(Running Time: 24 mins - Pub. Feb 22, 2025 on ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net)
There are unconfirmed reports that Cyrus Parsa has died from a bullet wound to the head and that he was found by his mother on Thursday. Local police are calling it a suicide but his mother is pressing for an investigation.
My heart hurts, because Cyrus' benevolence was resounding. He truly meant well.
Cyrus Parsa posted this video to Twitter on the afternoon of January 8, 2025, where he admitted to being very overwrought and to having had a "breakdown".
Frankly, his perturbed state in this video looks like a more aggravated version of my own state: not sleeping, staying up all night to write these posts and scraping-by to stay alive, while trying to "save the world".
Watching Cyrus here, I almost feel like I am looking at myself and I realize that I can't keep doing what I'm doing, the way that I'm doing it.
Like me, he was in a consciousness war and he was killing himself, in the process.
As I understand it, Cyrus was born in Tehran to a Zoroastrian family. Because they were not Muslim, they were compelled to flee the Ayatollah Regime to the US when he was a child.
He makes references to the Twelver Shia Islamist End Times cult that drives much of Iranian terrorism – which he indicates is the ideology of the terror cells now embedded within the US.
He refers to their ideology as "not Iranian" and of being "Sayyid", a term I've never heard before but that I infer came with the Islamic conquest of Iran during the 7th century AD.
Previously, I promoted Cyrus' mind-blowing film and I've referred to his work many times.
(Running Time: 24 mins - Pub. Nov 7, 2024 on ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net)
In the January 8th 2025 video, Cyrus appears to be primarily addressing the Iranian government, warning them to call home their terrorist troops that are now embedded on US Soil and to stop them from committing any terrorist acts. He refers to a thwarted ISIS attack that was to occur in the US between Christmas and New Years'.
He warns the Iranian government that US technology is 60 years ahead of theirs and that an attack on US Soil would not work out well for them.
He also refers to the existence of "energy" and of "UFOs" and to his being affected by "parallel universes", which reminds me of my research and of my own crazy experiences, while writing this book.
So, I don't want to end up like Dear Cyrus. So, I'm going to go do my taxes. I'll be on with James Grundvig and Kerry Cassidy next Monday and I'll post that here, as soon as I get it.
Cyrus Parsa: Yeah, I need to stay and help both sides – President Trump and Obama's sides and the CIA – to tweak a future algorithm and a future strategy to save a lot of lives – and even yourselves.
But also, if I'm taken out, a lot of people will be injured, even yourselves. So yeah, call it off.
And I want to just recover and gain my Old Self back. It's very, very important.
So, President Trump, President Obama, Elon Musk, the CIA Director, everyone else, please call it off.
I'm going to stay and I'm going to help you guys tweak another algorithm. So that, if you harm me, all the energy that I've given you will come and destroy you, as well. So it's just like a reverse-karmic thing.
So I want to help. That was my goal. I want to help.
So a lot of things will be destroyed, even here or other places, right? If I'm touched. My goal was to help. I want to help.
So don't touch Elon. Don't touch President Trump. Don't touch President Obama. Please don't hurt each other.
I want to recover to my Old Self, because I went through a lot and it may take about a month or something, but then, I will help you guys, because there are a lot of issues and you do have these crafts. So yes, I want to stay and I want to help. I don't want to give up, because there's a lot of issues.
And in terms of the Iranian leadership, Supreme Leader – yeah, you need to give up immediately – that weapon you have, you give it up. You give it up. Go to your own province. No weapons. You just have your little mosque and that's it. That's the only condition for your survival.
And then, the Iranian people can be free.
And other places, if you've been doing a lot of bad things, you know; murdering, raping people. The hostages? Look, 1,200 people! Give up the hostages! 1,200 people! You know; brutally raped them, right? You butchered them! Think about it! Evil!
So, very short timeline. These hostages, they need to be released. Very short. Everyone, in one piece. Don't touch them. Every single one!
Supreme Leader of Iran, this message goes to you: Call it, get it taken away. Every hostage must be hand-delivered, nicely, without delay.
To the Israeli government: Now. OK? No more. No more games. Time is coming down, OK? You have to do this.
I want to get my energy back and I want to support our government. I want to support – I think President Trump is best to lead the strategy – and even with Elon.
But either side shouldn't be touched. It shouldn't be touched. Stop what you're doing. Very, very important. Very, very important.
And the CIA directors: Yeah, I want to work with people. I want to show you what I can do. I just got to recover. I took on a lot. It takes a little bit of time.
And yeah, I can do something which almost, our Superintelligence can but – about there – yes.
But don't harm anybody, please. And we can handle this Iranian Regime issue.
In terms of our country: do not touch American Citizens. Nobody. No bombs go off. No nothing, in our country. Zero. OK?
You'll have a lot of pain if you do this. OK? Any sympathizers to any jihadists in this country will be gone. Think about it. Why is the Middle East, it is the way it is?
This is not savage 2,000, 3,000 years ago, right? Yeah.
So, nobody approves of jihad. This is not going to be the End of the World but yeah, you can't approve when somebody attacks another and rapes and kills them – barbaric, like that. 1,200 people. Can't do that!
But this has to do with so many different things, at higher levels. And there's really an operating system and there are different things that are affecting people and there are UFOs.
But higher above that, there is God.
But there's a timeline. There's so many things that have to be done, right? It takes years. So, we don't need destruction. It needs to be a future of renewal. It's very, very important.
Remember what I said about that whole power issue? How something starts running an app in the brain, to do something? Yeah.
Again, if I was listened-to – I was – a couple billion people lived, because of what I did. Maybe three billion. Because I was listened to, right?
We already had the oceans were about to lift [DEW-cased megatsunamis?]. That was saved. And so many other stuff.
So, if I'm taken out, it'll reverse, because the effort that was done from a lot of people watching me.
And it's just pure power, effort. That's all it was and yeah. A great deal of effort.
And I just prayed to God. That was it. And a lot of visions, as a little kid.
But we can develop AI to a high level. That's not an issue. We have to have control of it.
And the CCP? Yeah. It's another issue. But for now, we just stay with this:
Hostages must be returned, OK? Very, very important. Hostages must be returned, immediately!
And there can't be peace between the Palestinian people and the State of Israel. It just can't. It's gone 70, 80 years. And those people, you've been born into a different setting.
So best: the Supreme Leader of Iran gives you safe passage to a province that he'll go to, himself. OK? Because we do have these crafts. OK?
There are certain technologies, even lasers that we have. You want to even see. You'll just be taken-out.
The Iranian regime: the US is 60 years ahead of you in technology.
You just have a couple of things that are very dangerous. That's it. But you'll be destroyed. So get out of town. That's it. It'll be an ultimatum for you.
The hostages must be released. You can't hostage people at gunpoint or threaten to kill them or kill them. You can't do that.
You just can't do that. OK? The fact that we haven't run a huge war, like this is because we want to save lives. Right?
So give up the hostages! Give up the hostages. Yeah. Give up the hostages. OK? Give up the hostages.
It's very, very important.
And we don't need to do any killing of anyone around here, residents or anything like that.
Stay, as it is. OK?
I want to help our President. I want to help both sides.
I want to help build safe AI, that's going to be better than our adversaries'. Let's stick with that. OK?
I'll do that. I just need to recover, to get to where I was before. I need a little time with that.
But yeah, leave President Trump be.
And leave the other side be, please.
Because it has to do with energy, right? And yeah, we do have these UFO crafts.
So yeah. I just don't want to not say it. We do have it. OK?
And those ghost white aliens, they exist. They know that. They know that.
So yeah. OK? We have quite a bit of technology. And other things.
We have certain drones, that the Iranian regime does not have. OK? Or China.
Our Pentagon doesn't show you what they have, OK? They have certain things that are unbelievable. OK? Unbelievable. OK? So leave people alone.
No, I don't want you to come get me. Don't touch me. Because it'll curse you guys. It'll take your energy away. And on both sides.
And I'll get everything back that I gave out. All the sacrifice I made. And everything from your families will go back to me.
So I want to work. I want to work. Just don't hit other people, please. OK? Let's not do that. Let's not do that.
Keep Elon safe. Keep President Trump safe, his family. Keep the other side safe. Let's keep with that.
What was going to happen between 25th to January 1st? It was ISIS.
So let's just stick with that. And yeah, I don't know who hacked into the computer to give me that number. And I think it was a lie that the person, I was about to meet the President.
It was just some kind of PSYOP, that was done from some kind of government. So yeah, that's what I was trying to say. I haven't slept for eight days straight, for a lot of pressure, right?
So let's just stay as-is. I love the people here. My two neighbors are very nice. This other one.
There's entities in parallel universes that go in, up and down and affect things. And there's a timeline that people have, as well.
We don't need to destroy things. OK? Very, very important. Leave people be.
But you know, it could have been done much better, if I was able to tell you guys about the operating system, right? So the second thing was to be able to do with the script. Then, if it was taken out, I wasn't able to do it, wasn't able to solve. So then, I have to come here and have people watch me.
And then, we averted World War III in 2023 with the nukes. And it was going to happen again, right at the end of 2024. The ocean's going to lift.
We averted those two things twice. OK?
So it can come back. We don't want to do that.
And yeah, if people go around, if you keep on spreading bloodshed, the energy will build and build and build. Once it builds and builds, it will just spiral. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And then, everything will be torched. You know? I don't think that's what God wants. I don't think God wants everything destroyed.
You know? You don't want that. You don't need chaos.
We're going to have a beautiful future. That's what we need. OK?
So we don't want to do stuff like this. Let's stop.
No more killing, anywhere. OK? But the hostages, yeah, you need to be released. The people who are holding them and the people around them, you have very little time. Very little time. Very little time. OK? So give them up immediately, OK?
You've had them for a year and a half. How many people did you rape or murder and torture? And then, what happened to your own people? Right? Just think about it!
So, but for me, my concern was planetary, right? And I was appalled, when that was done, but it has to do with billions of things that are coming, at one time.
So my focus was: timeline. And I've said some things that I'm trying to recall things and I'm trying to explain them, but they don't come out right. OK?
So I've had a lot of pressure on me and because I've done some tweaking, in order to deflect what I ran into someone that was – I thought it was a Jewish person – but then it ended up being an Iranian person who was faking to be a Jewish person.
And they ended up being connected to the Iranian Regime. So then I had to PSYOP and then, use my ESP, because he also had a little ESP, but he's a little devilish; to figure out what the Iranian Regime had.
Because in 2020, they got shipments of hypersonic missiles during lockdown – and from the CCP, OK?
And again, what they were trying to do, they lined up the first time to make it look like, "Oh, we're the good guys!" Right?
And they were trying it and we didn't hit anything. Line up the second time, it went through, right?
So, they were ready to go to the third one. And then, Israel would strike back and then "Boom", they would release something else they had, right?
So these Iranians – they're not Iranians, the people controlling their Iranian regime, they're not Iranians. In fact, they're not of Iranian blood. Most of them are something mixed. They call them "Siyyids".
So mixed of a couple of different things, not even Iranian or Persian – so, they can bring the Messiah by going to war and things like that.
But yeah, the Ayatollah Khamenei, your time is up!
What happened to Khomeini? Right?
So, you need to pack up. Pick a province. We can say Qom. How's Qom? OK? You go to Qom. Stay there. Your holy place.
Surround your perimeter. No one will come in, ever. You'll have your own media for your own people inside there, OK?
That's it. But you can't broadcast out of the country and you won't have any weapons, either. Zero. You can stay there. Then you can live. OK?
And anyone else who wants to live outside, you live outside.
And this command will come from the Supreme Leader of Iran. Because, you care about the people in Israel, the Hebrew people, and you care about the Iranian people, and you care about everyone else around the planet. So do that!
Because, we do have this spaceship. We have a lot of things. OK? But when I was putting out this trailer a couple years ago, the CIA was mimicking that we had these "ghost aliens" and different things.
So they have so many photos and images. You have no idea. A great deal of them, OK?
So let's just do it that way. There was something that was going to happen between 25 and the 1st, and it didn't happen. Well, it started to happen but I fixed it, but then it was… Anyway.
President Trump must be protected. And so is President Obama, CIA directors, and everyone else.Just stick with that. And let's make it a beautiful future.
But if we start killing, it'll create a lot of vortex. So, people in America must be safe. We've got to do that.
People have to learn. You can't sympathize with people who want to create terrorism and kill; torture people. You can't do that. OK?
So you can leave our country. It's plain and simple. You leave our country. That's it. You leave our country. You cannot stay here, if you're going to be like that. No way. You can't do that. OK? We won't allow jihad in America. We will not allow this. OK?
You must do this. This is how it must be done. Because I need to make sure I alter the timeline and the script and get people like Elon and the Pentagon and other side to help and so, we can do certain things by tweaking certain things I want to do. OK?
I'd like to help and also get feedback, as well. But I want to recover myself, so I can be my Old Self. OK? I took on a lot. So yes.
Remember, this whole thing has to do with the operating system controlling people, right?
So let's forgive each other. Let's move forward. No more. No more. OK? Right there.
Hostages; your time's up. No more negotiating. Your time is up. You have to release these hostages, OK? Your time is up. Give up the hostages.
President Trump: you're the man to be able to solve this, that's what I saw in my visions. That's why I work so hard.
But we also need to help, on this side – and that side. So that's what needs to be done.
And I had a breakdown, because a bunch of things happened.
And I've been at this for six years, straight. And just doing things, six years, straight. And one time, 30-days straight, I didn't sleep and worked straight, around the o'clock. So, it's been very taxing, taxing on me.
Let's do that.
Please, nobody touch my mother, my father. They don't know anything about it. But they don't like the Regime of Iran. And any other family – anyone has other people's families – don't touch them.
Don't touch anybody. Stop it. OK? In UK and other places, listen: you were welcomed in Europe. You were welcomed in the US, right?
We welcomed you, right? So you can't be spreading jihad. You can't do that. Why would you come there, in the first place? If your country was so good to begin with, under your religion, then why did you move to the US? Why did you move to Europe?
So either you come, you assimilate to our culture, to Western civilization, or you don't. You can't have the jihadist mentality. You cannot do that. You don't belong in Western civilization, if you do that. Nobody does. You can't do that.
And yes, through ESP, there's quite a bit of cells in this country, other places.
You: you don't touch nobody. Don't do anything crazy. Plain and simple.
The Supreme leader of Iran: they'll take you out, easily if they want to. But I don't want these other things to happen.
So you have to order your people to go back to Qom, OK? Go back to Qom. OK? And you can have your religious law there, because that's how it's supposed to be, alright? You will not be able to defeat the US.
Just maybe both sides could be destroyed, or something. But you're not, you're not going to be able to – well, actually, no – you won't be able to destroy Israel. You won't be able to do that. But you will not be able to do that.
But you need to leave, OK? You need to give up that weapon that you have, or these techniques you're trying to pull, and you move.
Take everyone that borders Israel: gone.
Those people can't live next to each other, because they want to kill each other. And they've been killing each other for a long time.
And it goes back to, you know, the Hebrew people (video cuts off).
I wish I could express how much I and many others appreciate the great work you have been doing Alexandra, and the inspiration you are to us who see what is happening. Who see you. Take care of yourself, I and many others have come to love you and long for you to have the peace, fulfillment and satisfaction for all you have done and are doing, doing your part, and more for the cause of truth and freedom. Show that you love yourself as you do us by not sacrificing your health and well-being by doing so much more than is expected by the Divine Presence within.
Alexandra, I think it is wise to stay away for a while and recover. Or even post weekly. I know the weight of writing daily because of the commitment we set for ourselves. But your Substack is much, much tougher because of the type of things you are reporting. We are not built for that as humans, and the enemy can take advantage when we are weak. Descansar es para un camino mas largo. May our Lord bless you.