Encouraging to think someone knows what is going on!! ;-)

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He did say it was just his opinion, so don't take all of this as written in stone because it's not.

America is in deep doodoo, and it took over a 100 years to get it to where it is today by the Luciferians.

So if there would be any fixing, it would be long, hard, and bloody.

It's a different kind of generation that has had it easy since the end of WW2, so there are no patriots like n the days of the horse and buggy.

Those people back in those days lived in reality.

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Sounds a bit QAnon to me if I am being honest...

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Might be a good thing

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Good stuff, no idea what is happening but I like alternative opinions cause who knows anymore.

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Good GOD!!!!!

I call.....BULLSHIT!

Sounds like more Q-Tard shit, to me.

Firstly.....who the fuck is THIS guy?!?!?!

Second....a 'Trust' doesn't mean SHIT. WHERE is the AMERICAN army/military to BACK IT UP?!

ANSWER: There is NONE! (I said AMERICAN military)

Third.....what Zombies refer to as 'OUR military'...... is DELUSIONAL (delusion is a MENTAL ILLNESS.....like what the LibTards suffer from!).


The military that is on AMERICAN SOIL is a FOREIGN military. OWNED & OPERATED BY THE GLOBALISTS (and PAID FOR, by YOU!). This FOREIGN military, that is on AMERICAN SOIL, are THE ENEMY! This military is the United States CORPORATION'S (aka Globalists) military!

Don't think so?? Then WHY IS IT that this military are on Our borders FACILITATING the ILLEGALS INVASION?? ANSWER: Because they ARE A FOREIGN MILITARY! They are NO DIFFERENT than the U.N.'s military; they just have DIFFERENT UNIFORMS!

The US Corp's military is NOT GOING TO 'SAVE' YOU, or this COUNTRY!

They WILL SHOOT YOU DEAD, without blinking!

The Orders come down from their Globalist Masters to shoot you?.......YOU'RE DEAD!


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Just eyeball what's going on in NC for some clarity regarding Military not being here to help... and FEMA getting in the way so more people will die. And I do call BS. Its a Hopium wish that 'trust'... I always ask people who argue this (and other Sovereign Citizen stuff) 'how's that working out for you?" Usually it ain't.

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Exactly! The EVIDENCE is all around us, to SEE, what the Globalists' military is doing.

And NONE of it is to America/Americans benefit; it's quite the opposite.

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Yahshub here one more time. I was not talking about the USMCA Act, probably put in by one of the Bushes, it was made by the left leaning OWG. Neither was I speaking about the war against Great Britton in 1812 where it was the Russians who came to our aid, Since then we have had a Treaty with them. We do intend to honor that. Put6in had every right to go into Ukraine because the agreement for them to be a nation of their own until the Western influx of hit men who went in and killed their true government, then installed the idiot actor from Florida build at least 12 Military Bio-Labs, and if you could understand that Russia did not want that and every other type of vice namable, from gun running, to Adrenochrome, you too would have to step in and clean up the Ukraine. Putin remembered our long standing peace treaty with the American Government. He knows The Vatican and the British operate those two governmental corporations in DC. Though they have given American a dirty name around the world and we seemed to get blamed for everything, it is the British Elite, the Dutch and Swiss Jewish Bullion Bankers who were paying what we thought of as our military to go off an become engaged in mercenary conflicts for profit like Vietnam for rubber, Afghanistan guarding poppy fields, and the bankers wars, etc. But now, they hove bowed down and admitted the wrongs that they were one time responsible for, they repented and for a couple days now have been an honorable soldiery, and are taking orders from the Dejure American Civil Government. I also wanted to make sure that everyone knew when our Federal Republic fell, and why. As for the dockyard workers, I would suggest that they were told by our Government By, Of, and For the People is back and we do need help in our state Assemblies, as I said goto the Tasa website, and you will learn American history not U.S. history. The American Assemblies .org or Anna Von Reitz.com our Fiduciary.

Yahshub, get your land legs back.

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Who the heck are you and where is your proof?

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Forget a penny Pondering and watch, an ponder on an American Federation Dollar, gold Backed, it will be it will be American currency soon, and it will be used in our Global528 Family Trade Bank and International Trade Bank too. This Land and Soil Jurisdiction bank is for people, not corporations. The corporations banks have a name that looks like yours, but it isn't on every check they sell you on the line where you put your signature, the line isn't really a line it is a microdot writing saying 'AUTHOTIZED SIGNER' over and over. You will see the British Territorial governmental services corporation take those accounts, they are both completely bankrupt, in advance they managed to put aside enough worthless FRNs to make it 3 more months which they should be using to help those hit by Helena, but the vermin. I believe it was October 1st they both went belly up. But everything in those sea jurisdiction, or commerce banks have been stealing from us for 150 years or more. The narrative will show that your Unincorporated Government is to blame, but now that the military has changed their tune, we will have access to our funds, our assets, and you will see the Dejure American experiment self governing again. Even if it is possible for Donald Trump, who is a U.S. citizen dummy up a federal republic; It wouldn't be an American Federal Republic, it would be a British Territorial look alike, just like all the other scams they've pulled over 7 generations of Americans, and between all the frauds and all the gold Jewelry, and other artifacts that have been pirated off by them, they couldn't pay back the interest, they owe us in 7 life times, much less the Davila trust, the white boy Trusts, and all the assets the delivered by Tori's around the world in many many different banks. We've been on recoupment runs for decades. A government has two purposes, to keep the peoples money and property safe, and to keep the people safe. Can you say that this country has been policed by honorable policemen who uphold the Constitution?

Can you say this is a self governing people? The answer is no to both and the reason is that you have an international crime syndicate running this and all the other western nations, and they have used the same fraud on us all, starting with the British people.

We have had corporate courts seeking unjust enrichment, not Public Courts, Corporate Police not Peace Officers, you know each jurisdiction has 2 sublets. The Sea Jurisdiction has one which is called Hell. since the 1860's when our Republic fell the British Navel Act of 1863 brought hell out of the sea and onto the land of our Country. I could write about this truth all night, but after three month, look an put your head out of the box, Yahweh is going to bless our Country, you will no longer see the IRS or Internal Revenue service frightening you into paying money you don't and never did owe. Remember only 19 enumerated services were ever given to the Federal part of our Government.

Peace, the Sabbath night is great.


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Just as I thought. NO PROOF. I've read some of Anna Von Reitz's stuff and she gets her US history right but she also makes outlandish claims, like that she went to the Pope and was able to get our stolen gold back (& it took hundreds of planes to transport), but NO PROOF. So you are free to believe your fantasies but I have better things to do, like help hurricane victims. Dismissed.

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Chapter 23 in my book, "Nuthin' Ever Fukkin Happens".

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I don't know enough about law or American history to comment; but I have read more than once that The Republic was sidelined by The Act of 1871 and subsequently declared bankrupt and dissolved, along with the federal government, in The Emergency Banking Act 1933, eg:


His assertions might have more credibility if he provided a link to a copy of the Domestic Trust that he claims to know all about. Until then, I will have to assume that he is probably another misdirection/distraction, like Q-Anon was. I hope to be proved wrong.

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I have to stop reading before bed.... Head hurts

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Let me bring in some very fortunate news, the strike is over but ever better, all the finagling our Fiduciary has been doing with her team has finally notice: "As of yesterday, at 1 PM Eastern Standard Time, the United States, Incorporated, ceased to exist. An emergency appropriation of Territorial funds has provided a three-month transition period during which truly essential services will be further identified and extraneous or illegal services will be shut down.

Those present in this country will have noticed that the Internal Revenue/IRS offices in the States have all been shut down and no longer have mailing addresses that work. This is because these organizations never had any right or reason to be in this country demanding payments from average Americans who were never employed by nor knowingly associated with the Federal Government.

The issue of whether or not a "payroll kickback tax" can be attached to Federal Employment as a condition of employment is yet to be addressed, but as all kickbacks are illegal and extortionary in nature, we are firmly of the opinion that these demands on Federal Workers are now and always were both illegal and unlawful and that the institution of the Internal Revenue Service/IRS should be unequivocally and universally liquidated.

Another result of the changes being made is that the American Military is a military service again, no longer being operated as a mercenary service, and the "war" that has been promoted on our shores for the past 160-plus years, is ended. Some people are still not aware of this fact, but they are being diligently informed.

There has been an unfortunate delay in deploying disaster relief and assistance throughout the Southeastern United States which were hard hit by high winds and flooding associated with Hurricane Helene, as jurisdictional issues were not immediately apparent and resolved, resulting in mass confusion and overall lack of coordination of rescue efforts.

This was hopefully resolved by directives issued to the Joint Chiefs of Staff this morning, ordering the military to provide all helicopter assistance available or available under civilian contract to provide search and rescue operations throughout the region.

The Federation of States has ingress/egress treaties allowing Federal Military and State of State National Guard units to provide this service to the States and within State borders during natural disaster calamities and the Joint Chiefs have been fully informed and authorized to provide search and rescue equipment and personnel and fully inform the State of State Governors regarding search and rescue operations deployment and funding support.

The Joint Chiefs are additionally hereby instructed to deploy and make available mobile military hospitals, camp kitchens, sanitation services, water supply units, communications support and Army Corps of Engineers support together with all necessary personnel and supplies needed to construct emergency bridges and roads.

The Federation of States does not need to make appropriations through any Congress as we are not under the Constitutions and are instead a direct instrumentality of the States responsible for the safety and protection of the living people and their property assets.

We maintain that protection of the living people and their assets is the only rightful, reasonable, and proper reason for any government to exist, and that any failure to protect both life and property assets is a failure of government.

Our Peacekeeping Task Force is on the ground and in communication support of the State Assemblies in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Eastern Tennessee where there is widespread damage and a massive death toll that is as yet unreported.

In some areas, entire towns have been swept away. There are reports of rescue operations being hindered by local and state police

trying to control various operations areas to the detriment of actual rescue efforts in the Black Mountain area of North Carolina. There are reports of entire cemeteries and morgues being washed away.

Let everyone and every level of government involved work together with one single-minded accord and with one purpose --- to preserve life and restore basic public services in the flood ravaged areas. Be practical about it and do not allow anything to interfere with the rescue of the living people. That is Job One. Whoever does it, civilian or military, and however it is accomplished, get it done.

Our Federation of States has a long-standing Alliance with Russia (1858) which both we and the Russians have always honored; there will be no war with Russia. Our nations are allied and will continue to work together in the interests of mutual prosperity and peace on the Pacific Rim. Funding to the Ukraine Proxy War by the USA, Inc. is a private matter best addressed by invoking Public Law against this foreign corporation, which was organized for "lawful purposes" and is not allowed to invest in unlawful activities carried out by Third Parties.

Similar to using Jews to commit usury on behalf of Christian Monarchs in the 1300's, or the various iterations of Congresses using Agencies to promulgate law, accountability for these investment activities rests on the British Territorial U.S. Congress; any continuance of using a Proxy War and Proxy Government in the Ukraine to promote war against Russia is not only a violation of our stated Will to honorably maintain our alliance with Russia, but a violation of international and commercial law.

The funding that has been syphoned off the China Trade will be restored, so that China need not be desperate or think in terms of economic warfare or actual warfare to realize recoupment. A normalization and recoupment process will allow not only repayment but assistance to China to solve its food resource and energy and sanitation and housing needs.

Our actual government which has always been here despite false representations pretending that we were "missing" and "in interregnum" is committed to peace and prosperity for everyone. As such we promote mutual benefit and mutual understanding. The crimes that have been promoted against all of us under color of law for commercial benefit need to be recognized for what they are: crimes.

A final piece of the puzzle involves restructuring the banking system.

We have firmly rebutted the use of the "United States Note" as a Debt Note backed by our purloined assets; as faithful Fiduciaries we do not agree to pay fictitious debt, and instead direct that the "United States Notes" be immediately redeemed and reissued as Credit Notes.

A general revaluation of currencies against the gold standard will be commencing at the public level to establish new commodity valuations and address the widespread rigging of the commodity markets worldwide.

American asset-currency investors are advised to negotiate currency exchanges through their own Global Family International Trade Bank; it's safer and yields more value to the investor.




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Hey, let me say, that the ugly-side of life wants that land in N.C. for the Lithium deposits if I remember right. Don't think that will work out well for them, This isn't Northern Cali or Hawaii.

One last time for now.


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well. if you add the trafficking issue to this; the ports are chock full of air conditioned shipping containers that longshoreman hear screams eminating from, the walking distance to one from P Diddy's manse (with tunnels to, some say) and DJT's; very close relationship to the union head this all fits together seamlessly. If Helene was a DS move (most certainly!) this is a white hat Op.

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Kinda has a sense of being remotely possible . Considering the SATELLITE VIEW of STAR ISLAND in Miami, FL ? Container Depot right across the street from Gate !

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Where can you find pleasure, search the world for treasure..in the navy, Yes, you sail the seven seas.

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Anna Von Reitz makes many grandiose claims but doesn't present any evidence to back them up. Also, many people in Anna Von Reitz's organization who put their money in this Global Family International Bank couldn't withdraw their money.

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I could debunk your slander about Anna. Just because you read an article on the Internet about Anna concerning Global528, why do you so easily just accept it as truth? You don't know Anna do you? Because if you did you would easily feel the shame you are bringing onto yourself. It is one thing to say factual happenings about someone, but to promote harmful gossip is another. The ones who put their Frns into the vault was for, and only for people who didn't have need of the FRNs and wouldn't be asking for it back until a set time. The Vault as it's called was to keep the value, keep the parity at the same value it was at deposit time, at withdrawal time. The checks and balance were explained fully to those who wanted to vault the extra Frns they had and could go without until the Governmental change and Banking system was done. But some people, not many were scared into trying to get their Frns out early, which only caused interruption, but it was all refunded. Maybe not in the timeline everyone involved would have liked to have seen. But they should have followed through with their contract. Do you know who funds word-press, the evil henchmen of Black Rock, there are other backers from Westminster where the underground British Bar Temple sits, along with evil Bankers, we're just cattle in their corrupt system of things. That is one of the reasons our Land & Soil Jurisdictional Government is coming home to roost. Americans are born free agents, until they are trafficked off into the Sea Juris where we are dead British Merchant Mariners. As you notice on your birth certificate the estate you were brought into the world with is shortly after your advent, probated by the registrar. That is the birth of the ens legis, the federal person, that is a corporation. Anna and her team who eventually but all the pieces of the Fraud puzzle together could have just stood up for themselves, but they chose to make it possible for every American to participate in the recoupment of all the funds that belong to all Americans. Thus, she began the effort of bringing all the vacated Assemblies together. It is because of her tireless effort that the U.S. corporation has ended. The Joint Chiefs have finally come to terms with the Great Fraud and have been turned from a mercenary force to an honorable Military who take their orders from the Federation of Union States dba The United States of America. All State Assemblies with the Federation are the true Civilian Government of this country. It has always been a problematic with the United States having three or four different meanings, same as the United States of America. Because of this fact, if you don't know which United States is being referred to, you can easily get lost reading history. If you notice both defacto's forget to but the Inc. after their speaking, they both love to mention our Democracy. Yet we are a Constitutional Republic. Our Founding Fathers despised Democracy because it is mob rule, as we see today and the mob is trying to destroy this country.

Since the Territorial Congress is not allowed to access our Credit from our Assets, they managed to pay the municipals to hang around 3 more months and see how much destruction they can cause. Maybe enough people like you, instead of talking about things you don't understand because you have been dumbed down for so long, all you know is the nature of the sea jurisdiction, people with land legs don't register things, they record them, they don't Insure things they indemnify them, the list goes on. Instead sitting back and wearing poisoned clothing, breathe poison air, choke down poisoned food and drink poisoned water, well we have been told that the industrial waste called Fluoride is going to stop being put in our drinking water. However, we are restoring the True American Government, so you can be a help or continue belittling yourself by being a hindrance to the Facts


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