When they were creating this vaccine using mRNA, I read up on it extensively and refused to be vexed. I just didn’t trust that tech .

But what I read now is far worse than I ever imagined.

There is definitely a conspiracy of silence and powerful entities trying to suppress the truth, like all social media did during Covid .

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I've had 8 jabs, 7 of Pfizer and 1 of Moderna. No Covid as far as I can tell. I do not believe in a conspiracy of silence forever. No secrets stay hidden for ever. Everything eventually comes out. I just do not buy the conspiracy crap around the vaccines.

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I’m glad you’re OK!

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now that the 9th circuit has ruled that the mrna jabs are not a vaccine the lawsuits should be coming- bigger than cigarettes and asbestos

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You know, I actually thought about going to law school in 2021 because I knew how this was going to end up and I wanted to be on the front lines. Maybe it's not too late.

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I wonder what has taken so long - the fraud was obvious and the payouts to class action trial lawyers could/should be in the billions

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Look how long it took them to nail big tobacco.

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Debunked: A US appeals court did not rule that mRNA shots are not really 'vaccines'. The claim was spread by US political figures, as well as Eddie Hobbs.

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What did the appeals court rule then about the jabs?

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You have the ability to check it out just as much as much as I do. So check it out when you have some time.

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That's BS. What do you get out of lying like Trump? Does it make you feel like your smart?

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8 jabs plus Biden Campaign talking points. It must be time for your next booster. Are you sad Trump didn't get his brains blown up on live TV today?

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I guess Wayne doesn't recognize that his mind is going. That 9th jab ought to do it.

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Maybe Wayne’s a bot ! They get around a bit. But they don’t usually make spelling mistakes, although it’s a homonym mistake.

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At least william didn’t let spelling mistakes come into his comment.

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Smart enough to know "your" in this context is spelled "you're".

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VARES and DM ED reports do not lie - millions affected

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for now

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I guess you’re ok with fauchi getting g a 81 million dollar mention & $$350,000 a year from Pfizer for life .. 😂 nothing to see here . Just like odor control underwear for men . Go get you some sucka . !!!

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BS! Documents show that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins received 58 royalty payments from 2010 to 2021 for their research. Only three of the payments came in 2020 or 2021; the rest were made prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. But social media posts falsely claimed all the payments were “for allowing companies to use their COVID-19 vaccines.”

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These turds aren’t doctors but beurocratic hand picked puppets

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Thanks. I'm in my 70s and all my friends around the same age have also the same or a few less than I have had and so far there isn't any of us that have any issues with the vaccines.

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VAERS shows that 100% of COVID-19 vaccine deaths had been caused by just 5% of the batches

Pfizer whistlebower, Melissa McAtee says she believes only 30% of the production line in her Kansas facility where she did QC was deadly. She believes it was the lots with Luciferase, so victims could be tracked: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/pfizer-whistleblower-melissa-mcattee-discuss-vaccine-fraud-with-nicholas-veniamin/

The death statistics suggest that "Red" districts were given the "Death Shot" and the "Blue" districts were given saline. People in Kentucky died from the vaxx at a rate 1900% higher than Californians: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/cdc-confirms-that-majority-of-fatal-covid-vaccines-were-knowingly-sent-to-red-states/

Except for me, my vast extended family all live in places like Manhattan, Chicago, LA and Marin County and they're hardcore Democrats, so they RAN to go take the shot. They're all fine, except for 2 or 3, who I think have been cognitively affected/impaired. But they don't have Turbo Cancers. Yet. 🤞

I hope you and yours got the saline.

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Most my family friends live in blue states… few that I know are sick have been maimed, or are dead. My brother lives in a blue state by red zone, he has had some health issues.

Anecdotally hoping praying you’re right for the sake of my two oldest kids getting vaxxed.

Still think anyone getting shots for a harmless virus

Is not wise and has definitely rolled the dice.

Young people athletes just don’t die on the field

Young people don’t have cancer heart disease etc.

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My sister and her husband are early 70’s, have had at least 5 jabs, they seem to be ok, but we only communicate by email. My thinking is that they have had placebos for some reason.

I tried to talk them out of having them, many articles etc, but no, they wouldn’t believe me-I’ve given up.

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I finally got my cousins to stop

🛑 after their 7th or 8th jab. Never give up 🙏🙏

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I really don’t want to push it, snarky arguments were starting to break out. And my sister said to my spouse that she basically doesn’t believe info I give/tell her. I haven’t heard from them for a while, maybe something’s wrong. It would have to be major for them to not write for a long time. A few more days, I’ll send another message.

I am glad you got your cousins to stop! It must have been a harrowing few years! I didn’t want to give up, but the arguments weren’t good.

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Very interesting. Can I ask where you are located? No identifying details, just country and/or how far from equator will do. And occupation would be helpful. :)

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Hmmm. I thought he was just lucky but now I just looked at that again: 7 Pfizer and 1 Moderna jabs and he's still alive! Zero subscribers to his non-existent newsletter. Shilling for Big Pharma. He may be a paid "influencer" managed by Stanley McChrystal's https://PeopleFirst.cc, for all we know.

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This is funny! I hope! I say he’s a bot !

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Wayne if you were an aristocrat and wanted to kill off 90% of the population what would be a great way to do it? Hummmmmmmm It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out now. Come on Wayne think boy think


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A small number of the vaxxed are dying right now because their body is reacting to the foreign nanoscale materials inside the COVID jabs - but this is just the hardware component of an extremely complicated system that has been in the making since 1932.

Graphene oxide has been designed to connect everyone's WBAN to the Sentient World Simulation A.I. cloud... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tn4aQ6SWEo

Implantable Mesh Electronics: Harvard scientist Dr Charles Leiber's work on silicon nanowires centered around the development of an injectable synthetic nervous system for humans (Brain-to-Compurer Interface), however, graphene oxide was found to be a MUCH better medium. Everything that silicon can do graphene oxide can do 1,000 times more efficiently. "Our goal to bridge the gap between the structure and mechanical properties of neural (organic) and electronic (digital) networks a decade ago has now led to the realization of mesh electronics that ‘look and behave’ just like neural tissue... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438817301952

These technologies are so far advanced that nanoscale electronic networks have become indistinguishable from organic neurons. Just about every ailment known to wo/mankind can now be reproduced digitally by a computer. It is now possible to inject a synthetic neuronal network into someone and infect them with computer generated ailments from a distance via EMF networks. They can also spray you from above and have you breath in the nano, or put it into the food and your local water supply. All of it is building a read & write synthetic neuronal network inside of you that enables the transmission of digital ailments. Ailments like fast cancer, long COVID, shortness of breath... or absolutely anything their psycho minds can think of.

Just about every ailment known to wo/mankind CAN NOW BE REPRODUCED DIGITALLY BY A COMPUTER. Isn't that what was used in 2020 to create the formula for the COVID shot,, ie, a digital computer sequence which was sent directly to Pfizer and Moderna from the Wuhan lab in China? I mean, they are telling you right to your face what they're doing.

Pandemic Vials Contain Nanoscale Electronic Components (Rare Earth Metals) - Not Biology... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-Vials-Contain-Electronics---Not-Biology:9?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

This is mostly being done to facilitate the coming Central Bank Bio-Digital Quantum Financial System. Most peoples immune systems won't be able to process these toxic materials, as well as the increased radiation poisoning from 5G, so they will die, and their deaths will be blamed on COVID. However, some people will be able to adjust, just as some Targeted Individuals have survived the system beta-testing phase.

The same thing happened in 1918 when millions of people had to adjust to the electrification of the Earth project which began just before the Spanish Flu epidemic. They were injecting people with vaccines back then too.

The jabs aren't killing many people right now because 5G has not been fully deployed yet. The next wave of deaths will start slowly and increase as more and more 5G antenna's come online. When fully deployed these antenna's will probably kill billions - and you don't need to be vaxxed either because the same self assembling nanoscale materials are being sprayed on us every day via the chemtrails... https://www.bitchute.com/video/btVRfCSMMe1v/

They know these mass deaths are coming because that's what always happens... The first time around they killed 50 million people and Spanish Flu was the excuse, and this time its going to be blamed on COVID, or some other manufactured disease.

21st Century Diseases are a Program... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Tony%2C-FM8-and-Cherie:b?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

The video linked below discusses events surrounding the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic which happened just after the global introduction of radiation wave technology (radio waves). Why are the same families and institutions who controlled the Radio Wave narrative after the Spanish Flu pandemic also controlling the 5G narrative in 2020? https://open.lbry.com/@psychoNWO:9/Covid-19...-5G...-Spanish-Flu---The-Usual-Suspects:9?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUd

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Discusses the link between viral epidemics and the development of electro-magnetic technologies going back to 1917... https://open.lbry.com/@psychoNWO:9/ΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟΣ-ΚΑΙ-5G--Ομιλία-του-Dr.-Thomas-Cowan-που-έγινε-στην-“Health-And-Human-Rights-Summit”-στην-T:e?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUd

These are FREQUENCY WEAPONS. That's why they are installing self-assembling microprocessors and routers inside of us. Of course the nano will cause a negative physical reaction in the blood and organs in some people BUT THIS IS ONLY THE HARDWARE COMPONENT. A small percentage of Targeted Individuals couldn't be assimilated for this reason as well and they died relatively quickly. This is what we are seeing now in the vaxxed,, ie, there will be an initial minor die-off event because not all of the the vaxxed can be assimilated.

There are no naturally occurring (organic) pathogens in the jabs. What's affecting peoples at the moment is the A.I. based nanoscale hardware system that's being installed inside them.

The real killing hasn't even begun.

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Way past 5G now. That’s just a name… 🙏 it’s gonna be bad when they turn it on fully ..

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Technocracy 2020. Discusses the 1932 economic plan to use an 'energy' based accounting system to enslave us all and usher in a technocratic Dark Age... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Technocracy-2020:6

Defense Intelligence Agency Report on EMF Mind Control. From 1972... UHF Telepathy and hive mind collective consciousness... Wilhelm Reich-chi/prana/bioplasma life force energy (WBAN)... MK-Ultra during the Vietnam War... Schumann resonance - hacking the earth's electro-magnetic field... Flower of life pineal gland experiments... Mind control, EEG human to machine telepathy and psycho-energetics... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Defense-Intelligence-Agency-Report-on-Mind-Control:3

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Hope & Tivon join Maria Zeee to expose the links between IEEE, the human biofield, Wireless Body Area Network, energy harvesting, and the disturbing revelation that the COVID shots were in fact the “system upgrade” the globalists needed to make their dystopian “Internet of Everything” future work... https://zeeemedia.com/interview/hope-tivon-wban-they-have-achieved-the-transhumanism-system-upgrade/

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Hopefully you won’t get long term effects

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You haven’t been watching the right science. Try nonvaxer420 on rumble. Has he first sourced science.. no conspiracy, just hidden facts & science

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You must’ve really been scared.

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I’m near 70 and statistically us males die at a median age of 79 anyway prior to COVID-19.

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Not all the lots are as toxic, some are placebos. It appears you've gotten lucky so FAR.

Watch this psychiatrist who was married to a 2 star general explain what is going on.


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Freemasonry is a good example of nothing staying secret forever.

But with the jabs, why? Why did you have so many?

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The vaccine corporations and governments lied, but the sheeple allowed fear and terror of a relatively harmless virus, no worse than the common flu or cold virus, to control their lives, or the sheeple were forced to take the bio-weapon vaccine by various governments around the world, and as usual, the vaccine corporations went laughing all the way to the bank and they have complete immunity from prosecution for the deaths and vaccine injuries caused by the bio-weapon de-population vaccine. Where I live in England, the sheeple queued up to get the Covidiot jab and the Covidiot booster and they stood six feet apart from each other just in case they caught the Covidiot virus, such is the mentality of the sheeple.

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I didn’t. I’ve been screaming from the rooftops since April of 2020 and I’ve been de-platformed and excommunicated by everyone and my online publishing business lost $50k last year. It’s never lost money in 13 years but I can’t imagine “going along” with any of this nonsense.

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I’ve been reading/watching Forbidden TV for a few years before you went on substack-I know you are a person of integrity, just trying to show people the truth. I’m sorry for you that your business lost so much money.

Keep telling truth, the truth will set us free. (Hopefully) 🙂

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If you are got the “truth” why are you not exposing Trump for the globalist puppet that he is ?

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I think the propaganda for the “disease” was so strong, even intelligent people fell for it. But as most of us awake people know, it’s so hard to tell/show people what we believe is the truth. It’s like Dr Ana says-we can’t wake them up.

Doesn’t mean we don’t keep trying. We don’t want to call people names, well I don’t-I just want people to come to our side, and awaken. We may have a chance.

And I agree with Dr Ana, people need to be sued!

There’s this thefreedomproject2020.org

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It’s way too late for lawfare. Check out Psienergy on Odyssey and learn how to activate your Chi for personal protection from the new silent weapons..🙏

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Yes, I’m not saying sueing someone would be successful, but it would be nice! The videos you mean are Sabrina aren’t they? I’ve watched a few, it’s difficult-for me anyway. Someone told me a strategy for watching and learning from her, but I’ve lost it! Will try again though. Thanks. ❤️✝️🙏

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Also nonvaxer420 on Rumble has the science videos that Sabrina talks about. Many have issues with her style 🙏

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Thanks for that JP !

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6 feet apart is the ultimate working distance for the nano sensors that were in the jab … they had it all figured out .. mass brain washing..

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The sheeple were standing six feet apart BEFORE they were jabbed with the Covidiot vaccine, and yes, the pandemic was planned some 10 years before the alleged virus became a pandemic and THEY definitely had it all figured out, but as for mass brainwashing, how can you WASH what isn't there? I hope you didn't get jabbed?

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Knew it was a hoax from go,every post on FB for about 18 months was evidence and Ron Paul posted a it's a hoax meme on twitter and got nothing but Boo's.I knew they would try forced vac's.Brainwashed,mind controlled and programmed from the cradle to the grave has been going on for a long time.We are being bombarded by frequencies for mind control 24/7,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Moon

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Yup 👍

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Nope 2.

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The people in charged pushed the 6” thing from the very beginning because they were aware of coming jab & sensors … thankfully I did not get jabbed but some of my loved ones did 😢

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Not to mention what they really meant is six feet under . . . thanks Alexandra for all your work, and for the transcriptions!

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So, the findings in Dr. Mihalcea's writing is similar to, and supported by the proposition that Michael Nehls, MD, PhD writes in his book "The Indoctrinated Brain". He detail how the hippocampus is being deliberately assaulted, and an attempt to overwrite our autobiographical memory with technocratic narratives....is underway.

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Wow, thanks for that information!

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Dr Nehls reccomand Lithium.But nothing against the nanotech not one word.When the nanotech stays in the body how Lithium will help you.The german people still dont talk about nanotechnology.The look all arround but not there where the problem really beginn.

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They dovetail perfectly, look up Dr Naomi Wolfs interview with Michael Nehls...

its in people brains.

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The health ranger also interviewed him,check out this language,It's about the amygdala,https://qbi.uq.edu.au/sahgroup

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The amygdala is the structure in the brain that presents as "atrophied" or "shrunken" in psychopaths and others in that particular cluster of mental illness (e.g., Narcissists).

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It’s our CHI they are attacking. Sabrina Wallace had said this from the start .. over 2 years ago ..

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JP tell me what CHI stands for?

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I believe he is referring to the human biofield, which is called “chi” in ancient Chinese medicine.

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I’m reading The Body Electric by Robert Becker … it’s explains the concept of bio-electricity

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Yes. They have figured out how to

Tap into our bodies Bio-Energy Fields … look into Human Energy Harvesting.. we are the energy sources of the future .. our own bodies …

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They stole our body part .. the “third eye” “the aura” “chi” … many believe it comes from the Pineal Gland …

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Your doctor who advised you to take the killer shots can be sued. Malpractice insurance will cover him.

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The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

New report out that the covid DeathVax can trigger deadly hepatitis.


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Because it will lighten their patient load. Funny, they didn't express that sentiment when they were recruiting.

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Of course,DHS has labeled veterans as potential domestic terrorist and we the people have been labeled enemy combatants since the 1933 U.S. bankruptcy by Roosevelt,an executive order to turn in all your gold to any federal reserve bank so they used the existing trading with the enemy law to do that.

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I hear from active duty soldiers that they can bow out of more shots now & keep their independence about their Health decisions foremost at the VA!!-

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The VA is denying disability claims from veterans who were injured from taking the covid DeathVax while they were on active duty.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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The vax the army mandated....

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Yep...SecDef has blood on his hands.

How many people will die from his murderous behavior?

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Add up all the deaths that the Biden deep state regime has caused and the ones they intend to cause like nuclear war and famine. It's Marxist, which is to say Communist, and we do know that Communism always begins with the genocide.

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Yes, Trump's chosen "Health Czar" Azar quietly implemented bullet-proof Legal Immunity, across the board, which is entirely *unheard of* for ANY New Vaccines or Medications in U.S. History, much less ones that had not passed the basic, appropriate Clinical Trials!!- As with so many other U.S. faulty vaccine batches or defective new medicines or medical devices in the past, this ridiculous situation would have ENDED FAST, naturally, when Many Wrongful Death & Personal Injury Lawsuits would have been Filed vs. BigPharma from the Start, but Trump summarily blocked that entire standard check & balance on the medical product liability process. So absurd & scary!!-

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If some asshole raped and murdered my daughter, the last thing I would consider is hiring some suited pansy to sue the jerk...

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Ever seen a watermelon after a 50bmg.

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No, I haven’t, not yet.

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Tiptriptrap, I received a reply from you in my email, with a link, it said view comment, which I did, but your comment is not here! But I hit your link in my email, and got the stuff about the watermelon(s) being shot, thank you. Strange that it’s not here in the comments. The notification said you replied to me, but where is it? Substack is weird sometimes.

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Quoted from the article: "Dr Mihalcea says functional brain EEG scans are showing her that the hippocampus is being attacked by the bioweapon. She says, "This is why I use electron donors, like methylene blue, like the EDTA, like vitamin C, humic and fulvic acid to regenerate the brain, and I've shown on my Substack how I can functionally age-reverse people's brain by 20, 30 years, but it's very specific, that people see this is for real, and I can pick this up with these functional brain scans." [End quote]

Too bad she's wrong. Human cognitive declines are *directly* attributed to EMF saturation of the environment. All the recommended remedies are bullshit.

It would be helpful if such "experts" would refer to the existence of hundreds of validated studies defining cognitive impairment and hippocampal damage as related to electromagnetic induction.

An example: Effects of microwave radiation on brain energy metabolism and related mechanisms >>> Military Medical Research >>> DOI:10.1186/s40779-015-0033-6 >>> December 2015 >>> Excerpt: “The damaging effects of MW radiation on the brain include brain dysfunction and brain structural damage. An epidemiological survey found that MW radiation caused human fatigue, headache, excitement, dreams, memory loss and other symptoms of neurasthenia. In addition, there were impaired learning and memory abilities in rats after MW radiation, as determined by the Morris water maze.” [End quote] See Complete text: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273515269_Effects_of_microwave_radiation_on_brain_energy_metabolism_and_related_mechanisms

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It's a little like the blind men and the elephant. Very like this and very like that. What's causing what? It's all causing the same thing. Death by a thousand cuts. She said that the attack is multi-directional. She's just describing what her work shows can help. You would look hard to find anything that can be ingested by any route whatsoever that is NOT poison. Take a look around your local grocery store. Everything there is poison for one reason or another if you really look into it. We all know the vax and EMF saturation are doing damage. It doesn't stop there. In fact, it doesn't stop anywhere. Don't take a vax, throw all your electronics away, don't eat, don't drink, don't breathe.

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Aren't we also hearing about the lipid nanoparticles being activated by a specific pattern of 18 GHz signals to release the encapsulated Marburg (an Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever) into the blood/tissues of the vaxxed?

Dr Rashid Buttar died very suspiciously after talking about it: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-rashid-buttar-murdered-for-airing-this-video-share-to-everyone/

Attorney Todd Callender has 500 whistleblowers and he has also seen this classified information:


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All of the above. They haven't missed a trick. David Icke said from day one that 5G signals were activating Covid in Wuhan. All of the neighborhoods where 5G towers had gone in were where the Covid outbreaks were. So there's a definite connection between frequency and disease/death, something that shouldn't be very surprising. Dr Mihalcea's book Light Medicine might have the antidote to murder by frequency. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=author+ana+mihalcea&i=digital-text&crid=HH0FQUXKG2LQ&sprefix=author+ana+mihalcea%2Cdigital-text%2C116&ref=nb_sb_noss

Dr Buttar, RIP. The best of men.

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He really was. 🙏

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5G has nothing to do with covid, all the exact same things happen to people in areas Without 5G but no one pays attention to that fact because it destroys their narrative.

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@faxmatter, there's a debate about that but it is unrelated to our comments about Dr Rashid Buttar, a very fit and healthy man, who died suspiciously after discussing a sequence of 18 GHz signals that would "open" the lipid nanoparticles and release the encased Marburg virus into the bloodstreams of the vaxxed. This is classified information that was confirmed by attorney Todd Callender, who has contact with over 500 military whistlebowers.

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Dr Buttar apparently hit a nerve.

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Abstract - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored. In considering the epidemiological triad (agent-host-environment) applicable to all disease, we investigated a possible environmental factor in the COVID-19 pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimeter waves. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, surfaced in Wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks. In this study, we examined the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the detrimental bioeffects of WCR and identified several mechanisms by which WCR may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor. By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.

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There are NO area's anywhere on the planet that don't have 5G.

Mobile units such as those currently being utilized in remote Western Australia mining enterprises rely on satellite based 5g services. I'm fairly certain they are being used elsewhere too. 5G is EVERYWHERE they want it to be... https://themescene.tv/internet/does-5g-use-satellites/

They also have 5G satellites in low earth orbit. Obviously they can send and receive signals to the planet surface or they wouldn't be spending $Billions putting them up there - so that means 5G signals can travel 500km distance at a minimum - again, its everywhere they want it to be.

How low-earth orbit satellite technology can connect the unconnected... https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/explainer-how-low-earth-orbit-satellite-technology-can-connect-the-unconnected/

Old article. SpaceX to put more than 40,000 satellites in space... https://www.newscientist.com/article/2220346-spacex-plans-to-put-more-than-40000-satellites-in-space/

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Only somewhat relevant to the damage being done. I've been aware of the *mass* poisoning of the planet via modulated EMF for over 35 years. I've posted hundreds of links to pertinent and applicable information on numerous web sites to no avail. The plebs only think of ducking for cover. There IS nowhere to hide, period.

'Experts' evade the actualities of the problem by submitting Abstracts and studies of singular frequency exposures, whilst producing studies that fail to consider long term effects. I consider persons such as Todd Callender as functional idiots. He plays the same old song using the same old fiddle. The 'experts' have failed to provide the public with the fact that they're being slaughtered by hundreds of thousands of *mixed frequency emissions*. The cumulative effects of these long term multiple exposures remain unaddressed. It's a cluster fuck.

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Interesting how you know so much about EMF yet seem to be unable to find a way to block or mitigate it.

I guess its magic.

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Does your Mum know you're using her computer again?

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Yada, yada, yada... Try living in a totally blacked out foil and Mylar shielded apartment for four. solid. years. Fuck you.

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Fair enough, the dose does make the poison. Personally, Id like a little more rigor though, before declaring treatments as cures or successful mitigation, especially at the hefty prices being charged to very scared and ill people.

There is a lot of people trying things, which is great, but they are not documenting it rigorously over the long term. Or at least they are not releasing the documentation to open source, despite waxing lyrical about all of humainty in this together.🤨

So there's no evidence of actual cure/mitigation, except possibly behind closed, patentable, and profitable doors.😑

Acting like fast-tracked pharmaceutical companies, and profiting over the search for a cure, is just as loathsome to me, as the health/money sucking pharmpires that created these shots in the first place. BTJMO

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These are what she says she use and she does put it on her substack: " electron donors, like methylene blue, like the EDTA, like vitamin C, humic and fulvic acid to regenerate the brain, and I've shown on my Substack how I can functionally age-reverse people's brain by 20, 30 years, but it's very specific, that people see this is for real, and I can pick this up with these functional brain scans."

Most items on her list aren't prohibitively expensive or patented because they all look like natural ingredients except the functional brain scans that I can't speak for. You can get the natural items on amazon. She has also written a book available on amazon about using light healing so she does put the information out there in a book as well as her substack. I think you've misjudged her.

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He certainly has but I don't like Amazon

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I'm sure you can find them elsewhere. But my point was that the items are easy to get, not exotic patented and unavailable.

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Thank you for your research and alerting us once again. Dr. Ardis has nano sized EDTA and it pulls the metals out better. We have to remove the metal so they cant form their own brain neural platform. That is a start.

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Does this form of EDTA get into the brain? If it’s nano, I supposed it does. Because I haven’t been able to find an article stating that “normal” EDTA gets into brain.

If anyone has a link to an article, or just a name of specific article showing normal EDTA gets into brain I’d be grateful to see it.

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I’m not trusting anything right now ..why take more stuff when wave not 💯 sure what is happening.. 🙏.

I fell for it once & bought liquid, MasterPeace, but I still haven’t tried it. I was a Guinea pig once too often.

I’m sticking with fasting & natural herbs for detox. Good luck

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Thanks JP

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Don't take the masterpiece,full of nano.

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Yep, the logo alone told me that it’s evil

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Thanks 🙏

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Thanks. I decided not to. My last time wasting $$

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I would suggest you contact Dr. Ardis- he is the one who created it. I hope this helps.

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Good suggestion. I suppose I can just look him up for contact details. I really was wanting to know about “normal” EDTA, I suppose he would give me the answer to that also. Thanks Jane.

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There is no nano Edta, its fake. Normal EDTA is already a nano sized molecule.

Look up the studies on removing lead or other heavy metals from people or children with EDTA for neurological diseases (NDs)... they talk about how it crosses the blood brain barrier, although they dont explicitly state it because there is no real way to find the Actual heavy metal content in the brain without autopsy.

He also says a bunch of stuff about nicotine, also fake. Nicotine has no effect on shedding or stopping it from infecting you.

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Oh, ok. I’d heard about nicotine as well, and would never take that, unless it was some sort of weird emergency-I used to smoke, and the stuff is sooo addicting!

I’ll look again for studies as you suggest. I didn’t know EDTA is already nano sized. It would surely pass the blood brain barrier.

I’m sick of these doctors who spoke out selling things without being totally honest about the products. They’re making me not trust them all again. But, for sure-good on them for speaking out! But they can’t just sell us stuff because maybe they miss their “lifestyle”. There’s a whole bunch of people who miss having a roof over their heads and a nutritional meal right now. And I’m talking about Australia here. All the western countries have artificial full on inflation. 2 people working, with or without kids, can’t find a house. We know why. And but for the Grace of God go I, and my small family.

Thanks Bee Gee. (Are you Aussie?)

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FYI - This is my case asserting the mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons that I asked Dr. Francis Boyle's to provide the affidavit for. Follow the links and you will get to all the pleadings.



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Thank you!

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The horror, oh, the humanity. The depth of the evil of their plans, the longstanding nature of them and their comprehensiveness is a bottomless abyss. There were no good old days, there was just mind control programming covering the evil. There can be no reprieve for the Black Nobility that is the hidden face of the evil. Only their total capture and destruction will fix this. No one need utter the word forgiveness in my presence. As to the minions, begin the financial ruin and long term incarcerations and executions. It's them or us and that's always been the case. We just didn't know it.

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Truth comes out less than 0.1 percent of the time. But when it does, truth resonates 100 percent with the power and love embodied in the Earth and Sky! Earths energies act with and through the Anthropine species as with all other species. No other species would have put up with a "member" of their own species raping and killing their own.

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I once was sitting in a public park by a big pond when I saw a duck with a bloody neck being held by the bills of a long line of amorous males. Didn't look like consent to me, but what do I know about duck consent? And animals definitely kill their own in turf and dominance battles. So it's not so poetic as all that, although if you look at animal videos on youtube you see many astounding examples of animals of the same and different species obviously helping each other and saving each other from perils. I'm often amazed at the intelligence they show.

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Many members of our species do no think or feel a part of the the Anthropine species. In other words, they're archontified and no longer human.

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It's not our own species

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"An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. "....

The Secret Convenant of the NWO.

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All those texts were concocted in the following order:

1. Talmud

2. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

3. The Secret Covenant of the Illuminatis.

They're all related. This is because the kingdom of Khazaria (covering Southern Ukraine, Southern Russia, Khazakstan, Azerbadjan) adopted the Talmud ~1000AD because the Persians and the Russians intimated them to choose a religion in order to tame their barbaric behaviors. They realized that only the Talmud worked for them. After they were kicked out of Khazaria they moved West (grounded in Germany) where they concocted the Protocols and the Covenant.

“Leave nothing alive that breathes. Destroy them completely…as the Lord your God has commanded you” Talmud (Deuteronomy 20:16)

NB: The Jews that adopted the Talmud in Khazaria are non-semitic Jews. They're Turkics.


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Add Deuteronomy chap 6:10:11,chap 12:1-3,chap 13:12-16,chap 13:6-10.It's quite ridiculous and it's evidence of a brainwashed species.https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3743-psychology-of-evil?highlight=WyJtb25leSJd

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After reading the history of Khazaria, the Talmud, the Bible and the Quran,

I've come to the conclusion that the ancient Hebrews who wrote the Talmud created a "god" in their image, instead of doing the opposite. The Christian Church went from the Old Testament (Talmud) to the New Testament, to the latest versions of the Bible. By 630AD, only the Jews and the Christians had religious documents painted on animal skins and rocks (printing started only in the 15th century AD in Germany!!!!). So, the Arabs had to create their own religious document and they came up with the Quran.

That's why the world is so confused by these documents and I am not sure that harmony will ever become the norm on this planet. Even religions that in theory were supposed to connect people to the Oneness are doing the exact opposite.

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I think it was the vatican that created the Quran,read something like that a while back.They take our sole print at Berth registration and send it to the vatican as they have tricked us into living in law of the sea even though we live on land but all of us were born in the water.British Admiralty law.Is that why lawyers have to pass the British accreditation regency exam to practice law in our free sovereign country.The real,original 13th amendment forbid lawyers from holding public office.I could go on and on but there is a tremendous opportunity to learn the truth and no religion is higher,https://www.filosofiaesoterica.com/no-religion-higher-than-truth/

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I did read that the Vatican was behind the creation of the Quran in order to counter the Jews. There were a lot of intrigues about Jerusalem between the Catholic Church and the Jews.... This religious business is a rat hole my friend!

As far as the US is concerned, some people believe that there was a 1776 Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately, that never happened because the document was signed between the British Monarchy and their operatives in the colony. In law, a contract signed between 2 identical parties is NULL and VOID!!!

We can go on and on, but the British Monarchy ("The City of London") is still in full control of its slaves plantations called the US.

After the fail coup in 1812 to destroy the US Congress, the Royalists moved to Canada and they sent the Fifth Column from London to destroy the Republics from within and that what you see today.

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I often find the comments as interesting and educational as the articles.

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Thanks for the break down. I might recommend to those not jabbed to try intermittently a cilantro - rice three day fast. Measure correct water portion for rice and in a blender mix the cleaned whole bunch of cilantro; then put in pot to prepare the rice portion; bring to boil with a little salt and a little butter; place lid and reduce heat to simmer for 20 minutes.

Make sure to drink plenty of water during fast. [preboiled water encapsulate plastic]

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An EDTA fast with other things that chelate but do not bind with EDTA, like ALA, sodium citrate, bromelain and vitamins C, D and E, would be much much Much more effective.

They you Know the EDTA is working and not just being totally wasted, as so many people do with oral EDTA.

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The EDTA was in Pfizer's own documents

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I'm aware that many things could be way more effective. The suggestion I made was just informational for those who might be interested. Thanks.

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I believe that this goes hand in hand with this wide spread phenomenon of Gangstalking/ Cointel pro. Everything said here regarding the controlling of the brain would definitely make since in this case as people have been being stalked in there communities by beings whom have been hired/ recruited to now since the vaccines watch/monitor the behaviors or individuals who reside in low income communities to research their reactions to things such as neighborhood harassment, noise campaigns, hack of home devices via Bluetooth. They are trying to make ppl look crazy for exposing what is clearly right before our eyes. I’m currently a resident of Rochester ny, high crime rate city where the law officials act as if they need help from the citizens and when the citizens make reports or complaints the go ignore or your the victim that get treated like the criminal. Since covid there has been a large number of unlawful surveillance of us citizens, and since the so call vaccine there’s been a large number of individuals behaving very oddly almost like they are being controlled remotely, this is where this Gangstalking bs comes in. Not every one’s response to the control mechanism in the vac was effective.

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Dr. Douglas Hill: The spike can transform (it's not the sequence, it's the spike, if it really exists) fibrin into a fibrinoid of amyloid in nature, which is more resistant to decay and could cause many of the symptoms of long Covid. This fibrin hydrogel is not temperature sensitive and is not affected by hemolysis.

STAIN WITH THIOFLAVIN T1: thioflavin is a protein that is not fluorescent in solution. When it binds to amyloid protein it cannot rotate and gives fluorescence. This is a test to see if the hydrogel is indeed amyloid or its composition is different. From follow-up images I've collected of a bubble trapped between the coverslip and the pfizer vaccine slide, I've seen how microspheres form from a blackish/brownish content inside the bubble trapped. I suspect that the hydrogel (or one of them) is graphene, "Graphene hydrogel"


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Thanks, I'll have a go at that.

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I call this wickedness on steroids, technosorcery!!

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Yes 👏. Finally 😢… it’s all out

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