Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

What is a Nuremberg 2.0 going to get us? Another β€œwe did it”, while they reshuffle and hide those who have done this. The congressional theater they place before the people, instead of justice for those responsible, will calm the marks, and they will continue to carry on with their plans, just as they have been doing for the last 70 years. Are there a few good men who will fight for the people, in position to do just that? I’m still waiting to see. All I can see is that they continue to legislate, slowly, all those things that allow what is happening today. Most all of them are guilty, no matter what theatrics they use to pacify the people..πŸ’°πŸ’°

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

You hit the nail on the head, Moe! 🎯

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

TOTALLY!!! Got to get the psychopaths at the very, very top for all that has been going on for centuries that they've created to finally end. Take away these psychopathic wimp's money (which they've stolen from ALL of us and our ancestors) and power and they would be crying in their boots. Weak a-holes. Excuse my language but enough is enough!!!!

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

We are all 'waiting to see' what unfolds. Crazy times!

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Jun 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Don't wait, ACT!

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Jun 10Liked by Forbidden.News

Acting while also waiting...

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Jul 20Liked by Forbidden.News

RFKjr, knows this and intends to change it. He has successfully sued the FDA, Monsanto and other unelected 'regulatory' agencies and knows how they work, ..so he is poised in unraveling the tentacles. As a candidate for POTUS, I see no one else who has the courage and brains to take this on.

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I say we skip Nuremberg and march them straight to the gallows.

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The original Nuremberg was a theatrical event so totally agree with you. Yes, they got rid of a several of the many criminals but the one's who truly run everything (who probably were in charge of the Nuremberg Trials in the first place since they play both sides ALWAYS possibly even now) - the vatican, the city of london, at the top trillionaires along with the bank of international settlements - got away with what they always get away with and keep perpetuating the crimes as they have been doing for centuries. They are the ones that need to held accountable!!!!!

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Well said!!

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Yes! Like yesterday! Take out the old farts & all their offspring too! No more waiting & gathering data. We have more than enough evidence. We want action.

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And their minions.

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How about a guillotine?

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You seen the end of Braveheart? That’s what I’d like. Stretched, disemboweled, beheaded, cut in pieces and placed on spikes at the corners of the realm.πŸ˜‡

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Disembowelment is pretty nasty smelly stuff.

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Funny, I just answered my son in law’s question β€œwhat should we do with Fauchi” with the same answer- Braveheart him and sell tickets. Proceeds go to the clot shot injured.

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That seems to be the only thing they will respect.

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Too much time-wasting. I advocate a quick bullet to the back of the head ... so you don't even have to look at these disgusting pricks. The sooner it takes place the better for ALL of humanity.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

No ifs ands or buts, the CIA must GO. From its inception it has been an enemy of the people while they disguised their behavior as necessary for 'national security'.....they must GO as we now know they have grown into immense proportions and generate a lot of their own income from criminal dealings....they are the ENEMY

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CIA killed Kennedy.

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Jun 3Liked by Forbidden.News

RFK said that or is saying that. I have seen a different version of Kennedy's death.

in it you see a bullet coming from the front not the back entering Kennedy's head.

Which even in the main one you see Jacky Kennedy reaching to the back of the car to pick up pieces of his head and brain. Knowing forensics of bullets and things like that I know particles don't spray or go the same way they came in. Meaning you hit a window with like a BB the other side will have the crater and the glass will be on that side not the side you shot from.

That's something I learned as a kid doing stupid things with a bb and shot our window form the outside and the crater was on the inside not the outside so I know just from personal knowledge. So if it was whats his face in the book building as the story of acceptance was true, then Jackie should be picking up stuff from the floor boards not the trunk. coming from the back the hole is small and the shrapnel goes in the direction of the bullet not opposite. Killing a deer the hole where the bullet goes in is always smaller than the back side. I care less what kind of odd round it was or slower or whatever that's always true. The shot that killed him came from the front not the back.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

My grandfather was in that. And he was a horrible perverse man. Never held accountable, died with millions.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Thank you. Some of us have such a low consciousness, with no perspective on what comes after a life on Earth. What they do not know or acknowledge is you are responsible for your deeds (good or bad) here on this planet and you will have to answer for them eventually, whether in this life or another. I veered away from "organized religion" decades ago because they simply were not teaching real spiritual TRUTHS. The many paths I traveled have over time educated me and I am grateful.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

For the love of all that is Holy - STOP referring to 20-21 as a pandemic. There was not one! And please stop the "lab leak" and "gain of function" narratives. Anyone referring to a lab leak or similar are not to be trusted. Let me be clear - there was NO pandemic, there was NO novel new pathogen, and there is not a going forward virus to be concerned with. All of COVID was a 100% lie. The goal was to make humanity to take a dangerous and deadly DNA viral vector platform gene-based injection. Now people are attempting to confuse and point fingers to make the lie linger. Arguing where an unproven virus came only ensures that humanity will think there is something out there to be concerned with. That there is SOME NEW DISEASE. But there wasn’t/isn't. There is no evidence anywhere of β€œsomething new that requires attention”. Both proponents of zoonotic and lab-leak theories share one outcome: To profit off of persuasion convincing people that there was something new & frightening moving among us. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens. This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person β€œhad covid”. There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called β€œa case”. Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared β€œa covid death”. All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent β€œpandemic” was created. Government & media lies were initially all it took to maintain the illusion. Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology. The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a β€œpublic health emergency of international concern”, a PHEIC, or a β€œpandemic”. Immediately after WHO’s fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere. These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. There is a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practice that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes, and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here.

Do not trust people that discuss COVID as a new disease, a disease that needs to be dealt with, or push any lies surrounding around the psyop. Quit allowing the lie to linger. Fight the lie every single time it is presented.

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Yes, it does seem strange that so many people are buying into the lab leak cover-up story of a made-up disease that was portrayed to us with colorful cartoon depictions of a "spike protein" mace ball. Also, it's odd that people believe in the miracle of C-19 shots being formulated and manufactured in record time and that there weren't official concerns over the lack of sufficient testing. (Oh, but likely they were tried on unsuspecting vics some years back...)

That Congress is holding hearings over the Covid leak issue means it's all a lie, the virus, the leak, and that they, politician actors, care about the democide.

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Jun 3Liked by Forbidden.News

Those Morens emails were β€œfound” to satisfy our calls for someone’s head. It’s absurd, with all his talking about how to make an email disappear and their alternative ways of communicating, that he absentmindedly let ALL of these emails be captured. Absurd!! Fauci has been designated the fall guy, just like Oliver North! See where that got us…

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Yes, it's so convenient for us that they forgot to cover their tracks in this instance and let incriminating material be revealed to us, so that we can blame a super functionary face of technocracy and also China.

Strange how the DOD and more than a dozen intel agencies didn't figure this out much earlier or even before it happened...

It's almost as if this GOF and leak plot were scripted. Do we think they've written the show with the fall guy falling in fall?

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Jun 3Liked by Forbidden.News

A little off topic but did you see the report on that singer who was bitten by a bat at her concert while she was singing some witches song? Getting a series of rabies shots, so they say. Something tells me that will run all the talking heads news. Even saw the bite marks, for proof. HmmmmπŸ”

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Jun 11Liked by Forbidden.News

Follow your instincts. I knew I shouldn't get those shots for the simple reason they came out too fast. Also, by definition, they could not be called a "vaccine." But my family fell for the propaganda and practically forced them on me. I caved, even though I knew better. Never again.

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Fauci is throwing Morens under the bus. He's getting away with murder, literally; he's not the "fall guy". I read RFK, jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci. It has around 800 references, it's very implicating. He even made $700 million from paybacks this round. Such a weasel!

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You are 100% correct ... Every time I see leaked info on Wuhan virus my heart just drops ... Nothing is ever "leaked" and the pandemic was unequivocally faked to push the death shot

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Jun 5Liked by Forbidden.News

This IS exactly how I feel!! There was NO pandemic just a psyop on the gullible populace. Well said Champ!!!

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Jun 4Liked by Forbidden.News

The existence of influenza, tho', was proved by its disappearance/absorption into yearly stats. The morbidity numbers were raised by the previous year's vaccine which contained the same toxic ingredient observed in the new vaccine. The flu jab was thus the cause of death of high numbers of elderly people, besides the new protocols introduced in care homes highlighted as aggravating the death counts, eg introducing flu infected folk into as yet infection-free care homes. Just another factor to take into your very good account.

I also would point out that the death rates in 2018 were as high as in 2021, why if not a particularly nasty flu that year?

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Jun 9Liked by Forbidden.News

Absolutely spot on ... The fact that in 2019 was the first time they ever used celebrities to promote the flu shot ... It was this flu shot of 2019 that contained the covid jab ingredients and this is how they convinced the masses that COVID was real... Many were getting sick but this was a mix of the flu shot, mask wearing, hand sanitizer, FEAR and being told to stay indoors away from the vital vitamin D from the sun which they have been shrouding in chemtrails ever since !! And now they are putting the COVID jab ingredients into many other medications and I was one of the unfortunate ones.. they decided to stop issuing my usual inhaler and put me on something new, I have been super careful for years because I don't trust any of them but I was fooled this time, I used the new inhaler for weeks before noticing it was made by ASTRAZENECA..... I had noticed I was becoming unwell with a sore dry mouth dry throat mouth thrush and couldn't taste my food... Within days of stopping I have started to feel better but I feel some damage is already done especially as we recently found out that graphene is now in many inhalers.... Asthma and respiratory illness has shot through the roof since the jab AND chemtrailing and to keep people sick they made sure treatment was an added poison .. we cannot and must not trust ANY medical professional.. they are not healers they are paid to make us sick and worse

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Jun 3Liked by Forbidden.News

WIFI and 5g or RF signals can mimic the symptoms of the alleged Covid.

Both of us have patents on it China and America so if it was released if anything was released we did they did. But yeah even so RF signals EMF and EF can do the same...

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Jun 4Liked by Forbidden.News

The proven existence of graphene oxide reinforces your argument. Graphene amplifies the frequencies and is also very toxic in the body. It has special properties too: properties that initiate and activate electrical conductivity between molecules within body cells and between the cells themselves. The properties of graphene are exceptional from the physical point of view: the thinnest (2D), most flexible, hardest substance available; but also thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic. Its characteristics allow it to be used as a superconductor, electromagnetic wave absorbing material (microwave EM), emitter, signal receiver, quantum antenna; it also makes it possible to create advanced electronics on a nano and micrometric scale. Such is the case, that it is the fundamental nanomaterial for the development of nano-biomedicineelectro-magnetic. It is hailed as a huge scientific breakthrough, but unfortunately it is lethal if injested. That's what they injected into us (apart from mRNA). Curiously it is represented by a cartoon-characterlike figure that looks identical to the Corona Virus spike protein another poster refers to here! What a coincidence!

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Jun 9Liked by Forbidden.News

This is also true and you can look at the Ruby princess Cruise ship when it was quarantined for a month, this ship had just undergone a massive upgrade to 5G prior to people boarding ... If you take the COVID map of the world and put it next to the 5G map of the world it was identical.... Each country that declared COVID underwent the installation of 5G .. during convid I spent my time exposing this and it was the main time I spent banned from social media

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Me too at least from one site. Market research or some site but they ran a covid story about how false it was to say masks don't help. I used one of the CDC's own links and said what they were trying to say was false and it was removed. and I got banned.

On my appeal I said why I am using the CDC's own info I linked the page they used and was still told it was false info. How the fuck is using their own info false info?

I guess if it supports them it's good but if used against them then it's false I guess?


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Jun 5Liked by Forbidden.News

Well said! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Jun 5Β·edited Jun 5

There is one thing that the psychopaths need to protect at all costs. That people continue to believe in scary viruses that need vaccines and medical treatment and make people sacrifice their freedom over and over again. The lab leak theory keeps that belief safe.

If people realize that there is absolutely no proof of any viruses causing disease or replicating or spreading from person to person, the entire industry of western medicine and big pharma falls apart and many trillions of dollars are lost along with one of the most effective tools of control ever invented. Even more powerful than religion.

The lab leak theory is from controlled opposition.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

"...is receding faster than Yuval Noah Harari's hairline!"


Mock them relentlessly! Laugh at them. Make fun of them. They hate that.


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But what are Canadians going to do when Trudeau, his Nazi vice MP, the NDP head MP, and numerous other MP's are graduates of the WEF? They are already writing Canadian Federal laws today to force the WHO/WEF agenda on all Canadians in case those mass-murdering groups fail. Like we get life imprisonment if we reject untested big pharma poisons. They are also planning to delete all vitamin stores in Canada, deleting many health care professionals whose truth they want to lie about, etc. Mocking them is not working and they are writing powerful laws that imprison us for mocking or hating them.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

You're correct, mocking doesn't work nor does it get anything done.

Wow... is there nobody in Canada who can stop them legally?

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Jun 12Liked by Forbidden.News

This might be a start to pushing back on the authoritarianism.


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Jun 8Liked by Forbidden.News

Are you Canadian Debra?

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Jun 8Liked by Forbidden.News

Why do you ask?

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At this point, what else can we do? In Canada and all the other captured countries in the world? Short of lynch mobs, nobody can or will do anything. Do you have any ideas? I'm certainly open to listening to any suggestions Rick. Are you Canadian?

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News


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Alphabet Mafia

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News


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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Hmm, just like the Patriot Act was rolled out ready for a vote in days.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

And there are still those who believe 19 Arabs with box-cutters hijacked those planes! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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I cried when I heard the truth about 9/11. Horrific. Talk about evil demons running DC. They have sold their souls to Satan

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Funny that, huh.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Great work! People/agencies/places/things we once believed to be good are turning out to be the opposite. The first shrub and former CIA head manipulated the agency in all kinds of ways creating all kinds of chaos, wars, and color revolutions with funds from covert operations keeping them away from congressional oversight. The truth will set us free and is finally pulling us out of the huge psy-op we've been forced to live in. God bless the truth tellers and America. Blessings one and all!

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Way too many contradictions here. Was this technology designed for surveillance or for a culling? What is the technology? How is it functioning? This piece lacks clarity.

Hawley is still talking about viruses that do not exist and the gain-of-function red herring. Scientific evidence does not support these concepts.

I see no evidence the elite are scared or running. I see no evidence that any meaningful justice will be served.

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Jun 3Liked by Forbidden.News

I know this clip. I actually emailed that guy and he didn't have much to say about what he meant. I do speculate that a hydrogel could be used as both a biosensor and as part of a weapons system.

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Jun 4Liked by Forbidden.News

See La Quinta Columna or my Gab account for more on this.

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I watched those videos nearly 3 years ago. I saw a lot of speculation.

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Rubbing on the skin? Gates had speculated he would come out with a nasal spray. Diabolical!


This lady hits a home run on what they are up to in the amendments.

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I don't understand the Wuhan leak narrative. If we had the Covid-19 shots ready way before the alleged pandemic, which sounds quite credible, why would the Covid "virus" be accidentally or intentionally leaked from a biolab in China?

Why was there a book in the 1990s that referenced a corona virus pandemic starting in Wuhan from a biolab leak. Don't know if I saved this amazing tidbit. There was even a picture of the bio-lab building that looked exactly like the building in question, but with a different name.

Seems this leak origin story is a made-up talking point to ingrain in our minds that there are such pathogens as viruses and that they can be engineered with gain-of-function and be effectively dispersed into the wind and infect the populations around the world in record time. This is an oh-so-scary scenario to induce people into deferring to technocratic expertise and State and Global totalitarian measures.

Whether viruses exist is in question, whether the Covid spike protein is real many of us highly doubt, and whether a leak of a biological chimeric pathogen can ever, much less immediately, create a global pandemic seems dubious.

Last, the leak story conveniently serves as a deflection from US Gov culpability, with, perhaps, a lower level fall guy designee, Fauci(?) and gins up more antagonism against China in what appears to be march to war, soon., on two fronts. Germany and England are already trying to institute universal conscription of young men and women for war purposes and, I think, also, to shoot them up with jabs and bullets.

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Jun 3Liked by Forbidden.News

The Global Military games were held in Wuhan China (the crossroads of the nation) during peak travel season. The U.S. military strangely didn’t medal. The soldiers were sick….

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Jun 4Liked by Forbidden.News

β€œSpanish Flu” vaccinated and infected soldiers left US to spread germs- same playbook with different technology.

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Chem trails everywhere. Why aren’t they scared themselves. Do they have underground cities? They are destroying their own families

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Jun 4Liked by Forbidden.News

For answers see my Gab account.

Also see Clandestine's substack for his latest brief on the Ukrainian biolabs.

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Saw you excellent Substack page, but do not have a Gab account.

Looked up Clandestine who links the Uke labs to Covid. Could be so, but there are those who say GOF pathogens aren't stable and easy to spread across populations: that, over the years, there's been a noticeable absence of large-scale killer diseases inflicted upon the world by lone actor bio-hackers; and, last, that, even if "enhanced" diseases were easily spread, they could cause havoc and upset the carefully laid out plans for bringing down our current civilization via "controlled chaos." They have to cash out and save themselves, and even their minions, for now...

That GOF products are unstable and not very viable as super germs may very well be disinfo, of course. The Ukranian and other bio-labs do seem to exist, but maybe they're advancing pathogen warfare in an even more nefarious way. I dunno for sure about any of this, except that the Wuhan lab leak story almost certainly is being fed to us like GMO and glyphosated corn to a hog.

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Jun 5Β·edited Jun 5Liked by Forbidden.News

I don't think the mRNA technology works. Malone rejected it early on. I am very confident the real problem is Graphene Oxide

(See my post above describing its properties).This solves the question of whether the purpose is culling or controlling: the answer being both. A slow-acting poison which is easily disguised using propaganda "narratives" (symptoms of COVID and radio-active graphene oxide/radiation are identical) and the rudimentary, initial stages of Brain-Machine interface, MAC addresses can be detected in vaxxed individuals. This is stage one with a view to creating a two-way electronic communication network or Intra-Body-Nanonetwork.


See 4-minute explanation:


Intra-body nanonetwork:


Have you seen Karen Kingston's (substack) work on the Pharmaceutical-Gov. contracts?

Here is the top pinned post on my Gab using this link:


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Good links.

Yes, I completely agree the jab isn't an inoculation except perhaps against our inborn humanity, and that it's intended for cull and kill or cyborg control.

Don't know much about the ModRNA aspect of the new injections, other than realizing that both our RNA and DNA are intentionally being modified and messed up with this tech they call mRNA, but have read about the toxic graphene oxide in them that also slices up vascular and other tissues

Even more existential, as you've been saying, the nano-neural networks made from GO could be the end of our spiritual autonomy and free will. This component of the shots (and in aerial spraying), along with EMF activation and wireless monitoring and programming, doesn't seem to be getting enough notice for some reason-- it should be everywhere on the internet, so it's great you're all over this. Dr. Ana, La Quinta Columna, some important others, too.

Most us will die from this demonic tech injected into us that is being used for AI to possess us. Will the people who survive the unnatural takeovers of their bodies, minds, and spirits be the lucky ones or the undying zombies that FEMA mockingly warned us about a few years back?

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Jun 6Liked by Forbidden.News

Great feedback Miss P, and thank you for taking the time to check back... I don't know the answer to why it isn't getting enough notice, but as we can't fight with our knuckles we might as well fight with our digits! Maybe the best we can hope for is what we are doing, trying to get up to speed on the story before we meld into zombified brain-fog! Another cup-a-coffee needed here ...

Thanks too, to Forbidden News for such valuable contributions. I'm grateful to have found you!

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Jun 3Liked by Forbidden.News


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Yes you are right, the lab leak THEORY does not make sense at all!

Why on earth should we trust a CIA agent?? I'm also getting more suspect of Ana's role in all of this.

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Who's Ana?

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I don’t know who they’re talking about, maybe Dr Ana Mihalcea?

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I am still analyzing the claim that mRNA was "designed" to kill as opposed to mRNA is a poorly researched gene therapy concoction which kills.

But Sadly , according to Scientific American the CIA has indeed used vaccines to perpetrate dastardly misdeeds:

How the CIA’s Fake Vaccination Campaign Endangers Us All.


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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Years ago, the CIA started trouble in Georgia, and Russia send tanks in. Now Russia is busy with Ukraine, we bought a bunch of fags in Georgia to create a coup.

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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

Nobody's mentioning who owned the labs in Wuhan. The Vatican State University has a lot of labs out there --- could it be them? They rent out space there to do genetic experiments which are illegal to do on the continent of Europe. It's in their labs that humans have been crossed with sheep, rhesus monkeys and pigs, for the purpose of growing harvestable organs (they say) but which are not gestated beyond 12 days (they say). They also produced a mouse the size of the Radio Times. As the first covid-death was in Italy, it seems possible that that was the death of one of the lab technicians who fled when the virus broke out. We really need the occupation & identity of these people plus the info about who ran which lab.

This has been totally whitewashed.

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Nothing shocks anymore in fact it's gratifying to hear statements that reflect the current insanity.

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Ralph Baric UNC Chapel Hill + Bat Lady in Wuhan + Peter Daszak = covid bioweapon.

If Baric didn't kill you with his lab's weaponized coronavirus, his lab will kill you with the death drug Remdesivir that they developed.


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Jun 2Liked by Forbidden.News

The Marina's slips are full of nice new white yachts since the 2020 agenda started.

My nieghours now feed the kids horse sausage for protein because they can't afford a fkn pork chop or a chicken for the children.

They have poisoned the supply chain like they said they would.

There is no justice system. It was made for you not them. It's made to beat you down.

They don't pay taxes. That was invented for the useless eatters. Now we are absolutely useless and they are culling the herd.

They have declared war on humanity only most don't Understand this yet or living in a state of denial.

No one is coming to save you. You must save yourselves.

Apple crate rant over.

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We the People working together will save our country, must save our country.

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