Bombshell Interview with Dr William Makis on Using IVERMECTIN and FENBENDAZOLE to Treat/Cure Cancer
Dr William Makis is one of my all-time heroes and it's an absolute delight to get to dig into his research and to share it with you, with this highly-informative interview by Mike Adams.
Since the Globalists obviously desire World War 3, I recently went on a preparedness rampage and I bought all of the things that would have made the 3-week blackout/WW3 Rehearsal that I recently experienced, here in Asheville more tolerable. That shopping list is here.
I do not trust allopathic medicine and I want nothing to do with their killing machine, particularly after having watched both of my parents die the most agonizing, horrific cancer deaths one could imagine, between 2010-2017. I wish I had known then what I know now, as they might still be here.
Two things I determined that were very important to have on hand were ivermectin and fenbendazole, in sufficient quantities to treat cancer after an EMP or nuclear attack and total infrastructure collapse. This was easily and inexpensively achieved via those Amazon links, above and by following Dr Makis' simple, peer-reviewed protocol, which he calls the "Future of Cancer Treatment", here.
Dr Makis says he gives ivermectin to his children when they're coming down with a cold and they bounce back in a day or two. He says it's practically impossible to overdose on ivermectin, as it has a half-life of 18 hours and it's cleared from your body within 2 days.
Listen, read, watch this information – and be empowered!
Mike Adams: Welcome to today's interview on Brighteon.com. I'm Mike Adams and today we're joined by a first-time guest, Dr William Makis, and he has been a prolific writer on Twitter or X, but also on Substack, and he is a radiologist, an oncologist, a cancer researcher, and what I asked him to come on to talk about is how he is tweeting about the fenbendazole protocols and ivermectin protocols that some people are using, you could say experimentally, to treat cancer or to prevent cancer – and I just want to say, as a disclaimer, I'm not your doctor and also, our guest is not your doctor, so this is just for understanding and for studying and researching this topic, but Dr William Mackus, welcome to the show today. It's great to have you on.
Dr William Makis: Thank you very much for having me.
Mike Adams: Well, I'm just thrilled to have you here and I'm so grateful that you are constantly educating people about the subject of ivermectin and "fenben" or fenbendazole, two, you can say, "pharmaceuticals", but ivermectin comes from soil microbes and fenben, I think also comes from a natural source, originally, but these are powerful substances, so please give us a little intro of what got you interested in talking about these two drugs and their applications in human health.
Dr William Makis: Well, I can tell you these are considered "repurposed drugs" and they are anti-parasitics. They are used for various parasite infections. They act on different types of parasites, so ivermectin acts on certain groups of parasites, fenbendazole acts on other parasites, and they are being repurposed, right now for cancer.
Now, it's interesting, because fenbendazole was discovered completely accidentally. It was back in 2017, a gentleman in Oklahoma, Joe Tippens, a gentleman in the 60s, I believe, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Stage 4 small cell lung cancer, and he was sent home to die by his doctors, and he had a veterinary friend of his who said, "Listen, there's a dog medicine, dog dewormer medicine, that was discovered accidentally to have very strong anti-cancer properties. Why don't you try it? You have nothing to lose."
And he put together a protocol with this fenbendazole medicine and also with curcumin, CBD oil, vitamin E, and he cured his terminal cancer, that he had basically less than 1% chance of surviving. And so that was back in 2017, and so this has been known for a few years, now.
There is a Facebook group called the Fenbendazole Cancer Support Group. It has a hundred and ten thousand members. A lot of them are cancer patients, a lot of some of them are family members of cancer patients, so this is a large community, and it works.
In fact, there was a group of Stanford University medical researchers who were so impressed by fenbendazole that they found three patients who had taken fenbendazole, Stage 4 cancer patients, who took fenbendazole, cured their Stage 4 cancers after they had failed every chemotherapy regimen known to mankind, and they published this case series. Now what's funny is that they were not able to recommend fenbendazole to these patients, because it's not FDA-approved.
Now, there is an FDA-approved version of it called "mebendazole", which is virtually identical. Unfortunately, it goes by the brand name of "Vermox". It's much more expensive than fenbendazole, but you can now get generic versions of both for, you know, a dollar a pill.
Mike Adams: So this is what's extraordinary, is that both of these drugs are readily available over-the-counter for veterinary use. For example, and they're very inexpensive because they're both long off-patents, so the generic versions are readily available.
Let me give out your Twitter handle. It's @MAKISMD. That's M-A-K-I-S-M-D. Here's your channel on Twitter.
And then you also have the Substack, which is MAKISMD.substack.com that brings up your Substack page, here with your articles. So, and here we go. Ivermectin and fenbendazole, testimonial Stage 4 prostate cancer patient.
So, one question that has come to my mind in this is: why are you so passionate about this topic? I mean, at first glance, someone who's skeptical might be thinking that you're selling fenbendazole, but that's not the case. So what brings you so much passion about this?
Dr William Makis: I can tell you, I have come at this completely from outside of mainstream medicine. This is really not allowed in mainstream medicine. Right now, repurposed drugs are being suppressed.
They're being suppressed. And let me go to the other one, which is Ivermectin. Ivermectin has a huge body of research in cancer, and this has come out of people digging into Ivermectin for treating COVID-19, for example. We know that it treats COVID-19 successfully, but as some of us were digging through that research, you know, I discovered, for example, that there is a tremendous body of research of Ivermectin actually treating cancer successfully, in different kinds of cancer. I'll give you an example.
A couple of years ago, a group of Mexican researchers tested Ivermectin against 28 different cancers. They had, you know, these different types of cancers in their lab, and they said, "Look, we're gonna test Ivermectin against all of these 28 different cancers," and they found every single cancer responded to Ivermectin. Now, some responded better, some responded not as well, but all 28 cancers responded to ivermectin.
The one that responded the best was ovarian cancer. The second best was breast cancer, and then followed by prostate cancer, and then you've got colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and so on. You know, the various leukemias, lymphomas, and so on.
And so there's this tremendous body of preclinical research. There's research on mice, and they actually gave Ivermectin to children with leukemia and managed to put two of them into remission. These were children who had very aggressive leukemia. They took Ivermectin, and they were put into remission for a while, you know, even though chemo had failed.
Now, unfortunately, again, Ivermectin is off-patent. It went off-patent in 1996. Merck had a patent on it. Now, they're no longer interested in it. During the pandemic, Merck came out and said, "Hey, listen, Ivermectin doesn't work for COVID-19. Don't use it!" and everybody wondered, "Why would they do that? Why would they bash their own drug?"
Well, I discovered the answer, earlier this year. It turns out that Merck has a 50-50 partnership with Moderna, and what they are developing is, they're developing an mRNA cancer vaccine together. It's now in Phase Three clinical trials. It's a $500,000 treatment, once it comes out.
They're first developing it for melanoma. There's now a doctor in Australia, Professor Richard Scolyer, who actually developed a brain cancer after taking a number of COVID-19 vaccines, and he's using their experimental technology, mRNA technology, this mRNA cancer vaccine to try to treat his brain cancer. He's the first person in the world to be getting this experimental treatment from Moderna and Merck – Merck, which used to have the patent on Ivermectin.
And, of course, we know that ivermectin had to be suppressed for the mRNA technology to get a green light, to get Emergency Authorization approval, and to get approved for the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. So, once you start piecing this together, you see the pieces of the puzzle falling.
Mike Adams: We also know, yeah, a hundred percent, and our audience is well-informed on this point, but let me just state the obvious, which is that the drug companies are only interested in profit. They have zero interest in human health, in quality of life, in extending lifespan. Zero. And anybody who assigns to these large drug companies any kind of humanitarian motivation is kidding themselves.
They're only interested in profit, which means the suppression of low-cost, safe, readily available treatments. And, Folks, it's not a conspiracy. It's a business model. It's a business model, OK?
So, the suppression of this, and also remember the FDA, of course, suppressed Ivermectin during COVID. They sent out tweets saying that, "Are you a horse? Stop eating horse paste!" And they were, it was later determined that that was illegal for them to put that tweet out. But the suppression of this continues to this day, doesn't it? Even in the science journals.
Dr William Makis: It does, and it's absolutely incredible, because I have cancer patients asking me every day, and they're asking, "Oh, Dr Makis, can you recommend a doctor who's going to prescribe ivermectin for me to treat my cancer?"
And they're asking because about a few weeks ago, there was a paper published. It was the first paper in the world, co-authored by myself and Dr Paul Marik from the FLCCC, and a dozen other co-authors, some incredible, amazing scientists and doctors from around the world.
We authored a paper that proposed the first protocol, using ivermectin, mebendazole, and fenbendazole in the treatment of aggressive cancers. And so naturally, patients are coming to me and they're asking, "Oh, Dr Makis, you know, can you recommend a doctor in the States who's going to prescribe Ivermectin for cancer for me?"
And I usually tell them "Only if they're suicidal or if they want to see their career finished," because what's happened, is that doctors, like Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik, who recommended and were advocates for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19, they have been stripped of their Internal Medicine Board Certifications!
Mike Adams: Yes, that's right.
Dr William Makis: This is something that has never been done, before in the history of the United States, in medicine. Same thing in Canada. We had a doctor who prescribed ivermectin for COVID, back in 2021. For three years, the medical authorities dragged them through court proceedings and then slapped him with a $40,000 fine and stripped him of his license for several months. I mean, this is the kind of persecution we've never seen in medicine. And this is over ivermectin – something that's a hundred times safer than Tylenol or Advil!
Mike Adams: Remember, we the public, we're always told that medicine is evidence-based. But it turns out that when the evidence doesn't support the profits of the drug companies, then the evidence is thrown out.
And like you say, people who advocate for these safer, lower-risk, more affordable interventions, they can have their licenses yanked. Because the government entities control their license,s in terms of let's say, State Medical License Boards – or, as you said, internal licensing, which is done through a different organization that has its own decision board. But they're heavily influenced by Pharma. Obviously, Pharma controls everything in this space.
But I want to ask you, you mentioned, well, two things. You mentioned earlier, you said that one of the protocols that that man used in 2017 involved also curcumin. Or you either said curcumin or turmeric. I forgot which one.
But I want to ask you, what natural phytochemicals can help accentuate the effects of Ivermectin and fenbendazole when used in these protocols? Is that something that has been studied and is known? Is turmeric one of them?
Dr William Makis: Well, I can tell you that there is a study that was done on mice that showed that vitamin E had a synergy with fenbendazole and seemed to actually shrink tumors better, when you combine them together. Nobody knows why that synergy works, for example. I'll give you another example.
For example, CBD oil. CBD oil, cannabidiol, is a fantastic molecule that has, again, a massive body of preclinical research. There are at least two case reports of it curing lung cancer. And when I say "curing lung cancer", I actually mean curing a three- or four-centimeter lung lesion, completely disappearing after maybe two or three months of just taking CBD oil, a few drops under the tongue, every day.
This has been reported. These were 80-year-old patients who declined chemotherapy. They said, "Look, I'm too old to take chemotherapy. Please don't give me these, you know, these harsh drugs." And they cured their lung cancer with just CBD oil drops under the tongue for a few months!
It has cured skin cancer. So there were patients who are putting CBD oil on their skin cancer and it basically dropped-off after a couple of months and their skin cancer was cured.
We don't hear about these, right? We don't hear about these cures because CBD oil, you know, it's something you buy for 50 bucks or 100 bucks, at most. And again, there's no money in certain cures, right?
And again, I would love to see a clinical trial of, you know, a thousand patients. I believe actually, Professor Angus Dalgleish from the UK did a trial of almost 200 patients with CBD oil and about 92% of them had some kind of a positive response, whether it slowed down the cancer, whether it stopped the cancer, whether it cured the cancer, sort of people who had various types of responses. But he published this several years ago and we simply don't hear about this in the media.
Mike Adams: Yeah, absolutely. But maybe that's going to change, coming up and I want to ask you about what you see, if RFK Jr is confirmed for HHS? I want to ask you about that in a minute.
But let's go back to something else, which is the safety margins or the safety profile of these. You said it's a hundred times safer than other interventions. Talk to us about the safety of ivermectin and fenben and also, how hard is it to overdose? And what does an overdose cause? And I know that, typically these are dosed at a certain number of milligrams or micrograms, per kilogram per day.
But not everybody's great at that math, you know, sometimes. So what happens if someone takes too much?
Dr William Makis: Sure. Well, I can tell you, so it's very interesting. Dr Pierre Kory, who's written a book on ivermectin and he's done a deep dive into the research of safety and so on. I've done a deep dive into the safety research, as well and he's gone on record saying that, "You basically cannot overdose on ivermectin". That even if you take a hundred times the dose, you might have confusion or fatigue.
It's got an 18-hour half-life. By two days, it's completely out of your system. So you might get tired, you might get confused. You know, you sleep it off and it's gone. It's out of your system. So you can't really overdose on ivermectin.
When they created the studies to sabotage ivermectin in the big journals, they couldn't do it by overdosing ivermectin, so they had to do it by underdosing ivermectin and either using it too late or using not enough of a dose. And that's how they tampered with the studies to show that ivermectin "doesn't work".
Mike Adams: I do remember that, that in COVID, ivermectin has to be administered very early, correct?
Dr William Makis: It's good to administer it early. And of course, you know, you want to, there was a dose range. So if you underdosed it, then, you know, you might not get the effect that you wanted. I tend to use sort of a little bit higher dose when it comes to any kind of viral infections, but really any kind of infections in general. I tend to go towards about half a milligram per kilogram.
I believe the lowest was 0.2 milligrams per kilograms. But, you know, in some of these journals, they might have gone even lower and they waited a long time, right? They waited until the patient was really sick and then...they only gave it for a few days and they said, "Oh, look, it doesn't work."
I mean, it was such scientific fraud! It was just pure scientific fraud. Many of these studies published in highly, highly respected journals, and they did it to sabotage ivermectin. They did the same thing to hydroxychloroquine. We know they did it as soon as, you know, President Trump came out and had mentioned hydroxychloroquine as an option.
We suddenly had, you know, these papers come out in the New England Journal of Medicine or Lancet saying that, "Oh! suddenly hydroxychloroquine is causing heart problems." When 50 years of use, there was no record of heart problems with hydroxychloroquine. And then, suddenly there were these questionable papers that had come out. Of course, many of them were then retracted and were, you know, identified as fraudulent.
Mike Adams: Yeah, I recall the Lancet publishing a study on hydroxychloroquine, that the dataset for it was utterly fabricated, created by a company that was run by, I think, an adult actress and a fiction novel writer or something. It was completely insane. But this is the moment when a lot of people, I mean, this the "COVID moment", this is when Western medicine destroyed its credibility, in my opinion and many people woke up. And now we're seeing even guys like, myself who have been steeped in the world of natural medicine and I would never have recommended pharmaceuticals but now I'm pro-Ivermectin, pro-fembendazole, because I recognize, you know, a molecule is a molecule. If a molecule is efficacious and not, you know, not just sold as a patented for-profit item – and especially if it's off-patent and it's being attacked by the establishment, then that, alone lends credibility to the idea of looking at this, right?
So I take, by the way, I take ivermectin prophylactically. If I start to, if I'm going to speak publicly, for example, if I'm going to be around a bunch of people, I will take ivermectin a day before, the day and the day after. I'll do 12 milligrams per day for three days. And that's worked for me. Do you find a lot of people taking it prophylactically, as well?
Dr William Makis: I do. And I'm asked this question a lot, especially when it comes to cancer, because people want to take things, prophylactically for cancer, as well and unfortunately, there's not much research right now, in terms of prophylaxis for cancer.
What you describe is prophylaxis for, let's say, you know, not getting a viral infection, for example. And I mean, that's, you know, that's very, very reasonable. 12 milligrams is a dose you can't go wrong. You won't have any side effects with 12 milligrams. I've used it. I've used it anytime I feel something coming on, like, you know, like some kind of a flu or a cold coming on. You know, my kids have used it and they bounce back really quickly, within a day – they've never been sick for more than a day or two. And they're right back to school feeling great.
So I think it's fantastic. I think everyone should have ivermectin in their home. You can have ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine.
You know, these are good things to have at home. You know, quercetin, zinc. These were other things that people used. Zinc, of course, an amazing antiviral. Then, hydroxychloroquine, you know, gets the zinc into the cells to fight viruses. And this is particularly important, because I see that they keep stirring up this influenza H5N1. They keep trying to make something out of it.
You know, they've talked about "Disease X". They talked about another pandemic. So we have everything we need to fight any kind of future pandemic. There's there's no need to really panic, certainly, no need to be considering any any more of the of the of the contaminated mRNA vaccines.
Mike Adams: Let me mention also, shikimic acid is something I took a special interest in for two reasons, because it's it's found in traditional Chinese medicine, an herb called bājiǎo (八角), which is the "eight-armed" or "eight star". Star anise, I think is what we call it, in English. Shikimic acid is very high in that. Shikimic acid is also found in certain pine needles and I happen to live in Central Texas, where lodgepole pine trees grow. I think that's what they're called. And this species is very, very high shikimic acid.
So I can just go out and collect pine needles, make a tea out of it, boil it, and I can drink anti-pandemic medicine. You know.
Dr William Makis: Absolutely right. And it's fantastic. And so, pine needle tea was one of these these sort of more herbal medicines that people were using to to protect themselves or to treat COVID-19.
And a great one, dandelion root was another one that was popular, that... it was found to be able to bind the spike protein and sort of impair the activity of the spike protein. So, dandelion root, black seed oil [from Nigella] is another one, black cumin seed. What I'm thinking of is Artemisia annua. Yes. Sweet, sweet wormwood or the extract of it, Artemisinin.
What's fascinating about Artemisia annua is that it won the Nobel Prize, just like ivermectin. And when the pandemic hit, the WHO actually gave a warning to people NOT to use Artemisia annua and only use the synthetic product or version of it, because, you know, "You don't know what you're getting and you don't know exactly; people don't know how to use it."
And so anything that was helpful for COVID-19 was attacked. We had vitamin D attacked in Canada! We literally had the biggest health provider in Canada, Alberta Health Services, tell people, "Do not use vitamin D as a preventative, do not use vitamin D as a treatment for COVID-19!"
And we know that vitamin D, in very, very high doses was useful and very helpful for COVID, even very sick COVID patients, even patients that were, you know, in the ICU still benefited from high doses of vitamin D. They attacked vitamin D. They attacked ivermectin. We had Artemisia annua was attacked. Hydroxychloroquine was attacked. Anything that that patients could use to treat themselves and protect themselves was attacked.
Mike Adams: But it's extraordinary, that the governments and the health authorities and the medical journals and many of the hospitals and the protocols that were pushed on the hospitals, it seems to people, like me and our audience that these were designed to cause harm, designed to maximize fatalities during COVID so that they could publish higher COVID fatality numbers, to scare more people into taking the vaccine, for example, or scare people into lockdowns or scare people into wearing masks.
I mean, this was the moment in history when the people of Western civilization witnessed their governments and their medical institutions weaponized and turned against them. Would you disagree with that or do you think that's what we witnessed or what would you add to that?
Dr William Makis: That's absolutely correct. And I think there's no better visual for that than when they put sand in the skate parks and they put wooden bars across basketball nets and they put caution tapes around playgrounds and basically forced kids to stay inside, instead of play outside like they should have. And I will never forget that that visual.
That was the exact opposite of what they should have done. They should have allowed kids to go outside and play, play in the playgrounds, be outside, get sunshine, get fresh air. Everything that came out of Public Health was designed to make people sicker.
And I do believe there was an effort to run-up the deaths. If we look at what happened at in the longterm care, home settings where you had people who were malnourished, dehydrated. They were not given antibiotics. They were allowed to basically get so sick until they were then brought in, you know, put in the ICU, put on ventilators, put on remdesivir, which destroyed their kidneys and then they died in the hospital. And virtually all of all of the deaths occurred in the hospital, under hospital protocols. You didn't have you didn't have homeless people dying. You didn't have people dying at home. How come?
We didn't have thousands of people dying of COVID in their homes? They only died when they got to the hospital.
Mike Adams: Well, I would say that's because they were they were homicided in the hospitals. And the hospitals got financial incentives for doing so. Yes. In some cases, up to half a million dollars [per death].
So, Dr Makis, I mean, number one, I just want to say "Thank you for your courage. Thank you for being a Truth-Teller. Thank you for all that you've done."
You got my attention on X and I I've been retweeting what you've put out there and I've been using ivermectin. I've been using fenben, myself and I've been acquiring it. I've been buying it from veterinary sources. I also live on a ranch. I have donkeys and goats – and goats need a lot of ivermectin, by the way, because they eliminate it very quickly, I found out.
So you have to really like hyperdose the goats, but I use it for dogs, goats and you know, I've got chickens and whatever, but I believe that every person, every person should have a supply of ivermectin and fenbendazole and some other things. But this is the focus here, today.
And for some reason, a lot of people, they like they ask you, "Can you give me a doctor who can prescribe it?" Like, why would you want to pay twenty dollars a pill when you could pay a dollar a pill or whatever, you know? What's your recommendation for or if you can make a recommendation?
I don't want to get you into any trouble, but I've already said I just buy agricultural or veterinary use versions. Is that consistent with what a lot of people are doing today or what are your comments on this?
Dr William Makis: You know, I'll tell you right now there are websites. I believe there's RightToTry.com, for example, where you can you can just buy ivermectin.
There are a number of pharmacies in India, that people are ordering the generic versions of ivermectin or fenbendazole or mebendazole from. It can take a few weeks. You know, it could take three, four weeks to arrive. But a lot of people have successfully been able to get ivermectin like that.
And there are also the veterinary versions of ivermectin. I can tell you, in Canada, for example, we have a lot of farmers and we had trouble getting ivermectin. I know that in the United States, the issue was that you could get a prescription, but then the pharmacy wouldn't fill it.
Mike Adams: Yeah, true. That's crazy!
Dr William Makis: Which which which to me is absolutely insane. It's actually criminal. But in Canada, we had we had a different issue. No doctor could prescribe it, because they would be stripped of their license, immediately. So people, they had to get creative and get veterinary versions of ivermectin – and the liquid version of ivermectin is fantastic.
Some people use the paste – in terms of cancer, you need larger doses of ivermectin so that, you know, may not be feasible with the paste, for example.
But, you know, I've got hundreds of cancer patients and I'd say about 30% of them are taking some sort of veterinary version. It's on their own on their own accord. It's safe. I've seen no no safety issues with it at all. And, you know, we all do what we can for our health. And we try to get access however we can.
Now, this is something, I think the new administration will have to tackle; the Trump administration with RFK Jr. You know, as as the head of the HHS, I think it's something very, very important.
I believe that in the United States, everyone should have access, over-the-counter to ivermectin. And this is human-grade ivermectin, mebendazole. I think fenbendazole should get FDA approval as well. There's no reason for fenbendazole to not be FDA-approved. When you've got mebendazole, which is virtually almost the identical molecule, except one atom is different, and it's got FDA approval, you know, that should be FDA-approved and it should be available to every American.
I really believe in this "Right to Try", where, you know, if you're a cancer patient, you should have access to to these safe medications, despite the fact that they're being repurposed from antiparasitics to cancer, but everyone should have access to these.
To me, it's unacceptable that that in America you don't have access. You have to you have to act like you're on a black market trying to get some "secret, forbidden medicine" that anyone can get at the airport in Mexico, as much as they want.
Mike Adams: Well, I know it's crazy. They turn us into drug-smugglers, just to try to get commonsense medications. When I lived in Ecuador, we could walk into any pharmacy and you could buy any any pill you wanted. And, of course, they sold them like one pill at a time. Also, you could just get one one of these. But same thing is true in Mexico, even in Canada, there there used to be a lot more availability than there is now. But in India, ivermectin is over the counter across India and a lot of people use it there. And that's why I think that's one of the reasons why they did not have such such a rate of deaths associated with the pandemic in India.
But I do want to ask you about the changes that might be headed our way, if RFK Jr is nominated as head of HHS. Now, I think the best thing about RFK Jr. is the fact that he knows where all the skeletons are buried or in the case of Fauci, that's actually a literal thing, because of his experiments on young, African-American boy – they literally are dead and buried.
But what what good things could happen in America if RFK Jr. goes in there and does some really aggressive reforms, to support health, freedom and consumer choice?
I mean, right now, people can buy Tylenol over the counter. That's acetaminophen that causes extreme liver toxicity, especially when combined with alcohol. People kill themselves all the time, on New Year's Eve with with Tylenol and alcohol. You know, that's over the counter. So what are your thoughts?
Dr William Makis: Absolutely. Honestly, I think we're in a situation right now – and we didn't talk about this earlier – but I wanted to mention it because Dr Peter McCullough and I have been affected by this. We had a paper on sudden deaths in COVID-19-vaccinated individuals, autopsy paper, the largest autopsy series in the world. It was censored by the Lancet. It was then censored by another journal. It was ready to be published and then, there was a phone call made to the Editor and they killed it, at the last second.
It has finally passed Peer Review and been published but it's taken two years of extreme censorship. And the paper has been pulled several times, for no reason, other than a political reason and maybe a financial reason, from pressure from the pharmaceutical industry. And so, this has happened a number of times.
A number of papers have been pulled. I've had this paper pulled, with Dr Peter McCullough. Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Jessica Rose have had several papers pulled.
And it's because these papers were inconvenient to the pharmaceutical industry, where there might be some losses suffered by certain pharmaceutical giants, like Pfizer or Moderna. And to have this kind of scientific censorship is unprecedented and unacceptable. And so, what I think we've seen is, I think we've seen a corruption take over medicine, in general, because we had censorship.
Doctors weren't allowed to give Informed Consent to their patients about the COVID-19 vaccines. They weren't allowed to tell their patients about the risks.
Well, you can't do that! You can't have Informed Consent if you're not allowed to tell patients about the risk of the vaccines because you might cause "vaccine hesitancy". If you've got a product that has risks, you must disclose those risks to patients. And so we need to bring back ethics, back into science and into medicine. We also need to bring freedom back. And what that means is that doctors and scientists have to have the freedom to practice their craft ethically, in order to have good science and good medicine.
We don't have that, right now. We certainly don't have that in the United States or Canada. What we have is corruption. We have censorship, the likes of which we've never seen before. We have too much influence of Big Pharma. We have all kinds of retaliation from the medical boards. All of that has to stop. What I call a "complete reset".
They were talking about the Great Reset, after the COVID-19 pandemic. And what they were talking about was trying to get us reset into this kind of dystopian future with Digital ID and vaccine passports and all of this, and restricted travel, and this kind of Communist Great Reset.
What we need is a Great Reset in science and medicine – but a reset back to ethical practices, ethical medicine, and the freedom to do proper science, without any fear of retribution or retaliation from the pharmaceutical industry.
Mike Adams: Well, effectively what you're describing is that in the United States, I know you live in Canada, but in the United States, of course, with our Bill of Rights, back in the early 1790s or late 1780s, when the Bill of Rights was being debated, before it was finally written and signed, you had Dr Benjamin Rush saying that we needed a health freedom amendment. And that was not incorporated.
But I think that should be the Third Amendment. And the current Third Amendment, which is that "We shall not allow British soldiers to be quartered in our homes." I don't think that's as important as a Health Freedom Amendment!
So we can bump the Third Amendment, put in a Health Freedom Amendment, keep the Second and the First. We obviously need those. Expand the First amendment to cover health claims on natural products!
So even doctors like you, you need to be able to have your Freedom of Speech. If you were to practice in America, your Freedom of Speech has to be protected. You need to be able to tell the truth about natural products that work, without having your medical license threatened, which is exactly what's happened.
So Freedom of Speech, and also, Freedom of Speech for nutritional supplement manufacturers. Why can't a, let's say, a tart cherry extract maker tell the truth and link to a government study that says cherry extract treats gout? You know, why is that illegal, effectively? That's crazy. So we need that. I agree with you.
Dr William Makis: I absolutely agree. Yeah. That sounds like a fantastic idea. A Health Freedom Amendment. I would fully support that.
You know, it's amazing right now. I'll tell you something. I'm able to treat patients with ivermectin, but I'm doing it outside of the medical establishment. And so I'm doing it as a "health coach", as a "cancer coach", because that doesn't have strict regulations in, in Canada.
But it's tragic, that I have to give this kind of help to patients. And I'm seeing incredible results. I share them on my Twitter. I show them on my Substack. We see it in the blood work. We see it on the imaging studies.
We see the shrinking and there's no denying it, that there are patients that are being helped and they're being helped. They're afraid to tell their oncologists that they're taking something else, in addition to the chemo that they may be taking, for example. They're afraid, they're afraid to speak to their doctors and I have to do it completely outside of the medical establishment, as their health coach and not as their doctor.
This is like practicing medicine on the black market. It's like you would be doing it, in Communism, right? We can't have that! I mean, this is absolutely unacceptable.
Mike Adams: Well, it is. And the, the cancer industry, which I've been covering for over 20 years, really preys upon humanity, poisons people for profit, frightens people with often a false diagnosis of cancer.
That's a very common thing to like do a mammogram on a woman and then say, "Oh, you have cancer and you're going to die in six months if you don't start chemotherapy." And then that same clinic profits from the sale of the chemotherapy drugs. So you have these perverse incentives, there.
And where that woman, as you said, breast cancer is one of the cancers that responds in a very positive way to ivermectin treatment, but they don't tell her that option, or they don't even tell her her vitamin D may be deficient. You have a lot of black women who have aggressive breast cancers, because the melanin in their skin is blocking vitamin D production. So their vitamin D deficient, almost to the point where if they had a child, the child would be born with rickets. You know, that's how bad it is. But the cancer industry won't tell them you're vitamin D deficient, but just profit off of them.
Dr William Makis: You're actually, you're absolutely right. Every single patient that comes to me, you know, I asked them about their vitamin D levels and virtually none of them know about the importance of vitamin D in cancer. The fact that if you have low vitamin D, you have poor prognosis, as a cancer patient over the long, over the long term. And I asked them, I said, well, has your, has your oncologist tested your vitamin D levels, for example, and all of them say, no, they've never mentioned it.
Mike Adams: That's incredible, they have never mentioned it! It's just unbelievable! Like we don't really have a system of medicine. We just, we have a system, you know, the establishment system is a profiteering racket.
It's really a criminal racketeering operation, in my opinion. And I've been, I've been railing against this for 20-plus years. And now, we finally, there's some hope.
There's some hope of real change here, but only after how many millions of people were, were killed, you know, over the last several years, years because of hospital protocols and so on. But in the few minutes we have left, Dr Makis, I want to be respectful of your time. You mentioned health coaching. Is that a service that you offer to people all over the world, or how can people get in touch with you to take advantage of that?
Dr William Makis: Yeah, right now I'm offering it all over the world. So I have patients from around the world. I have a ton of US patients. I've got patients in Australia, all over Europe, even in parts of Asia, as well. I offer it through my email. People can message me at makisw79@yahoo.com and then, I'll provide, you know, the details and so on of what, what the package entails.
And it's very affordable and I do offer follow-up, as well. And I also help people get access to ivermectin or fenbendazole or mebendazole. You know, what has been really beautiful is that other cancer patients have shared with me how they've managed to get access to some of these repurposed drugs.
Because it's not easy for the average person, you know, they go out there, they have no idea where to start, where to look for these repurposed drugs. And as I said, you know, one thing that I look forward to, and one reason why I applied to RFK Jr's MAHA team, Make America Healthy Again at HHS, and I would love to serve, you know, in sort of any capacity, any way that I can, that I can help, is to make these repurposed drugs available; make them available over-the-counter so that everyone has access to, you know, these antivirals that have been so effective for patients. I can tell you, like, I've seen miraculous stories with ivermectin and we have, you've got incredible, you've got incredible doctors in the United States who've used, who've treated thousands of patients with ivermectin successfully.
They're still being persecuted by their medical boards. They're being stripped of their licenses, like Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Mary Bowden, Dr Peter McCullough, you know, they're being stripped of their licenses and their certifications. I mean, that every doctor should be restored, fully restored, fully compensated.
Every doctor who got things right during the pandemic, you know, should be, you know, restored and compensated properly and maybe put in charge of some important health position, because, you know, a lot of doctors got it wrong and the doctors who rolled over and gave up their medical ethics and gave up their Hippocratic Oath, you know, shouldn't be in any position of power going forward.
And I hope, and like you said, we have this opportunity, this, and it's not, it's not even a once in a generational opportunity. It's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fix a system that has been rotten for a very long time and a system that should really function for the benefit of Americans.
Mike Adams: Well, I've said that the problem with the system is that it's too centralized and the central authorities can easily become corrupted due to money or political influence or some other agenda, which is exactly what we saw. I don't think, you may disagree with me and that's fine, but I don't think that governments or states should license doctors, at all. Instead, I think that there should be accountability and results for every doctor that a patient can, is even encouraged to go to a common website and report the diagnosis and the results and the treatments.
And so, over time, we would gather a tremendous amount of evidence of what treatments work, which doctors are effective. You know, I mean, the data would be amazing, but the industry is not interested in data. They're just interested in profits.
Dr William Makis: Absolutely. And I can tell you that the licensing process, certainly in Canada, but even in the United States, the licensing process has been completely corrupted. The medical bodies have been co-opted and captured. And that's the problem is institutional capture. And that's why I talk about it. We need a complete reset. We need a complete reset in medicine and science because of the institutional capture.
And, you know, in the United States, you have the three-letter agencies that have been captured, you know, whether it's the FDA, the CDC and NIH and so on. And so you have problems with those giant behemoth institutions that have so much influence on how medicine is practiced in the United States.
But, you know, we have we have the same kind of problem in Canada with bureaucracies, with Health Canada being 90% funded by, you know, Big Pharma. But all of these medical boards and all of these colleges of physicians in Canada that have persecuted and targeted doctors and censored doctors, they have to be either dismantled or they have to be prosecuted.
Because they took away the voices of doctors who would have put this pandemic fraud and this vaccine fraud to bed very, very early on. If doctors were allowed to speak up without fear of retribution and retaliation, we would have had the vaccine called-out, back in 2021 when there were various reports accumulating of sudden deaths, when there were reports of myocarditis being far more common than anybody was willing to admit, blood clots, when all these problems started showing up, in early and mid 2021.
If there wasn't retaliation and if there wasn't a gun pointed to every doctor in North America, to keep their mouth shut, you know, this whole vaccine disaster wouldn't have happened. And so I completely agree. Yeah, we need we need to we need to disassemble that entire corrupt system.
Mike Adams: We need a medical reset. Completely agree with what you just said. Now, again, wrapping this up for people to reach you, I think the email address you gave was MakisW79™yahoo.com.
Your sub stack is MakisMD.substack.com. Here's your page here. And look, you are followed by 56 people that I follow! Amazing. What are the odds?
So, any final thoughts, Dr Makis? I mean, this has been a great conversation. What do you what would you like to wrap it up with?
Dr William Makis: Honestly, I just encourage people to keep speaking out. You know, I get I get incredible stories. I get incredible stories in my inbox and and I'll get stories of people who use my protocols, you know, to treat cancer with ivermectin or from fendazole or mebendazole, you know, and they used it on their on their animals and their animals are doing better or they use the protocol, you know, because they heard maybe they heard that, you know, it's it's good in Lyme disease or in Parkinson's disease.
So right now, I have two Parkinson's disease patients who are improving on ivermectin and have had dramatic improvement, because there's a preclinical study in mice showing that that mice had improvements in Parkinson's-like symptoms on ivermectin.
And this all comes from sharing of information, the free sharing of information. Yes. And I think this is so crucial for people to to to speak out. We have a platform. We have a freedom platform on X, on Twitter. I would just encourage people to share their stories, share their experiences.
You never know who's reading, who's watching and how other people can benefit from it. That's why I'm so active on X. I'm very thankful to Elon Musk and his team. I was banned from Twitter for over a year, for raising concerns about mRNA-vaccinating kids five to 11 years old. I thought that was a terrible idea. And within five hours of saying that, I was locked out of my account. I was my account was terminated and I was, you know, kicked out of Twitter for over a year,\] just for pointing out there was a study that showed negative vaccine efficacy for these kids, when they were vaccinated, that they would get sicker more often, which was a fact, which was it was a scientific study that was peer reviewed and published.
And so this is the kind of scientific censorship that went on during the pandemic. So I would just encourage people to keep keep speaking out, keep sharing your stories. And, you know, we're all learning from each other.
Mike Adams: A hundred percent. Well, and I'll on- up you on that! I was banned from Twitter, I think for six years, and I've been banned from YouTube for 10 years, so far. And it's still, it's still going! And it's pretty much because of me speaking out against Big Pharma, by the way.
So, and vaccines do cause autism in some cases, you know, it's obvious, at this point, but Dr Makis, I just want to thank you for your time. Thank you for what you're doing for humanity. I've learned a lot from you.
I've shared your information with many people and I will continue to do so. Please keep in touch with us and let us know how we can help you with your mission. And just, you know, God bless you for all that you're doing. Thank you so much for joining us.
Dr William Makis: Thank you very much for having me.
Mike Adams: Thank you, Dr Makis.
Running Time: 49 mins
This is the best interview I have ever heard. Thank you so much both of you for this. 💕💕
There is one thing left out. Were is there a safe place to buy these dewormers that work against all these health problems?
“It’s super safe the doctor said
even if you end up dead.
For the antidote cannot kill you since
its the leading cause of coincidence” —What’sHerFace
Welcome to the new abnormal where kids dropping dead of heart attacks and stokes is now standard and caused by everything but vaccines: New headlines and warnings since the COVID stroke pokes were announced:
Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at anytime, at any age.
Blood clots: the nation’s favorite drink can make your blood sticky
Video games could trigger heart attacks in kids
New highly reactive chemical in atmosphere could be triggering heart attacks and respiratory disease
Air pollution puts kids as young as five at greater risk of high blood pressure
**University student dies of joy after hearing he passed his exams
Sources and Many more examples of this blatant fraud here: https://tritorch.com/newnormal