Your home alarm systems are online. These systems moved from monitoring door and window opening to glass break. This is you leaving and them knowing what window opened what window broke. Worse and next up is the location monitoring in every room. Every movement is recorded.

When a ccp type fema invasion unit comes to your house..they will have a tactical live online plan of where each human is hiding where they moved to.

Telecom infiltration by the wef sponsored leader is obvious is Canada. I don't know your US situation.

The convenience of online alarm visualization and access sold us out. Those intending to resist need to think around the alarm as monitoring them not the invader.

Lockdowns utilize this info. The alarm is now for us.

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The climate plans that incentivize home owners to replace windows, furnace etc, starts with mapping your house. All exits, windows etc. Goes to the cabal. I remember a company coming to the door, to pitch a service like eaves troughs. He wanted to go around the house to see even though I refused. The man spoke live to me like his observations were being noted and recorded off site. He said. One guard dog. In this chirpy voice. An odd non conversational statement. He was Chinese. We have Chinese police stations in Canada. It felt like recognizance mission, not a sales pitch although he never stopped smiling. He complemented me and said.. nice blond hair. I was disheveled, from the garden

work. The compliment was asinine. Come out so we can talk. I thought next he'd say my height and weight.

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OMG. Scary.

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Comments like your, hopefully will open people's eyes. Those that are oblivious to the news or just don't want to get involved. Every household needs to be prepared for what's to come. I believe these things will take place sooner than later!

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There's something happenin' here. What it is ain't exactly clear....

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Having a security system in every home is exactly what the Dr. Richard Day tapes talked about from information shared with him in 1969. This is an incredible talk about how they intended to manipulate the direction of humanity in ways that have come true. An example is that dolls wouldn’t be sold as much and girls would play sports.


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1000% Spot on

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My generation, who were trained to "be nice" & trust The Authorities, are having a hard time waking up to the "reality" of what is going on around us!! Thanks, Alexandra for your part in waking us up!!

Hugs from this Grandma!!

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One of the best ideas the cabal ever had was to put us to sleep with mainstream media lullabies of how safe we are. Walter Cronkite, habitue of Bohemian Grove, loved to sing them. Now, the wolf is out of the sheep's clothing and we're watching him bare his teeth, but some still cling to the lullaby or have substituted other lullabies like White Hat salvation. We're going to have to be adults sometime, but we have always been lured to "safety" and saviors.

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Thank you again for taking the time to be extremely informative! God bless you and all the others who stay on top of all the evil taking place in the world. I applaud you!

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Continuity of Government and Devolution 😁

I agree with these guys 100%

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Devolution was always only a theory that I never bought into. If you're still clinging to that then, sorry to have to say, buttt you're delusional

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I buy the trackin' us all via phones ta round us up inta the FEMA death camps--but not the MAC address at a swamp in Iowa to "protect us"--mebbe a few will git protected but it's likely those IN the swamp, not we deplorable detestables outside it... hopium is opium with an' h for hahaha they're laffin at us an' druggin' us whut besides...

FIRST, once the ratty-o (or whutever nooz media they allow) announces an attack from Chynnna (however fabricated or "real") an' tells folks their bank accounts are drained an' that they MUST report to the camps if they don't wanna die (b/c they'll say the camps have the fill-in-the-blank cure for bird flu, an anti-missile "dome" to protect 'em good--heck chocolate cream pie that deflects smart bullets whatever whatever). Most folks would show up with bells on (and in--in their thick heads). The rest of us? Who the heck knows. I'm all for A2 but that's so 20th C--the my-grunts are gonna be armed with weapons that are so high tech (sonar? laser? etc) that even if ya were fukin Johnny Ringo (the fastest gun in the West) you'd be a gonner 'fore yer hand got even close ta yer weapon. NOPE, if we're gonna beat this devil it ain't gonna be some White Knights in White Hats savin' the day. (IMHO, likely it'll be hackers to stop them an' the killer tech we're bein' targeted with...)

All that said, these fellas are good eggs tryin' ta save us from bein' shelled--I just wish I could "believe"...(like Cher said!)

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thanks for information

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't like the position that patriots have it covered and nothing the cabal tries is working....so, it's just a matter of time. I don't think so. We have a formidable, entrenched enemy with a lot of irons in the fire meant to go right up our collective posterior. Never underestimate them. Patriots just sitting on that ass need to be doing something else. When I said this to a friend who believes all the do nothing psyops, she said she wouldn't stand in front of a tank. How stupid! No, YOU sabotage THEM, just like they did you. Job one: secure yourself. The system is theirs. Get out of it as best you can. Get out of banks, credit cards and other financial instruments they own like money, buy metals. Know your neighbors and start talking to them now if you don't. Starve the beast system. Start UBUNTU in your community. Grow your own food. Give up your frickin amazon account. Eventually, protest is going to mean the country refusing to pay income tax, but we all have to do it at once. Keep agitating to end the Fed. Take their weapons, their real financial weapons, from them. Use your Second Amendment. And your first. The hero-worship idea that we're all going to sit on the couch waiting for Trump to summon armed patriots is repellent to me. You better keep your eye on Trump.

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What do you mean by "Start UBUNTU in your community"?

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Read on....https://www.ubuntucontributionism.org/

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Love those teal cots. But where will I put my car, my clothes, my washing machine/dryer and my Jacuzzi?

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All governments europe and uk are traitors controlled by WEF

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White hats?? LMAO

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What does that mean

Sorry I don’t really know but want to

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White Hats? White Hats are a form of urban myth with the corollary, "we need do nothing." ... generally associated with the unreasonable expectation that somebody is coming to totally save our asses from the bad guys while we eat popcorn. While there may have been one or two historical White Hats... Hopalong Cassidy, Tom Mix... and even a few who sangalong as they rode...Gene Autrey, Roy Rogers...the impact of these personages is negligible on international geopolitics in our day.

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Hopalong Cassidy wore complete black which was strange in those days.

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I used to have an ancient Hopalong Cassidy cup with him on his raring horse. I remember him as in white. Anyway, I used to put my oil brushes in it and eventually threw it away. Tsk. Think about someone else.

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I was young when Hoppy was on tv. Before Katrina, I had pictures where I was wearing a Hoppy hat, shirt, and double gun belt. those were wonderful days.

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I had a Dale Evans suit with a hat and a Dale Evans book satchel and fresh new crayons that went in the front compartment. I still feel a thrill when I smell new crayons and freshly sharpened pencils. I just don't know what to do with them but smell them. My sister and I listened to the singing cowboys bands in front of our first TV. Not a care in the world as I recall.

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Did this video get torn down? Getting messages like "length exceeds capabilities" and "phishing".

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Everything looks fine to me.

Where is the error message coming from? From? Substack or from your antivirus software or what? Also, what country are you in? I'm seeing weirdness from Canada; 10 CAD donations "Failing".

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I'm in the US, and it appeared it was saying the Alexandra Bruce site was trying to send something that exceeded capabilities. I don't think it was my antivirus software or Substack. I do use Mozilla VPN to hide my location. Perhaps that was the cause? This hasn't happened with regular VPN use before, however.

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It works fine on Tor Browser

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