I wish I could express how much I and many others appreciate the great work you have been doing Alexandra, and the inspiration you are to us who see what is happening. Who see you. Take care of yourself, I and many others have come to love you and long for you to have the peace, fulfillment and satisfaction for all you have done and are doing, doing your part, and more for the cause of truth and freedom. Show that you love yourself as you do us by not sacrificing your health and well-being by doing so much more than is expected by the Divine Presence within.
Alexandra, I think it is wise to stay away for a while and recover. Or even post weekly. I know the weight of writing daily because of the commitment we set for ourselves. But your Substack is much, much tougher because of the type of things you are reporting. We are not built for that as humans, and the enemy can take advantage when we are weak. Descansar es para un camino mas largo. May our Lord bless you.
I concur. Health and wellbeing are paramount because without either of those it’s a slippery slope into a downward spiral. Weekly posts or even every other week posts until you can catch your breath. God bless.
Cyrus was a True Holy Man trying his best to alert us to what is ahead for Humanity. He understood things that most of us are not even aware of!!! To have so much knowledge & not be able to get the message across to us Normies was very frustrating for him, for sure!!! Alexandra, you must do what is best for your own wellbeing!! Ask the Positive Forces around you to guide you in the right direction in your own Personal Journey!! Hugs from this Grandma!!
OMG! Such a true humanitarian and heart of compassion!! I was in tears. 😥
Alexandra, I agree with everyone else who loves you and wishes good health for you....please take a break for however long you need to revive yourself. Surround yourself with beauty and peace and God's words. Bring comfort to your soul.
I know you need sustenance but I know from my own experience that God provides for those who believe in Him.
🫣 I'm really hoping he only psyoped himself out of the picture to get some energy back and ward off evil. If he has been working in timeline energy fields he will be so exhausted. Please God keep him safe wherever he is. The same for you Alexandra I pray God keeps you sustained in all the ways you so desperately need 💕🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🧿
Very sad to hear this news, I bought two of his books a few years back. I don't want to jump to conclusions and hope more details will emerge. Thank you for posting.
Is it possible the links are not working for others? Just wanted to let you know, Alexandra. I am going to go to FK.com, sure I will get in there. Weird.
I have never heard of cyrus Parsa, but Ican tell form the bit I read before trying to watch the video that I wish had known of him, and I was immediately sad for the loss of him even without knowing him from before. I feel sure I will remain sad as I read/watch more. Yes, may he rest in peace.
Alexandra -- take 'er easy! We need you around...and all your good work. Kick back with a pitcher of margaritas, watch a silly movie, have some dumb laughs, rest up, then get back to it when you are more relaxed. We all can contribute but we can't do it by ourselves.
WOW...this is something else. I always thought that Cyrus was doing his best to assist us and have always admired his courage.
My guess is that he was under serious attack - electromagnetic frequency targeting - and the fact that he wasn't sleeping is the recipe for a mental breakdown. Making it impossible to get sleep is an old torture tactic that most TIs are well aware of...it can break you like few things can.
Hard to say whether he was eliminated, but it wouldn't be surprising.
Amazing streams of consciousness about UFOs...and timelines...I wasn't too aware of his foray into that world, heard hm mention it in passing, but I haven't followed him for quite some time.
I do think his intentions were always good - trying to help us navigate this insanity.
It's interesting that you would be thinking/re-evaluating what you are doing here on ss and writing, through the headaches, scrambling to survive and staying on the battlefield. I've been having those same thoughts....a lot. Is there somewhere else that I need to focus my precious little time and effort?
I'm almost ready to exit this corral, which we know it to be. Thinking what difference does any of this make when people are so triggered by just about everything you might offer an opinion on - we are all so mind-controlled, traumatized and subject to so much mind-altering tech that civility and respectful discourse has all but disappeared...I'm sure that Cyrus was feeling many of these same things.
Way too many people simply live to lash out, insult and belittle anything that doesn't align with their rage point at the moment. Feels like I could be doing so many other creative and positive things than wading through that insanity.
And this platform, which I've always seen as a huge net to corral the dissidents - is set up to usher in new people, who have no clue about the work you've done prior to their arrival, where they unload in a rage about things that you've addressed and tackled years ago.
It's feeling more and more like a dead end and a futile endeavor. And how dare you feel optimistic about anything...honestly...I'm almost done here. Especially with people who never contribute anything of value - vomiting all over comments...they don't stay up late every night, researching madly, to sound the alarms - they just come by, well-rested, secure in their superiority and proceed to dump and insult anyone they can find to disagree with...
Is it really worth our precious time? I'm certainly done entertaining any comments that are even remotely disrespectful...DONE...knowing full well that the zombie apocalypse is upon us...
"If it seems that some people have lost their minds...it's because they have."
To evict/clear out the Diva Drops Asylum or shut it down? Both are seriously on the table. It's difficult to step back when it is in your genes to report the world you see around you. But it is a burn out, especially in such times as these...it's never been so intense.
So, if I shift to another timeline, just know that you've been a beacon of light in this darkness...and I so appreciate all that you've shared and contributed. Love and Respect! 💞
And, Cyrus has a place in our consciousness - he will be inspiring us all from the other side.
I was checking out groceries earlier this week and the cashier started screaming about the "Dictator" Trump. My stepfather just now sent a mass-email to our huge family, saying the EXACT same thing. It's 100% DNC Talking Points. Zero ability to independently assess information. They can't see with their own eyes. They can only think what they're told to think.
So, there's very little relief for me, except for in the moral support of my readers and from my brother, who lives with me and is the only family member who isn't a brainwashed automaton – and of course, the fact that Trump won and he's doing what he's doing and the hope I still hold out that some day, everybody will wake up and be friends again.
One of my neighbors and my step brother are brainwashed as well. I just smile, don't listen to them and wish them well. Just ignore them and remember, God wants us to love each other and gives us these tests to burn the rough edges off us and transform us into diamonds. ♥️
That’s what I did with the cashier. I just smiled calmly and told her gently, “I disagree”.
Now, with my siblings and other family members, my disappointment borders on outrage and a feelings of betrayal.
They care more about a bunch of fired bureaucrats – who are actually their mortal enemies – than they do about the fact that these bureaucrats have stolen trillions of their own tax dollars, ruined their children’s futures and they broke the law when they ordered the online industry to deploy censorship, which destroyed my business and my life; destroyed my hopes and dreams, to say nothing of destroying the national discourse and ripping families apart, by dint of their criminal activities.
My family members are so moronic, it’s WORSE than if they were dead, because, it would be easier to feel sorry for them if they weren’t alive and prancing around, narcissistically and idiotically believing that their opinions are virtuous.
Many of them were born with silver spoons in their mouths and they’ve had the best educations that money can buy and they have no right to be that stupid!
I’ve always thought my escape hatch could be Brazil, but that country is even more strangled by the grips of Communism than the US. I might be arrested at the airport if I landed there, for all I know. It’s totally nuts there.
There’s nothing for me to do but to find another way to make a living and to keep fighting this evil on the side, until the search engines are un-f@cked and advertisers starting advertising to the majority of Americans, again.
I can definitely relate to your frustration, Alexandra. It's very difficult for intelligent people to navigate this brainwashed society. But just remember, sister, that you are NOT alone. There are thousands of us in the boat navigating this storm.
Please take a few deep breaths. Watch something peaceful or beautiful and release your anger. We love you and support you and you have a family with us. So you can decouple from other biological family members who don't support you. Don't beat yourself up over their blindness. Sending you a big hug. 🩷
I have the same problem with three of my four siblings. I've actually felt hatred for them, and then, of course, feel guilty about my hatred. I'm in poor physical health and have been since 2021, and I think it's because of stress. The reason I'm not clinically depressed right now (I have a history of it) is that I have platforms like this Substack to keep me company. That, and my bird feeder on my patio, and sunshine. 🌞
It hurts when people that you actually like and seem to have good hearts fall victim to this mind control propaganda and are fixated on false narratives of hate and misunderstanding. Truth comes through in the end, "it doesn't need you are me to exist, it's just one of those things in life that is" in the words of a song by my old friend Jeff Haislip called "The Secret." I feel there will be a time and place where it will prevail and be known by all, in a better world, a golden age. Those awakened ones will inherit it.
one more thing...don't know if you heard that George Webb just went through an assault...he is doing ok now, thankfully - he has always been a hero to me.
Hello i enjoy your articles ! And will be sad to see you succumb to pressure from yourself and society. Sometimes when life becomes so hard you need to push yourself forward and the more you push the more the universe pushes back. .. wait a minute the universe only pushes back when im heading in the wrong thinking... cause thinking is the name of this reality. I look at my problematic barriers from a different perspective or from many different perspectives. I sit back do a bit of meditation if i still cannot find a way around, over, through or under it... it aint suppose to work. If i reflect on my perspectives i usually discover another avenue or path that i missed cause i was to busy pushing against the machine.
Alexandra, especially during these trying times, your health is essential. Everyday, do something that allows you to escape from the challenges of the day and brings you joy. The fight for right and freedom is not going anywhere, it will remain, but because of your efforts and those of other patriots, we will pray the fight shrinks as right and freedom prevails.
I wish I could express how much I and many others appreciate the great work you have been doing Alexandra, and the inspiration you are to us who see what is happening. Who see you. Take care of yourself, I and many others have come to love you and long for you to have the peace, fulfillment and satisfaction for all you have done and are doing, doing your part, and more for the cause of truth and freedom. Show that you love yourself as you do us by not sacrificing your health and well-being by doing so much more than is expected by the Divine Presence within.
Alexandra, I think it is wise to stay away for a while and recover. Or even post weekly. I know the weight of writing daily because of the commitment we set for ourselves. But your Substack is much, much tougher because of the type of things you are reporting. We are not built for that as humans, and the enemy can take advantage when we are weak. Descansar es para un camino mas largo. May our Lord bless you.
I concur. Health and wellbeing are paramount because without either of those it’s a slippery slope into a downward spiral. Weekly posts or even every other week posts until you can catch your breath. God bless.
Cyrus was a True Holy Man trying his best to alert us to what is ahead for Humanity. He understood things that most of us are not even aware of!!! To have so much knowledge & not be able to get the message across to us Normies was very frustrating for him, for sure!!! Alexandra, you must do what is best for your own wellbeing!! Ask the Positive Forces around you to guide you in the right direction in your own Personal Journey!! Hugs from this Grandma!!
I seriously doubt he killed himself.
There's no way.
Thank you for your dedication and hard work. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
OMG! Such a true humanitarian and heart of compassion!! I was in tears. 😥
Alexandra, I agree with everyone else who loves you and wishes good health for you....please take a break for however long you need to revive yourself. Surround yourself with beauty and peace and God's words. Bring comfort to your soul.
I know you need sustenance but I know from my own experience that God provides for those who believe in Him.
🫣 I'm really hoping he only psyoped himself out of the picture to get some energy back and ward off evil. If he has been working in timeline energy fields he will be so exhausted. Please God keep him safe wherever he is. The same for you Alexandra I pray God keeps you sustained in all the ways you so desperately need 💕🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🧿
I pray that this turns out to NOT be true about Cyrus. And yes, Alexandra, please take care of yourself. Nobody is going to do it for you.
Charity begins at home!!
Very sad to hear this news, I bought two of his books a few years back. I don't want to jump to conclusions and hope more details will emerge. Thank you for posting.
Is it possible the links are not working for others? Just wanted to let you know, Alexandra. I am going to go to FK.com, sure I will get in there. Weird.
I have never heard of cyrus Parsa, but Ican tell form the bit I read before trying to watch the video that I wish had known of him, and I was immediately sad for the loss of him even without knowing him from before. I feel sure I will remain sad as I read/watch more. Yes, may he rest in peace.
Alexandra -- take 'er easy! We need you around...and all your good work. Kick back with a pitcher of margaritas, watch a silly movie, have some dumb laughs, rest up, then get back to it when you are more relaxed. We all can contribute but we can't do it by ourselves.
Thanks Alexandra.
Here's my latest on the Bird Flu Planscamdemic. https://montanarcc.substack.com/p/bird-flu-the-next-planscamdemic
WOW...this is something else. I always thought that Cyrus was doing his best to assist us and have always admired his courage.
My guess is that he was under serious attack - electromagnetic frequency targeting - and the fact that he wasn't sleeping is the recipe for a mental breakdown. Making it impossible to get sleep is an old torture tactic that most TIs are well aware of...it can break you like few things can.
Hard to say whether he was eliminated, but it wouldn't be surprising.
Amazing streams of consciousness about UFOs...and timelines...I wasn't too aware of his foray into that world, heard hm mention it in passing, but I haven't followed him for quite some time.
I do think his intentions were always good - trying to help us navigate this insanity.
It's interesting that you would be thinking/re-evaluating what you are doing here on ss and writing, through the headaches, scrambling to survive and staying on the battlefield. I've been having those same thoughts....a lot. Is there somewhere else that I need to focus my precious little time and effort?
I'm almost ready to exit this corral, which we know it to be. Thinking what difference does any of this make when people are so triggered by just about everything you might offer an opinion on - we are all so mind-controlled, traumatized and subject to so much mind-altering tech that civility and respectful discourse has all but disappeared...I'm sure that Cyrus was feeling many of these same things.
Way too many people simply live to lash out, insult and belittle anything that doesn't align with their rage point at the moment. Feels like I could be doing so many other creative and positive things than wading through that insanity.
And this platform, which I've always seen as a huge net to corral the dissidents - is set up to usher in new people, who have no clue about the work you've done prior to their arrival, where they unload in a rage about things that you've addressed and tackled years ago.
It's feeling more and more like a dead end and a futile endeavor. And how dare you feel optimistic about anything...honestly...I'm almost done here. Especially with people who never contribute anything of value - vomiting all over comments...they don't stay up late every night, researching madly, to sound the alarms - they just come by, well-rested, secure in their superiority and proceed to dump and insult anyone they can find to disagree with...
Is it really worth our precious time? I'm certainly done entertaining any comments that are even remotely disrespectful...DONE...knowing full well that the zombie apocalypse is upon us...
"If it seems that some people have lost their minds...it's because they have."
To evict/clear out the Diva Drops Asylum or shut it down? Both are seriously on the table. It's difficult to step back when it is in your genes to report the world you see around you. But it is a burn out, especially in such times as these...it's never been so intense.
So, if I shift to another timeline, just know that you've been a beacon of light in this darkness...and I so appreciate all that you've shared and contributed. Love and Respect! 💞
And, Cyrus has a place in our consciousness - he will be inspiring us all from the other side.
I was checking out groceries earlier this week and the cashier started screaming about the "Dictator" Trump. My stepfather just now sent a mass-email to our huge family, saying the EXACT same thing. It's 100% DNC Talking Points. Zero ability to independently assess information. They can't see with their own eyes. They can only think what they're told to think.
So, there's very little relief for me, except for in the moral support of my readers and from my brother, who lives with me and is the only family member who isn't a brainwashed automaton – and of course, the fact that Trump won and he's doing what he's doing and the hope I still hold out that some day, everybody will wake up and be friends again.
One of my neighbors and my step brother are brainwashed as well. I just smile, don't listen to them and wish them well. Just ignore them and remember, God wants us to love each other and gives us these tests to burn the rough edges off us and transform us into diamonds. ♥️
That’s what I did with the cashier. I just smiled calmly and told her gently, “I disagree”.
Now, with my siblings and other family members, my disappointment borders on outrage and a feelings of betrayal.
They care more about a bunch of fired bureaucrats – who are actually their mortal enemies – than they do about the fact that these bureaucrats have stolen trillions of their own tax dollars, ruined their children’s futures and they broke the law when they ordered the online industry to deploy censorship, which destroyed my business and my life; destroyed my hopes and dreams, to say nothing of destroying the national discourse and ripping families apart, by dint of their criminal activities.
My family members are so moronic, it’s WORSE than if they were dead, because, it would be easier to feel sorry for them if they weren’t alive and prancing around, narcissistically and idiotically believing that their opinions are virtuous.
Many of them were born with silver spoons in their mouths and they’ve had the best educations that money can buy and they have no right to be that stupid!
I’ve always thought my escape hatch could be Brazil, but that country is even more strangled by the grips of Communism than the US. I might be arrested at the airport if I landed there, for all I know. It’s totally nuts there.
There’s nothing for me to do but to find another way to make a living and to keep fighting this evil on the side, until the search engines are un-f@cked and advertisers starting advertising to the majority of Americans, again.
I can definitely relate to your frustration, Alexandra. It's very difficult for intelligent people to navigate this brainwashed society. But just remember, sister, that you are NOT alone. There are thousands of us in the boat navigating this storm.
Please take a few deep breaths. Watch something peaceful or beautiful and release your anger. We love you and support you and you have a family with us. So you can decouple from other biological family members who don't support you. Don't beat yourself up over their blindness. Sending you a big hug. 🩷
I have the same problem with three of my four siblings. I've actually felt hatred for them, and then, of course, feel guilty about my hatred. I'm in poor physical health and have been since 2021, and I think it's because of stress. The reason I'm not clinically depressed right now (I have a history of it) is that I have platforms like this Substack to keep me company. That, and my bird feeder on my patio, and sunshine. 🌞
It hurts when people that you actually like and seem to have good hearts fall victim to this mind control propaganda and are fixated on false narratives of hate and misunderstanding. Truth comes through in the end, "it doesn't need you are me to exist, it's just one of those things in life that is" in the words of a song by my old friend Jeff Haislip called "The Secret." I feel there will be a time and place where it will prevail and be known by all, in a better world, a golden age. Those awakened ones will inherit it.
one more thing...don't know if you heard that George Webb just went through an assault...he is doing ok now, thankfully - he has always been a hero to me.
No, I hadn't heard he was assaulted but he's 6'8" and can just fall on top of somebody and take them out lol
Hypersonic Missiles [from CCP]
Paramount Disclosure
: Cells in U.S.
8 Days -0- sleep = altered state of consciousness
These revelations are plausible.
May he RIP
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen
Hello i enjoy your articles ! And will be sad to see you succumb to pressure from yourself and society. Sometimes when life becomes so hard you need to push yourself forward and the more you push the more the universe pushes back. .. wait a minute the universe only pushes back when im heading in the wrong thinking... cause thinking is the name of this reality. I look at my problematic barriers from a different perspective or from many different perspectives. I sit back do a bit of meditation if i still cannot find a way around, over, through or under it... it aint suppose to work. If i reflect on my perspectives i usually discover another avenue or path that i missed cause i was to busy pushing against the machine.
Balance love and harmony
Indeed there is a lot to be said for Going Walk About.
Alexandra, especially during these trying times, your health is essential. Everyday, do something that allows you to escape from the challenges of the day and brings you joy. The fight for right and freedom is not going anywhere, it will remain, but because of your efforts and those of other patriots, we will pray the fight shrinks as right and freedom prevails.