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You write: "My question, at this point would be, who are these people actually talking to? Who is Satan? An Annunaki? An Eloah? A "Regressive Pleiadian"? An archangelic demon? Sirius-ly." For a different (and perhaps more elegant) slant/insight, you might consider interdimensional negative high-frequency (non-physical) beings whose presence has been well noted throughout history. Priests and shamans, philosophers and mystics of every culture on every continent in the world have described this inhuman presence and named it. For the ancient Greeks it was the Archons—the Powerful Evil Ones. To Native Americans it's wetiko and windingo. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung called this deceiving force “antimimos, the imitator and evil principle” and equated it with the Antichrist. Russian mystic philosopher George Gurdjieff called it “the machine.” Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher and teacher, termed it the Hostile Forces. Hollywood erroneously portrays these entities as physical vampires. Modern-day science fiction writers often refer to this presence as the mind parasites. Christian literature, of course, reduces this interdimensional influence to ludicrous degrees with its description of Beelzebub, the devil, Satan, etc. I've written an entire book on the subject titled "Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom." It's on Amazon, but Id be happy to send you a copy!!

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You're braver woman than I, Cate.

I've only just begun to dip my toe into this particular hideousness, so if I have come off as ill-informed, naïve, etc, please forgive me.

I lived in Brazil, where voodoo is considered normal. New Year's Eve is the big Sea Goddess (Iemanjá) festival, where people go to the beach send out floats into the sea with candles and mirrors and make-up and other such items, because Iemanjá is vain and capricious.

In Puerto Rican voodoo, she's called Yemayá. It all comes from the Yoruba religion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yem%E1%BB%8Dja

It's, of course practiced in Haïti and it's called "Obeah" in Jamaica.

Actually, there are "light" and "dark" practices; Candomblé vs Macumba. But all of it is messing with Lower Astral entities, which are not good.

You will note that any country where voodoo is practiced has a dark cloud hanging over it.

I've been writing about MKULTRA for almost 30 years and there has always been a Satanic component to it but I've always shied-away from looking directly at it, because the slight scuffles I've had with those energies have served as very successful Aversion Therapy!

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