After listening to Steven Greer, this is the for public consumption level. Control by anger.
The Uber psychopaths are two levels up!
Trillions of dark agencies later and 80 plus years of technology advances beyond comprehension of the Uber majority and here we be! At least this is seeing some light…
After listening to Steven Greer, this is the for public consumption level. Control by anger.
The Uber psychopaths are two levels up!
Trillions of dark agencies later and 80 plus years of technology advances beyond comprehension of the Uber majority and here we be! At least this is seeing some light…
After listening to Steven Greer, this is the for public consumption level. Control by anger.
The Uber psychopaths are two levels up!
Trillions of dark agencies later and 80 plus years of technology advances beyond comprehension of the Uber majority and here we be! At least this is seeing some light…