The sad thing, millions more are going to die from these injections and they are forced to watch and realized that they are dead men walking... terribly sad, all of as well as absolutely evil.
Life long practice though, as a way to counter the damage, but yes, many supplemental supports are widely used now. What is scary, is that Big Pharma could cross over into the branding of health supplements just to get in on that market to get a piece of the action. We can’t just blindly trust whatever is being produced, we need to know the history of the company, it’s parent or it’s subsidiaries, etc, and make sure we are not being targeted, bcuz nanotechnology and vxn BS is being forced into the food supply, livestock, sky overhead, just about everything. These fkrs are determined, and we better be alert!
Optimal health & wellness for myself and as many of us as possible. This is my No.1 priority for myself and anyone I can share any insight with.
The main offence/s causing illness in bodies & minds damaged with mRNA Kovaks I know of are prolific embolisms and excess amounts of related debris, e.g., whole remnant Graphene-OH and remnants in partially damaged/broken-down states, but also coated in stale embolisms from initial admin. of the mRNA Kovaks (and accumulated through any additional mRNA Kovaks boosters, which accumulate the debris).
The Graphene-OH detox. process requires thinning the blood somewhat, then anatomically & physiologically flushing the Circulation of this debris via the Renal system (Kidneys, Bladder, and Tubing, etc.), as far and soon as possible, without inducing any healing crises by pushing the elimination of the Circulation's (and any Tissue's) content of Graphene too hard, too fast.
I found there are essentially only two sizes of Graphene debris, "Small Graphene" and "Large Graphene", with minimal instant Kidney damage (Chen, et al., 2023)
Any noticeable Kidney damage accumulates over the course of the individual's remaining lifespan, which might be (God willing) several decades for the individual.
I imagine, as long as the Circulation is flowing, and any remaining Graphene (no matter their size) keep moving and don't get stuck in / on the linings of any vasculature or Renal tubing, the blood literally continues to flow, and life is preserved (obviously).
I had a dentist appoint that I canceled and I received a call from their office while I was driving cross country yesterday.
I asked them to please advise me if there were any mRNA ingredients or graphene oxide in their injectables, because I refuse to be dosed with these things. I told her to look up the manufacturer and to email me, because I’ve heard a lot of things and I’ve seen this:
No, no there is not a cure, at this junction only treatment mechanisms as to control circulating spike... nothing has been done to address spike production... as per Dr. McCollough, we can't shut it off...
There should be a DNA test of the covid vaccine, to see if the little prick put his "own DNA" in it. That would put an end to him forever. Also a check for Epstein's DNA. Just imagine if it came bac positive.
If this is accurate and true, and Fauci did this, then he surely deserves to hang by the neck until he's dead.
I'm all for God's graciousness and forgiveness in most people, and especially when they're remorseful... people who acknowledge their guilt.
But, in certain circumstances, there are certain evil acts, which are unspeakable acts of ungodly horror. These are known as unforgiveable, and I strongly believe that the likes of Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates, et al., these wicked evil characters who have promoted thees deadly mRNA injections and tricked the "Leaders" of our nations into coercing healthy people to become quarantined and to take these deadly IM injections of this lethally toxic and mortally pathological pharmaceuticals of the mRNA CoVID-19 shots, and which have been proven to be killing people, but also making many of us infertile. What an utter delusion it was that was suffered. How many of still, to this day struggle to talk about the apocalyptic sense of ominous dread we were repeatedly experiencing during those short few years we just went through s the police were implementing draconian policies down on innocent people trying to live their lives freely. So many people lost their lives for no good reason. Just one bad reson, that a bunch of filthy rich evil people commissioned their alchemy wiards to concoct a couple of injectable potions to poison as many of us as they could get away with before their time was up. There's an Almighty, True, and Living God amongst us, and He's pissed off! Trouble is coming soon, and no-one is going to be ready for it when it come because it is sneaking in on us while we play and shop and watch movies and get distracted with "Bread & Circuses", i.e. football and pizza. It's a travesty and the apathy among our people is just so wrong... It's hard to believe sometimes. People have forgotten that we have an immortal soul that's crying out to be recognised again. Fucking wake up. Only we can stop this rot.
Cannot prove this, but Aim 4 Truth dug up Fauci’s family crest, back to when they were a mining corp in Switzerland, family named Abys. Yes, Abys. They had to move to Italy in the 1600s after they literally undermined a Swiss village and it collapsed, leading to much death. Their crest features a snake half devouring a child. It could be too bad to be true, then again . . .
That family crest is from Fauxi’s mother’s side, I have read. The Alfa Romero logo/emblem on car (oops! Alfa Romeo—that is a Mandela effect for me), of the Visconti serpent or dragon eating the child is what I thought that family crest looked like (minus the red cross half).
This man does not think like a normal person thinks. He has no moral campus, no empathy, no
compassion anywhere in his psyche. He is very much like AI. He will do whatever is required to
meet his objective. The power he has been given has made it possible to achieve those objectives without concern for how he does it. He is a very dangerous man.
Thanks!"The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice. The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed. But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth. The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back. But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt. Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame. Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy... Because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth."
Painting: Truth Coming Out Of The Well, Jean-Léon Gérome, 1896.
Fauci sure looks a lot like Mother Teresa ~ that's all I'm gonna say...............(*wink, wink). psychopaths for sure, sociopathic demons in human form. good vs. evil. God is more powerful than evil, we HAVE to BRING IN THE LIGHT. God allowed *allows, evil to bring His Children back to Him. wakey, wakey. He loves us, we have wandered way too far ~ God bless us.
Thank you Alexandra for speaking so many ppl’s thoughts and nailing it for what it is, at just the right time, bcuz if you didn’t voice it so well to provide relief that someone gets it, and some satisfaction, what frustration we would all feel, pretty sure of it, as we’re all thinking these things, but it obviously needs to be spelled right out and annunciated so it can be clearly comprehended, giving it weight right down to every last letter and drawing out every syllable! I love your commentaries, they keep me SANE in this CRAZY world aka matrix!
Thank you - that is EXACTLY what I’m trying to do -to offer some relief from the firehose of weaponized confusion and the satisfaction and restoration of wholeness this brings.
The sad thing, millions more are going to die from these injections and they are forced to watch and realized that they are dead men walking... terribly sad, all of as well as absolutely evil.
There is a remedy for it, provided it is treated right away.
Life long practice though, as a way to counter the damage, but yes, many supplemental supports are widely used now. What is scary, is that Big Pharma could cross over into the branding of health supplements just to get in on that market to get a piece of the action. We can’t just blindly trust whatever is being produced, we need to know the history of the company, it’s parent or it’s subsidiaries, etc, and make sure we are not being targeted, bcuz nanotechnology and vxn BS is being forced into the food supply, livestock, sky overhead, just about everything. These fkrs are determined, and we better be alert!
Optimal health & wellness for myself and as many of us as possible. This is my No.1 priority for myself and anyone I can share any insight with.
The main offence/s causing illness in bodies & minds damaged with mRNA Kovaks I know of are prolific embolisms and excess amounts of related debris, e.g., whole remnant Graphene-OH and remnants in partially damaged/broken-down states, but also coated in stale embolisms from initial admin. of the mRNA Kovaks (and accumulated through any additional mRNA Kovaks boosters, which accumulate the debris).
The Graphene-OH detox. process requires thinning the blood somewhat, then anatomically & physiologically flushing the Circulation of this debris via the Renal system (Kidneys, Bladder, and Tubing, etc.), as far and soon as possible, without inducing any healing crises by pushing the elimination of the Circulation's (and any Tissue's) content of Graphene too hard, too fast.
I found there are essentially only two sizes of Graphene debris, "Small Graphene" and "Large Graphene", with minimal instant Kidney damage (Chen, et al., 2023)
Refer to -
Any noticeable Kidney damage accumulates over the course of the individual's remaining lifespan, which might be (God willing) several decades for the individual.
I imagine, as long as the Circulation is flowing, and any remaining Graphene (no matter their size) keep moving and don't get stuck in / on the linings of any vasculature or Renal tubing, the blood literally continues to flow, and life is preserved (obviously).
Keep the faith.
I had a dentist appoint that I canceled and I received a call from their office while I was driving cross country yesterday.
I asked them to please advise me if there were any mRNA ingredients or graphene oxide in their injectables, because I refuse to be dosed with these things. I told her to look up the manufacturer and to email me, because I’ve heard a lot of things and I’ve seen this:
For most of those trusting people treatment wasn't a thing. They will just die or be maimed. as is happening right now. Fauci is a murderer.
No, no there is not a cure, at this junction only treatment mechanisms as to control circulating spike... nothing has been done to address spike production... as per Dr. McCollough, we can't shut it off...
I didn't say
"cure". There is a remedy.
There should be a DNA test of the covid vaccine, to see if the little prick put his "own DNA" in it. That would put an end to him forever. Also a check for Epstein's DNA. Just imagine if it came bac positive.
The horror persists.
* *
If this is accurate and true, and Fauci did this, then he surely deserves to hang by the neck until he's dead.
I'm all for God's graciousness and forgiveness in most people, and especially when they're remorseful... people who acknowledge their guilt.
But, in certain circumstances, there are certain evil acts, which are unspeakable acts of ungodly horror. These are known as unforgiveable, and I strongly believe that the likes of Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates, et al., these wicked evil characters who have promoted thees deadly mRNA injections and tricked the "Leaders" of our nations into coercing healthy people to become quarantined and to take these deadly IM injections of this lethally toxic and mortally pathological pharmaceuticals of the mRNA CoVID-19 shots, and which have been proven to be killing people, but also making many of us infertile. What an utter delusion it was that was suffered. How many of still, to this day struggle to talk about the apocalyptic sense of ominous dread we were repeatedly experiencing during those short few years we just went through s the police were implementing draconian policies down on innocent people trying to live their lives freely. So many people lost their lives for no good reason. Just one bad reson, that a bunch of filthy rich evil people commissioned their alchemy wiards to concoct a couple of injectable potions to poison as many of us as they could get away with before their time was up. There's an Almighty, True, and Living God amongst us, and He's pissed off! Trouble is coming soon, and no-one is going to be ready for it when it come because it is sneaking in on us while we play and shop and watch movies and get distracted with "Bread & Circuses", i.e. football and pizza. It's a travesty and the apathy among our people is just so wrong... It's hard to believe sometimes. People have forgotten that we have an immortal soul that's crying out to be recognised again. Fucking wake up. Only we can stop this rot.
Cannot prove this, but Aim 4 Truth dug up Fauci’s family crest, back to when they were a mining corp in Switzerland, family named Abys. Yes, Abys. They had to move to Italy in the 1600s after they literally undermined a Swiss village and it collapsed, leading to much death. Their crest features a snake half devouring a child. It could be too bad to be true, then again . . .
That family crest is from Fauxi’s mother’s side, I have read. The Alfa Romero logo/emblem on car (oops! Alfa Romeo—that is a Mandela effect for me), of the Visconti serpent or dragon eating the child is what I thought that family crest looked like (minus the red cross half).
Unfortunately child eating/sacrifice is in reality more common than we can imagine.
Yes, chilling the mark out is a good description.
This is all Kabuki theater. Rich McCormick is a globalist!
They don't call them the Khasarian MAFIA for nothing.
You forgot the part where the "Mark" is then, murdered because he's causing too many problems.
Keywords “mark”sman…
Too bad the Founding Fathers are no longer around. They would know how to take care of individuals like Fauci.
You are around?
This man does not think like a normal person thinks. He has no moral campus, no empathy, no
compassion anywhere in his psyche. He is very much like AI. He will do whatever is required to
meet his objective. The power he has been given has made it possible to achieve those objectives without concern for how he does it. He is a very dangerous man.
The very definition of a psychopath, the embodiment of ponerology, or technocratic evil.
Thanks!"The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice. The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed. But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth. The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back. But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt. Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame. Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy... Because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth."
Painting: Truth Coming Out Of The Well, Jean-Léon Gérome, 1896.
Fauci sure looks a lot like Mother Teresa ~ that's all I'm gonna say...............(*wink, wink). psychopaths for sure, sociopathic demons in human form. good vs. evil. God is more powerful than evil, we HAVE to BRING IN THE LIGHT. God allowed *allows, evil to bring His Children back to Him. wakey, wakey. He loves us, we have wandered way too far ~ God bless us.
Again, Unbelievable!
Thank you Alexandra for speaking so many ppl’s thoughts and nailing it for what it is, at just the right time, bcuz if you didn’t voice it so well to provide relief that someone gets it, and some satisfaction, what frustration we would all feel, pretty sure of it, as we’re all thinking these things, but it obviously needs to be spelled right out and annunciated so it can be clearly comprehended, giving it weight right down to every last letter and drawing out every syllable! I love your commentaries, they keep me SANE in this CRAZY world aka matrix!
Thank you - that is EXACTLY what I’m trying to do -to offer some relief from the firehose of weaponized confusion and the satisfaction and restoration of wholeness this brings.
I’m glad it’s working for you!