The UNITED STATES is a global private incorporated entity that prints US DOLLARS; it is a beast of legal fictions. Its purpose and essence is commerce. Everything it touches is covered in a cloak of make believe. We need to see through the fog of fantasy if we ever hope to hold true value. Gold, too, is fake money.
The UNITED STATES is a global private incorporated entity that prints US DOLLARS; it is a beast of legal fictions. Its purpose and essence is commerce. Everything it touches is covered in a cloak of make believe. We need to see through the fog of fantasy if we ever hope to hold true value. Gold, too, is fake money.
The UNITED STATES is a global private incorporated entity that prints US DOLLARS; it is a beast of legal fictions. Its purpose and essence is commerce. Everything it touches is covered in a cloak of make believe. We need to see through the fog of fantasy if we ever hope to hold true value. Gold, too, is fake money.