May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

He’s right! It doesn’t matter about the election, they are going to come for the state. We can learn from Louisiana and Florida and focus locally versus worrying about presidential elections: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-the-rebel-state

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This is a really nice thing to believe, and read, but if on .1% what he said is true, it would be his death warrant.

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

I am pretty sure he understands that, much like the Founding Fathers did. Give me liberty or give me death. This country is fast reaching the tipping point.

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I agree and that's why this is all show. The system will not prosecute itself.

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Very true that the system will not prosecute itself. I am pretty sure he is not part of the system.

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I didn't say that he was, but HE says he is going to use the system.

He says "remember I'm an attorney", and speaks of the sherrif deputizing people, and specifically says he's going to go to the DA. It is clear that he is planning on USING the system to attack the system.

What he says is going to happen, is absolutely what should happen, and if there were some way for me to help it come about, I'd do whatever I coudl, but he certainly lost me in those he said who "knew".

I don't personally place a lot of faith in Schellenberger, Musk or Johnson being Patriots, and I damn sure don't think that of Matt Taibbi.

Have a look at how he treated one of the most respected and honorable 911 truthers out there, David Ray Griffn (RIP) And in case you thought it was isolated to just Griffin, he dedicated his time to writing an entire book denigrating 9/11 truthers, not to mention praising masks and vaccines.

It was smarmy, disrespectful, dishonest, vilifying and slanderous.


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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Well, good. Turnabout is fair play.

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May 21Liked by Forbidden.News

Perhaps his inclusion of these players is putting them on notice. He knows who and what they are....

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

With his Previous Life Experience, he Knows how to Cover His A.....

If something happens to him and he Goes Away, Everything gets Released and Followed Up, from Multiple Resources.

The Pompous, Arrogant DC Bureaucrats/Sock Puppets are not ready for that...

At All...

Carpe Diem

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Stay safe

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LOL we have it all

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Same thing Tore Maras has been saying for years. Is it true? Time will tell. Is it the solution? In my opinion, yes, but I have not seen the list of targeted officials or 80,000 standing against them. I've long believed that this will be the last election of our fallen nation. All in the name of transhumanism so the elite can live forever in their bunkers with automatons for slaves! (Because deep inside they are terrified of being held accountable once their time in this incarnation is up. Because deep inside they know they already fought this battle 10,500 years ago and lost.) Cheers to their discovering just how long life in prison or a shallow underground cavern system can be.

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May 18Liked by Forbidden.News

First off, I love this man's inTOXICating masculinity. I hope the 80,000 have enough of it to follow through. Secondly, he obviously believes in the 1st amendment and isn't afraid tp speak his mind. What he proposes to do is exactly what needs to be done if we are ever going to live free again. Third, we've heard this kind of talk before, (Q-Anon, Whitehats, County Sheriff, etc.) but we haven't seen any action. I hope and pray that this is not another dose of "hopeium" that keeps lazy Americans glued to the couch. We, the people have been complicit too long thinking someone is going to "save" us...we need to get off of our fat, lazy asses and do our own work. Start by going to city council meetings and participate in your local government. You can speak your mind to your neighbors...chances are, you'll find many of them share your opinions. God's Speed, Raiklin, kick some traitor ass!

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Kinda digging’ it!

Reckoning my be around the corner.

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

thank you

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

It will be peaceful for me,

What that gentleman is talking about would give a lot of inspiration to a lot of men in this country this crap has been going on at least at the speed. It’s been 16 years when he uses that T word I keep thinking of Obama.

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May 19Liked by Forbidden.News


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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

If Zoe is considering the possibility of being a serious journalist while working for National Perverted Radio, she might want to take some precautions like going incognito or finding an isolated island with plenty of armed security. It seems pretty brave of her to question someone like Raiklin but I hope she realizes the folks she works for play very dirty (think Seth Rich). Or maybe she’s prepared to be a martyr.

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May 18Liked by Forbidden.News

He’s goddamned right about the willingness to be deputized but, kindly remember to knock, with hat in hand.

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

I hope he has body guards!

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Of course there is the Mike Gill narrative (see Michelle Moore’s platform on Rumble, if interested) and Gill has some receipts that cast a shadow on some of Ivan Raiklin’s assertions on some of the cast of characters he mentions. I don’t like Raiklin’s bluster/countenance—but that is a moot point.

I am in observation mode. Few are addressing the ongoing destruction of the human race due to what is in the bodies of people whether they took the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine or not! This is an existential and real threat.

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May 17Liked by Forbidden.News

Please see my book on how we got this way.


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May 21Liked by Forbidden.News

Sounds promising unlike Q White Hats psyop

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May 19Liked by Forbidden.News

Another great find, Alexandra…something never reported on MSM.

From Ivan’s lips to God’s ear, may this be so. Finally, something good to look forward to😜🇺🇸

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Wow, George Webb is calling Raiklin a "Flynn Henchman", saying, "The emergence of Flynn's henchman, Ivan Raiklan, tells me Flynn is planning on running for something now...The detailed outline of thuggery rolled out by Ivan Raiklan recently tells you everything you need to know. The psychological operator’s signature of using unsuspecting patriotic people to do political dirty work is out in full force with Raiklan, so this psy op screams 'Flynn Intel Op'. Raiklan’s threatening 'nostrilcam' video has gone viral, another hallmark of State sponsorship. Raiklan anoints himself as 'Secretary of Retribution' during the video and outlines exactly how three different groups will be recruited to carry out revenge activities against 350 'Deep State Operatives.' George Webb continues, "My calm, thoughtful response to Raiklan’s unhinged rant was responded to with my hotel be SWATTED the next morning. This is a power play that means business, and Raiklan is a very dangerous person. He is an ex-Green Beret who worked at the Pentagon in Counter Terrorism (Cofer Black’s original Bin Laden Station), and he appears to be activating the Proud Boys type contingents for violent action of Raiklan’s hit list." https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/cia-will-substitute-flynn-for-trump?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=674856&post_id=144804075&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=emtbx&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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I've never heard of 'Ivan Raiklin'; is he a Q-Tard?? Is this Q-Tard bullshit??

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