Dr Steven Greer: Defectors from the Secret Space Program to Come Forward within 30 Days
Satellite image of Dugway Proving Ground, Utah
This video with Dr Steven Greer was uploaded on Saturday evening to the Verfied™ Anonymous Official YouTube account. It's a clip from a December 12, 2024 podcast with Dr Greer speaking with filmmaker, Blake Cousins , the director of their new film, 'Battle for Disclosure' .
Dr Greer begins with a discussion about the drones being seen over New Jersey but then, he goes into an even more pressing development, that I'd never heard before, which is his claim is that some Special Operations employees of these Unacknowledged Special Access Programs; who Dr Greer calls "Defectors"; who have spent their careers working underground with exotic technologies, such as with ARVs, aka "Alien Reproduction Vehicles", in what are commonly called "DUMBs", for "Deep Underground Military Bases" – but which Dr Greer refers to as "STIFs" for "Sub-Terranean Facilities" – these people will be coming forward within the next 30 days.
What ensues is what Dr Greer calls the "Battle for Disclosure".
Dr Greer says that, if the Deep State has it way, this Disclosure event, with actual operators from these underground bases will trigger a reaction from the global bureaucracy that will be "1000 times worse than COVID", as far as the fear, the panic, the market crashes, the economic devastation and the uncharted manipulation of humanity.
However, Dr Greer says is that if that We, the People can expose this fear-based PSYOP for the Big Lie that it is, then, he says we can move into a new Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth.
Dr Steven Greer: They are now launching what we had predicted in the late 1990s and that is a series of diversionary false events, to confuse the public and the politicians and the Pentagon as to what these UAPs are.
So, the whole launch of the drones that you're seeing in the United Kingdom; those started after I got back from the United Kingdom, providing briefings to the senior leadership of that country about this emerging disclosure, that will be the biggest event in modern human history, frankly.
The people coming forward are not secondhand or even minor firsthand, these are operators, assigned to Special Forces who've now risen up to a senior position at these key Black Sites and they will be unmasked. They will be named. They will have the evidence, they will have the proof and that's all happening in the next 30 days or so.
I am telling you this, because it is imminent. It's why I've been on a tour all over the world, meeting with senior officials in the US Government; the incoming Administration, the current leaders in in the House and the Senate. In fact, I just got back from Washington last night.
So, that is what is happening: the drones are a predictable launch of a diversionary and a confusing event they're certainly not extraterrestrial or "NHI", the pop culture now is "Non-Human Intelligence" term; NHI craft.
You know it. It's clear that they're able to have assets that are ground-based or and "STIFs" "Sub-Terranean Facilities" or what some people call "DUMBs", Deep Underground Military Bases, where they can launch these sort of objects and create all kinds of confusion and alarm and panic.
This is now breaking all into the Mainstream News, just as this group is pivoting to disclose the facts and the real information. So, this is a PSYOP, a Psychological Warfare Operation.
We predicted it. We've been predicting it for years, if you read my paper that I wrote in 1999, it's on our website DrStevenGreer.com and it states very pointedly that the actors who are keeping this secret will take the momentum of [UFO] Disclosure and try to turn it into an "alien invasion scenario"; a Good versus Bad Alien scenario; a way to keep money all over the world and also, to aggrandize the Military-Industrial Complex, with trillions of dollars in new spending to create a "countermeasure" to the aliens.
So we know this was the plan that was hatched in 1953, or so at the CIA. We have documents to that effect and that it would only take place, because there had been a long-term, multi-decade Psychological Operation, that began in the late '50s, in earnest, with the man-made UFOs and then, later where they were using altered humans and then in the later a robotic aliens to abduct humans and to instigate terrorizing events, like mutilations and, on occasion where they placed these manmade UFOs over Developing World villages and had blown up the whole village and dozens of people. Now, we have people on the inside who know all this.
Now, the Incoming President doesn't know this, the Congress doesn't know this, and 99.9% of the Pentagon don't know it but this is what's going to be coming out, in part and the very granular details of what this Defection Group is going to put out there, we don't know but it will absolutely be just Positive Proof, but also the fact that they've agreed to unmask themselves – meaning, they'll be named – is new.
I just learned that a couple weeks ago, when the leader of that group met with me at my place in Washington, DC. So, we'll see what happens, if they don't get scrubbed – I mean, if they're not – between now and then.
This is what's coming out and I'm making an attempt – I sort of joke – I've become the "Cosmic Paul Revere", going around, trying to give a heads-up to leaders around the world about this.
Blake Cousins: You know, exactly. Busy times, right now and it's crazy what's going on in the major media, on how they're putting it out there: "We don't know what these things are but don't worry about it, they don't mean us any harm!" and some of these –
Dr Steven Greer: What nonsense! We know what they are and we know why they're there!
Now, at the press conference at the Pentagon today, there was a young woman who was saying, "Well, blah blah," and I think honestly, now people say, "Well, she's lying!"
She's not lying. Look, I I've been briefing people at the level of Three-Star Generals and CIA Directors for 31 years, this week, when I first briefed the Director of the CIA, who knew nothing about this issue; they were lying to him.
So people make this big mistake and they think that because you're in the US Government or the CIA or DoD – Department of Defense – that you know all about this and everyone's in this "big conspiracy", keeping it secret.
No. 99.9% of everyone in the US Government – particularly, our political leaders – know virtually nothing about this subject and what they do know is nine parts disinformation – false information – and maybe one part information.
And that's true of the House Oversight Committee the Senate Intelligence Committee the Armed Services Committee, because I know, that when we have gone up there and provided – like, the last meeting I had up there, about a month ago, I had the senior official from Great Britain and the head of this Special Forces Unit that is going to be assigned to law enforcement – not The Defector.
And then, our whistleblower, the Marine Michael Herrera, who saw one of these man-made UFOs with Special Forces, Special Operators in the process of kidnapping humans, that were created-up to be taken into human experimentation. Now, the group that is defecting have been part of that and they feel terrible about it and they're going to expose those criminal activities.
So, this is going to be the biggest disclosure in modern history, bar-none and the name of this film, 'Battle for Disclosure', which I you know helped you with, that is the name, that is an important one to remember. It's a battle! Now, why? Because, after all this comes out, this is when the battle really begins!
Because, what does a new, Incoming President do about this? What is the Congress going to do about it? Do we put our military and the media, go on this this sort of Rabbit Hole of negative false information which is 90% of say ufology: abductions, mutilations, "good" aliens, "bad" aliens, "Greys" – all the stuff that's been put out there over 70 years; of Counterintelligence and Psychological Operations.
If that is where that goes: "We're in an interplanetary conflict!" – if we can expose that as a Big Lie, then we can move to what is been called this Golden Age – and by the way, it wasn't just Trump who said that – we've been talking about a new Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth, since I started being a meditation teacher in 1973 and '74, 50 years ago.
And and it's about this information coming out, with the technologies being used for peaceful purposes, to eliminate poverty and create almost like a Heaven-on-Earth and and fix the environment with Free Energy – but also, to start a program where we make contact with these civilizations peacefully, instead of shooting them down.
So the Disclosure coming out is the easy part, even though it's taken me 31 years to do it – 33 years – but then, the Battle of Disclosure really begins and it's this: How do we look at this? How do we interpret this?
And if this disclosure momentum gets hijacked into this terrible, frightening left-turn into destruction and conflict, it will be a thousand times worse than COVID – and that's what I'm saying to senior, incoming people around the Incoming President. I would say the same thing to Biden. This is a nonpartisan effort. I want to emphasize that.
Now, if it goes this other way, it could be one of the most unifying, beautiful moments in human history. I think you have seen the sample speech I've written for various world leaders. You remember, I sent that that to you last week and, as far as I'm concerned, you can publish that but the point I'm making is: it really is the Battle for Disclosure and how this goes. Is it something that benefits the human species and our future on Earth? Or is something that leads to panic and destruction?
Now, the people who want the panic and destruction, they obviously want it to go in the direction of Mainstream Ufology. But if it goes in that direction, it's a Worst-Case-Scenario and I've said that for 25 years.
So this is where the battle really does get joined and it's an Information Op, it's a Psychological Op and this nonsense with the drones is just sort of tickling the system.
Here's the other part of this and that is the media. As you mentioned, the corporate Big Media is integrated horizontally and vertically, into the this organization, doing this – and we've been saying that – we can prove that, through documents and what-have-you, that we have.
But the other part of it is that I called for – about 30 years, I've been calling this entire plan to do a "False Disclosure" and a psychological spin on it, as sort-of a "Cosmic Gulf of Tonkin" [false flag], that basically, to follow-on with what you said: the outcry by the media that was all scripted and that then, went to a public outcry; forced [President Lyndon] Johnson to greatly expand the Vietnam [War], against his better judgment.
This is a historical fact and it led to that quagmire – but it enriched the Military-Industrial Complex, trillions of dollars. So, they don't really care if kills millions of people, they care if it consolidates their power and their control.
And remember, money at that level isn't about a paycheck, it's about power; about control
Blake Cousins: The power, the control – whoever is in charge – obviously, they want to seize it all and what's been going on, lately in the UFO hearings. In our documentary, we're talking to firsthand eyewitnesses that Dr Steven Greer brought forward. We've got DC Long, Michael Herrera and among others.
So, when that happens, why do you think that these UFO hearings aren't talking to these firsthand eyewitnesses? Why are they bringing in these people that are second- and third-hand?
Dr Steven Greer: First of all, they [the lawmakers] have been approached by people, like Lue Elizondo and others, who are professional disinformation operatives. Secondly, they don't want, actually to know the truth.
And I put a portfolio together for House Oversight, that have had a couple hearings that listed – and it was on a hard drive, as well as printed-out – that had 762 whistleblowers, firsthand – and I gave them the top 23 that needed to be brought forward who were high-level, who had direct information.
Instead, they pull in people who have no direct information or secondhand witnesses – or, who in the case of someone like Mr Rusch, had followed some leads that I had provided to his bosses, at Senate Armed Services and and Senate Intelligence Committees – but he, himself was never direct witness.
The people who are direct, firsthand witnesses, very curiously they never have called – and on top of it – here's a larger problem when I first was called in by the Senior Investigator for the Chair and Co-Chair of Senate Intelligence Committee, about 3 years ago, they wanted everything I had and I said, "I will give it to you."
But I said, "You're going to need a a dedicated staff to investigate this, because this is a very complex issue – and more complex than you can imagine."
So, our first meeting was a few hours in a SCIF, which is a Secure Compartmented Information Facility that's a assigned to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
And after that, they were going to have a staff of about 30 people, through a contractor, assigned to us to really do a Deep Dive into this. but the funding never got put together for that.
Similarly, in the last couple years, the House Oversight Committee was asking for a Select Committee with funding and professional staff and that was denied funding. So, that never happened.
So let me – in the interest – I'm not trying to defend the incompetence of Congress but also, they don't have time and they don't have staff.
The man who was the Senior Lead for the Senate, investigating this was told he could spend 10% of his time on this issue. When he needed 30 people spending 100% of their time.
So, in other words, they're trying to do it on-the-cheap and the quick-and-the-dirty.
But when they tried to put together the funding and the Appropriations to do it properly, they've been cut off at the knees.
And I've been watching this and so, I'm not trying to defend the fact that we put on a Silver Platter: "Here are these firsthand witnesses, who need to be called" and they won't do it.
And instead, they pull in these know-nothing people. But the problem is, that they also don't have a a real investigation. I mean it's it's sort of Amateur Hour. I hate to say that, with people who are very over-extended and they're very busy.
So, this is the real problem with any of these people in Washington – and certainly, it's the problem with the existing administration – but it's also a huge problem with the incoming administration, because they're busy with a million other things.
And now, here's what I think will happen:
The revelations and the disclosures that are coming from this group, defecting is going to focus everyone in Washington and in London and in Russia – and all over the world – like a laser, because it's going to be inescapable material and Senior Operators, meaning Special Operators, who have been operating these facilities and tactically-involved, including the downing and retrieval of the ET craft and things like that.
So, at that point, it's no longer speculative and the proof is there. And there are multiple corroborating people from these Black Sites, so I think that this will start a new era of, at least attempting to get to a professional investigation, which has never happened before, honestly.
There have been sort of half-hearted attempts over the decades and most of those have been corrupted, like the AARO office was corrupted, with Dr Kirkpatrick.
Other prior efforts, like the Condon Committee in in 1969, the Robertson Panel in 1953 – they were all corrupted – we have CIA documents to this effect, by infiltrators who look like they were truly academic investigators – and they were on the payroll the CIA.
I can prove this, by the way. It's in our Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive, if anyone cares to look them up.
But here's the big problem with this is that, I'm trying to get people warned: This Is Coming.
And by the way, I didn't select this date – I want be very clear: I've been saying this to some senior incoming cabinet nominees, that I've met with, for President Trump is that, I didn't pick this date.
This date was picked by the group is defecting and so that's the reality I have to deal with. And that they're going to have to deal with.
Running Time: 17 mins
Why in 30 days? Why not 30 hours from now? Tomorrow night, say. No, I thought not. Another bs psyop kerfuffle.
The whole hollow gram charade is to get the FAA reauthorized bill that expires 12/20/24 and set the stage for a false flag event to pit Nato versus Russia in a nuclear holocaust cause their war in Ukraine has failed. Go back to the opening ceremony, 2024 Olympics-the first image is the pale green horse! Predictive programming. The western idiots want 90% of the population gone by 2030-the kill shot scam didn;t work