All the gematria numbers have to line up just right & the moon & stars need to be in alignment. I agreed, total melted popsicle that they want us to lick up off the floor.
You could be right....just like the 30 days given to the Israelis and they've only increased the slaughetr of helpless Palestinains in Gaza and West bank.
Also, when you hear "golden age" (Aquarian) it's either that person's "new age" brainwashing or a Luciferian/Satanist spewing more half-truths. Novus Ordo Seclorum (new age) is about the golden age of the "return of the gods" headed by Saturn (Satan) per Virgil's poem. Saturnday (black sabbath for the Synagogue of Satan), 6th day, 6th planet with a hexagonal (6) 'eye' at its pole. As was said it's astrological and numerological. As above, so below. Too much to say about this aspect alone.
But those aren't aliens from "out there". They're a type of demonic nephilim creation from down below, children of fallen angels like Saturn. That's why greys look like morlocks. That's why Egyptians depicted them and we have Ancient Aliens. They've always been around, there is a spiritual connection and Satanists to this day still perform rituals and mutilate children to make contact. That's where the Black Sun Nazis got their tech in abundance so quickly, how rocket scientist Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard were Satanists working for Aleister Crowley (see his depiction of Lam), how JPL/NASA and Nazis play into all this. The X-Files said the truth is out there but it's a lie. Duchovny and the rest are actually Satanists themselves.
That's why everything is X now: Xfinity, Xbox, OSX, etc. because X in O is a huge occult symbol that equals 66. F=6, O=15 (1+5=6), X=24 (2+4=6). FOX=666. What channel was X-Files on again? What one is the 'precognitive' Simpsons and all the 'adult' cartoons on? FX still = 66, a Kabbalistic number relating to Qlippoth.
This is a good time in history to praise Jesus and get right with God. There isn't a lot anymore that isn't purposely meant to put a wedge between us and Him. Aliens especially. Just forget He even exists... You're feeling very sleepy...
The whole hollow gram charade is to get the FAA reauthorized bill that expires 12/20/24 and set the stage for a false flag event to pit Nato versus Russia in a nuclear holocaust cause their war in Ukraine has failed. Go back to the opening ceremony, 2024 Olympics-the first image is the pale green horse! Predictive programming. The western idiots want 90% of the population gone by 2030-the kill shot scam didn;t work
I STILL think that this "disclosure" propaganda is truly about them hiding the REAL technology that they have & NOT giving it to US. Free energy, real healthcare, etc.... which is the disclosure that we REALLY want!
Little green men are a fun distraction & money maker ... but it's all MIC
The SPACE that they are trying to traverse ... is the SPACE between your ears!
That was one thing that Disinfo Boi, Lue Elizondo said during the recent hearings, that it was becoming increasingly difficult to define what “biological life” is.
I have to agree with Disinfo Boi ... as they synthesize the biosphere & Vaxx the hell outta humanity & the food supply, the term "biological" is up for debate., I suspect this has been going on a lot longer than we can imagine. It's a rabbit hole fer sure!
Worse, if you keep burrowing down into matter, you eventually get to the place where matter exists no longer and there's only the probability that something may happen.
Maybe that's why what's-her-name couldn't define a woman.
In the early months of the jab, I saw a video of you and Gregg Bradon encouraging people to get the shot. Both of you seemed to be uncomfortable as you spoke. The two of you placing your reputations behind that program changed my opinion of each of you and cast a long shadow over the rest of your pronouncements. Up until that point I had not asked who pulls your strings. However, with the stakes being what they are, I would like to know the ground of your integrity. Have you ever recanted what you promoted back then or do you still stand by what you said?
OMG!!! WHAT??? Gregg Braden & Dr Greer promoted the DEATH SHOT??? WTF!!!
OK. Now, I get it. They're both clearly controlled and parts of the same Globalist New Age PSYOP, aka "The Aquarian Conspiracy" (Ferguson wrote about it unironically: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Ferguson).
I did a deep dive on Braden 20 years ago, when he was in the film, 'What the Bleep Do We Know!?' and I was commissioned to write a book about that film.
I came away with a bad taste in my mouth from the saccharine-sweetness of his whole schtick, which he delivers with remarkable deftness.
Most of the speakers in that film – and also of the Australian-produced, 'The Secret', which I was also commissioned to write a book about were affiliated with Jack Canfield's Transformational Leadership Council. They are the "approved" voices of the New Age movement aka "The Aquarian Conspiracy", whether they understand their roles or not.
I met with many of these people and I wouldn't call them "bad" but they are Luciferian, even if they're not aware of themselves, as such. Our culture is largely Luciferian. Does a fish know that it's swimming in water?
I remember being interested in Aquarian Conspir when it came out. Then I went to some meeting that was connected to the book. Got freaked out by talk by Barbara MHubbard, sounded like eugenics or some manipulation of Third World countries, left way early though I paid for it. Luciferian would make sense w her!
I've never cared for Braden, or his writing.
Some Canfield books were on my shelf but nothing significant comes up. Maybe too much Zen-ish for me.
I learn so much from my readers! Having an open comment section like this is amazing - especially since I'm not allowed on any major social media sites. Even on Telegram, my comments disappear or I am blocked for mysterious reasons (TG's AI?).
Substack is the only Free Speech platform in my world.
@Forbidden News Wow, that so infuriates! Am glad you're here, am learning and that's the objective, always. Due to two of my subscribers, I just was told that Substack has flagged two posts so they can't be read. Not a complete shock as [they] also locked me out of my account without any notification, why, what, when. I just always got this Error message when trying to access the platform, even that didn't make sense. It was probably a week before I managed to at least find where to go for support. Discovered one thing they're doing is keeping me from using my VPN. 🤔😕
The VPN might be it. I don't use one. But I do know someone - a military physician for whom I have the utmost respect – who was censored and de-platformed from here. I wonder if it was her VPN. I'll find out if she was using one.
I can't believe I'm still here! I was de-platformed by TRUTH, where I didn't even post (restored over a week later, after I argued for reinstatement, with zero explanation as to why I was removed or restored), which leads me to think it's one AI doing all the de-platforming and that it's somehow firewalled from here.
@Forbidden.News Yes, it's my VPN they're restricting. SMDH all the challenges you've had to incur!! I'm becoming more and more dissatisfied 😒 with ALL of 'em quite frankly. Former Twitter was my absolute favorite platform. Had wonderful followers then evil Musk came onto the scene, we know how that went. Lost activity on my posts, full of bots, sleazy is an understatement. I deleted the account. Recently learned about here, and they've deleted two of my restarts of Dr. Barbara O'Reilly, and appears even her account. Australia has totally locked her out with threats of imprisonment if she continues. I have learned SO much factual info from her. Even started practicing many of her professional advice, and she is spot on, every time.
I am really looking forward to peering into the underground chimera fkkery and theft of children.
Not hoping for some utopia bc I see vanguard blackrock Trump bibi kushner mbs all vying for control. But for a pivot to above ground knowledge of all or some of what is hidden is a great opportunity to sound the trumpets, blare the trombones and beat the drums.
Don’t you dare be tarped into a fear scenario. Nobody in govt will have any power to quell fear. It is up to us. We are the transdimensional dna carries of divine design no matter how broken it’s become. We can mend it after this battle.
My confidence comes from proximity to observing a certain circle of bandits vandalizing my property & pastures for these Covid years. I knew nothing so loaded up on cameras, computers, never retaliated until my dogs were murder. I know the operatives rhythms rhymes and penchants. Committed to the dark money economy I see their moves without full understanding but I’ve learned tons.
We must maintain a tight circle of love around us. It’s my best weapon. The more we do the likelihood of getting through the bottleneck is strong.
It becomes a discipline, a walking meditation and various paths of exercise. Kindness to the self and all the beauty of the world.
Operating towards the False Evidence Appearing as Real. Letting go and willing to gain strength by being vulnerable. Scary like that. Being careful with calculated risks.
I agree to disagree. As a casual Christian I find the Trinity, especially during the beautiful season, to be the full throated expression to Spirit. A transdimensional statement if ever a cypher from the Bible is repeatedly illustrated. And that transhumanism is a bioweapons vaxx to draw people from that divine glory.
I fight for spirits here whilst having a human education. I claim free will in my curriculum choices.
Elons an actor. Being groomed by a GOAT It is breathtaking. Gotta hand it to them. But I do not comply to that My nonsense is flat earth.
My simple question is: Why, instead of just up and leaving don't these defectors turn the actual technology against the conspirators and their financiers? The sooner the better, imo.
Likely they are buying time for their owners... I doubt they are heros... Why announce it 30 days ahead..? Who tells an enemy they are planning an attack 30 days in advance... This is a psyop, a fraud, a hoax.
Yes, it's hard to even want to believe any of these annointed 'saviors'. Now when I listen again more closely, it seems he's blowing the whistle on the whistleblowers (the "defectors") by "trying to give leaders around the world a headsup" - including the CIA ... (Wut!??) @T4:30 The "cosmic Paul Revere," Greer, adds even more drama: "This is what's going to happen if they don't get scrubbed ... if they're not assassinated between now and then."
Hi Michael, I saw somewhere that someone calls Greer controlled op. I know, terrific info-I saw someone somewhere! My memory.
It’s some doco or something like that where a bunch of people are whistleblowers-ah, I remember. A doco about Tesla and free energy. I didn’t watch much, but I could tell something was off, with Greer.
I'm so sorry to crash this Greatest-Event-In-Human-History Disclosure Party, but I consider you to be friends...so I'm going to unload.
So, Greer is the Cosmic Paul Revere......more like the Cosmic Grifter - the same Greer, who has "briefed" just about everyone you can think of...or everyone HE can think of. Everyone on the planet, but only those at the "highest-level." More like gang-stalked them into some DC cafeteria, or simply lied, as he did with Woolsey years ago, when Woolsey was having dinner with his family and happened to unfortunately be seated with Greer and his wife at a dinner party.
Here is Woolsey's letter to Greer about Greer's false claims in his book.
Yes, Greer got in his face and and started spewing his bs -and he's still telling that tired "I briefed Woolsey" lie to this day. And I know it's an old story, but it is pivotal to understanding who this psychopathic narcissist really is...it should put into questions all of the UK, US, this admin, the incoming admin - all the "top-tier" "highest level" big shots that he says he is "briefing"...He's alwasy "briefing" EVERYONE...well only the top - the "highest level" players, of course.
The reason Greer disparages just about everyone in the UFO field is because anyone in their right mind would NEVER include Greer in any forum. It's why he has to stage his own. The most respected researchers are on to him and have been for many years, decades in fact. And he can be extremely vicious and retaliatory, so most just stay far away - and calling out his bs is a full-time job anyway - the bottom line is that no one with ANY credibility, wants anything to do with him.
I've had a few run-ins with him myself at UFO conferences where we were both speakers. He was so full of it in one of his presentations, that I had to call him out and we had a verbal cage fight, which resulted in the audience breaking into applause when I ripped him a new one during the question/answer session at the end of one of his talks. I challenged him publicly a few more times, it turned into a thing...since we were both speakers at several UFO conferences in the 90's, and it was epic, if I do say so... anyway, I had his number from day one and it seemed we were both laying for each other. Fun times.
I used to challenge him and tick him off royally, to the point that he was following me around at this one conference - gang-stalking me? And he kept getting in my face and trying to intimidate me...and every time I proceeded to rip him another new one...we actually drew crowds at the conferences when we started in again...LOL...but, I will admit, although I wore my battle-ready shield-maiden warrior face, he was more terrifying than any Reptilian.
So, I guess you could say that I do have a few problems with him. 🤣 I've watched him grift, lie, scam, steal and laud himself for decades - and there are many accounts of him faking sightings with his lasers and flashlights at his CSETI bs contact seminars, with all of his electroic gadgets, beeping signals from his ET that he named Walter, that only he can interpret or see - where he's been known to drop flares from helicopters - and shine flashlights into the sky and declare that the craft is materializing, but you might not be able to see it, and if you can't see what he is seeing, you are not ready for contact - you are not "clean of heart." His quote. Because HE is the superior being...he has the direct line to the all-benevolent (the ETs are all benevolent - another ridiculous assertion) ETs, because he's so fukking spiritual.
The truth is that he hates you - he wants your money and your adulation. He is far superior to you, but he'll try to be humble "I'm just a country doctor." Unless he really hates himself and that is why he must inflate his ego and importance? I'm not a shrink...and I don't want to be...whatever...I can only share that it is "high-level" toxic to be around him.
And you had better not question anything he sees or asserts, especially at his CSETI PsyOps - or he will rain down the most verbally abusive holy hell on you, right there in front of everyone. After all, his staff can see these things...if you can't see them, then you need some of his meditation tapes, so you too can experience meditative Samadhi or oneness with all, that he is so familiar with. Only $3000 per person for that scam and unimaginable verbal abuse. What a deal. And he ran that scam for years...the horrific and sad reviews of those "oh so spiritual" CSETI "outings" are legendary.
And does anyone actually believe that his disclosure proeject so threatened, as he called them, "the rogue MAJESTIC secret government," so much so, that according to him, he "rejected a TWO BILLION dollar payout to shut up and abandon the ET disclosure issue?" Yes, and he said it with a straight face.
The one thing he really does well though, is shake people down for money. He's not even one drone shy of Corey Goode.
Those who aren't familiar with his decades of grifts are still listeniing to him, sadly.
He did happen to glom onto two interesting and "potentially" credible witnesses, and he's been riding that one for awhile now, but it's well-known that he used the event to shake down some wealthy freinds who weren't yet in-the-know about him, for his latest ego trip and his Disclosure film.
He's been saying that he is humanity's ambassador to the ETs for decades. Will his next title be the God of Disclosure? I guess he's the Cosmic Paul Revere for now? And the only thing that casts doubt on the two witnesses and their stories is the fact that they were on the same stage as Greer.
Does anyone actually believe that he has been traveling the world "briefing" all of these "very" - only the highest of the high, high-level politicians? All over Europe and the UK? And "briefing" Congress for three hours in a SCIF? Or "briefing" high level (alwasy the highest level) people from this administration and the new incoming one as well...man oh man, has he been busy "briefing." Are we sure that he wasn't just fluffing his underwear drawer?
And 700+ defectors - and only the "highest level" ones, of course) who visited his home in DC...they all know him and they love him, he is the ONE...and because they all so admire this new Cosmic Paul Revere, they will only come to him and reveal all and agree to being named. Isn't he something. He is obviously the one who will deliver "Disclosure," I'm sure of it. Greer will be the ONE who is solely responsible - he will get all the applause - for the Greatest Disclosure Event in Human History...unless ...yeah, true to form, he's already given himself an out - "unless they are scrubbed."
When 30 days or so pass, he will likely need another infusion of cash to persuade the defectors to go public...probably needed for the "highest level" security to keep them safe...and THEN they'll be scrubbed. He'll muster some spiritual" Samadhi tears as he tells the story of his unfortunate defectors' fates.
I've seen this movie before...so many times...and his other tear-filled spiritually-superior "movies."
He's played the scrubbed card before too, when one of his other disclosure events never materialized. It was five or six of his "witnesses" that never came forward...and of course, according to Greer, they were murdered...
Whoa!!! I guess you've been following him LITTLE more closely than I have! Holy Sh¡t! What a Babe in the Woods I have been about him, my God!
I know he's closeted-gay and I've heard he "likes 'em young" (barely legal; not a pedophile) but I figured nobody's perfect.
Between that and taking Laurence Rockefeller money, he would certainly be controllable.
Now that I learned that he promoted the Death Shot, together with Gregg Braden, I am nauseated to the core at how everyone who's anyone is an asset.
My poverty and obscurity are badges of honor! LOL
I still think he's made a huge contribution by publishing all those video interviews of government witnesses but wow. I guess I managed to maintain a safe enough distance and I never gave him a dime, although I did help him distribute 'Sirius' through the affiliate program he set up at the time (2013 or '14), so I did split a dime with him.
Greer's abiding message is that there are no such things as malevolent ETs. It behooves to be deeply suspicious of that message, given everything Pasheen and others have added to this thread.
he is so toxic...and we can watch and see what happens, but from my experience, this is likey just another attention-seeking grift...and there are way more important things to keep our eyes on besides him...😎
I hear you, I would have to go back and see who they were and where they are today to be assured of the veracity - something I don't have time to do, but I do think he had his moments of wanting to contribute...but he definitely lost his way, as so many othes that I used to trust have done too but in his case his God complex took over.
The best thing I did was to get out of that public square in terms of my visibility, but I never stopped researching and sharing ideas and theories with some of the most sane and genuinely curious, no bs colleagues - all working under the radar. One day I'll share some things, privately, with you that you will find fascinating...when and if we ever come up for air and we actually survive this mass extinction event? I know where your heart is...and it's a good place...thx again for all you do. More to come.
Sadly, Greer's Disclosure Project put him on the UFO map back in '97, but few know any details about what transpired then, and since.
Jack Sarfatti is a very good friend of mine and I've known him and stayed in close touch with him and his outstanding email cadre, since the mid 90's, when we did some OBE experiments - it is a skill that I've perfected and I did some out of body work and predicted some future events, only to be verified by Jack and about 30 other physicist friends of his....but that's not the point here - that's a substack for another day, but the point is that I'm aware of so many people who have had serious problems with Greer - including myself, and many who have reached out to Sarfatti - and I've been in that loop all this time. Here's Just the tip - some exchanges that just happen to be archived - with Edgar Mitchell and Jason Leigh...and more.
Jason wrote:
"It seems that the stories we have all heard of Dr. Greer and his 'non-profit' organization ('non-profit' meaning he does not offer any monies towards charites--only towards the 'Disclosure Project') 'using' other people's research, names and photographs to promote his own project is such a derogatory issue, that we should all be infuriated by this inexcusable conduct.
I, for one, am bewildered at the attentions he has been able to reap via the paranormal and major media in his 'Disclosure Project,' which should have a post-script to it by giving credit where credit is due to the many HUNDREDS of people he has used as well as the above mentioned theft and misuse of other people's work and names, usually, and apparently: without their consent. He should be brought up on charges for his illegal actions in an attempt to force the U.S. government to admit to the reality of UFOs, but this would just bring yet another collective 'black eye' to this field of research, which is scared enough by the countless others who have perpetrated hoaxes and lies, most assuredly for personal profit and gain.
Will I sue Dr. Greer for infringing upon, and profiting from, my copyrighted video of the UFO? I am not sure at this point, although others in this field have suggested that I should--and must."
As I said, Greer disparages almost everyone in the UFO field, out of jealousy, now that no one trusts him or anything he says anymore. No one with any snap will go near him. In fact, I hope he doesn't read this, or I could be in his vicious crosshairs once again...but I'll take my chances to pill you...since you may not know any of this...
Here's the whole article with Mitchell's email to Jack - it's at the top.
I hate even spending this much time on such a psychopath, but so many that are new to the UFO field, lots of 17ers are being pulled into his bs, those who don't know anything about Greer's history...there's alwasy a new crop of people to grift from for Greer.
And there's so much more about him, but I don't have weeks to list them all.
Sorry that this turned into a novel, but I do respect you, Alex, and love your work, and I just wanted you to know some things that might give you pause in taking Greer at his word for anything...and certainly promoting so much of his work that could potentially damage anyone's credibility. To newbies to Greer, he always sounds too fantastic...and it's always just another fantastically exaggerated grift, a sea of lies and a cry for relevancy and adulation.
Personally, if Greer told me that he had eggs for breakfast, I would assume he is lying...and I'm sure he would say that he had "briefed" the chicken and that the eggs were laid by the "highest-level" chicken on the planet.
Please listen to his interviews on this latest attention grab grift again, and read between the lies? He contradicts himself so many times, that it would take me half the day to point them all out...
when you know...you know...just wanted YOU to know...
Is there anybody here who thinks this will be a good thing, an honest thing that would have amazing reverberations in our experience and could certainly happen? You can cut through the jadedness around here with a knife. Just remember you draw your future experience with your thoughts right now. And it's not going to come out only one way. Right now, your thoughts are leading to which cosmic bus you will get on riding to your future. Please review your quantum science. Or if you like tune in to Clif High's Ontology. It's all saying the same thing.
We have a right to be Blackpilled and to feel all the horrible feelings that come with becoming more conscious of the perverted system in which we've been living.
But it doesn't serve us to stay in that Darkness and to project that garbage into our futures, because our creative powers are amazing and we need to be careful with them.
I'm saying this as much for myself as I am for anyone.
Better to not be lulled into choosing more Darkness, just because it's become easy and familiar than to be consistently committed to choosing a better world, in everything that we think and do. That's the game we're in.
It's like walking something of a tight wire. We have to see what's already manifest and deal with it on a practical level...and yet not get attached to it and manage to imagine something else and put energy into that to bring it about. I know! It's "what can be, unburdened by what has been!" Who knew we had a great philosopher in Kamala. And I thought she just fell out the coconut tree.
Here's a most interesting sci-fi film to watch that gives us all an idea of what these globalists elitist oligarchs and Illuminati psychopaths have been planning through the Pentagram aka Pentagon and military as a Psy-Ops on us all. Extinction - the ending is the real kicker, it will boggle your minds. A MUST WATCH, Share!
Story: A father has a recurring dream of losing his family. His nightmare turns into reality when the planet is invaded by a force bent on destruction. Fighting for their lives, he comes to realize an unknown strength to keep them safe from harm.
not holdin' my breath but UNTIL the AmeriCONNED public learns that we have Nazi tech AND our entire space program (not ta mention mind control) is a Nazi program (this goes deeper than just "Paperclip Awareness") then we're still deep in the mud... they've built up such a tower, one lie at a time, that it's gonna be QUITE sumthin' to dismantle it... (IF they don't wreck the world while we're waitin' fer the controlled demo of the narrative while the normies ta git caught up ta speed...)
At the end... via assistant Carol Rosin, he had her warn folks 'bout Project Bluebeam an' all the fakery... none of the avg. citizens know squat 'bout this stuff... even tho' Rosin did speak in public (Alexandra here had some contact with her too!)... I'm not sure if it was "regretsy" or what--he was dyin' of cancer an' started informing her in his last few yrs. on Earth... but again, this was obscure info most of the world never know.... still doesn't!
Why in 30 days? Why not 30 hours from now? Tomorrow night, say. No, I thought not. Another bs psyop kerfuffle.
All the gematria numbers have to line up just right & the moon & stars need to be in alignment. I agreed, total melted popsicle that they want us to lick up off the floor.
But hey at least Merc is gone direct now
Oh! Thank Heaven.
That sh¡t was killing me!
Right? They're going to wait for their annual bonuses I guess ??
You could be right....just like the 30 days given to the Israelis and they've only increased the slaughetr of helpless Palestinains in Gaza and West bank.
Also, when you hear "golden age" (Aquarian) it's either that person's "new age" brainwashing or a Luciferian/Satanist spewing more half-truths. Novus Ordo Seclorum (new age) is about the golden age of the "return of the gods" headed by Saturn (Satan) per Virgil's poem. Saturnday (black sabbath for the Synagogue of Satan), 6th day, 6th planet with a hexagonal (6) 'eye' at its pole. As was said it's astrological and numerological. As above, so below. Too much to say about this aspect alone.
But those aren't aliens from "out there". They're a type of demonic nephilim creation from down below, children of fallen angels like Saturn. That's why greys look like morlocks. That's why Egyptians depicted them and we have Ancient Aliens. They've always been around, there is a spiritual connection and Satanists to this day still perform rituals and mutilate children to make contact. That's where the Black Sun Nazis got their tech in abundance so quickly, how rocket scientist Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard were Satanists working for Aleister Crowley (see his depiction of Lam), how JPL/NASA and Nazis play into all this. The X-Files said the truth is out there but it's a lie. Duchovny and the rest are actually Satanists themselves.
That's why everything is X now: Xfinity, Xbox, OSX, etc. because X in O is a huge occult symbol that equals 66. F=6, O=15 (1+5=6), X=24 (2+4=6). FOX=666. What channel was X-Files on again? What one is the 'precognitive' Simpsons and all the 'adult' cartoons on? FX still = 66, a Kabbalistic number relating to Qlippoth.
This is a good time in history to praise Jesus and get right with God. There isn't a lot anymore that isn't purposely meant to put a wedge between us and Him. Aliens especially. Just forget He even exists... You're feeling very sleepy...
Yeah,this is the real disclosure,you can read it before you hear their lies.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Extraterrestrial_Visitation
Energetic Synth - Lisa R good resource
Yep, It appears the evildoers need at least 30 more days of us doing nothing, just waiting quietly for heros that will never show up...
William Butler Yeats...
The Second Coming springs to mind,
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
The whole hollow gram charade is to get the FAA reauthorized bill that expires 12/20/24 and set the stage for a false flag event to pit Nato versus Russia in a nuclear holocaust cause their war in Ukraine has failed. Go back to the opening ceremony, 2024 Olympics-the first image is the pale green horse! Predictive programming. The western idiots want 90% of the population gone by 2030-the kill shot scam didn;t work
Exactly. Also… what is 2030 the 2,000 year anniversary of??
Hum Birth of Christ?
It’s actually the 2,000 yr anniversary of when Christ started his teaching in earnest.
The crucifixion, resurrection and ascension.
Watch this if you’re interested:
I STILL think that this "disclosure" propaganda is truly about them hiding the REAL technology that they have & NOT giving it to US. Free energy, real healthcare, etc.... which is the disclosure that we REALLY want!
Little green men are a fun distraction & money maker ... but it's all MIC
The SPACE that they are trying to traverse ... is the SPACE between your ears!
Greer says that all of those “Little Green Men” are fake animatronics created by the Deep State.
I can get on board with THAT. I've always called them biobots or biological robots ...
"Animatronics is technology relating to the usage of electronics to animate puppets or other figures"
Interestingly, Human beans are just meat puppets run by an electrical central nervous system. not so much different than the Little green Men, huh?
That was one thing that Disinfo Boi, Lue Elizondo said during the recent hearings, that it was becoming increasingly difficult to define what “biological life” is.
I have to agree with Disinfo Boi ... as they synthesize the biosphere & Vaxx the hell outta humanity & the food supply, the term "biological" is up for debate., I suspect this has been going on a lot longer than we can imagine. It's a rabbit hole fer sure!
Worse, if you keep burrowing down into matter, you eventually get to the place where matter exists no longer and there's only the probability that something may happen.
Maybe that's why what's-her-name couldn't define a woman.
For awhile I wasn't sure abt LEiiz but I get it now. DB all the way.
They certainly had the funding and time... remember all those Trillions that the pentagram lost before 911 and more just recently...?
'Where no man has gone before...' as in 'Men don't listen'.
Men Of ANY color or shade of green :)
Dear Dr GREER,
In the early months of the jab, I saw a video of you and Gregg Bradon encouraging people to get the shot. Both of you seemed to be uncomfortable as you spoke. The two of you placing your reputations behind that program changed my opinion of each of you and cast a long shadow over the rest of your pronouncements. Up until that point I had not asked who pulls your strings. However, with the stakes being what they are, I would like to know the ground of your integrity. Have you ever recanted what you promoted back then or do you still stand by what you said?
Robert Bystrom
OMG!!! WHAT??? Gregg Braden & Dr Greer promoted the DEATH SHOT??? WTF!!!
OK. Now, I get it. They're both clearly controlled and parts of the same Globalist New Age PSYOP, aka "The Aquarian Conspiracy" (Ferguson wrote about it unironically: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Ferguson).
I did a deep dive on Braden 20 years ago, when he was in the film, 'What the Bleep Do We Know!?' and I was commissioned to write a book about that film.
I came away with a bad taste in my mouth from the saccharine-sweetness of his whole schtick, which he delivers with remarkable deftness.
Most of the speakers in that film – and also of the Australian-produced, 'The Secret', which I was also commissioned to write a book about were affiliated with Jack Canfield's Transformational Leadership Council. They are the "approved" voices of the New Age movement aka "The Aquarian Conspiracy", whether they understand their roles or not.
I met with many of these people and I wouldn't call them "bad" but they are Luciferian, even if they're not aware of themselves, as such. Our culture is largely Luciferian. Does a fish know that it's swimming in water?
I guess nobody gets to sell millions of books, etc unless they get Bernied on some level (https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/cpsepstein-child-sex-tafficking-survivor)
I remember being interested in Aquarian Conspir when it came out. Then I went to some meeting that was connected to the book. Got freaked out by talk by Barbara MHubbard, sounded like eugenics or some manipulation of Third World countries, left way early though I paid for it. Luciferian would make sense w her!
I've never cared for Braden, or his writing.
Some Canfield books were on my shelf but nothing significant comes up. Maybe too much Zen-ish for me.
@Forbidden News Now, you've just made more sense than this article and all of the comments I've read. 👍✅
I learn so much from my readers! Having an open comment section like this is amazing - especially since I'm not allowed on any major social media sites. Even on Telegram, my comments disappear or I am blocked for mysterious reasons (TG's AI?).
Substack is the only Free Speech platform in my world.
@Forbidden News Wow, that so infuriates! Am glad you're here, am learning and that's the objective, always. Due to two of my subscribers, I just was told that Substack has flagged two posts so they can't be read. Not a complete shock as [they] also locked me out of my account without any notification, why, what, when. I just always got this Error message when trying to access the platform, even that didn't make sense. It was probably a week before I managed to at least find where to go for support. Discovered one thing they're doing is keeping me from using my VPN. 🤔😕
The VPN might be it. I don't use one. But I do know someone - a military physician for whom I have the utmost respect – who was censored and de-platformed from here. I wonder if it was her VPN. I'll find out if she was using one.
I can't believe I'm still here! I was de-platformed by TRUTH, where I didn't even post (restored over a week later, after I argued for reinstatement, with zero explanation as to why I was removed or restored), which leads me to think it's one AI doing all the de-platforming and that it's somehow firewalled from here.
@Forbidden.News Yes, it's my VPN they're restricting. SMDH all the challenges you've had to incur!! I'm becoming more and more dissatisfied 😒 with ALL of 'em quite frankly. Former Twitter was my absolute favorite platform. Had wonderful followers then evil Musk came onto the scene, we know how that went. Lost activity on my posts, full of bots, sleazy is an understatement. I deleted the account. Recently learned about here, and they've deleted two of my restarts of Dr. Barbara O'Reilly, and appears even her account. Australia has totally locked her out with threats of imprisonment if she continues. I have learned SO much factual info from her. Even started practicing many of her professional advice, and she is spot on, every time.
Thank you, Robert, my sentiments exactly!
Can you please provide a link and/or hints about which platform on which this occurred? I believe you but I can't find it.
It was on YouTube.
Weird, I'm seeing all kinds of anti-vaxx content on YouTube now but it doesn't let you filter a search for videos that are over one year old.
I did see one of Gregg Braden called "The Lie of Climate Change", so that is somewhat redeeming for him.
He's a little late to the party.
I am really looking forward to peering into the underground chimera fkkery and theft of children.
Not hoping for some utopia bc I see vanguard blackrock Trump bibi kushner mbs all vying for control. But for a pivot to above ground knowledge of all or some of what is hidden is a great opportunity to sound the trumpets, blare the trombones and beat the drums.
Don’t you dare be tarped into a fear scenario. Nobody in govt will have any power to quell fear. It is up to us. We are the transdimensional dna carries of divine design no matter how broken it’s become. We can mend it after this battle.
(That transhumanist bs is the big Lie).
My confidence comes from proximity to observing a certain circle of bandits vandalizing my property & pastures for these Covid years. I knew nothing so loaded up on cameras, computers, never retaliated until my dogs were murder. I know the operatives rhythms rhymes and penchants. Committed to the dark money economy I see their moves without full understanding but I’ve learned tons.
We must maintain a tight circle of love around us. It’s my best weapon. The more we do the likelihood of getting through the bottleneck is strong.
You are absolutely correct, it’s all about maintaining the frequency of your biofield to sustain life, love, sanity.
It becomes a discipline, a walking meditation and various paths of exercise. Kindness to the self and all the beauty of the world.
Operating towards the False Evidence Appearing as Real. Letting go and willing to gain strength by being vulnerable. Scary like that. Being careful with calculated risks.
I hope you're right and they haven't yet borged us all...
Gotta disagree with "transhumanism BS lie"
You are entitled to your opinion.
I believe this path we are on to transhumanism is one of the most important issues we should be keeping tabs on.
Yes. Transhumanism is WAAAAAYYYY more serious than cancer.
I'm on it.
I agree to disagree. As a casual Christian I find the Trinity, especially during the beautiful season, to be the full throated expression to Spirit. A transdimensional statement if ever a cypher from the Bible is repeatedly illustrated. And that transhumanism is a bioweapons vaxx to draw people from that divine glory.
I fight for spirits here whilst having a human education. I claim free will in my curriculum choices.
Elons an actor. Being groomed by a GOAT It is breathtaking. Gotta hand it to them. But I do not comply to that My nonsense is flat earth.
My simple question is: Why, instead of just up and leaving don't these defectors turn the actual technology against the conspirators and their financiers? The sooner the better, imo.
I'm guessing that there is an extraordinary amount of security that would prevent that – more intense than what took these guys out: https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/people-found-dead-after-discovering
Likely they are buying time for their owners... I doubt they are heros... Why announce it 30 days ahead..? Who tells an enemy they are planning an attack 30 days in advance... This is a psyop, a fraud, a hoax.
Yes, it's hard to even want to believe any of these annointed 'saviors'. Now when I listen again more closely, it seems he's blowing the whistle on the whistleblowers (the "defectors") by "trying to give leaders around the world a headsup" - including the CIA ... (Wut!??) @T4:30 The "cosmic Paul Revere," Greer, adds even more drama: "This is what's going to happen if they don't get scrubbed ... if they're not assassinated between now and then."
I kept thinking when he says 'defectors' he's saying 'defecators'. They choose their words carefully.
I hope this comes to pass, but I will believe it when I see it.
I remain undecided about Greer but the fact he is still breathing despite his revelations makes me think he is an op and so are his 'disclosures'.
Hi Michael, I saw somewhere that someone calls Greer controlled op. I know, terrific info-I saw someone somewhere! My memory.
It’s some doco or something like that where a bunch of people are whistleblowers-ah, I remember. A doco about Tesla and free energy. I didn’t watch much, but I could tell something was off, with Greer.
way off...see my post above
I agree... No one announces an attack on their enemy 30 days in advance...
unless they are grifters.
be very undecided...is my suggestion...
Wow! Just in time to disrupt or eliminate Trump’s inauguration.
You are probably right... No one announces an attack on an enemy 30 days in advance...
I'm so sorry to crash this Greatest-Event-In-Human-History Disclosure Party, but I consider you to be friends...so I'm going to unload.
So, Greer is the Cosmic Paul Revere......more like the Cosmic Grifter - the same Greer, who has "briefed" just about everyone you can think of...or everyone HE can think of. Everyone on the planet, but only those at the "highest-level." More like gang-stalked them into some DC cafeteria, or simply lied, as he did with Woolsey years ago, when Woolsey was having dinner with his family and happened to unfortunately be seated with Greer and his wife at a dinner party.
Here is Woolsey's letter to Greer about Greer's false claims in his book.
Yes, Greer got in his face and and started spewing his bs -and he's still telling that tired "I briefed Woolsey" lie to this day. And I know it's an old story, but it is pivotal to understanding who this psychopathic narcissist really is...it should put into questions all of the UK, US, this admin, the incoming admin - all the "top-tier" "highest level" big shots that he says he is "briefing"...He's alwasy "briefing" EVERYONE...well only the top - the "highest level" players, of course.
The reason Greer disparages just about everyone in the UFO field is because anyone in their right mind would NEVER include Greer in any forum. It's why he has to stage his own. The most respected researchers are on to him and have been for many years, decades in fact. And he can be extremely vicious and retaliatory, so most just stay far away - and calling out his bs is a full-time job anyway - the bottom line is that no one with ANY credibility, wants anything to do with him.
I've had a few run-ins with him myself at UFO conferences where we were both speakers. He was so full of it in one of his presentations, that I had to call him out and we had a verbal cage fight, which resulted in the audience breaking into applause when I ripped him a new one during the question/answer session at the end of one of his talks. I challenged him publicly a few more times, it turned into a thing...since we were both speakers at several UFO conferences in the 90's, and it was epic, if I do say so... anyway, I had his number from day one and it seemed we were both laying for each other. Fun times.
I used to challenge him and tick him off royally, to the point that he was following me around at this one conference - gang-stalking me? And he kept getting in my face and trying to intimidate me...and every time I proceeded to rip him another new one...we actually drew crowds at the conferences when we started in again...LOL...but, I will admit, although I wore my battle-ready shield-maiden warrior face, he was more terrifying than any Reptilian.
So, I guess you could say that I do have a few problems with him. 🤣 I've watched him grift, lie, scam, steal and laud himself for decades - and there are many accounts of him faking sightings with his lasers and flashlights at his CSETI bs contact seminars, with all of his electroic gadgets, beeping signals from his ET that he named Walter, that only he can interpret or see - where he's been known to drop flares from helicopters - and shine flashlights into the sky and declare that the craft is materializing, but you might not be able to see it, and if you can't see what he is seeing, you are not ready for contact - you are not "clean of heart." His quote. Because HE is the superior being...he has the direct line to the all-benevolent (the ETs are all benevolent - another ridiculous assertion) ETs, because he's so fukking spiritual.
The truth is that he hates you - he wants your money and your adulation. He is far superior to you, but he'll try to be humble "I'm just a country doctor." Unless he really hates himself and that is why he must inflate his ego and importance? I'm not a shrink...and I don't want to be...whatever...I can only share that it is "high-level" toxic to be around him.
And you had better not question anything he sees or asserts, especially at his CSETI PsyOps - or he will rain down the most verbally abusive holy hell on you, right there in front of everyone. After all, his staff can see these things...if you can't see them, then you need some of his meditation tapes, so you too can experience meditative Samadhi or oneness with all, that he is so familiar with. Only $3000 per person for that scam and unimaginable verbal abuse. What a deal. And he ran that scam for years...the horrific and sad reviews of those "oh so spiritual" CSETI "outings" are legendary.
And does anyone actually believe that his disclosure proeject so threatened, as he called them, "the rogue MAJESTIC secret government," so much so, that according to him, he "rejected a TWO BILLION dollar payout to shut up and abandon the ET disclosure issue?" Yes, and he said it with a straight face.
The one thing he really does well though, is shake people down for money. He's not even one drone shy of Corey Goode.
Those who aren't familiar with his decades of grifts are still listeniing to him, sadly.
He did happen to glom onto two interesting and "potentially" credible witnesses, and he's been riding that one for awhile now, but it's well-known that he used the event to shake down some wealthy freinds who weren't yet in-the-know about him, for his latest ego trip and his Disclosure film.
He's been saying that he is humanity's ambassador to the ETs for decades. Will his next title be the God of Disclosure? I guess he's the Cosmic Paul Revere for now? And the only thing that casts doubt on the two witnesses and their stories is the fact that they were on the same stage as Greer.
Does anyone actually believe that he has been traveling the world "briefing" all of these "very" - only the highest of the high, high-level politicians? All over Europe and the UK? And "briefing" Congress for three hours in a SCIF? Or "briefing" high level (alwasy the highest level) people from this administration and the new incoming one as well...man oh man, has he been busy "briefing." Are we sure that he wasn't just fluffing his underwear drawer?
And 700+ defectors - and only the "highest level" ones, of course) who visited his home in DC...they all know him and they love him, he is the ONE...and because they all so admire this new Cosmic Paul Revere, they will only come to him and reveal all and agree to being named. Isn't he something. He is obviously the one who will deliver "Disclosure," I'm sure of it. Greer will be the ONE who is solely responsible - he will get all the applause - for the Greatest Disclosure Event in Human History...unless ...yeah, true to form, he's already given himself an out - "unless they are scrubbed."
When 30 days or so pass, he will likely need another infusion of cash to persuade the defectors to go public...probably needed for the "highest level" security to keep them safe...and THEN they'll be scrubbed. He'll muster some spiritual" Samadhi tears as he tells the story of his unfortunate defectors' fates.
I've seen this movie before...so many times...and his other tear-filled spiritually-superior "movies."
He's played the scrubbed card before too, when one of his other disclosure events never materialized. It was five or six of his "witnesses" that never came forward...and of course, according to Greer, they were murdered...
cont. in next post...the rant goes on...
Whoa!!! I guess you've been following him LITTLE more closely than I have! Holy Sh¡t! What a Babe in the Woods I have been about him, my God!
I know he's closeted-gay and I've heard he "likes 'em young" (barely legal; not a pedophile) but I figured nobody's perfect.
Between that and taking Laurence Rockefeller money, he would certainly be controllable.
Now that I learned that he promoted the Death Shot, together with Gregg Braden, I am nauseated to the core at how everyone who's anyone is an asset.
My poverty and obscurity are badges of honor! LOL
I still think he's made a huge contribution by publishing all those video interviews of government witnesses but wow. I guess I managed to maintain a safe enough distance and I never gave him a dime, although I did help him distribute 'Sirius' through the affiliate program he set up at the time (2013 or '14), so I did split a dime with him.
Greer's abiding message is that there are no such things as malevolent ETs. It behooves to be deeply suspicious of that message, given everything Pasheen and others have added to this thread.
he is so toxic...and we can watch and see what happens, but from my experience, this is likey just another attention-seeking grift...and there are way more important things to keep our eyes on besides him...😎
Him promoting the Death Shot should be the death of his grift.
Ha...many things should have been the death of his grift...but, much like herpes...😂
I still really do think that the trove of government witness interviews he did are of outstanding, historic value – but O-M-G!
I had no idea how bad it was.
I hear you, I would have to go back and see who they were and where they are today to be assured of the veracity - something I don't have time to do, but I do think he had his moments of wanting to contribute...but he definitely lost his way, as so many othes that I used to trust have done too but in his case his God complex took over.
The best thing I did was to get out of that public square in terms of my visibility, but I never stopped researching and sharing ideas and theories with some of the most sane and genuinely curious, no bs colleagues - all working under the radar. One day I'll share some things, privately, with you that you will find fascinating...when and if we ever come up for air and we actually survive this mass extinction event? I know where your heart is...and it's a good place...thx again for all you do. More to come.
the rest of my rant...LOL
Sadly, Greer's Disclosure Project put him on the UFO map back in '97, but few know any details about what transpired then, and since.
Jack Sarfatti is a very good friend of mine and I've known him and stayed in close touch with him and his outstanding email cadre, since the mid 90's, when we did some OBE experiments - it is a skill that I've perfected and I did some out of body work and predicted some future events, only to be verified by Jack and about 30 other physicist friends of his....but that's not the point here - that's a substack for another day, but the point is that I'm aware of so many people who have had serious problems with Greer - including myself, and many who have reached out to Sarfatti - and I've been in that loop all this time. Here's Just the tip - some exchanges that just happen to be archived - with Edgar Mitchell and Jason Leigh...and more.
Jason wrote:
"It seems that the stories we have all heard of Dr. Greer and his 'non-profit' organization ('non-profit' meaning he does not offer any monies towards charites--only towards the 'Disclosure Project') 'using' other people's research, names and photographs to promote his own project is such a derogatory issue, that we should all be infuriated by this inexcusable conduct.
I, for one, am bewildered at the attentions he has been able to reap via the paranormal and major media in his 'Disclosure Project,' which should have a post-script to it by giving credit where credit is due to the many HUNDREDS of people he has used as well as the above mentioned theft and misuse of other people's work and names, usually, and apparently: without their consent. He should be brought up on charges for his illegal actions in an attempt to force the U.S. government to admit to the reality of UFOs, but this would just bring yet another collective 'black eye' to this field of research, which is scared enough by the countless others who have perpetrated hoaxes and lies, most assuredly for personal profit and gain.
Will I sue Dr. Greer for infringing upon, and profiting from, my copyrighted video of the UFO? I am not sure at this point, although others in this field have suggested that I should--and must."
As I said, Greer disparages almost everyone in the UFO field, out of jealousy, now that no one trusts him or anything he says anymore. No one with any snap will go near him. In fact, I hope he doesn't read this, or I could be in his vicious crosshairs once again...but I'll take my chances to pill you...since you may not know any of this...
Here's the whole article with Mitchell's email to Jack - it's at the top.
I hate even spending this much time on such a psychopath, but so many that are new to the UFO field, lots of 17ers are being pulled into his bs, those who don't know anything about Greer's history...there's alwasy a new crop of people to grift from for Greer.
And there's so much more about him, but I don't have weeks to list them all.
Sorry that this turned into a novel, but I do respect you, Alex, and love your work, and I just wanted you to know some things that might give you pause in taking Greer at his word for anything...and certainly promoting so much of his work that could potentially damage anyone's credibility. To newbies to Greer, he always sounds too fantastic...and it's always just another fantastically exaggerated grift, a sea of lies and a cry for relevancy and adulation.
Personally, if Greer told me that he had eggs for breakfast, I would assume he is lying...and I'm sure he would say that he had "briefed" the chicken and that the eggs were laid by the "highest-level" chicken on the planet.
Please listen to his interviews on this latest attention grab grift again, and read between the lies? He contradicts himself so many times, that it would take me half the day to point them all out...
when you know...you know...just wanted YOU to know...
Enough insanity...
Diva...over and out!
Is there anybody here who thinks this will be a good thing, an honest thing that would have amazing reverberations in our experience and could certainly happen? You can cut through the jadedness around here with a knife. Just remember you draw your future experience with your thoughts right now. And it's not going to come out only one way. Right now, your thoughts are leading to which cosmic bus you will get on riding to your future. Please review your quantum science. Or if you like tune in to Clif High's Ontology. It's all saying the same thing.
👏 Yeah. Wow. 🗡️
We have a right to be Blackpilled and to feel all the horrible feelings that come with becoming more conscious of the perverted system in which we've been living.
But it doesn't serve us to stay in that Darkness and to project that garbage into our futures, because our creative powers are amazing and we need to be careful with them.
I'm saying this as much for myself as I am for anyone.
Better to not be lulled into choosing more Darkness, just because it's become easy and familiar than to be consistently committed to choosing a better world, in everything that we think and do. That's the game we're in.
It's like walking something of a tight wire. We have to see what's already manifest and deal with it on a practical level...and yet not get attached to it and manage to imagine something else and put energy into that to bring it about. I know! It's "what can be, unburdened by what has been!" Who knew we had a great philosopher in Kamala. And I thought she just fell out the coconut tree.
No one announces their attack on an enemy 30 days in advance...
30 days? most of them will be dead by accident and "suicide"long before that.
Greer does say there’s a possibility they could get “scrubbed”, thus preventing this from happening.
No one announces an attack on an enemy 30 days in advance...
That's Greer's out, when his bs doesn't pan out...see my post above...?
Here's a most interesting sci-fi film to watch that gives us all an idea of what these globalists elitist oligarchs and Illuminati psychopaths have been planning through the Pentagram aka Pentagon and military as a Psy-Ops on us all. Extinction - the ending is the real kicker, it will boggle your minds. A MUST WATCH, Share!
1h 35m https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3201640/
Story: A father has a recurring dream of losing his family. His nightmare turns into reality when the planet is invaded by a force bent on destruction. Fighting for their lives, he comes to realize an unknown strength to keep them safe from harm.
They are getting desperate…
Often dangerous to "announce" you're are going to provide important info that the cabal doesn't want released. Best to just DO it unexpectedly.
Exactly... No one publicly announces an attack on their enemy 30 days in advance...
it's self defeating. I can't imagine these whistleblowers are so naive...
I smell rats...
there is indeed a big rat in this story...
not holdin' my breath but UNTIL the AmeriCONNED public learns that we have Nazi tech AND our entire space program (not ta mention mind control) is a Nazi program (this goes deeper than just "Paperclip Awareness") then we're still deep in the mud... they've built up such a tower, one lie at a time, that it's gonna be QUITE sumthin' to dismantle it... (IF they don't wreck the world while we're waitin' fer the controlled demo of the narrative while the normies ta git caught up ta speed...)
Werner von Braun changed though, didn't he?
At the end... via assistant Carol Rosin, he had her warn folks 'bout Project Bluebeam an' all the fakery... none of the avg. citizens know squat 'bout this stuff... even tho' Rosin did speak in public (Alexandra here had some contact with her too!)... I'm not sure if it was "regretsy" or what--he was dyin' of cancer an' started informing her in his last few yrs. on Earth... but again, this was obscure info most of the world never know.... still doesn't!