do everything you can to save the future for our children. You're just giving your vote to these demons, as Steve says. Fight, Fight, Fight!
Well then you are giving in to the left.
To not vote is not a patriotic thing to do.
Sure the demoloons will cheat and steal again in this election BUT to not fight back is ruining your country.
And sadly, after you allow your country to be ruined, the rest of the world will fall.
But you are American. You don't care about the rest of the world - do you?
IMHO, as soon as one begins deciding which is more heinous, they've got you.
I disagree. I think it will make a difference to all of our our futures, whether Kamala is the President or whether it is Donald Trump.
Factions exist within the criminal syndicate that controls the world and whoever's got the upper hand affects our User Experience in this 3D hologram called "reality".
Philosophically, I love anarchism and as a self-employed person for most of my life, I have lived it, to the degree that it is possible to do so at our current level of consciousness.
And that's the key. The majority of humans are not developed enough in awareness and consciousness to live peacefully within Anarchism.
You're right of course. When Republican baby George Bush was in office his regime did maximally scary stuff, including 911 which Bush used to start hideous, unjustified deep state wars in 7 middle eastern countries. It was all a deep state kabuki show. The difference between then and now is that the operation of the deep state has become ever clearer to the public thanks to the alternative media and the internet. In Bush's day it was still fairly undercover and the media was more able to justify what he did with its lies. That's no longer true. It's claimed that the RINO Bush style Republicans are where the deep state resides and that's undeniably true. We see the RINOs in deep collaboration with the Democrats. Donald Trump gained the presidency and ostensibly repurposed the Republican party because he was perceived as different and he did do some very different things, but many of us question some of his actions because they tended ultimately to zero out his achievements... and many don't think that was an accident . You're right about the only exit from the situation being defense of the Constitution. That's what the MAGA movement is all about with the public and we hope that's what Trump is about. We will see.
Be honest now, its always been a Uni Party - this attack on reality is showing us the writing on the giant, flashing wall....
We are slowly being exterminated by an overwhelming elite group of evil people .
Operatives are in both parties. It's all theater.
It is refreshing to see a liberal seeing the light. I love to see Republicans critical of wars, and demanding digestive of the huge companies like Amazon, and Google,...
They're proud of being tolerant to all who agree with them only, intolerant to everyone else. It's going to get beyond nasty.
I'm here for it! But I think what JFK Jr did on Friday could mitigate that.
Yep. Took them an entire day to do it, but they did! Lmao. No surprises there.
...............on ALL counts.
You are too smart and too nice to be a Dem.
I recently shared Brandon‘s video in a Substack, capturing screenshots of the violence and degradation the Left has inflicted upon us: Thank you for sharing this!
Almost no one says it better than Straka.