It is a relief that you are putting this information out, and I thank you from the depths, but as you are no doubt aware, we still have to deal with those who have poisoned humanity with the vaccines, with their nanotechnology, graphene oxide, Luciferase enzyme, the geoengineering dispersal of barium, strontium, aluminum, viruses, bacteria, nanotechnology, and other poisons, as well as the genetic contamination and elimination of our food supply, now ongoing, and The Pole Shift. Various scientists and researchers have met an untimely demise for revealing that all those who were vaccinated, and even those who weren't, are now passing from this life by the millions, no exaggeration, and as intended by the very same people you mentioned. There are cures, but how to get that information to the entire world? Earthfiles.substack.com recent post offers a bit of help, but the designs mentioned would have to be rolled out worldwide, perhaps at the entry and exit of supermarkets, and other stores, even at home for those who could afford, not terribly expensive, but still out of reach for many to build at home. The bracelets, yes doable for most, but must be ASAP, because death rates are now rapidly increasing due to various reasons, such as exhausted immune systems, increased interaction with 5 and 6G, and the raxor like effect in the body of the graphene oxide, information that caused the demise of Dr Luc Montagnier, and others.

There are many other aspects to consider in all of these areas, since there is now a blitzkrieg to destroy food and water supplies. I have stopgap solutions for basic nutrition so that people don't have to eat other people, but it needs to be accomplished now, and people have been slow to awaken. It is going to get ugly because the pole shift is near, and much of the bizarre weather is being caused by that, though the hand of man is also at work in much of the devastation, such as Helene, and others. Therefore, food, shelter, water, protection, and health recovery have to be the priorities.

Those who are causing the intentional chaos must also be dealt with, and they are of the groups mentioned, some of whom descend from the time of the Watchers. I disagree that all non humans have left, as there is ample evidence that some are still here, and it is known that there are numerous groups on Earth, some benevolent, some malevolent. More to come...

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If I may, as I see it, we are setting the intention to shift this Realm's view of medicine but this is a ginormous cruise ship!!! We gotta be patient to witness a turnabout but what a time to be ALIVE!!!

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💯 The choice is ours.

To make the optimal choice, we would first understand how many of our presumptions about reality, from the geopolitical to the scientific to the spiritual, etc are bogus, drilled-into us from the Mainstream Media (Enemy of the People) and by our culture, etc.

We would deprogram ourselves from the toxic mind viruses have been seeded into mass culture; that have been propounded by the "Elite" for millennia – and in earnest, during the 20th century, with the proliferation of mass communications and from this apparent Reptoid / Nazi infiltration of our institutions.

I agree with William Bramley, author of 'The Gods of Eden' that a custodial class of elites are and have been the minions of these predatory, anti-human beings for a long time, if not forever: https://www.amazon.com/Gods-Eden-William-Bramley/dp/0380718073/

What Dan Willis is saying here is the off-world element has been banished. All that is left (no pun intended) is the thrashing corpse of the elite in its death throes, as described by Dr David Martin back in 2023: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-david-martin-dont-fear-the-coming-lockdowns-the-cabal-is-already-dead/

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Well, if they had left, they've apparently returned under the ridiculous cover story of our getting a "second moon" for a couple of months (aka a mother ship) checking on things.

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LOL. I haven't seen any updates on that. I think normally, a Near Earth Object (NEO) would orbit and ultimately crash into the planet. So that cover has already been established and that timeline was viewed by Dick Allgire's group, which Clif High had discussed in a 2023 interview with David Rodriquez, which was taken down, after I embedded it on my site. But I found another podcast, in which he referred to this: https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/meteor-impact-false-flag-incoming

Hopefully, Space Force can stop any hanky-panky.

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Excellent! Thank you; much of this isn't new to me but to have it all in a narrative like this makes it more comprehensible. There has been some scuttlebut that the aliens at the top of the pyramid had been run out and that's why the WEF and the globalist cabal have been acting so erratically the last year or so: they are essentially leaderless now and making it up as they go, and they're not that smart, turns out.

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run out?

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I mean, "it turns out that they're not that smart after all."

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Wow, you are some very serious kind of Truth Warrior.

It's awesome that you can get this UFO Disclosure History out here on Substack considering what you have been through in your life in last few months.

Thanks for this great info.

"UAPs, the new term for UFOs that doesn't seem to stick"

No it won’t stick bc it’s govt attempting to rebrand and take control of the narrative. Ppl who have been researching UFOs for decades aren’t having it.

*** Fk off, Podesta

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what an amazing time to be alive; living and breathing, not just existing!

so many truths FINALLY coming to the light!!! Thank you for another excellent piece of investigative journalism!!

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I never resonated with the galactic federation.Len Kastens book,the alien world order he also thinks the federation is here to help us.I don't think so,infiltration and subversion along with secrecy and deception is how they do it,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Galactic_Federation%E2%80%99s_Luciferian_Alliance

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I agree with you. I never resonated with the "Galactic Federation", either. It always sounded like Military Space Commies. However, Dan Willis' telling of 20th century history made a lot of sense to me.

These AI drawings he shares, of these Pleiadian / Nordics are also cheez. The weird insistence on displaying these images detracts a lot from the story and the weirdness of insisting on showing these images reminds me of Billy Meier's blurry photo of Semjase: https://soundcloud.com/billymeierband/drovtyggernes-dans-1

I didn't get on Dan about these illustrations, because I didn't want to be combative, I just wanted to allow him to freely share what he had to share, during his presentation in a Zoom call, a week ago last Friday.


• "Erra" is the name of the planet that Dan says Elena Danaan's Pleadians come from. This is same name as the planet that self-described Pleiadian contactees, Billy Meier and Fred Bell said that their Pleiadian Nordic Space Babe, "Semjase" came from (they both apparently hung out with the same Space Babe to talk about science. If I recall, Fred Bell said he also had sex with her).

• "Erra" is also the name of the Akkadian plague god: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erra_(god) Hmm!

• Semjase is a German spelling for "Semyaza": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samyaza, one of the (male) Fallen Angels who took human wives, who gave birth to the Nephilim, according to the Book of Enoch. They also shared technology with these women. Wikipedia:

"Samyaza is introduced in Book 6 [of the Book Enoch], heading a meeting of a total of 200 angels, wherein they discuss their desire to consummate with human women:

"'And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: "I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin." And they all answered him and said: "Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing." Then swear they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. (1 En 6:3-5)

"Samyaza and his fellow Watchers then each take human women for wives and bestow knowledge upon them. The children born from these partnerships are known as Nephilim, a plural noun rendered as "giants" in the King James translation of the Book of Genesis. The Nephilim "consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind." (1 En 7:3-5)

"In Book 10, God commands the angel Gabriel to cause the Watchers and Nephilim to wage civil war, after the completion of which he condemns Samyaza to be "[bound] fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: and 14 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever." (1 En 10:11-14)"


So, yes quite Luciferian! And speaking of Luciferian, 30 years ago, I remember reading the insanely long diatribe by Helena Blavatsky known as "Anthropogenesis" and stumbling on the name of "Semyaza" and jumping out of my skin, because she described "him" as something like "the worst of all". She didn't say a lot. I think it was just one sentence.

My books are all packed up, 1,000 miles away so I can't find the direct quote.

But fellow Erra native, Semjase / Semyaza is accursed and has Divine Judgement meted-outed to him...???

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Addendum: Can’t be entirely sure..

but I believe that in The Fourth Reich

there is the statement: The Warmacht

surrendered. The NAZIS DIDNT.

So there’s that.

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The Germans lost but the Nazis didn’t.

The surrender was a PSYOP.

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And, every since, pretty much every thing else has been also.

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great stuff this...

tho' I'm not near-ready ta buy inta the alien narratives (heck what they do in mkultra with VR & hollyweird lightin' sets makeup would fool anyone easy--so I don't doubt those tellin' their tales)...I am TOTALLY absorbed by this Nazi tech an' their power/influence an' what's been hidden from us (not ta mention free energy)--like DANG... I'm "all in" fer more on this... knowin' who did what (how much US know-how? fer example) would be a trip worth takin'! (off ta hear part II)

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Yes. The Montauk Project for example may have been 100% MKULTRA and 0% time travel.

But then, there’s that weird story from Bob Beckwith, about a private yacht, commandeered and turned into an experimental minesweeper by the US Navy and re-christened the USS Martha’s Vineyard (https://www.navsource.org/archives/09/46/46097.htm), where he says the crew told him about some crazy experiment a few weeks before that had that ship teleporting uncontrollably to several locations and then an unfortunate sailor who ended up embedded in the steelwork of the ship - similar to the Philadelphia Experiment legend, except on a different ship in Block Island Sound, 1-2 years previously and involving only one man, not 3, as recounted in the legend about the USS Eldridge in the Philadelphia Naval Yards…

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ps I'm hearin' here an' from other sources that this is why they took out JFK--be it his hidin' of the trooth 'bout aliens (I'm not so much there...) OR 'bout the Nazis runnin' our gubbamint WHICH makes since since it wuz a Dulles/OSS/CIA show an' JFK was gonna "out it"...

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Yep - Dan mentions this and there is a slide in that LOOOOONG post referring exactly to that.

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I read the white house surrendered to the nazi's in the 1952 ufo/white house incident.Confirmed by Laura Eisenhower,the incident lasted 17 days.If you can't beat them join them I guess.

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Alexandra, I did a post that has a great deal of background on what James and Dan are discussing, particularly as it relates to the Nazis, the infiltration into the US and the speech that Dr. Carol Rosin gave regarding the long-term strategy for staging an alien invasion (planned since the 50's!!). https://xavierfigueroa.substack.com/p/post-19-a-revised-version-of-history

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yup! an' I find it interestin' that Von Braun (a nazi, natch) chose Rosin (a joo) as his assistant AND as the person ta warn the world 'fore he left it... The risk ta Wernher was ltd. as he was dyin' anywayz--the risk to Rosin was possibly greater as a sort of whistleblower--but how is it she's still around? (albeit velly velly quiet)? there is a huge story here! what did she know that she didn't say? did she have a dead-man-switch left her by Von Braun ta keep her alive? perhaps time ta see if she kin still do an interview...she's up in years now...

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She has been in contact with me since I started publishing and she and her husband even donated $100 to me once, ~10 years ago. I’m pretty sure she later unsubscribed, due to my Trump support.

Here’s what’s weird: When I published a video about the subliminal sexual programming in Disney cartoons 14 years ago, she completely freaked-out and was very angry with me. She had forgiven me a few years later, when she donated the $100 - but MAN! was she pissed-off and triggered by these revelations, saying that this was “below the belt” and that Disney was a “great man” or whatever. I archive all subscriber emails, so I could probably find it.

These revelations have, of course, since become mainstream and several dozen Disney employees, at all strata of that corporation, from top executives to janitors at the theme parks have since been arrested for the sexual abuse of children and/or possession of CP.

Riddle me this?

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WOW! that's wild... so it's possible for her ta have worked with Von Braun on such top secret stuff that she herself was MKUltra'd. Sayin' this b/c Von Braun worked with Disney (they produced a "space" cartoon documentary together... pure baloney...) AN' they use Disney programmin' for some of the alters for all Monarchs. Perhaps she had a few (alters) herself or at least one an' that she was literally "triggered" by anything anti-Walt. This is my guess... an' when she was in her own mind she was kind an' sent $... I mean who knows but it's odd ta say the least...

Similar behavior from Mark Phillips (Cathy O'Brien's late husband) who got similarly triggered ANY time somebuddy mentioned Henry "Heinz" Kissinger as a programmer--Yes he was protectin' his wife but his reaction was said ta be HUGE. AND there are some that say for Phillips, to be permitted to "deprogram" Cathy an' ta say alive, that he had ta undergo some programmin' himself... He gaslit Brice Taylor / Susan Ford an' another Monarch whistleblower named Janus BOTH over Henry Kissinger. An' like EVERYBUDDY KNOWS Henry was one of the top guys in MKUltra...

You could try writin' her again if yer feelin' brave but this time sharin' this interview. I think there's a LOT more she would know... ALSO just occurred ta me that Von Braun himself might'a been a programmer... I mean Nazis ya know...

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Mark Phillips mentioned that Disney was heavily involved with MK-Ultra in his two co-authored books with Cathy O'Brien. And the internet is replete with the sexualised 'Cartoon' pics in Disney material. Child abuse/torture/sacrifice is rampant in the higher echelons of the world's rich and powerful - their 'reward' for selling their souls to the 'Prince of this world'.

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ps Walt was (I think) a Nazi--he of course whored out the studio fer both pro- an' anti- Adolf stuff. So it would'a given twisted programmers the jollies (Jolly Wests?!) ta have a chewish girl's programmin' be ta defend Nazis... I mean the job alone is ironic... but I would not put such things past any of those deviants... hmmm?

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ps couldn't resist this--The Riddler! (I've totally dug this song "like" forevah!)


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Mark and Cathy told me that Brice aka Susan was a fraud.

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Right--however she wasn't in the view of many includin' Cathy "initially" as the two shared stories. Later, Cathy went with what Mark said but Mark had ta gaslight both Brice/Susan & Janus....

If yer short on time start here--this is the LAST one in the series...


If ya got more time, highly recommendin' these--lemme say FoxyFox has only the highest admiration for Cathy (ditto here) but the overall view is he had ta gaslight the other two to save her.... the dirt he had on certain prominent folks was not enuf to save 'em as he had inititally thought... in fact team killary came after 'im (likely the cause of his injuries leadin' to his demise)--

DO check it all out below if time... it's (imho) very respectful to ALL parties involved... but all this ta say that I feel that this situation was similar--protectin' Walt Disney I mean not unlike protectin' handler Heinz...





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Thank you!

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No. Thank you for keeping this work going. The red pilling of humanity is a slow and difficult process...which you helped to do for me. I do hope that you and Daniel (Dark Journalist) can do a show recapping the events that have been happening recently.

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Everything suspected…

Ah, but we’re the crazies.


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This is a very concise compendium re the UFO coverup(s) and the logical correlation with- either extraterrestrials, or another race that's been here longer than homo sapiens. The control grid goes deep; in fact, as deep as middle Earth. Doesn't it seem logical that Tolkien and other authors (HG Wells) were apprised of the likelihood of non-human entities here on Earth? ...and when it comes to zero audits of the FED, and missing trillions--it seems most plausible that this "missing money" went towards developing the secret space program. As many know, Daniel Liszt has been on the case for years (as Dark Journalist) and he is convinced that JFK was murdered due to his desire to tell the American people the truth (as he understood it) regarding UFO's. I have few doubts re Dracos or another race of ET's (or entities who've been here on Earth for millennia) as intercessors or antagonists to human progress on this planet. Perhaps there are also the so-called Nordic Whites who are benign allies for humans? It would be a wonderful thing to draft a treaty with whatever the antagonistic beings are, and get them out of our hair once and for All.

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Why on earth would a superior tech antagonistic Alien group honour a treaty with us?

I don't know if Aliens exist or not - I tend to think any 'Alien Phrnomena' is a Demonic trick, but I am becoming less biased against the idea of Aliens as time goes on. There seem to be technologies at work here which I can't understand, like tunnelinmg networks, DUMB's and cities miles below the surface of the earth, and the Nazi Antarctic base.

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I’ll be writing a post soon about my late friend, Glen Pruitt and the story of how his father was a signatory of this treaty as a witness and he was thereby disowned by his own father, leading to Glen not meeting his grandfather until he was 11 years old.

The story is flabbergasting.

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The Nazis are still here. The United States Government has Nazis installed at every level.

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Great article and finally some well detailed info on the UAP phenomena! I need to bring in Jason Reza Jorjani's book "Close Encounters" which covers pretty much all that has been written here but goes into further detail with substantial evidence. BTW, many abductees have undergone hypnosis and lie detector tests, as well as psychoanalysis for those who may doubt their experiences. Jorjani even writes about medical implants that were discovered with some of the abductees. He also contends the "Greys" are cyborgs or automatons that are controlled by the Nordics. His research has uncovered a separate category from Nordics which he refers to as the "Tricksters." These are shape shifters, (real) men in black, and so on. He does not calls the Nordics space invaders or aliens, but a future civilization that time travels. If you look at all the megalithic structures built around the world (which cannot be duplicated with today's technology), and examine their precise correlation with astronomy/astrology, this is evidence (imo) of such an advanced civilization. As an aside and on the Nazi info written, I am beginning to think WW1 and WW2 were planned events to organize and build the infrastructures/systems so as to take us to the next step of mass psychological control, and keep the "division by race/class/religion" mentality amongst us. Two pieces of anecdotal evidence: Alison Weir's book "Against Our Better Judgement" where she details jewish people were relocated from Germany to Palestine, as well as from the US and other places. Prior to this Palestine was 99 percent Christian and Muslim. Second piece, in historical biographies after the war by Eisenhower, DeGaul and Churchill (over 5000 pages), no mention of the Holocaust. Last, Hollywood like mainstream media supplants the mind control system in place....and it works rather well.

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WW I, II and III were planned in the 1800's: Albert Pike Top Honcho 33* Scottish Rite Freamason, wrote a letter to an Italian Freemason (I think named 'Mazzini') in the 1800's informing him of this, and why the wars would be engineered.

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Take a look at all those megalithic structures and I ask where does all that loosh go,humans no longer benefit from it, All our history and science books have been rewritten.To a large degree we have never even heard the truth.There's nothing higher,https://rumble.com/v3ab5y4-the-blue-aether-by-marcia-ramalho-reloaded-08.07.2021.html Pause at 17:20,check out the pyramid.

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I’ve been to Macchu Picchu twice; the first time when I was 8 years old.


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Agree wholeheartedly, all of our sicence and history books have mislead us purposely to set back our growth (Einstein and Descartes two of the worst culprits). I did not a see a pyramid at the 17:20 mark but will check out the video later - it is interesting and once again, we have magnificent buildings that no one knows they were constructed, and no or little records exist. At one time, there existed a multitude of obelisks (even in the US) that in my opinion were part of energy transmission network (wireless). These were removed just like the evidence of giants (bones found along the west coast).

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Sorry,it's 15:21,check out our lord and masters,the reptilians.They consider themselves to be our owners! They have done a lot more than that to set back our growth.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/NAA_Strategic_Invasion_Methods

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So much of the advanced knowledge has been hidden from us… it’s an age old story "banished from the Garden of Eden for eating from the tree of knowledge,” repeated in the story of Enil and the Annunaki, Prometheus and Zeus, and last Angru Mainyu and Ahura Mazda.

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Let's just think about the alien agenda , for a moment .

We know the military has advanced tech and propulsion systems that spans over 70 years that's not been disclosed to the public…

(wBAN, HAARP, remote viewing, above supersonic propulsion, DEW weapons, molecular disruption, 3D volumetric holograms, LRAD. Etc..)

We know the medical institutions have hidden genetic and toxin technology for decades.

(Biolabs or toxin manufacturers, gene therapies, vaccines, sonic therapies, rife healing etc.)

We know there’s been experimentation of human, animals and hybrids for over a century….

(Cloning or Dolly the sheep, hybrid animal breeding, human augmentation, human enhancement etc.)

So ……

If a “spaceship” suddenly appears, with, advanced knowledge of healing or destruction, being driven by a being that doesn't fit into our normal categorization, that can do things normal humans cannot….

Why would we assume it came from “outer space”?

And not a fauci lab, or Kennedy space center, or the mysterious paper clip weirdos in Antartica.

With all this “alien” global kum by yah unity (one world government agenda) being preached by atheists and transhumanists , it stinks of a Reagan setup.

10,000’s of “satilites” or “satiloons” with unknown tech hovering above our heads, the earth being bombarded with chemicals and emfs, causing cognition and health issues , as well as hiding what's going on up there, and people encouraged to “shoot up” over the common cold, instead of resting and chicken soup,with a propaganda machine at full steam.

“Aliens from outer space” seems even more unlikely…..than it ever was.

……And those promoting it having plenty of money with dubious backgrounds ……

Just sayin’


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Totally withing the realm of possibility, no doubt.

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Has anyone participating in this read

The Fourth Reich?

If you haven’t… you should.

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I love it Alex, that even though everyone else won't agree with EVERYTHING that you print, not even yourself 100% of the minutia, you will still throw EVERYTHING into the mix to be considered and scrutinized.

All falsehoods dissolve in time.

In the end, the truth stands alone.

The Truth stands alone

Hi Ho the dario

The truth stands alone.

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The "hybridization" of human/alien program, IMHO, is what is currently going on with the "hydra" stuff that is in the so called jabs/bioweapons (they are trying to push in the c-jab and all future jabs) that the same named agencies in the Congressional Hearing video do not want to take responsibility for, thinking we are all too stupid to know what they are doing...I sure hope we get to the bottom of this and the truth (not a narritive) gets out to the people.

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Yes, Cnidaria, the phylum to which hydra, jellyfish and coral all belong have a lot of very interesting properties, one of which is “immortality”.


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Thank you for this in-depth Substack. You are truly exceptional at what you do!

I listened to the 2.5 hour linked video that you attached on the Congressional Hearing and questioning of the witnesses. It is quite clear that the PTB don't want us knowing what is going on, IMHO to control us and to control their narrative. The UAP's that have been near Nuclear installations have done nothing...perhaps they are here as friendlies and not to antagonize us? I just wonder if the Gov wants to use this as a narrative, let's say, that these "UAP's/biologicals/AI's" are enemies of humanity, versus them being more intelligent and knowing we are so close to being anhilated by our own race of corrupt elitist parasites, that they will somehow step in to save us.....just thinking outside the box....

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I think Dan Willis suggested that those ships over the silos belonged to friendlies and that they stopped a nuclear conflagration in 1967.

Dr Greer suggests that all off-worlders are benevolent.

Dan Willis obviously disagrees. He says some are friendly and some are not. The ones who gave the Nazis advanced technologies are not.

We’ve been living in a covert Nazi World Order.

The good news is that this thing is in its death throes. At Least, David Martin thought so in August 2023: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-david-martin-dont-fear-the-coming-lockdowns-the-cabal-is-already-dead/

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The Nordics backed Hitler,The draco reptilians are at the top of the pyramid,the annunaki,Nordics and the greys who originally represented the reptilians are in it to share the spoils of war,pretty much our planet and all life on it.Last 3 out of 4 times in the astral I've run into the tall whites,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nordic_Aliens

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I don't frequent this website but I will definitely check out this page.

I just wrote a long answer to your other comment that includes a statement about this.

As I said, I'm going to share Part 2, the technology bit, because it is very interesting.

I will definitely proceed with caution.

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David Martin is spot on on what he does best - pointing out obscure FACTS. I believe he is p*ss poor at predictions, if it is true he believes the Cabal is dead. They get their power from the 'Prince of this world', and he is far from dead, but forging full steam ahead. Look at what his servants are doing in the Middle East - Syria, a decent, pluralist society brought to nought by the Zionist West and their proxy mercenary Jihadist thugs; Genociding and ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians, rolling into Lebanon, and taking over parts of Syria. The Cabal has all the Aces, courtesy of their Master and 'God', Lucifer. 'All this I give you, if falling down you adore me' ('and abuse and sacrifice children to me' - this bit wasn't spoken at the time, comes with the initiation). And the effects of the jabs (and 'shedding' are and will continue to take their toll, with further far worse 'Plandemics', artificially-engineered famines, GMO's, Chemtrails, transhuman 'vaccine' implanted self-replicating technology and CBDC's Mankind is royally f*cked.

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Thanks so much. You are amazing!!! :)

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