You cannot compare Trump and Biden: Apples and Oranges, but who owns the orchard? Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”
― Confucius
We must never forget this quote: Those who see this understand. Divide and conquer will be the energy drink of the day. Both parties are one and will continue to wave their magic wands to Fragment the herd into smaller herds.
The assassinations are already out there. One would know if people would pick up a book and read the evidence. However, so many people continue to rely on corporate media for information.
We must see these politicians for who they indeed are; the Zionists own all. Trump didn’t have his hand on the Bible because he is a Jew convert.
Thanks for mentioning Terence McKenna and his Time Wave Zero theory. I was at one of his workshops when he was presenting this idea and how he acquired the information. Terence was an incredible human being, and I miss him terribly. His mind and humor were piecing.
I wouldn’t put much trust in Trump; I don’t trust any of them. Stooges on stage. It’s not even great entertainment! Mediocre at best! But this is all we are being given. There are much better books out there than this cheap entertainment. Even I have to have a peep into the absurdities. Good Luck to all, and be prepared to hunker down.
🎯🎯 I agree! Americans need to be reminded that Zionists own everything, even America! A few have noticed and asked "why didn't Trump put his hand on the Bible" which, indeed, should be a 🚩 flag to every American! That swearing Oath means something, and it's not just ceremonial tradition either, that the president of the United States of America stands in truth with God/Creator and Yeshua/Jesus Christ! That when people swear on the Bible then they will stand in truth only, as Jesus Christ did, and not do anything under handed and under the table hidden in secret to cause deceptive acts and deceptive works hidden against people! Only time will tell if Donald Trump is "America first" and by him not swearing on the Bible is not a good start for us! The phrase goes for people to "be wise as serpents" and the people who noticed that Trump didn't touch the Bible may start questioning everything Donald Trump does, I certainly do! I don't trust any of them! Haven't trusted any of them for a long time now!
When the oligarchs gave us Trump, it is symbolic of how once the parties are over, the last one standing turns off the lights and closes the door behind you. This is nothing more than a wake-up call for the normies. It’s your last chance to say goodbye to the dream of America and hello to a Global World Order. They will follow like the sheeple they are. The rest of us just got to hunker down and try to weather the upcoming storms of tyranny.
Yeah I know! None of it makes me feel uneasy or worried anymore! The American dream is gone! To me the "American Dream" is freedom! It's not materialism! The American people are getting deceived into giving up their freedom, the most precious thing! I just feel like America will fall before too long or get split in two, I've been feeling like that the future of America the country will get split into 2 parts down the middle with western America California will be the capital and Eastern America the capital will still be Washington, DC and Constitutional America with the Constitution as the law of the land! Western America will be fascist communist! People will take sides! It already has as people are so divided! Or people who love freedom will have to live an underground existence outside of every system, mad max style life and existence with everyday being a fight just to survive! It's either live the mad max life and have some sense of freedom or be a slave to their global order! Those of us who hunker down and refuse the tyranny many will probably die and the survivors left will be on the run in that mad max existence! I'm not afraid, it doesn't bother me, if it's my time to die, then I die! I'm 60 years old and I might be too old to run hard and fight to survive like that!
Donald Trump is already playing the hypocrite by threatening ever more sanctions on Russia if Russia does not end the conflict in Ukraine on America and NATO's terms, which I hasten to add was started by America and NATO in an temp to force regime change on Russia by getting rid of President Vladimir Putin, President Putin should tell Donald Trump where he can stick his sanctions. Trump totally refuses to sanction the pariah State of Israel for the policy of genocide against the Palestinians, so Americans and the world can expect the same old same old under Trump. As the saying goes:"Changes Must Be Made In Order That Things Remain The Same."
Agree, this seems like a stumble out of the gate as does the "Ellison AI cancer cure." Time will tell, but I won't jump to conclusions but I don't think we have all the information.
No we're not a movie, well, yeah, maybe we are of sorts, if we consider the concept of "all of the world is a stage and actors are playing their parts on the world stage" which includes false flag events too and anything to manipulate us and get a public reaction! Maybe all of that work at gitmo is for Americans who refuse to bow down to Israel and we speak out against Israel?Or for us Americans who refuse the next round of mandatory death jabs from the next plandemic which is probably just around the corner? American concentration camps and re-education brainwashing camps for Americans?
The predictability of the cycles is amazing. The work of the master chronologist Jason Breshears of has shown the mathematically regular reset cycles as shown by numerous independent accounts from a multitude of rare and suppressed ancient writings and sources. These have allowed him to pinpoint with certainty important events of real history. His work with the Mayan long count calendar for example establishes the mistake that led to the 2012 date, which actually is 2040. There are amazing anomalies in regards to the regularity of certain resets and occurrences that lead him to conclude that the world and events are not what we have always thought they were. One thing is certain, an age is ending and within just a couple of decades there will be a great reset occurring that will mark the beginning of a completely new cycle.
King Solomon once wrote, “There is nothing new under the sun”, and one thing that never changes is the way people use their God-given creativity to invent fake gods and elaborate stories. Now I love good fiction, but not when someone insists it’s true. Our brains can get so cluttered up with nonsense that the simple truth is hard to see- and we don’t want to see it, sometimes.
Here’s the truth: we know life was created; it is so incredibly complex that it cannot be re-created, or even fully understood, by humans who are supposed to be intelligent. So to believe that life evolved by itself is to say that the most brilliant scientists are actually dumber than dirt (which somehow created life by accident).
Now if we are so complex that we have such questioning and inventive minds, don’t you think that our Creator would be powerful enough to provide the answers to our questions? If we are made to have relationships, don’t you think that He would want us to have a relationship with Him? So look around and tell me, is there a book somewhere that purports to tell us what God says and what He wants? A book that has nearly been translated into every language that explains why we’re here and tells us about God’s future plans? Hello Bible!
There are many ages mentioned in the Bible. Some scholars call them “dispensations”. We are in the Age of the Gentiles and the Age of the Church right now. A good study on what the Bible teaches about the end times is Revelation by Steven Armstrong, Verse by Verse Ministries. You can find it on YouTube- it’s long.
Truth: the God Who is powerful enough to create thinking, reasoning beings is also powerful enough to control them and make sure that His word is true. Jesus said that not one small mark (jot or tittle) of His word would pass away til all was fulfilled. Many intelligent men have tried to disprove the Bible’s accuracy only to become believers. I think that there’s nothing more important than figuring out the truth about the Bible, because if it’s true and you are wrong about it… you will spend eternity weeping and gnashing your teeth- salted with fire and having a worm that never dies. I’ll pass on that, myself.
God made us to live in a relationship of love with Him and we will never be satisfied, never be whole, until we are right with Him. He sent His only Son to die for our sins in order to make it possible.
I do hope that it’s not too late for you, that your heart and brain are not too hardened to respond to His Spirit’s wooing. Praying for you, Dear!
I respect your points of view as my own! And respectfully add that the Adamic cycle ended in 1844 and now—almost 200 years into the next 1000+ year cycle of the Baha’i era we are ushering in the PEACE and UNITY cycle! Christ returned as promised like a thief in the night and we were reminded repeatedly to seek constantly and with the innocence of a child! He came in the GLORY of the father! If you are truly a lover of Christ you will earnestly seek with open 💗 and test my words❣️
"Western, i.e., Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam take a linear view of time and they don't deal with the cyclical nature of the Universe."
That's a good way to keep followers loyal to the traditions of their respective cultures, but a terrible way to get PERSPECTIVE on life. Yes, or course, God (or whatever Name you prefer for The Source of All Life) is always at the Center of it all, and powers it all. But there's a cyclical Cosmic 'Dance of Time' around that Center, and there are meaningful patterns in the dance that constantly repeat and rhyme. If we don't look at the cycles, we miss the deeper meanings in our experience.
Faith in God doesn't imply disregard of the ever-changing quality of the life we're currently living in Time. On the contrary, we can and should be aware of the divine influences in the cosmic 'dance'. IMO, to find meaning in life we need more than belief and prayer; we need to experience the very real connections between the transcendent God and our ordinary lives. Of course we humans can't possibly understand everything nor expect to, but we can understand a lot more than most of us do.
Perspective is not possible without a view of the cyclical nature of the Universe. As cited in this article, some other cultures have always sought such a view, and modern astrology (the serious kind, not the Sun-sign nonsense in "horoscope" columns) can provide a very good one for Westerners.
Is it even possible that Day 2 would much worse than Day 1 was wonderful ?
How in the World could mRNA shots and an A.I. Grid be pushed, via Ellison of all people ? An mRNA custom made vaccine for people within 48 hours ? What happened to RFK Jr. and MAHA ?
And, all those guys standing there with hands over crotch, including Trump ? What's with that ?
I find myself, and all of us, in some sort of nightmare.....
What am I missing ? Can anyone put a positive twist on this ?
Maybe it's pretty simple, this Trump dilemma. He - being of Planet Normal - responds to power and money. RFK Jr. comes along with power and Trump is impressed - as seen by his surprised comments when his audience responds so vigorously to RFK Jr. 's getting on the stage. He bows to Ellison's money when he says his billions are just spare change to Ellison's wealth. And so on and so forth... Seems to explain some of his bizarre behavior. But, he does respect his voters, and so has worked at fulfilling his promises. More so than most have ever done.......He being a 5 dimensional chess player as an explanation for "warp speed", for example, just doesn't seem to fit. At this point, I'd say he's much simpler and more direct, as evidenced above.
Bizarre. I'll check out Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, thanks, and David Sorensen's latest comments ( Stop World Control ) - who has a "good" take on Warp Speed.
‘Most’ ‘economic thinking’ is ‘short run’ and ‘redundant’?
‘It’ ignores the ‘supply side’?
‘Growth’ {and ‘civilisation’} depends upon ‘cheap’ F.F. – those so called ‘halcyon days’ are ‘over’. ?
“The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . .
And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.” ?
The soldiers were not representative of the british redcoats, these are frum the fife and drum corps. Checkout: and you can see this is their standard ceremonial garb.
Galactic Fed is not our friend. They want our resources. Don't fall for cute cartoon alien saviors.. Read The Briefings Dan. BTW Great show you'all. It eased my mind about Trumps seeming ignorance on the jab.!
All bets are off till all cards are in the deck. We've got a bunch of aliens here giving out wooden nickels, trinkets, nothing that would actually empower us of strengthen out independence from THE COLLECTIVES.
Read The Briefings. Be willing to re-scrutinize hopes and dreams about the presence and it's global takeover.
The origin of the linear world view was the establishment of logic or the syllogism (if. . . then . . . conclusion), which datres back to Aristotle and is the basis of experimental science (premise, test, conclusion). this was about 400 BCE. Logic infers a right and wrong, a linear progression, and therefore a one culture/one rule/one god religion. At this time the Jews came back from Mesopotamia, set up the temple, banned the sacrifice of sheep anywhere else, kicked out the Samaritans and began kosher laws that were harder and harder for the poor to follow. Jesus rebelled against the syllogism ("the kingdom of heaven is like. . . ") but a religion was built on him, and then Islam arose. So they are actual creatures of the logical method. Science is the ultimate religion of the syllogism.
I'd never heard that either, but it makes sense. It's also materialistic and negates intuition and meaning. Science certainly has a place, but at this point it's gone too far into overreach. Society has 'thrown out the [intuitive] baby with the bathwater' and needs to acknowledge and honor alternative views of life that yield meaning.
never heard of . . . yes, hardly anything written about this anywhere. . . we are so trapped in our language/mindset that we don't even have a word for alternative forms of speech used by everyone on the planet before modern times. one booklet. Jerry Stannard, Presocratic Methodology. 1965. But kind of wordy. I cover this in my latest book, A Shamanic Herbal (2024), Innter Traditions.
This is an interesting book about the Kali Yuga that I just got and I'm going to start reading! I thought I would share because I feel like something big is about to happen! I not long ago learned about the Kali Yuga and what it was! There's just too much anxiety going on! To me the whole planet has anxiety and people are anxious, the energy of anxiety is everywhere!
This is another perspective for the Sixth Trumpet, with 200 million mounted troops (AI Robot soldiers). The wealthiest man who made the salute on the stage claimed, "They don't miss."
Sajnos nem tudok angolul..Ausztriában élek, és Magyarország Budapest a szülőhazám.. Nagyon érdekes figyelemre méltó gondolatokat írt le..köszönöm... 72 éves vagyok, és jelenleg az ember által kifejlesztett gonosz technika áldozata vagyok.Többek között azért mert megérthettem olyan dolgokat és látom is amit kevés ember érthet.. Biológia rajz szakos tanárként mindig foglalkoztatott az élet eredete, a teremtett élet, és természet felfoghatatlan összhangja működése és szépsége.. Látom azt hogy különböző időpontok jelennek meg pl. youtub filmeknél.. sok fotóm van ezekről.. Megérthettem a legfontosabbat ami az életünkhöz kell, KELLETT volna..szívesen küldök fotókat ezekről..ha kéri.. A lényeg, mert nem lehet leírni kommentben évtizedeket.. a legfontosabb hogy valóban van e világunknak egy hiper super nincs rá szó igazából INTELIGENS TEREMTŐJE...akinek a nevét nem ismeri a világ, nem használja pedig nincs elrejtve...... valóban a RENDELT IDŐ amit Dániel könyvében olvashatunk valóságos.. vége felé járunk.. hazugság tengerben úszik és úszott a világunk. A Bibliának nevezett könyv az emberiség nagy TESZTJE, amin azt gondolom , mindannyian elbuktunk..kérdés hogy felismerjük e hazugságokat a megtévesztéseket addig ameddig tart az időnk.. the gods saw fit to "dumb them down." - I think someone, or some group latched onto this early on and captured the Department of Education, Allopathic medicine, and to retard progress, infiltrated the universities as well. Just an aside, there is no mention of Martin Armstrong's wealth of knowledge regarding civilizations and history. His computer program has been tracking multiple factors for decades. He has more global followers than anyone I read in his multifaceted genre (of course, Taylor Swift has more social media followers, if that's your cup of pop knowledge).
You cannot compare Trump and Biden: Apples and Oranges, but who owns the orchard? Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”
― Confucius
We must never forget this quote: Those who see this understand. Divide and conquer will be the energy drink of the day. Both parties are one and will continue to wave their magic wands to Fragment the herd into smaller herds.
The assassinations are already out there. One would know if people would pick up a book and read the evidence. However, so many people continue to rely on corporate media for information.
We must see these politicians for who they indeed are; the Zionists own all. Trump didn’t have his hand on the Bible because he is a Jew convert.
Thanks for mentioning Terence McKenna and his Time Wave Zero theory. I was at one of his workshops when he was presenting this idea and how he acquired the information. Terence was an incredible human being, and I miss him terribly. His mind and humor were piecing.
I wouldn’t put much trust in Trump; I don’t trust any of them. Stooges on stage. It’s not even great entertainment! Mediocre at best! But this is all we are being given. There are much better books out there than this cheap entertainment. Even I have to have a peep into the absurdities. Good Luck to all, and be prepared to hunker down.
🎯🎯 I agree! Americans need to be reminded that Zionists own everything, even America! A few have noticed and asked "why didn't Trump put his hand on the Bible" which, indeed, should be a 🚩 flag to every American! That swearing Oath means something, and it's not just ceremonial tradition either, that the president of the United States of America stands in truth with God/Creator and Yeshua/Jesus Christ! That when people swear on the Bible then they will stand in truth only, as Jesus Christ did, and not do anything under handed and under the table hidden in secret to cause deceptive acts and deceptive works hidden against people! Only time will tell if Donald Trump is "America first" and by him not swearing on the Bible is not a good start for us! The phrase goes for people to "be wise as serpents" and the people who noticed that Trump didn't touch the Bible may start questioning everything Donald Trump does, I certainly do! I don't trust any of them! Haven't trusted any of them for a long time now!
When the oligarchs gave us Trump, it is symbolic of how once the parties are over, the last one standing turns off the lights and closes the door behind you. This is nothing more than a wake-up call for the normies. It’s your last chance to say goodbye to the dream of America and hello to a Global World Order. They will follow like the sheeple they are. The rest of us just got to hunker down and try to weather the upcoming storms of tyranny.
Yeah I know! None of it makes me feel uneasy or worried anymore! The American dream is gone! To me the "American Dream" is freedom! It's not materialism! The American people are getting deceived into giving up their freedom, the most precious thing! I just feel like America will fall before too long or get split in two, I've been feeling like that the future of America the country will get split into 2 parts down the middle with western America California will be the capital and Eastern America the capital will still be Washington, DC and Constitutional America with the Constitution as the law of the land! Western America will be fascist communist! People will take sides! It already has as people are so divided! Or people who love freedom will have to live an underground existence outside of every system, mad max style life and existence with everyday being a fight just to survive! It's either live the mad max life and have some sense of freedom or be a slave to their global order! Those of us who hunker down and refuse the tyranny many will probably die and the survivors left will be on the run in that mad max existence! I'm not afraid, it doesn't bother me, if it's my time to die, then I die! I'm 60 years old and I might be too old to run hard and fight to survive like that!
I hear Ya!
Donald Trump is already playing the hypocrite by threatening ever more sanctions on Russia if Russia does not end the conflict in Ukraine on America and NATO's terms, which I hasten to add was started by America and NATO in an temp to force regime change on Russia by getting rid of President Vladimir Putin, President Putin should tell Donald Trump where he can stick his sanctions. Trump totally refuses to sanction the pariah State of Israel for the policy of genocide against the Palestinians, so Americans and the world can expect the same old same old under Trump. As the saying goes:"Changes Must Be Made In Order That Things Remain The Same."
Agree, this seems like a stumble out of the gate as does the "Ellison AI cancer cure." Time will tell, but I won't jump to conclusions but I don't think we have all the information.
No we're not a movie, well, yeah, maybe we are of sorts, if we consider the concept of "all of the world is a stage and actors are playing their parts on the world stage" which includes false flag events too and anything to manipulate us and get a public reaction! Maybe all of that work at gitmo is for Americans who refuse to bow down to Israel and we speak out against Israel?Or for us Americans who refuse the next round of mandatory death jabs from the next plandemic which is probably just around the corner? American concentration camps and re-education brainwashing camps for Americans?
The predictability of the cycles is amazing. The work of the master chronologist Jason Breshears of has shown the mathematically regular reset cycles as shown by numerous independent accounts from a multitude of rare and suppressed ancient writings and sources. These have allowed him to pinpoint with certainty important events of real history. His work with the Mayan long count calendar for example establishes the mistake that led to the 2012 date, which actually is 2040. There are amazing anomalies in regards to the regularity of certain resets and occurrences that lead him to conclude that the world and events are not what we have always thought they were. One thing is certain, an age is ending and within just a couple of decades there will be a great reset occurring that will mark the beginning of a completely new cycle.
I've met him a couple of times. He is lovely. I need to watch his stuff more.
Why am I surprised? Two of the researchers I most admire for their cutting edge work.
King Solomon once wrote, “There is nothing new under the sun”, and one thing that never changes is the way people use their God-given creativity to invent fake gods and elaborate stories. Now I love good fiction, but not when someone insists it’s true. Our brains can get so cluttered up with nonsense that the simple truth is hard to see- and we don’t want to see it, sometimes.
Here’s the truth: we know life was created; it is so incredibly complex that it cannot be re-created, or even fully understood, by humans who are supposed to be intelligent. So to believe that life evolved by itself is to say that the most brilliant scientists are actually dumber than dirt (which somehow created life by accident).
Now if we are so complex that we have such questioning and inventive minds, don’t you think that our Creator would be powerful enough to provide the answers to our questions? If we are made to have relationships, don’t you think that He would want us to have a relationship with Him? So look around and tell me, is there a book somewhere that purports to tell us what God says and what He wants? A book that has nearly been translated into every language that explains why we’re here and tells us about God’s future plans? Hello Bible!
There are many ages mentioned in the Bible. Some scholars call them “dispensations”. We are in the Age of the Gentiles and the Age of the Church right now. A good study on what the Bible teaches about the end times is Revelation by Steven Armstrong, Verse by Verse Ministries. You can find it on YouTube- it’s long.
Truth: the God Who is powerful enough to create thinking, reasoning beings is also powerful enough to control them and make sure that His word is true. Jesus said that not one small mark (jot or tittle) of His word would pass away til all was fulfilled. Many intelligent men have tried to disprove the Bible’s accuracy only to become believers. I think that there’s nothing more important than figuring out the truth about the Bible, because if it’s true and you are wrong about it… you will spend eternity weeping and gnashing your teeth- salted with fire and having a worm that never dies. I’ll pass on that, myself.
God made us to live in a relationship of love with Him and we will never be satisfied, never be whole, until we are right with Him. He sent His only Son to die for our sins in order to make it possible.
I do hope that it’s not too late for you, that your heart and brain are not too hardened to respond to His Spirit’s wooing. Praying for you, Dear!
I respect your points of view as my own! And respectfully add that the Adamic cycle ended in 1844 and now—almost 200 years into the next 1000+ year cycle of the Baha’i era we are ushering in the PEACE and UNITY cycle! Christ returned as promised like a thief in the night and we were reminded repeatedly to seek constantly and with the innocence of a child! He came in the GLORY of the father! If you are truly a lover of Christ you will earnestly seek with open 💗 and test my words❣️
"Western, i.e., Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam take a linear view of time and they don't deal with the cyclical nature of the Universe."
That's a good way to keep followers loyal to the traditions of their respective cultures, but a terrible way to get PERSPECTIVE on life. Yes, or course, God (or whatever Name you prefer for The Source of All Life) is always at the Center of it all, and powers it all. But there's a cyclical Cosmic 'Dance of Time' around that Center, and there are meaningful patterns in the dance that constantly repeat and rhyme. If we don't look at the cycles, we miss the deeper meanings in our experience.
Faith in God doesn't imply disregard of the ever-changing quality of the life we're currently living in Time. On the contrary, we can and should be aware of the divine influences in the cosmic 'dance'. IMO, to find meaning in life we need more than belief and prayer; we need to experience the very real connections between the transcendent God and our ordinary lives. Of course we humans can't possibly understand everything nor expect to, but we can understand a lot more than most of us do.
Perspective is not possible without a view of the cyclical nature of the Universe. As cited in this article, some other cultures have always sought such a view, and modern astrology (the serious kind, not the Sun-sign nonsense in "horoscope" columns) can provide a very good one for Westerners.
I think part of it was to keep people away from withcraft and going down Rabbit Holes. A big part was control.
Apparently, much of the Bible was altered in the 300s AD, in Constantinople at the Council of Nicea.
Is it even possible that Day 2 would much worse than Day 1 was wonderful ?
How in the World could mRNA shots and an A.I. Grid be pushed, via Ellison of all people ? An mRNA custom made vaccine for people within 48 hours ? What happened to RFK Jr. and MAHA ?
And, all those guys standing there with hands over crotch, including Trump ? What's with that ?
I find myself, and all of us, in some sort of nightmare.....
What am I missing ? Can anyone put a positive twist on this ?
Yeah, that Ellison-Altman sh!tshow was unfolding while we were filming. Worst buzzkill PR disaster, ever! OMG
Dr Jan Halper-Hayes says it's not what we think. IDK.
Lots more great stuff has happened since then; the WEF smack-down, etc.
Maybe it's pretty simple, this Trump dilemma. He - being of Planet Normal - responds to power and money. RFK Jr. comes along with power and Trump is impressed - as seen by his surprised comments when his audience responds so vigorously to RFK Jr. 's getting on the stage. He bows to Ellison's money when he says his billions are just spare change to Ellison's wealth. And so on and so forth... Seems to explain some of his bizarre behavior. But, he does respect his voters, and so has worked at fulfilling his promises. More so than most have ever done.......He being a 5 dimensional chess player as an explanation for "warp speed", for example, just doesn't seem to fit. At this point, I'd say he's much simpler and more direct, as evidenced above.
Bizarre. I'll check out Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, thanks, and David Sorensen's latest comments ( Stop World Control ) - who has a "good" take on Warp Speed.
No ‘BAU’?
‘Most’ ‘economic thinking’ is ‘short run’ and ‘redundant’?
‘It’ ignores the ‘supply side’?
‘Growth’ {and ‘civilisation’} depends upon ‘cheap’ F.F. – those so called ‘halcyon days’ are ‘over’. ?
“The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . .
And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.” ?
The soldiers were not representative of the british redcoats, these are frum the fife and drum corps. Checkout: and you can see this is their standard ceremonial garb.
Galactic Fed is not our friend. They want our resources. Don't fall for cute cartoon alien saviors.. Read The Briefings Dan. BTW Great show you'all. It eased my mind about Trumps seeming ignorance on the jab.!
All bets are off till all cards are in the deck. We've got a bunch of aliens here giving out wooden nickels, trinkets, nothing that would actually empower us of strengthen out independence from THE COLLECTIVES.
Read The Briefings. Be willing to re-scrutinize hopes and dreams about the presence and it's global takeover.
The origin of the linear world view was the establishment of logic or the syllogism (if. . . then . . . conclusion), which datres back to Aristotle and is the basis of experimental science (premise, test, conclusion). this was about 400 BCE. Logic infers a right and wrong, a linear progression, and therefore a one culture/one rule/one god religion. At this time the Jews came back from Mesopotamia, set up the temple, banned the sacrifice of sheep anywhere else, kicked out the Samaritans and began kosher laws that were harder and harder for the poor to follow. Jesus rebelled against the syllogism ("the kingdom of heaven is like. . . ") but a religion was built on him, and then Islam arose. So they are actual creatures of the logical method. Science is the ultimate religion of the syllogism.
I'd never heard that either, but it makes sense. It's also materialistic and negates intuition and meaning. Science certainly has a place, but at this point it's gone too far into overreach. Society has 'thrown out the [intuitive] baby with the bathwater' and needs to acknowledge and honor alternative views of life that yield meaning.
yes, it is very much an intuitive, imaginative approach.
Cool. I'd never heard that before.
never heard of . . . yes, hardly anything written about this anywhere. . . we are so trapped in our language/mindset that we don't even have a word for alternative forms of speech used by everyone on the planet before modern times. one booklet. Jerry Stannard, Presocratic Methodology. 1965. But kind of wordy. I cover this in my latest book, A Shamanic Herbal (2024), Innter Traditions.
This is an interesting book about the Kali Yuga that I just got and I'm going to start reading! I thought I would share because I feel like something big is about to happen! I not long ago learned about the Kali Yuga and what it was! There's just too much anxiety going on! To me the whole planet has anxiety and people are anxious, the energy of anxiety is everywhere!
This is another perspective for the Sixth Trumpet, with 200 million mounted troops (AI Robot soldiers). The wealthiest man who made the salute on the stage claimed, "They don't miss."
This is one perspective for the Locusts (drones) in the Fifth Trumpet.
It’s all pretty mind-blowing!
Sajnos nem tudok angolul..Ausztriában élek, és Magyarország Budapest a szülőhazám.. Nagyon érdekes figyelemre méltó gondolatokat írt le..köszönöm... 72 éves vagyok, és jelenleg az ember által kifejlesztett gonosz technika áldozata vagyok.Többek között azért mert megérthettem olyan dolgokat és látom is amit kevés ember érthet.. Biológia rajz szakos tanárként mindig foglalkoztatott az élet eredete, a teremtett élet, és természet felfoghatatlan összhangja működése és szépsége.. Látom azt hogy különböző időpontok jelennek meg pl. youtub filmeknél.. sok fotóm van ezekről.. Megérthettem a legfontosabbat ami az életünkhöz kell, KELLETT volna..szívesen küldök fotókat ezekről..ha kéri.. A lényeg, mert nem lehet leírni kommentben évtizedeket.. a legfontosabb hogy valóban van e világunknak egy hiper super nincs rá szó igazából INTELIGENS TEREMTŐJE...akinek a nevét nem ismeri a világ, nem használja pedig nincs elrejtve...... valóban a RENDELT IDŐ amit Dániel könyvében olvashatunk valóságos.. vége felé járunk.. hazugság tengerben úszik és úszott a világunk. A Bibliának nevezett könyv az emberiség nagy TESZTJE, amin azt gondolom , mindannyian elbuktunk..kérdés hogy felismerjük e hazugságokat a megtévesztéseket addig ameddig tart az időnk..
Hello, el tudnád küldeni ezeket a képeket? Érdekel:
köszönöm :) the gods saw fit to "dumb them down." - I think someone, or some group latched onto this early on and captured the Department of Education, Allopathic medicine, and to retard progress, infiltrated the universities as well. Just an aside, there is no mention of Martin Armstrong's wealth of knowledge regarding civilizations and history. His computer program has been tracking multiple factors for decades. He has more global followers than anyone I read in his multifaceted genre (of course, Taylor Swift has more social media followers, if that's your cup of pop knowledge).