Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Possible financial collapse? Propaganda by MSM solar flares causing power outages. Interesting time to witness. God be with US All. Everything seems fake and orchestrated to me. So blatant and in your face fake. Focus on survival skills, creativity and spending time with family and likeminded friends. Get healthy and strong!

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Both “Juan” & “Tore” are big fat asshats in my opinion.

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News


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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Great synopsis! Thanks....

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Jun 30Liked by Forbidden.News

Do you have this Alexandra?

Evidence that the military of Italy (and other countries) stole the US election


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Don't know if I've seen this. But I've got Leonardo satellites, Maria Zack, Philippe Argillier, "les databancs", et. al. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/?s=Maria+Zack

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

THANK YOU FOR THE SYNOPSIS, Alexandra. I pooped out on listening to these two and the sanity was much appreciated. If they were married Tore would henpeck JOS into oblivion.

I saw an article in Zerohedge on the SCOTUS decision limiting administrative decisions used legislate. Might be of interest. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/scotus-overturns-chevron-deference-massive-blow-administrative-state?utm_source=daily_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2857

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Divine hand?

Yes, of course. In The Rock Breaks the (Globalists') Empire, the author lays it out scripturally. A short book, free on most platforms. In your case: a useful reference.

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I wonder how much the CIA is paying 'Juan' to keep pushing this Q-Tard PsyOp BULLSHIT!

Some of THEE Best Minds, and TRUSTWORTHY people, out there have concluded, a long time ago, that 'Q' is, INDEED, a CIA PsyOp!

Just to name a FEW.......

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Catherine Austin Fitts

Daniel Liszt (aka Dark Journalist; an ACTUAL Journalist)

Alex Jones

Mike Adams (aka The Health Ranger)

Jon Rappoport (an ACTUAL Journalist)

Clif High

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Here is all you need to know. Trump was asked to run for the 2016 election. We have been under military occupancy since. Continuity of Government. Trump is the War Time President. Everything is documented if people do their own research instead of relying only on others to tell them. We are at war. Our government is a fraudulent, illegitimate, treasonous, bankrupt Corporation whom we serve. DC sits on foreign soil. J6'ers are not political prisoners, they are hostages...Prisoners of War. They are considered war criminals for invading a foreign entity.

We have a lot of people who are controlled opposition. There is truth spoken with mixed in lies. We have many psyops running. The government is one. It's fake with many actors inside playing their roles. Central Casting. In fact, many are masked, clones, or doubles. Flights to Gitmo have been running almost daily since Trump came into office. Gitmo was expanded for a reason. We have been under a National Emergency since September of 2018. EO 13848 is about election interference and a call for a National Emergency. Biden extended that. No one questions it. Biden's inauguration was fake. Biden has not step foot in the WH since his inauguration. He is not allowed at the Pentagon either. We do have a separate army. Since the assassination of JFK, a lot has taken place. JFK Jr did say that he would catch his fathers killers even if he has to bring down the government. People we assume are dead are not. Many go underground. Each person has to research for themselves and discern for themselves. At this point, nothing surprises me anymore. I question everything. There is no reason for the gravesite to be shaped like a Q if it doesn't represent something. I don't go on Q channels. But, from what people have shared, Q asks questions. A lot of those questions have been answered. No one can know the entire truth until it is exposed, and it must be exposed all at once.

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News
Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Thanks! It is difficult to sum up all that is taking place in a few paragraphs. So much is going on. Even I get confused at times. We have been lied to just about everything since we were born. Even before our parents and grandparents! Goes way back. I also read something about JFK a long time ago. Supposedly he didn't die. I can't confirm, but anything is possible at this point. I forgot what year they said he actually died.

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I saw a "Q" pattern of blown grass mow clips in my driveway. My cat, Magababy, sniffed it and kept walking circles around it before squatting and peeing on it. I'm sure this is prophetic.

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All that you are doing is PARROTING CIA Q-Tard Narrative nonsense.

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

It's not nonsense when the people pass over stuff that they "think" is a conspiracy theory, and are missing out on very important truthful information. I don't go on Q, and yet people tell me that I am in a Q cult. So right there it proves that people choose to disbelieve anything someone says because it may be on a Q post. It's beyond ridiculous.

We serve a fraudulent, illegitimate, treasonous, bankrupt Corporate government. Our birth certificate "contract" tied us into the Corporation. It is also a Bond that they trade. Who is getting that money? My birth certificate has money on it. It was on the treasury government website. People have even found where their bond is traded. I certainly can't cash it in! This has to do with the confiscation of gold in the 30's. They set up a Trust in our name. I asked people to show me where this is on a Q post after accusing me of being in a Q cult.

So, you tell me how do we tear down a tyrannical government? A government on foreign soil to boot? The Declaration of Independence was written for times like these. Unfortunately, half or over half of America could care less. They are too busy hating Trump. They've lost their minds. It can only be the American people that will be blamed for the NWO. That's because it's up to the people to fix the government, not a President. We the People govern the government. July 4th, 1776 ended on February 21st, 1871. We lost our Independence, and like fools we have been celebrating it for eons. All those soldiers who died for our freedom in vain. They had no clue. We haven't been free. We have been enslaved... in bondage to a corrupt government. We must keep on paying the unlawful income tax. They are counting on that money to enrich themselves.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Every single one of the people you listed is deep state. They aren't the best minds, either, they're just really good at B.S. I've researched deep state for 27 yrs, read every single Q post and researched background of everyone of these people. Most of the people "giving us info" are deep state. Operations as extensive as this (and this is the largest operation ever in history, as it's worldwide, with military from 35 nations all working together) have to be kept secret. No one really knows what's going on. My dad was an admiral and taught me alot about the military and how it operates. You NEVER give away any info on an operation like this, you don't want the enemy to know what you're doing.

Also, if Q isn't real, why is there a giant Q surrounding gravesites of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy?


There are also a number of pictures with soldiers at Gitmo forming a Q and signs with Q on them. Sounds like you need to do some more/better research. You don't have the big picture yet IMO.

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Yep!......the CIA has YOU under their 'spell' (aka MIND CONTROLLED). That's OK....you'll be 'Reality Checked' one day really soon! Or, maybe not. Those who are Mentally Stunted ALWAYS REFUSE to ADMIT that they'd been SUCKERED; but will instead, CONTINUE THE LIE (just like the LibTards do). An ADULT (aka Mature, Thinking/Functioning Brain, ect) CAN ADMIT that they were DUPED, correct their behavior/thinking, LEARN from their mistake(s), and move on.

The people I'd listed are no where near 'Deep State'!

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Um, no, I"ve been aware of CIA being evil all my life and I'm 69 y.o. My dad was a journalist back in 1940s/50s an knew about CIA taking over news media. He taught me what to look for about truth, and about lies told by media. I've done my research for 27 yrs re: deep state especially CIA. Have known 4 people who "were" in CIA. They have told me you never really leave CIA. CIA controls media. I've done tons of research especially for last 7 yrs, every single day. You Tube etc. would have gotten rid of "alternative news" even if Q had never existed. It wasn't Q that did that it was deep state "news" getting rid of anyone telling the truth. I knew since 1985 that Trump would be elected president in 2016. How did I know this? I have sources, gooe ones and very solid. My dad was an admiral and a top advisor to a past president. I learned a lot from him.

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Something interesting that Tore points out in this interview is that CIA employees do not swear an oath to the Constitution, like other agencies do.

CIA employees swear an oath to the CIA, which makes total sense, because the CIA does not concern itself with interests of US Citizens, they work for the interests of Black Nobility.

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Jun 30Liked by Forbidden.News

I didn't know that, thanks, Alexandria, very interesting. That makes total sense. Ultimately, they were the ones who gave the command to kill President JFK, among other things. Govt. docs prove it. George H. W. Bush was in CIA and was a president;, he also gave the order to kill JFK, I've seen photocopies of the doc proving it. Conflict of interest if/when he took the oath of office? WOW.

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In 2017 QAnon (as they were known THEN) were hackers from the chans pulling a LARP. They pilfered (stole) old open-source info from the Conspiracy Community, and posted it as coded gibberish for the new people coming into the Alt News with the Trump election, who had never heard such things before and were both terrified and hooked.

In May 2018 the CabaI began promoting Q.

The CabaI immediately banned all channels that were exposing Q as a scam. Alex Jones InfoWars, David Icke, and David Seaman’s Fulcrum News were CORNERSTONES of the Alternative News.

And suddenly the core of the Alt News was gone, their libraries wiped, and so much information LOST.

In their place, YT was flooded with 'QTubes', with big monetized numbers, slick new ads, tons of paid CabaI shills flooding the comment boards with pro-Q hype like "WWG1WGA!", “The White Hats are in control!", and "Alex Jones is controlled opposition", "David Seaman is disinformation", nonstop. And the newbies bought it, all.

FYI, Fulcrum News David Seaman is THE reason we even know about PeezaGate. He was a former Huffington Post reporter and he kept Peezagate in the Alt News headlines FOR A YEAR, exposing Child Trafficking, the Clintons, and the Human Trafficking web in DC. Seaman made the now famous video of the P0desta emails and the heinous art collection.

In 2018 David Seaman was BANNED FOR LIFE from YT and Twitter. Career death for a reporter.

Alex Jones was set up and publicly eviscerated in front of the World.

David Icke is banned from speaking in 26 European countries.

That was 2018 and our Cornerstones were gone, and their libraries wiped. Alex Jones’ InfoWars library was DECADES of dirt on the Caba|, Deep State, Big Pharmacide, conspiracies and coverups.

The Conspiracy Community was decimated and that was effectively the end of the Alternative News.

And that is why Conspiracy Theorists hate Q.

The CabaI's QAnon Scam DESTROYED the Alternative News.

Just as intended.

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

It was NEVER called QAnon. I started reading Q soon as it was posted. The cabal never promoted Q, they tried to say it wasn't real. Right there is proof Q is real. I"ve read every single Q post. There are no conspiracy theorists, only those who are telling the truth. Nor was alternative news destroyed; it has in fact, grown because more and more people are constantly waking up to the fact that MSM is nothing but lies from deep state.

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Where is InfoWars, Icke, Seaman, conspiracy videos, false fIag and crisis actor videos, Sandy Hook videos, DEWeapons videos? Where are the big Conspiracy libraries?

Where are the videos about the self-assembling nanotechnology in the genocidal vaxxines?

Where are the videos showing 9/11 dustification?

Where is are the video of Jordan Sather introducing 'Q' (James Brower) BEFORE Q became 'anonymous'?

Where are the videos of Q being exposed, along with the 6 business accounts in North Carolina and the criminal records of members of the 'Q Team'?

Where's the video of Brower on Stroppy, exposing Q and telling how they did 'Tippy Top'?

They are all GONE from YouTube.

As is the Alternative News.

What you call the Alternative News E, is now the MAINSTREAM Alternative News. Icke calls it the 'MAM'. MAINSTREAM Alternative Media, that pushes Trump, Jesus and POLITICS.

(We just call it 'The Pink Stream'. News and information for the pink-pilled who don't like news or information that contradicts their personal narrative, or the CabaI's QAnon Scam narrative that the White Hats are in control and Trump is going to save us.)

And yes, the Cabai did promote Q, all over the MAINSTREAM news and media. Q is even in Wikipedia!

Who controls Wikipedia E?

Who controls the Mainstream media?

Who controls the MAM?

There is no more Alternative News and Truther Community E. The CabaI used the QAnon scam to DESTROY IT, and convince the pink-pilled that the White Hats are in control and Trump is going to save them.

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

I'm not sure what your reasoning is for alternative news being destroyed by Q - where's your evidence that it was Q who did that?

Deep state was wiping out any source of true news way before Q showed up. I've been on the internet since early 1990s, saw lots of truth come out but shortly after it was always destroyed. Deep state destroyed truth in news since 1947 when CIA took control of news sources. I know this for a fact because my dad was a journalist in WW2 and after and saw this happen. That's when he got out of journalism and started his own company to fight lies in the media. It's only gotten worse since then. You don't provide any reasons for why you think Q destroyed the news - why not?

You Tube etc. would have gotten rid of "alternative news" even if Q had never existed. It wasn't Q that did that it was deep state "news" getting rid of anyone telling the truth.

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Re-read E: "The CabaI immediately banned all channels that were exposing Q as a scam."

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Where's the evidence of that claim? It doesn't make sense to me. Can you explain further?

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A lot of the videos you mentioned above are still out there. I have seen plenty on other sites and in Substack. One guy does a fantastic job breaking down many stories. He did several articles on Sandy Hook. Uvalde, too. 9/11 videos are still out there. Also a ton of nanotechnology ones.

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"...on other sites and in Substack".

Yes, on other sites and Substack.

The old Alternative News no longer exists.

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Are you speaking of a specific site that is called Alternative News? I don't list news sites anymore because people, again, call everything a conspiracy theory, or the site isn't reliable because it says it's Parody or Satire in their about page. Well, if people are that stupid I can't help them. They have to put that so their website isn't taken down. In a lot of social media websites, people put that in their own profile to protect themselves. It's funny how youtube has taken down so many videos, but yet have left some very important ones remain.

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I've never heard about these destroyed libraries. I ignored Q in the beginning and started paying attention to posts in mid- or late 2018 but was never a "decoder" or a fanatic. It was fun and interesting.

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Yup. It is psyop, and the plebs love a good movie...

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We should not be deluded….some of those names are of people who are controlled opposition by the CIA…Mike Adams and …… Alex Jones might be controlled opposition by the CIA….that would mean that they are saying Q is a CIA Psy Op because they are supposed to say that……i would be careful spreading anything because you just don’t know….and no one is trustworthy….not Juan not this Tores….no one….Juan does what he is told to do…..none of his own thinking is used….but he is very brilliant…..

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No Prema, they are saying Q is a psyop because Q IS A PSYOP.

A CabaI promoted psyop for the pink-pilled.

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I do not care what anyone says……do you know the truth…are you God?…..you are wasting your life getting upset at things like this….how cares what anyone says ….God is in charge….the end.

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Not upset at all Prema, just wakingthe poor pink-pilled who got caught by the CabaI's QAnon scam.

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Q is a government pay-op intended to delude the cultist Trump followers. It is designed to convince them that a savior (Cheeto Jesus) is coming and the "white hats" are on the march. This psy-op is designed to keep the sheep cultist passive and hopeful while the Oligarchs get stronger and take more control.

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Most Trump people don’t even know about Q…..so whatever you say is not applicable or appropriate…. Did you know that Trump is surrounded by white light energy from aliens?….don’t be so quick to think you know what is going on

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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Stop yelling and stop being so upset and dumping it on me for example….are you God? God and good win always and humans have not a clue as to how God worlds….go dump and yell at someone else….so are you God?…..some people just love to let their emotions get the better of them…..peace be with you..

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Sheesh Prema, don't have a meltdown, just show where anything I've said is inaccurate.

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"Most Trump supporters don't know about Q." Absurd statement. "Trump is surrounded by white light from aliens." Is this a joke? If not, absurd. Keep drinking that kool-aid, and see where it gets you.

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This is very poorly written and does it matter anyway?…..we are not a part of it and we don’t know the good guys from the bad…..not really…..anyone could be a controlled opposition or a plant…..this is a waste of time….put out good pure energy and all will go much better…..

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I don't get it.

A recent post featuring 'Juan O Savin' had him saying he was uncertain what the cabal were planning & the best thing we could do was pray for divine intervention. Now he has all sorts of info.

Not credible.

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Good catch on your part! Thank you for that info, I don't follow Juan because I think he's a sleazeball. You just confirmed it. Also, he was on Nino's Corner and thought he was off mike when he said "We're making millions, we can't quit now." Hmmm....

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At the very end of the article is a link:“Dont be subject to normy doctors”—- takes you right to TWC, which is a collection of normy doctors selling themselves as alternative.

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Get out of the damn bible Juan! Even as a spiritual war it has nothing to do with god or angels or humans like esther. There might be similarities in the stories but, when the bible is all over the place, there’s bound to be. Mathematical odds. You can find a verse for every situation.

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This Tore Says woman is new to me. Who exactly is she? Her background?

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

She grew up in Queens, NY with Greek parents. Her father was a CIA asset.

She claims she was a teenaged Navy recruit when she was tapped by associates of former CIA Director John Brennan to work at a privatized intelligence company in Luxembourg, due to her advanced math and computer skills. (In the past, she has said that by the time she was 5 years old, already had an IQ of 200). She is around 45 now.

She says, “John Brennan went there [Luxembourg] with a bunch of Saudis and Mossad agents and set up a company and I was pulled out to play with his bootlegged machine…I was taken out, at a very young age, because I had skills to work as an operator of certain computer systems. Computer systems that don’t abide by the rules of RSA-backed technology, that were housed in Luxembourg, in the heart of Europe, right under the guise of a bunch of people that you’ll never know exist. But when they pulled me out of the US Navy, I had two groups of people visit me. I believe NSO was one and I know that the other was the Agency [CIA].” https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/134003-2/

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Thank you- I will definitely start this rabbit hole. Very interesting.

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Sheeez... how did you manage to stay awake for all 2.5 hours of.... NOTHING?

These two "experts" can't even get their Bible stories straight.

THERE IS NO "seed of Cain".

After Cain murdered his brother Hevel , the Bible goes on to name the more noteworthy of Cain's progeny and their accomplishments . As a result of the inventions of Cain's children,

the population of the world grew and prospered for many generations.

In those years before the Flood there was no such thing as war, famine , disease or miscarriages . The weather was perfect, and the average lifespan was 900 years or more .

Whenever a person died, it was a huge shock because everyone expected to live forever.

These charmed generations were the "seed of Cain".

The part about Cain being half serpent makes no difference at all because by murdering Hevel, Cain blew it . He and all of his millions of descendants were on God's blacklist and had to go.

When righteous Noah appeared on the scene, God charged him with the task of building an ark prior to the great Flood - the purpose of which was to OBLITERATE the "seed of Cain" once and for all- and begin anew with the seed of Noah.

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Jun 29Liked by Forbidden.News

Read the Book of Enoch. It explains a lot... How the fallen angels had relations with women, became fierce giants destroying everything, these fallen angels shared secrets of the earth and weaponry and sorcery with man too. I think the ancestors of these people who "know-so-much" and think we are dumb are the 13 families that passed the info down. Always ruling and controlling men with this knowledge and secrets...

I'm not sure what Bible you are reading but it doesn't sound correct. The seed of Cain could have been the corrupted line but only because they worshipped evil I think. Also, Noah may have been they only pure blood left OR the only man left who worshipped God and not the other deities/fallen angels.

None of that matters anymore but now it is time to turn back to God and Jesus. Be careful as evil wants to confuse and lead you astray from God's truth. Why do you think they hate Jesus the most and do the opposite of Him?

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The Bible I referenced is the Jewish Tanach ; the Five Books of Moses.

The Book of Enoch was not given to Moses on Mount Sinai nor was it transmitted to the Jewish prophets. Therefore, we do not consider it relevant to future generations .

Despite the fact that the Book of Enoch would have been known even in Christ's lifetime, he didn't mention or reference it at all in the New Testament.

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Jul 1Liked by Forbidden.News

Jude, a relative of Jesus, referenced Enoch's prophesies and there are other prophets too.

Jude 14 "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,"

Enoch was a man of God and walked with him and one of 2 men who never saw earthly death. I think his writings and prophesies are pretty relevant but was always told it is not official doctrine so I never looked until recently. After reading it, it makes sense about a lot of mysteries that evil does not want us to know.

Moses could have been handed the Book of Enoch, and not all prophets were Jewish. They were called by their tribe.

Who decided not to put it in the Bible? The Catholic church? IDK

You should read it and let God direct you. Do you think it was all made up?

God preserved the scripture we need. It is living word.

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Jacob Appelbaum is Jacob Greenberg.

Mark Greenberg is Mark Zuckerberg.

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