Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

For any who have time to read anymore...Philip K Dick's 'VALIS' trilogy also deals with the idea that "The [Roman] empire never ended." His 1962 novel "The Man in the High Castle" was a fairly early treatment of today's rather commonplace [for those familiar with Operation Paperclip] concept that WW2 was not lost by Nazi Germany.

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

I’m a Philip K Dick fan and read this series a LONG time ago. Thanks for reading me - need to read again!

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

A fellow PKD-fan friend's summary: His openings were so-so, the endings were often a disappointment stylistically, but he could write the holy hell out of the middle 80%.

You might like Edward Whittemore...try Sinai Tapestry...if you like it, there are more...you can find them as free downloads (I always use a VPN just in case) at the following link https://oceanofpdf.com/category/authors/edward-whittemore/

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Alexandra, if you have any objection to my posting links to either oceanofpdf.com or annas-archive.org (another great resource for out of print, hard to find, 'banned' type material), I'm fine editing the above to "You might like Edward Whittemore" and then cancelling this comment. BTW, I first became aware of FKTV years ago back in Costa Rica, where my adopted (by me) older brother, Sam, who was into UFO lore in a major way, told me, "Hey, Bubba, check this site out! I'm tellin' ya...we don't even know how much we don't know...but this FKTV will give you a clue or two." Thanks. RIP, Sam D. (1933-2016)

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Spot on Frances. Confirmed by Janet Ossebaard, Jordan Maxwell, et al.

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So few comments here- hmmmm. Jerm and Frances, I so admire your love for and allegiance to truth, and your clarity and strength that enables you to stare down this beast.

Only those who are armed with super powers have the capacity to behold this most gruesome force at work in the world. Behind this black foe stands an occult dimension of diabolical evil that our small human powers are not equipped to face. We need to be armed with Christ and the warrior archangel Michael so our souls may withstand this terrible encounter. To paraphrase St Paul- our enemies are not of the flesh but principalities and powers of terrible proportions. We small humans cannot fight evil with evil. Our victory lies in our ability to create around ourselves an atmosphere that begets light, love and warmth. These eternal powers are the ultra forces, and we attract them by our thoughts, words and deeds. The ways in which we each avail ourselves to these superior powers is individual. How are you protecting yourselves dear friends?

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

One of my modern heroes! Thanks for picking up her stack and sharing. 💜

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

Frances is brilliant. I wonder why she doesn't mention interdimensional entities that infected humanity in the middle east, far earlier than the Romans. In my understanding, that's the bloodline that was passed into the Roman "elites" via intermarriages with eastern Mediterranean nobility. She also doesn't mention satanism.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Forbidden.News

Oh dear… It’s too bad people don’t know their history. When the roman empire fell… well not exactly fall because it was an extremely slow collapse, due to the barbaric kings identifying as Roman and ruling as Romans. Boethius wrote his Contemplation of Philosophy after the Fall and Saint Benedict established his monastic system “after the fall.” Etc. However, at some point when Islam ruled the Mediterranean the frontiers of Rome were severed from the Eastern Empire, which was viable for a long time. However, the reason that the Pope, who was the Bishop of Rome, ruled was that the aristocracy abandoned the cities and all that was left of a government was the church leaders who could not abandon their diocese. Everything and everyone who didn’t want to become a slave moved away from the Mediterranean and the economy centered around river trade, the Baltic, and the Atlantic. There was no coinage in the early Middle Ages, only the barter system, and the Saturday markets. The aristocrats lived in the country. The Cathedrals ruled the cities. There were military garrison towns on the hilltops. Slowly new cities rose out of the river economy and these cities were not controlled by either the aristocrats or the church. These free self-governing cities became the great cities of Europe. The bishop of Rome became prestigious because North Africa, which at one time had been the center of the Christian world, were completely gone. Only the bishop of Rome remained. Latin civilization was kept alive by monks copying manuscripts. Christendom was a reaction against Islam, and it was monolithic. Don’t read Philip Dick to understand the roman empire and it’s fall, read Henri Pirenne and Hugh Trevor-Roper.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

It goes back further with previous migrations of the Parasite Caste, such as the Etruscan Nobility transferred their power to Rome before the weakening and fall of the Etruscan's. It call well be that Tuscany was the landing point for a migration from the East.

There's no good reason to assume these creatures have not been doing this since before the year dot.

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Jun 27Liked by Forbidden.News

The UN has a document called "Migration Replacement" for anyone interested.

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The British Empire was the Jewish British Empire and the Rothschilds took over the British economy in 1825 including the private central bank the Bank of England.

Frances Leader should read the book:"The Conquest of The World by The Jews," and she should read the New York Times 1941:"New World Order Dedicated to Jews," the price Britain was prepared to pay to get America into World War 2. The "New World Order" is: "The Jew World Order" that controls the world via the Jewish global central banking system to this day and the Jews want to do to China and Russia what they did to Germany:"JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY" 24th March 1933, because the Axis Powers Germany, Italy and Japan withdrew from the global central banking system, and China and Russia are threatening the very existence of Jewish International Finance through the BRICS economic system and to all intense and purposes, America has declared war on Russia, so we will have see whether Jewish International Finance can destroy China and Russia as the greatest threat to the their worthless existence.

As the Jewish proverb says:"If We Can't Have The World, Nobody Can."

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Jun 28Liked by Forbidden.News

Oh, come on. It goes much deeper than "Jews"! Sorry, your analysis is so superficial compared with the work Frances has shared.

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Tirion, your response is just an emotional conditioned reflex and I bet you have little knowledge of the history of Britain or the history of Europe. Read the book:"The Conquest of The World by The Jews" and see:"JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY," 24TH MARCH 1933, just two months after Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany.Also, see the New York Times 1941:"NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS; Arthur Greenwood of the British War Cabinet sends message of assurance to Jews." Britain. during the Empire was referred to as:"The Lion of Judah."

Frances Leader produced no evidence to support her thesis about the Black Nobility and her suggestion that the American CIA is controlled by the Catholic Jesuits is palpable nonsense as is most of what she discussed. You have to learn where fact diverges from fiction and vice versa.

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Dig deeper, John. Dig deeper. You can do it!

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Tirion: I spent 54 years studying history, so there is little more I can study, but I recommend you read:"The Conquest of The World by The Jews" and:"The Nameless War" by Captain Archibald Ramsey, and don't forget that the Jews declared war on Germany:"JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY," 24th March 1933, Germany did not declare war on the Jews and it was the Jewish declaration of war on Germany that led to the Jews being interned in Work and Transit camps, and it was the worlds leading Zionist Jews who said:"We will turn the whole world against Germany; that was the measure of their power, and don't forget what the Jews did to Russia from 1917, they liquidated an estimated 66/100 million White Russian Christian Gentiles in the worst genocide in recorded history. Digest the following:World Jewish population before WW2:The National Council of Churches USA 1930........15.0 million.

Jewish Encyclopaedia USA 1933........15.6 million.

World Almanach {Jewish Committee} 1939........15.6 million.

World Jewish Population After WW2. World Almanach American Jewish Committee 1945........ 15.19 million.

1946........15.75 million.

1947........ 15.69 million.

1948........ 15.50 million.

1949........ 15.50 million.

National Council of Churches USA 1951........ 15.31 million.

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I just don’t see how Jews could have mounted the entire Third Reich all by their lonesome.

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The Jews declared an economic war and a Holy War against Germany and when that failed the Jews in England got their stooge Neville Chamberlain to give Poland a blank cheque to kill the Danzig Germans and attack German territory along 44 points of the German/Polish border in order to provoke a response from Germany.

The Poles slaughtered over 58 thousand Danzig Germans and German troops repulsed the Polish attacks on German territory from August 25th up to September 1st 1939 when Germany launched a full defensive counter attack.

Neville Chamberlain was fully aware of the reasons Germany attacked Poland

and the British Government sent an ultimatum to Germany that led to Britain declaring war on Germany. Chamberlain would later say that he was tricked into declaring war on Germany. On September 17/18 Russian forces invaded Eastern Poland and the Chamberlain Government did not raise an eyebrow in protest because the Soviet Union was controlled by the Jews.

The worlds leading Jews said:"We will turn the whole world against Germany and our Jewish interests demand Germany is destroyed."

Read the book:"The Conquest of The World by The Jews."

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I definitely agree. Frances even mentioned her grandfather was kicked out of his country as were the jews that tells

me she must be jewish too

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The Rothschilds took over the Vatican bank around 1825. The issue about Jesuits vs Jews was debated by Michael Collins Piper (wrote The High Priests of War) and Eric Jon Phelps (wrote Vatican Assassins).

While the Vatican continues to be powerful, they have lost a great deal of it because of the pedophilia and homosexuality scandals and infiltration by the Jews.

When you consider that 89% of Congress and Senate have dual American / Israeli citizenship and the wars in the world are being fought for Jewish dominance, one can’t help but notice.

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No the Jesuits are not the top dogs. The true controllers use fronts like the Jesuits, WEF, UN, and all religions to control, but the top dogs are never seen and you would not know their names. This lady has too much time on her hands. Maybe she needs a hobby or some cats.

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Becoming obvious. Expect a biting comment…

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This may sound like a moot point but I may be missing something so I have to ask the question. Why do supposedly learned people refer to the United States as America as can be seen in this sentence: "The main thing that people don't understand is that the Five Eyes, the five countries that are all English-speaking, Great Britain, America, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, these are all the Cannon Fodder countries. I believe America is a continent and not a country nor is the majority of countries in America English speaking as far as I know. Also isn't Quebec Province in Canada technically a french speaking province? I lived in Vermont for about 19 years and the I-89 corridor from Boston to Montreal put both cities in the nightly news regularly. As far as I know Montreal is still arguing the mandate to advertise in French even though the majority of people there speak English. I believe conditioning people to over generalize is part of the black nobility divide and conquer pogrom. These are not rhetorical questions so feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I only seek to rise above being cannon fodder to become a useful, living, breathing man.

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Let's not forget that slavery ended in the Roman Empire when the emperor realized that the slaves did not pay taxes . Then he declared them free. Free to pay . We have the same freedom in the Good Old USA . Land of the free . Hallelujah brother !

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Stating the obvious: I know who the enemy is! Why all the mental energy and time wasted to continue down every facet of who and how they dominate our existence?

I’m focused on getting through this malice of this anti human agenda…

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The Roman, the Medici family, the effing Pope...all bs. The only overlord is Satan, and hifollowers. Banksters followers.

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Bank of International Settlements

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If your desire is to live comfortably then by all means use your intellect. As the age old saying goes “if you can’t beat them, join them” 🌚

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