Time to have Congress repeal the remaining portions of the Patriot Act that haven't been properly renewed … and to get rid of the entire infrastructure that was spawned under that Act and any other legislation enacted in response to 9/11 -- the NSA, TSA, DHS, etc.
Shut down all of them -- they serve no purpose in defending the United States against any foreign enemies -- they serve only to be directed against US Citizens …
ReclaimingtheRepublic.org has a petition page with downloadable modifiable petitions to demand the constitution be enforced and nonconstitutional federal departments be shut down.Read article Why Counties Matter Most for nuts and bolts
All gov’t are the enemy. They work for big jew bankers & rothschilds and assorted billionaires and royal families. No gov’t works for its country’s citizens.
Know this.
You’ve got to do the work yourselves. (from down under)
"She is resolved not to budge. She and her neighbors need a superlawyer to file a class action suit. Does anybody out there know anyone who can represent them?"
Consider reaching out to attorney Jeff Childers at the Coffee & Covid Substack. He is a superlawyer and has connections all over the US.
Also, the requirement to raise the foundation of her house does not seem right. This happens when a location is deemed to be in a flood zone, and after Hurricane Sandy in 2012 many parts of NJ that had never historically flooded were eventually redrawn as flood zones, but it took several years for the flood maps to be redrawn.
Thanks. Her house is NOT in a Flood Zone and it’s been there a long time, maybe 80 years. The house sits on cinder block pylons, a couple of which were knocked-out on one corner and which she was having repaired and was stopped, when they told she’d need to raise everything 2 feet. She’s pissed, because the house, itself is undamaged but she doesn’t want it to now start sagging.
Her construction guy was fighting it. Haven’t heard what happened.
Thank God she has a good construction guy. The house can be repaired under current building laws. If insurance is involved that could be a fight. But they would have to have notified her in writing at least 30 days in advance of her insurance claim that they were changing the rules, so I would argue this. Good luck to her. If she can hold out maybe the new administration will be more sane.
She just wrote me: "Great news! My contractor, Clay, went to battle for me and won! He got the permits! Clay is an amazing man, a warrior and my hero. He said that most contractors would have just given up. And homeowners will just be having their homes condemned illegally and walking away poor and homeless." Thanks for your advice and insights!
Sounds like Clay is a real man of integrity. God bless him and his house!
But do not relent on seeking an attorney. If justice is not served to these folks who have been devastated, the backlash will be much worse than if they just did the right thing and helped these Americans.
More than anything, seek Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ.
So free volunteer workers building a foundation would cost > 20 % ? As a retired contractor I call BS. Build a All Weather Wood Foundation and move on against these bureaucrats. If these folks had not lost their firearms in the "attack" nwe'd be reading a different story right now...
FEMA has to be condemned to non existence. Take money appropriated to FEMA and allocate directly to states to manage and distribute. Why let FEMA STEAL 10-20% off the top to be a failure?
All my best. I have to say this post was one of the most upsetting I have read in a long time because I also have a past attachment to that area. My parents used to have a house near Grandfather MT / Banner Elk for years and I would take my kids there also every summer.
This is the only NC news I see in daily online news scanning. Thank you for the firsthand reports.
This treatment of the affected communities and the grift described is evidence that this was planned, that foreknowledge meant they were prepared to do exactly what they have been doing since it occurred and that is -- nothing to help but only ignoring the needs. Their lack of care indicates they prefer survivors not to survive for long and that the technology of the land grab was already lined up prior to the flooding.
So, as WINTER sets in, Red Cross kicks the victims out of shelters? How can the gap be filled now?
Yes, it is time to sue, time for a class action lawsuit.
No, this devastating catastrophe cannot be forgotten! This was clearly a government planned terrorist attack. Have you heard/read any statistics about the death toll? You were in this first hand, I as well, but nothing like in your area. I haven't been to NC in over a week. I thank you for not making this go away!! 🙏
I think you have to be working directly in one of these independent relief groups to have an idea of the real numbers. That one group had originally requested 10,000 body bags but that wasn’t enough, so they ordered 2,000 more. I don’t think that was all intact bodies. Some bags were just body parts.
That was just one group. There are other groups, who say entire coves were full of bodies under the now-brick-dried mud - and ALL 10 of the cadaver dogs are now dead. Billy from Perma Pastures Farm spoke at our group last Sunday. He says he can bio-remediate all the toxicity, including radiological toxicity and he explained how he could do it but he needs financial help that the government would never give for such a project and he’s not set up to receive help yet, either…
I don't believe there will be any official numbers. I never read of anything thing over a scant 300 total lives lost. I knew about the 10,000 body bags; I think there was also a request initially for 4,000 besides the 2,000 you mentioned. That's interesting that the cadaver dogs are all dead, what was the cause of death, and was it due to the toxic waste while searching for survivors? Of course, the government won't do anything. Like everything else up there its people help people. Thank God for that! Private funding will be the only relief to clean up the environment. My son's EMT partner has family a little east of Hendersonville that has not been found yet. The family still has not given up any hope. Possibly once Trump takes office, some of that war funding will go to help NC. Do you have safe potable water where you are? I pray that you do. Take care, and know you are appreciated!
Yes, apparently there are/were toxins from the plastics and possibly other industries (paper?) but Billy from Perma Pasture Farms told our group last Sunday that they had measured some radioactivity along the French Broad River with their Geiger counters, up here in the Mountains - not down in Erwin TN, where I received confirmation of reports of a radioactive spill from the Nuclear Fuel Services plant that was “uncontrolled”, as of 3 weeks ago (no further details because he has a Security Clearance). That radioactive water has entered Lake Douglas, which I’m told it is the water supply for Pigeon Forge, TN (home of Dollywood). That flow continues directly to Chattanooga and Huntsville, etc.
I hope Trump does something serious to help NC whose people turned out for him despite the most terrible conditions. His decision will mark his administration....in the helping of them, or in the breach of it.
Great article, thx for the links too. I seem to remember last time Trump was in office he expanded FEMAs powers significantly by EO. I could be wrong, that was a while ago. Not sure he will do much about FEMA. The RC should go down for sure for child trafficking & God knows what else.
I don't think he expanded FEMA but since that agency was enacted by Jimmy Carter, it has come under the DHS, which is an entity created by Dubya to basically consolidate/centralize all Federal agencies and to turn the US Government into an analog of the CCP. I do hope that Trump understands this fundamental truth about DHS.
America needs devolution, not centralization. Spain is an example of devolution that allows a degree of self-government to its various states, which are actually ancient countries, in themselves, with different languages that have been historically suppressed (true of most of Europe).
DHS was expanded by Trump, with the creation of CISA, the cybersecurity agency that helped the Commie bureaucrats in our government to steal the 2020 Election under Director Chris Krebs (a total Traitor).
Time to dismantle FEMA Mr. President Donald Trump!
Time to have Congress repeal the remaining portions of the Patriot Act that haven't been properly renewed … and to get rid of the entire infrastructure that was spawned under that Act and any other legislation enacted in response to 9/11 -- the NSA, TSA, DHS, etc.
Shut down all of them -- they serve no purpose in defending the United States against any foreign enemies -- they serve only to be directed against US Citizens …
ReclaimingtheRepublic.org has a petition page with downloadable modifiable petitions to demand the constitution be enforced and nonconstitutional federal departments be shut down.Read article Why Counties Matter Most for nuts and bolts
Sadly this will never happen...
Sure, Rothschild's man in America will help you…
He was already in Asheville decrying FEMA 3+ weeks ago.
All gov’t are the enemy. They work for big jew bankers & rothschilds and assorted billionaires and royal families. No gov’t works for its country’s citizens.
Know this.
You’ve got to do the work yourselves. (from down under)
Sure. That's why China Joe gave himself writer's cramp undoing Trump's Presidency.
You are not extra sophisticated, you are extra deluded.
You probably believe in Fakestinians...
"She is resolved not to budge. She and her neighbors need a superlawyer to file a class action suit. Does anybody out there know anyone who can represent them?"
Consider reaching out to attorney Jeff Childers at the Coffee & Covid Substack. He is a superlawyer and has connections all over the US.
Thank you! I'll let her know!
Beat me to it. ☺️ I too would suggest Jeff. If he can’t help he will point you in the right direction.
Also, the requirement to raise the foundation of her house does not seem right. This happens when a location is deemed to be in a flood zone, and after Hurricane Sandy in 2012 many parts of NJ that had never historically flooded were eventually redrawn as flood zones, but it took several years for the flood maps to be redrawn.
Thanks. Her house is NOT in a Flood Zone and it’s been there a long time, maybe 80 years. The house sits on cinder block pylons, a couple of which were knocked-out on one corner and which she was having repaired and was stopped, when they told she’d need to raise everything 2 feet. She’s pissed, because the house, itself is undamaged but she doesn’t want it to now start sagging.
Her construction guy was fighting it. Haven’t heard what happened.
Thank God she has a good construction guy. The house can be repaired under current building laws. If insurance is involved that could be a fight. But they would have to have notified her in writing at least 30 days in advance of her insurance claim that they were changing the rules, so I would argue this. Good luck to her. If she can hold out maybe the new administration will be more sane.
Thanks for that! I've let her know.
She just wrote me: "Great news! My contractor, Clay, went to battle for me and won! He got the permits! Clay is an amazing man, a warrior and my hero. He said that most contractors would have just given up. And homeowners will just be having their homes condemned illegally and walking away poor and homeless." Thanks for your advice and insights!
Sounds like Clay is a real man of integrity. God bless him and his house!
But do not relent on seeking an attorney. If justice is not served to these folks who have been devastated, the backlash will be much worse than if they just did the right thing and helped these Americans.
More than anything, seek Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ.
So free volunteer workers building a foundation would cost > 20 % ? As a retired contractor I call BS. Build a All Weather Wood Foundation and move on against these bureaucrats. If these folks had not lost their firearms in the "attack" nwe'd be reading a different story right now...
She has a lot of guns and another property with 5 head of cattle, so she’s going to be fine. She's from Texas.
FEMA has to be condemned to non existence. Take money appropriated to FEMA and allocate directly to states to manage and distribute. Why let FEMA STEAL 10-20% off the top to be a failure?
What is going on in Michigan?
I read today those trailers are full of military materiel, not relief supplies, but dont know that for a fact.
Every capital letter agency is evil. FEMA, CIA, FBI, CDC, NIH, DOJ, FDA, NASA...
It's one big mafia, and we are not members.
🥹 in particular ♥️Rest in Peace♥️ that poor man's wife. Never been harder to turn anger in action but it's my most used mantra 🥹
Is that why they ran out of funds so fast? Maybe it's more than 30%...we'll never know if it's all black budget...
Can you try and contact Lin Wood ? He may be able to help and find a great lawyer for those getting cornered by govt to lose their land
I’d thought about that - but I hadn’t suggested that to her yet. I’ll see if I can reach out to him.
Could also try Stephen M Rosenberg, Feldman Smith in NYC
I know he won a huge fraud case against a NY developer no one would touch a number of years ago. This sounds like it could be fraud to me.
Excellent. I found him online and forward the information to her. Thank you!
All my best. I have to say this post was one of the most upsetting I have read in a long time because I also have a past attachment to that area. My parents used to have a house near Grandfather MT / Banner Elk for years and I would take my kids there also every summer.
This is all about Mineral Rights. That's all they care about. I'm sending it to Trump.
This is the only NC news I see in daily online news scanning. Thank you for the firsthand reports.
This treatment of the affected communities and the grift described is evidence that this was planned, that foreknowledge meant they were prepared to do exactly what they have been doing since it occurred and that is -- nothing to help but only ignoring the needs. Their lack of care indicates they prefer survivors not to survive for long and that the technology of the land grab was already lined up prior to the flooding.
So, as WINTER sets in, Red Cross kicks the victims out of shelters? How can the gap be filled now?
Yes, it is time to sue, time for a class action lawsuit.
It is my understanding that Jeff Childers who writes Coffee & Covid on substack is a lawyer
No, this devastating catastrophe cannot be forgotten! This was clearly a government planned terrorist attack. Have you heard/read any statistics about the death toll? You were in this first hand, I as well, but nothing like in your area. I haven't been to NC in over a week. I thank you for not making this go away!! 🙏
I think you have to be working directly in one of these independent relief groups to have an idea of the real numbers. That one group had originally requested 10,000 body bags but that wasn’t enough, so they ordered 2,000 more. I don’t think that was all intact bodies. Some bags were just body parts.
That was just one group. There are other groups, who say entire coves were full of bodies under the now-brick-dried mud - and ALL 10 of the cadaver dogs are now dead. Billy from Perma Pastures Farm spoke at our group last Sunday. He says he can bio-remediate all the toxicity, including radiological toxicity and he explained how he could do it but he needs financial help that the government would never give for such a project and he’s not set up to receive help yet, either…
I don't believe there will be any official numbers. I never read of anything thing over a scant 300 total lives lost. I knew about the 10,000 body bags; I think there was also a request initially for 4,000 besides the 2,000 you mentioned. That's interesting that the cadaver dogs are all dead, what was the cause of death, and was it due to the toxic waste while searching for survivors? Of course, the government won't do anything. Like everything else up there its people help people. Thank God for that! Private funding will be the only relief to clean up the environment. My son's EMT partner has family a little east of Hendersonville that has not been found yet. The family still has not given up any hope. Possibly once Trump takes office, some of that war funding will go to help NC. Do you have safe potable water where you are? I pray that you do. Take care, and know you are appreciated!
Yes, apparently there are/were toxins from the plastics and possibly other industries (paper?) but Billy from Perma Pasture Farms told our group last Sunday that they had measured some radioactivity along the French Broad River with their Geiger counters, up here in the Mountains - not down in Erwin TN, where I received confirmation of reports of a radioactive spill from the Nuclear Fuel Services plant that was “uncontrolled”, as of 3 weeks ago (no further details because he has a Security Clearance). That radioactive water has entered Lake Douglas, which I’m told it is the water supply for Pigeon Forge, TN (home of Dollywood). That flow continues directly to Chattanooga and Huntsville, etc.
I hope Trump does something serious to help NC whose people turned out for him despite the most terrible conditions. His decision will mark his administration....in the helping of them, or in the breach of it.
Great article, thx for the links too. I seem to remember last time Trump was in office he expanded FEMAs powers significantly by EO. I could be wrong, that was a while ago. Not sure he will do much about FEMA. The RC should go down for sure for child trafficking & God knows what else.
I don't think he expanded FEMA but since that agency was enacted by Jimmy Carter, it has come under the DHS, which is an entity created by Dubya to basically consolidate/centralize all Federal agencies and to turn the US Government into an analog of the CCP. I do hope that Trump understands this fundamental truth about DHS.
America needs devolution, not centralization. Spain is an example of devolution that allows a degree of self-government to its various states, which are actually ancient countries, in themselves, with different languages that have been historically suppressed (true of most of Europe).
DHS was expanded by Trump, with the creation of CISA, the cybersecurity agency that helped the Commie bureaucrats in our government to steal the 2020 Election under Director Chris Krebs (a total Traitor).
Thanks for that.
**She and her neighbors need a superlawyer to file a class action suit. Does anybody out there know anyone who can represent them?**
No, they need to go to the Col Colt store and prepare to defend themselves.
She’s got that covered.
Unbelievable, unfathomable evil . Geeseus...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr