Oh, PLEASE, let’s get to the REAL issue: the human beings who “rioted” at the Capitol were CAUCASIAN people who were pissed off at being treated like debt donkeys and being bled dry to support the parasites abusing them, then ignored when trying every other way to get their grievances heard. They were goaded on by the FBI and CIA, and did I mention they were middle class CAUCASIANS?? The people whom the leadership calls “deplorables”?

Pelosi is upset only because “‘Dem nigghas” dared try to find some way off the plantation. She’s a typical liberal progressive colonial slave master, using lawfare, propaganda and taxation instead of chains to keep her slave class working to support their massas like her and her Wall Street cronies. Her army includes the dependent class; their co-dependents who minister to them and insure they stay needy while keeping the broken system that creates the need in the first place remains intact; and the armed police and quasi-Stasi forces like the FBI and IRS that terrorize the slaves into submission.

Her own masters include the globalists, Wall Streeters and, ultimately, the Fed and other central banksters, who control the rotten paper currency that allows all this to happen.

Kill the Fed, kill the nonsense. The central banks are the beating heart of the monster. Turn in any excess Federal Reserve notes you possibly can for silver and gold, the only real money, and start creating a parallel economy. Support efforts to end all taxation of precious metals, including taxes on capital gains when they appreciate. Support Rep. Thomas Massie’s “End the Fed legislation”. (I personally think it’s mostly Republican window dressing, but if enough angry plebes get behind it, at least it will make the parasites uncomfortable to know that we know what’s really going on.)

Refrain from shopping Amazon and Whole Foods, Jeff Bezos does not need NOR DESERVE your hard earned cash! Pay off credit card debt and thereby remove currency from the monetary system. When debt is repaid, the original currency that was loaned into the system gets cancelled out and the reduction in the currency (debt) supply terrifies the banksters. Then move away from Google in every way you can. Bill Gates needs no more cash with which to fund his “charities” aimed at getting rid of us “deplorables” once and for all. With the blessings of the massas like Pelosi.

And remember: stockpile silver. Silver kills pathogens and vampires. It’s exactly what the people need to clean out the infection that’s rotting the flesh of the body politic.

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These are all excellent suggestions.

You can move away from google and Gates (and their surveillance of your online activity) by:

1. Get a degoogled phone

2. Don't ever use Google search engine. Use Brave.com

3. Use a VPN when on the internet

4. Use Orbit to mask your IP address

5. Don't ever use Microsoft products

6. DON'T use gmail, yahoo mail, hotmail, etc. Instead use an encrypted email like tutanota.com, mailfence.com or proton.com

7. Luckily, I'm retired, so I deleted my profile from Linked in, which is Gates-owned

I also don't use Facebook or FB Messenger. My profile is still up but I deleted most of it & I haven't logged it in almost 4 years. When they started that 2 factor authentication BS and after Zuckerberg helped steal the 2020 election in my state, I stopped using FB. Also, they sell your info to companies like Intelius.

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All EXCELLENT practical steps, thank you for posting! I already do some, now I have several others to implement.

If we “lie flat”, as the Chinese say, on our wannabe tech overlords, we stop feeding the beast. Please commit to implementing these suggestions. If we vote with our clicks and initiate a mass movement away from the Gates/Industrial Complex, we could do massive damage to the globalists’ plans in a peaceful and completely decentralized and legal manner. Let’s git ‘er done!!!

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Take a look at Clif's new piece named "A Few Years From Today" at his substack clifhigh@substack.com He has some cheery news. The process may be shorter than we think.

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Well said!

I totally agree with your comments.

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Jun 11Liked by Forbidden.News

What an article. How insane has this whole thing been? I say, release those innocent men today!

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The National Guard wasn't there because she turned down Trump's offer, right? But she didn't take responsibility for that, did she? She takes responsibility for not saying they needed more protection, right? When and to whom should she have taken that initiative if not to Trump's offer? And we see the FBI/DOJ did nothing in response to apparent online chatter about violence. Why? Because they intended to be part of it? What are we do conclude about Pelosi's lack of action and that of the FBI/DOJ? Why is this simple conversation in a car being filmed? Was it to establish that Pelosi was not involved in the planning of the Fedsurrection? Why doesn't she even mention or say she should have accepted Trump's offer, when that was the opportunity that was open to her? She makes that "disappear" from the equation. Why is it omitted from this "casual" comment that they took the trouble to film? It's not really hanging together very well.

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Jun 12Liked by Forbidden.News

hillarys twin sister needs to go away. she knew exactly what she WAS doing and IS doing. trying to put humanity into a reptile. her mouth moving?? shes lying. j6 ppl still rotting in the dungeons? go away already

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Very interesting, and I sort of sense the same thing. Thank you for recommending. I say that by three years from now, the transition will be mostly over. Just my personal time line.

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Nancy Pelosi is one more example why there should be term limits.

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She's also a prime example of the ineptitude present in the People's House. Deplorable I reckon.

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She didn't take responsibility. She said, "Why didn't THEY...?", deflecting responsibility to others.

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She is still a lying POS!.........and I would venture to say this is a ploy to get her re elected......THROW THE BEE ATCH OUT!

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bird bath/bird brain Nancy's mask seems to have suffocated her brain--from all I read, the request for the Nat. Guard was made well in advance--not recallin' the names but Tucker interviewed two different "insiders" on this mess--of course the true danger wuz from the juiced up (in more ways than one!) "mercenary" Ukrainans that actually broke in -- I've seen that footage! The regular folks (Magas, etc) were peaceful. An' then there's team-spook (same gang that hired the mercenaries) led by Epps an' other miscreants. So I guess Pelosi conveniently fergits (not) that the plan was to have nobody there to protect them from their own well-paid thugs. Oh an' AOC was nearly ravished that day (lol). What dog-pony-an' bird show... Nancy bein' the cukoo boid with the hubby that likes rough trade (ha ha again) "our gubbamint"

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It takes a blunder to create a blunder...

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I don't think they blunder anything. It's all carefully planned by the deep state/shadow government running everything. The morons we see follow orders and create the kabuki. Odds are their "mistakes" are calculated.

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Jun 11Liked by Forbidden.News

Eye See...

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Me Tu. (That's Latin....)

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au revoir (that's French)

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As I recall President Trump recommended to Pelosi extra security just in case emotions ran too high about the stolen election, but Pelosi declined the offer, and NOW she deflects any responsibility for the supposed “riots” that were planned, orchestrated and fueled by herself and a traitorous and corrupt FBI!

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The fact that this was released by HBO, video'ed by her daughter, and reported by Politico is all very suspect: Pelosi and Milley are both trying to free themselves from the prosecution they know is coming. The general who heads the National Guard testified that he was told he could NOT activate the Guard to the Capitol that day, which he said had never happened before. The truth is coming out and they're trying to cover their asses, as usual.

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