This photo (below) -- note the "art" over the bed, if you could such a satanic display "art" -- of one of Gloria Vanderbilt's bedrooms in her Southampton residence in 1972 demon-strates that Anderson Cooper's mother is into the same sort of satanic schytt as Elon Musk's mother.
This photo (below) -- note the "art" over the bed, if you could such a satanic display "art" -- of one of Gloria Vanderbilt's bedrooms in her Southampton residence in 1972 demon-strates that Anderson Cooper's mother is into the same sort of satanic schytt as Elon Musk's mother.
Makes me think Anderson Cooper's brother Carter was a child victim sacrificed to the military intel/media/Hollywood/satanic cult ... perhaps Carter never really *fell* out the window ... but was tossed (?)
Anderson Cooper would not be a good choice to investigate these allegations, if his own family might be somehow involved.
Often a child is sacrificed if the parent is in the military intel/Hollywood/music cult.
Eric Clapton's son.
John Ramsey's 2 daughters Elizabeth AND JonBenét !!
former CIA director William Egan Colby's daughter (and W.E. Colby also dead)
Marie Osmond's adopted son Michael Blosil
Dominique Dunne, strangled at age 23, daughter of Vanity Fair writer Dominic Dunne, who covered BOTH the O.J. Simpson circus trial and the Menendez brothers 3 circus trials
WW2 military intel Louis Hezekiel Brown's daughter Nicole Brown Simpson
Military intel Paul Tate's daughter actress Sharon Tate
Jim Morrison, age 27, lead singer of The Doors, who was the son of Rear Admiral George Stephen Morrison United States Navy in the (faked) Gulf of Tonkin incident that was used to escalate US war against Vietnam
A few other sacrifices that come to mind. The sons of:
Aristotle Onassis
Jacques Cousteau
Carroll O'Connor
Jamie Raskin
Susan Wojcicki
And then there is the "substitute" for murder, which transitioning your child to the opposite gender. Isn't Elon Musk's firstborn the one who's now a woman?
Then, there are the Hollywood types who purchase Black boys and dress them in tutus when they're 3 years old, like Charlize Theron.
yup... thinkin' of Diane Linkletter (that was in California but same deal) an' Joe Cocker's son too fer sure--this is the dark price of fame... BUT/too... some that come to the "pahrty" a bit later--are now (in the last decade 'er so) given the option to turn -em trans if they don't wanna have them "suicided"... but in so-doin' it's like a death for 'em... they are losin' their first born children (sometimes more than just the 1st one too...) Cher, Annette Benning, Jamie Lee Curtis, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron... many more...
pushed... the winda was open. Rules apply even to those at the top: they gotta sacrifice the 1st born... Gloria was one of the 4 main witches--Priestess of Darkness... fergittin' her exact title but she was near the top... 100% sure Anderson went thru the same rituals as (f)Elon... mebbe that's why his hair turned white prematurely--the guy looks like Draco Malfoy!
After learning of such large numbers of sex scandals and pedophile scandals, one can reasonably conclude that BLACKMAIL BY PHOTOGRAPHS (of powerful pols/elites engaging in crimes against children and various other compromising positions) is the GLUE that holds a corrupt society together ... with the most blackmailable politicians rising to the very top of the pyramid.
Jeffrey Epstein ... the Franklin coverup ... Boystown ... convicted "DC Madam" Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found dead in a shed by hanging -- an alleged "suicide" -- ** though her little black book of politician clients' names was conveniently never revealed ** (just like Ghislaine Maxwell's client list is still a well-guarded secret despite her recent conviction) ...
Also don't forget the 1996 Marc Dutroux murder/pedophilia scandal in Belgium.
For more on the Belgian "Mothers of Darkness" Castle, please take a look/research The Château des Amerois south-east of Bouillon, Belgium, apparently at one time owned by the Solvay Pharmaceutical family members and also by Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was the name of the British royal family until King George V changed it to the more English sounding "House of Windsor" in 1917.
It's not just the glue, it is the currency, it is the entrance into the halls of power.
Keir Starmer, prior to entering politics was an attorney who represented pedophiles. It is rumored that he is one, himself. Ta-daa! Your new PM of the UK, where pedo-necrophiliac creeps, like Jimmy Savile are tight with the Royal Family.
It is thought by some that all of the "dirt" on Hunter Biden's Laptop from Hell is a form of currency, where he can "prove" that he is one of them. There's more blackmail against himself on Hunter's personal computers, external drives and cloud accounts than much of the rest of world, combined. He's a world champ!
From the looks of it, the entire Biden Family are victims of MKULTRA Monarch Sex Slave programming, because it appears that they all have sex with each other. It's completely off-the-charts insane.
Not to mention that Starmer is deliberately crashing and burning his own country, like Macron, like Scholz, like Obrandon/Kabala... and they're all enablers of this Pedosatanism.
"It's not just the glue, it is the currency, it is the entrance into the halls of power."
"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." ~Luke 17:2
100%!!!! yup! an' to add--there is still blackmail by photos AND viddeyo AND now... this is so twisted... they invent AI/diggy-tale twisted scenes an' remotely plant 'em on the phones so they don't need ta even bother engagin' these folks in real sickko scenarios--they place the images on phones & 'puters an' blackmail'em anyway... some go along just ta git along and take the do-re-mi but others are give no choice... abuse or it'll be faked anyway, etc....
I hear the famous Belgian "Shat-Toe" is no longer the site fer these Mutha-of-Darkness meetings as it's just too well known... There are others (I hear) already takin' its place--already "rigged up" fer ceremonies. But that said, if memory serves, there's one less bloody event (a ball?) that still takes place at Amerois...
Sadly there are a lotta host sites so they kin easily mix it up or "change venues" as needed... (includin' Wind-Sore castle...)
This photo (below) -- note the "art" over the bed, if you could such a satanic display "art" -- of one of Gloria Vanderbilt's bedrooms in her Southampton residence in 1972 demon-strates that Anderson Cooper's mother is into the same sort of satanic schytt as Elon Musk's mother.
satanic bedroom photo, Southampton:
"Gloria Vanderbilt in Her Apartment" [12 slides]
Makes me think Anderson Cooper's brother Carter was a child victim sacrificed to the military intel/media/Hollywood/satanic cult ... perhaps Carter never really *fell* out the window ... but was tossed (?)
Anderson Cooper would not be a good choice to investigate these allegations, if his own family might be somehow involved.
Lots of celebs "lost" children as they became famous, too many to be coincidence, including "falling out of windows" in NY.
Often a child is sacrificed if the parent is in the military intel/Hollywood/music cult.
Eric Clapton's son.
John Ramsey's 2 daughters Elizabeth AND JonBenét !!
former CIA director William Egan Colby's daughter (and W.E. Colby also dead)
Marie Osmond's adopted son Michael Blosil
Dominique Dunne, strangled at age 23, daughter of Vanity Fair writer Dominic Dunne, who covered BOTH the O.J. Simpson circus trial and the Menendez brothers 3 circus trials
WW2 military intel Louis Hezekiel Brown's daughter Nicole Brown Simpson
Military intel Paul Tate's daughter actress Sharon Tate
Jim Morrison, age 27, lead singer of The Doors, who was the son of Rear Admiral George Stephen Morrison United States Navy in the (faked) Gulf of Tonkin incident that was used to escalate US war against Vietnam
The "27 club":
Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Jim Morrison of The Doors
Kurt Cobain
Amy Winehouse
A few other sacrifices that come to mind. The sons of:
Aristotle Onassis
Jacques Cousteau
Carroll O'Connor
Jamie Raskin
Susan Wojcicki
And then there is the "substitute" for murder, which transitioning your child to the opposite gender. Isn't Elon Musk's firstborn the one who's now a woman?
Then, there are the Hollywood types who purchase Black boys and dress them in tutus when they're 3 years old, like Charlize Theron.
And Madonna
She was the one screaming in Calabasas.
yup... thinkin' of Diane Linkletter (that was in California but same deal) an' Joe Cocker's son too fer sure--this is the dark price of fame... BUT/too... some that come to the "pahrty" a bit later--are now (in the last decade 'er so) given the option to turn -em trans if they don't wanna have them "suicided"... but in so-doin' it's like a death for 'em... they are losin' their first born children (sometimes more than just the 1st one too...) Cher, Annette Benning, Jamie Lee Curtis, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron... many more...
Eric Clapton, Robert plant...
pushed... the winda was open. Rules apply even to those at the top: they gotta sacrifice the 1st born... Gloria was one of the 4 main witches--Priestess of Darkness... fergittin' her exact title but she was near the top... 100% sure Anderson went thru the same rituals as (f)Elon... mebbe that's why his hair turned white prematurely--the guy looks like Draco Malfoy!
After learning of such large numbers of sex scandals and pedophile scandals, one can reasonably conclude that BLACKMAIL BY PHOTOGRAPHS (of powerful pols/elites engaging in crimes against children and various other compromising positions) is the GLUE that holds a corrupt society together ... with the most blackmailable politicians rising to the very top of the pyramid.
Jeffrey Epstein ... the Franklin coverup ... Boystown ... convicted "DC Madam" Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found dead in a shed by hanging -- an alleged "suicide" -- ** though her little black book of politician clients' names was conveniently never revealed ** (just like Ghislaine Maxwell's client list is still a well-guarded secret despite her recent conviction) ...
Also don't forget the 1996 Marc Dutroux murder/pedophilia scandal in Belgium.
For more on the Belgian "Mothers of Darkness" Castle, please take a look/research The Château des Amerois south-east of Bouillon, Belgium, apparently at one time owned by the Solvay Pharmaceutical family members and also by Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was the name of the British royal family until King George V changed it to the more English sounding "House of Windsor" in 1917.
If anyone might like to see the Château des Amerois castle on a satellite map, just do a Goolag search for this exact coordinate "49.748374,5.151" and you shall see it ... Then zoom in for a close-up.
As a starting point for further research, here is a link:
It's not just the glue, it is the currency, it is the entrance into the halls of power.
Keir Starmer, prior to entering politics was an attorney who represented pedophiles. It is rumored that he is one, himself. Ta-daa! Your new PM of the UK, where pedo-necrophiliac creeps, like Jimmy Savile are tight with the Royal Family.
It is thought by some that all of the "dirt" on Hunter Biden's Laptop from Hell is a form of currency, where he can "prove" that he is one of them. There's more blackmail against himself on Hunter's personal computers, external drives and cloud accounts than much of the rest of world, combined. He's a world champ!
From the looks of it, the entire Biden Family are victims of MKULTRA Monarch Sex Slave programming, because it appears that they all have sex with each other. It's completely off-the-charts insane.
Not to mention that Starmer is deliberately crashing and burning his own country, like Macron, like Scholz, like Obrandon/Kabala... and they're all enablers of this Pedosatanism.
Kabala's mom's family is part of a Devadasi cult, to which Kabala was dedicated, which is driven by the "Sale of virgins for gold", according to this article:
"It's not just the glue, it is the currency, it is the entrance into the halls of power."
"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." ~Luke 17:2
100%!!!! yup! an' to add--there is still blackmail by photos AND viddeyo AND now... this is so twisted... they invent AI/diggy-tale twisted scenes an' remotely plant 'em on the phones so they don't need ta even bother engagin' these folks in real sickko scenarios--they place the images on phones & 'puters an' blackmail'em anyway... some go along just ta git along and take the do-re-mi but others are give no choice... abuse or it'll be faked anyway, etc....
I hear the famous Belgian "Shat-Toe" is no longer the site fer these Mutha-of-Darkness meetings as it's just too well known... There are others (I hear) already takin' its place--already "rigged up" fer ceremonies. But that said, if memory serves, there's one less bloody event (a ball?) that still takes place at Amerois...
Sadly there are a lotta host sites so they kin easily mix it up or "change venues" as needed... (includin' Wind-Sore castle...)