Picton farm in BC!! Picton died in prison a few months ago after the news of Trudeau's visits to the farm, and the parties that Picton had. Rumours abound that a lot of the missing native women in the area were taken there for human hunting expeditions. Them being the prey.
Picton farm in BC!! Picton died in prison a few months ago after the news of Trudeau's visits to the farm, and the parties that Picton had. Rumours abound that a lot of the missing native women in the area were taken there for human hunting expeditions. Them being the prey.
Picton farm in BC!! Picton died in prison a few months ago after the news of Trudeau's visits to the farm, and the parties that Picton had. Rumours abound that a lot of the missing native women in the area were taken there for human hunting expeditions. Them being the prey.
Picton used his piggery as a body disposal
bingo! I'd fergotten the name but THIS was eggsactly the story I was talkin' about--really (really) dark stuff...
https://www.bitchute.com/video/0IyuMp7t3I1d/ (2 min viddyo from Sean Stone..)
graphic with Fidelito "down on the farm" / link to adrenochrome...