It's not really our CIA. Never was. The US is a corporation (28 USC 3002 Section 15abc) and a branch of the Rothschild Coty of London private city-state (the king and queen of England must ask permission to enter this property). CIA, Mossad, MI-6 even Russia's SVR (former KGB) are all buddies and work together on the judeo-masonic globalization order plan.

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City of London. Sorry guys. I can't see sometimes. Not retarded 😂.

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Me neither. I read right through it, thinking it said City. So no worries!

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everyone makes typos!

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The law you're referring to explains the partial definition of the United States in section 15 A, B,C

A) A federal corporation is a government agency that Congress creates to provide a public service and generate revenue. Some examples of federal corporations include: Amtrak, The Tennessee Valley Authority, The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), The Export-Import Bank, and The United States Postal Service.



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The Rothschild family was once the world's wealthiest private family, holding that title in the 19th century. Their wealth declined over the 20th century and was divided among many descendants.

They make fine wine nowadays. Although the head of Rothschild bank did bail out Donald Trump's sixth bankruptcy so Trump gave him a position in his cabinet as Secretary of Commerce.

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Check out the organic Act of 1871. DC is practically it's own little country. Own laws, own codes, etc. United States OF America which means the US is an entity on American soil.

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MI6 trained our CIA.

It’s all one big treasonous organization

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With the input of Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen!!!

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That they want him dead is the greatest reason to vote Trump.

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Perhaps the greatest threat to both us (the people), and more importantly as a focal point, to the Apex Money power (Western central bank cartel) is the loose cannon party of Marxism (the Dem). And this is the reason to vote for Trump.

The second reason for voting in overwhelming numbers for DJT is to be seen in the 2020 election. Because of the overwhelming 2020 DJT vote, we could easily detect and see the 2020election fraud (something that has been going on for a long time) for the coup d'etat usurpation that is was. This has the net effect of discrediting the whole totalitarian state control apparatus for what it is (a vehicle for mass enslavement).

The assassination attemps have never made a lick of sense to me. But for one thing, it would seem to be fairly obvious that an attempt brought successfully executed favors a so-called Deep State status quo. A series of failed attempts favor whomever is behind Team Trump. But again, this and other irregularities ... make the coming to conclusion business problematic. But for sure, the attempts are not any of the popular narritives no being peddled in the public sphere.

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Exactly what your response is meant to be.

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Most if not all global chaos is perped by the CIA et al, and the big stick out of the DOD , that all claim to be promoting freedom and democracy (while our own freedom and democracy is being canablized) are owned by the monopoly capitalists (in violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act etc) which are owned by Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard. All those young uniformed men and women who we are encouraged to honor once each year are not protecting our freedom / democracy. They have been duped to protect and increase the profit margins of wealthy Blackrock et al shareholders and are violating their oaths to do that: to protect the US Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. The US Govt and its Blackrock occupiers are a criminal enterprise, through and through, that is anti-American and hell-bent on the USA and the planet being a new totalitarian (centralized / global) feudal system that will depopulate the planet and substitute A.I. for non-essential people, will own everything and will be happy until the greediest among them eventually eat themselves.

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Couldn’t have said it better, myself!

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Although shame isn't anywhere on their radar, one of the most shameful things the parasites have done is to manipulate, and if necessary coerce, untold millions of the young and innocent into sacrificing their lives to faked-out cabal wars... using the love of their homeland. Lies, lies, everywhere lies.

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Our military and police need to stop selling out like Hessians, to the highest bidder.

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It is strange that there have now been two assassination attempts. Could it be that the Democrats and Deep State are afraid that even if they pull off a certain amount of voter fraud it still won't be enough to keep Donald Trump from getting elected?

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If they thought they could cheat sufficiently, they WOULDN'T do it. Lets you know that it's their last option... after 2 impeachments, 8 years of lawfare, continuously lying to criminalize him in the corporate media, stealing an election and trying to cover it up using the corrupted court system, and, courtesy of Hillary Clinton, faking the absurd pee-pee dossier...all of which they were exposed for. And they've effed up assassinations twice so far and he's still rolling. He's Teflon Don II.....knock on wood.

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As I have said for years now .... until Hillary Clinton is in her 60 square foot lockup in Guantanamo, America will not find peace, progress & justice.

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…and that she, Bill, the Bushes and the Obamas are all publicly hanged, along with associated bureaucrats and banksters/corporates.

• 9/11 continues to go unpunished.

• The robbery of our entire technical civilization and its transfusion into China for the sole purpose of destroying us, etc.

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I doubt Hillary will ever be locked up, least of all at that shimmering mirage, Guantanamo. She's too high in the Satanist cult. Trump wouldn't do it. As soon as he was in office (put there partially on that issue) he began to crawfish, ceremoniously bragging on the Clintons at the Inauguration, soon saying he had no ill intent toward her, etc.. It seems that what he promised was campaign rhetoric. But he soon found out, up close and personal, what a snake she is. Haven't heard him mention it this time around.

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He had mentioned it he said quote " he didn't realize how deep and vast it was,

and the president has no power to lock anyone up has power to pardon but not jail them, and he didn't and won't weaponize the justice department that's unconstitutional and what Obama and Biden does.

He was new didn't know who was good and who was bad so he listened to McConnell on who to put in charge, this time around he knows who's who and will put the right people in that will give America justice and Cash Patel and Robert Radcliff we definitely not their crimes go unpunished

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Donald Trump is a very sophisticated man who knows who's who and what's what because he learns it in the elite circles he moves. I've never believed him naive at al although he sometimes pretends. You don't get where he is by being naive or uninformed. Like all other presidents, he was GIVEN his cabinet and all the important appointments. They say Jimmy Carter had his cabinet all lined up when he was told to shove it and given a list he had to appoint, or else. I think that's the meeting when they run the Zapruder film. He's said to have cried all day when he realized he'd been had. Donald Trump was no different. I doubt he will go along this time, because he's been in the Zapruder film for 8 years. We'll see what happens.

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Hilary for prison!!! howz dat goin for ya???

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...They were both fake. That's why it's so "strange" - it never happened. Trump has never been shot at once in his life, I'd literally bet my children on that.

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Oh ya fake my ass tell Comperators wife and kids it's fake, are you ok upstairs you might need to seek mental help

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There are so many irregularities in this that one is inclined to lean this way. After all, from 911 all the way to the C-19 Health Terrorism Campaign false flag 'incidents' litter the landscape. Why not one more? When false flags are the more habitual commonplace than not. Afterall, when lies (fraud) is not ever prosecuted? What does one get more of?

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In events, you can't be certain what's real and what's not. Reasons for things happening in the geo-political arena (and really all arenas) are seldom happening for the reasons given. Deception is the name of the game. When that's the case, you can bet your bippie that it tracks back to the EL and their hybrids who have always concealed what they're up to. The following infamous quote lets us know what the real deal is:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

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God help your kids nigga

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So you selling them?

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There may well be something to this thought. It looks like a lot of behind the scenes 'pressure' is being appled to make sure Trump gets his votes counted right. Just a hunch. And maybe we might be able to get a better fix on this after Selection Day.

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Exactly right!

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For such a young woman she presents an astute point of view filled with irrefutable facts that most adults twice her tender years can’t seem to comprehend. BRAVO!

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Likely, with a lot of help from PragerU - but who cares, she very bright and gorgeous, to boot!

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agreed! I haven't seen her before but addin'--am I mis-rememberin' or didn't "Crooks" (ha the name) ALSO appear in a Blackrock "commercial" or ad or sumthin'--at a desk, raisin' his hand, etc... this just adds more good fodder to her fire if I'm recallin' correctly...

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Crooks was there, casing the joint but that dead guy on the roof did not look like Crooks. It looked like Yearick.

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yup, the faces were totally different but WHOEVER "Crooks" is -- I find it super sus he wuz in a commercial fer Blackrock (specially given the new connections w/the 2nd perp)--so this is what I was referrin' to (found it...) lousy copy--they pulled the better ones...


crooks is the big headed fella they pan to ('splain'in something) tho he's super fuzzy on my monitor


crisis actor? patsy? alas poor Yearick did anyone know ANY of these fellas "well"--are they all spook hired actors? mkultra'd patsies? read deaths / staged? I tend ta believe we are watchin' a show--but also willing ta believe in BlackRocks full orchestration of a hit... (5d chess...?)

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The Secret Service has previously babysat Trump around this golf course dozens of times.  They long since have known where the weak spots along the fence are.  To not notice Routh waiting there for twelve hours is active feigned ignorance, and at the start of any round of golf such places would have been screened ahead of beginning.   What they actually did was pretend to discover at the last minute what they already knew.  We are supposed to think the Secret Service is a great band of heroes because they did the equivalent of suddenly announcing the finding that water is wet.  Their actions were all about generating appearances, and not about substance.  Why?  Because they are anticipating attack number three,  When it happens, they want to have in the bank the appearance they are not total bumblers all the time.  Even if Trump gets killed by attempt number three.  Especially if Trump gets killed by attempt number three.  The Secret Service is merely planning ahead.

Look at Trump's head the instant he was shot. The right side of is head, with the bullet passing close and parallel, was pointed at the second story window. Not at Crooks. If Trump had been facing more toward his right to Crooks, the right front corner of his head would have caught the bullet. The two guys "guarding" upstairs (who saw Crooks but didn't report him. Hmmmm.) both went downstairs to let somebody in. And it doesn't take two guards to abandon their post to let in one person. It was just a gambit to leave alone and leave behind the Third Man, who was the shooter from that position from the shadows. He was on target, except Trump tilted his head as the round was being squeezed off. And, he probably used a silencer rifle. We also don't have a report of what kind of dope Crooks was on.

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all good "pernts"--all I know is that:

1. they're not gonna tell us who's who -- real or "cast" or MKUltra'd etc

2. supposedly--there are currently 5 MORE plots ta kill DJT which is kinda mind blowin'

Clearly, whatever is staged for whatever reason (there are cui buonos on all sides of this)--imho the one conclusion we kin draw is that they want The Donald DEAD. (An' when I say "staged" I don't deny real casualties either!)

So whatever is bein' set up (with lord knows how many "real" killers an' how many patsies ta mis-direct our sightlines), I'm hopin' someone is gonna watch Trump's back (not that I don't think he has his own skelly-tons in his closet--they all do but I think he's the best we got fer now IF we're allowed ta even have an election)

lol re the findin' out water is wet--YUP!

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I've read Robert Ludlum, William Diehl and Vince Flynn to name a few, and if these two 'kids' are the best the Cabal has to offer, then "Pink Panther Strikes Again" is coming to life with Garland as Closeau. I believe we will see Trump win the presidency and serve his 'third' term, and it can't happen fast enough!

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“Saving America is not a spectator sport,” Juan O Savin. Get out and vote and take 10 others with you.

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“Follow the Money” is as accurate as “the sun rises in the East”.

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I'm making my way slowly through this ebook. It's fascinating to connect the dots of CIA history. 1948 was a turbulent year: Churchill declared an 'Iron Curtain' had fallen across Europe & the world, thus expelling Russia forever from the Western Alliance; the CIA was created that year, & the National Security Agency; Israel declared statehood, & its existence as the Jewish homeland.

Then 5 years later, 1953, the CIA launched the first regime change, of the democratically elected leader of Iran; in 1961 they carried out the Bay of Pigs operation in Cuba(?); & in 1963 rumblings had started of an imminent mission in Vietnam. In 10 years 3 operations. Kennedy made his speech promising to smash the CIA into a thousand splinters. Months later JFK was killed by the CIA. Over a period of 5 years 4 public figures would be killed by the CIA: JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, & RFKJr. As the 60s youth movement gained traction (& against which the CIA launched LSD & the drug culture) the CIA expanded into Laos & Cambodia & the military got mired in Vietnam.

Nixon mirrored JFK's intention to roll back the CIA & NSA but was sidelined with the lawfare of Watergate. And so the CIA & emerging surveillance state remain in place to this day. George H. W. Bush became President in 1988, & he had been the chief of CIA. JFK/Nixon failed, & CIA/Bush 1 & 2 succeeded.

I'd had no idea this template of CIA/NSA subversion & control was the underlying narrative since 1948.

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Yes, and note that the CIA, in addition to all of the major Postwar institutions; NATO, the UN and its agencies, like the WHO and other US agencies, like NASA and the CDC; when you look at who was involved in the founding of these, you find high-level Nazi officers and Generals.

The WEF is the front-facing arm of the Bilderberg group, which was founded by a rabid Nazi and its leaders and acolytes, like Klaus Schwab and Chrystia Freeland are from Nazi families.

In 2019, the WEF took control of the UN. COVID was an exercise in being dictated-to by Nazis, who are a compartmentalized unit of the criminal Satanic system that controls our world.

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Without a doubt.

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The out-facing structure of the criminal cabal is hugely CORPORATE. Cut to the chase, incorporation is used by the cabal to avoid personal responsibility of the actors involved, to ensure that the benefit of shareholders are legally the only consideration, and to internally connect the cabal via membership on interlocking boards of corporations that run everything. BlackRock is the acme of the heap. So it's cabal central. It wouldn't surprise me to know that the corporate United States is also owned by BlackRock. It makes perfect sense that BlackRock, using their CIA bone crushers, would be behind all political assassinations. And it also makes perfect sense that the FBI/DOJ as well as the corporate Congress are their agents. All of those were created or manipulated to protect cabal "business." All of them have been used against Trump. Repeatedly. The world-eating agenda of the cabal is enacted corporately, including government, created agencies, NGO's and all the institutions....medicine, health, education, welfare, on and on. The scamdemic is a brilliant example of how this works to advance the cabal's evil social agendas and make vast money for the participants. Assassination is only one tool in the kit.

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'black rock' is slang for crack cocaine.

there is an infamous black rock ensconced in a wall display at the main mosque in Mecca, and is believed by Moslems to have religious significance.

'black rock' or black metal, as a sub-genre of heavy metal, uses satanic imagery & lyrics.

It wouldn't surprise me if BlackRock was involved in both assassination attempts.

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I saw a photo of a cube magnet with iron filings circling around it and a photo of the black rock in Mecca with pilgrims doing the same circling. Must be some relationship there.

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Thanks for the like. Don't know if you have looked at this yet, but it's completely in line with your post.


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Excellent article Reality.

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Love forbidden things

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The evil can not pierce the armor of God and God is obviously protecting Trump making him Trump's armour, is obvious God is not hiding his miracle in saving Trump.

The will continue to try because them jailing him didn't work and they know that kamaltoe cannot beat him but Gods armour is bullet proof

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You have no idea what you are saying. Trump is just the other side of the same coin. This man plan to take away your religious liberty together with Vance. They will force you to go to church but not on the true Sabbath of the Lord. Then let us see what you are taking about saying God is working a miracle for him. Be careful of deceit. In my opinion you have no party or candidate in your country that is looking out for you.

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I agree that we should all be as aware as we can be but your assertion that Trump will force religious practice on anyone is Unconstitutional and that is the opposite of what Trump is about.

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You're so wrong.

Question how can you continue to watch the same news that has lied you guys over and over lied to you about the Russian lied to you about Hunter biden's laptop they lied to you about everything and you continue to watch them and trust them like I said you have something wrong mentally and you need to go get it checked out

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What rock did you crawl out of underneath are you stupid get off CNN MSNBC and ABC CBS they are such liars and you are an idiot the only taking anybody religious freedom away the ones that don't like Christians and Catholics and that's a demon rats you're full you sound so stupid really come out of underneath that rock and come into the real world idiot

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