I am located just south of you in SC. Hurricane winds, tornadoes have taken their toll here as well! We also have no power and may have something by the 23rd, at last report. We survived 2 floods, Jean and Katrina, but this one was just so surreal. No dairy, produce or meat. You can purchase dry goods at stores, you know, the stuff they are trying to kill us with. No gas, people on septic systems and wells have to go to the fire department to get potable water. I truly believe, like many others, this was a manufactured disaster. Now the government has turned off any of the little bit of federal funds to help the displaced. Chimney Rock, completely obliterated over 1000 people still missing. The media is down playing this event as red state-southern hysteria. It's fucking bullshit! The article you were going to publish is interesting and should not be ignored! What will it take to wake up America to the criminal Satanists who are running things???? I read a comment where someone said if we were all blue states this wouldn't have happened. These retards are delusional, and I'm being nice even saying that! Once I don't have to limit my power to even write this, I believe I will become more political on my platform. I've avoided it because of the rabid nuts that follow me, thinking this was a writers platform when I first joined a few months ago.
I'm going to leave you with something that will really piss off those affected by this manufacturered Hurricane Helena.
Clemson University, unfortunately, my Alma Mater held a home football game on Saturday. They paid the power company big $$$'s to have power while the rest of the town and people all over the state can't get power for weeks or more. "Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt." How true those words, I hate sports!
Yes, this sh!t was HAARPed and nothing like this has ever happened in the mountains. There was no wind, up here, so I didn't think it was a big deal and so I did not prepare properly. It just rained like crazy for 3 days and then waterlogged everything and caused mudslides. I've never lived in the mountains before and not familiar with these dynamics. I've lived on the Atlantic beach for most of my adult life.
Nobody expected anything like this, your area got hit up to 30" inches of rain! I saw a video today where coffins were floating down the French Broad River. In the 32 years we lived in this area, there hasn't been anything remotely close to this. Hurricanes and tornadoes at the same time. Unbelievable!
A safe place that is, until they found the largest lithium deposit in those mountains to support their Green New Deal. Dont Tesla cars depend on Lithium too? Whats a few hundred inconsequential lives compared to all that $$ they will make!
I heard the very same as there was LIDAR research done throughout the U.S. several years ago that designated high concentrations of natural resources. All United Nations NWO ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT - have plans - AGENDA 2030 & 17 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. All of which leads us closer & closer to the CONTROL they seek over us.
Any fear of an asteroid hitting us is misplaced on the grounds of probability alone. People generally have a problem appreciating large numbers and things of enormous scale because it's hard for the human mind to encompass. The solar system is one of those things. We are an absolutely miniscule target, to the point that I would say that even if one of the ancient Gods were to deliberately aim an asteroid at Earth from outside the solar system, or even from within it, it would be unlikely to hit us.
The Earth's path around the Sun is about 200 million miles across while the diameter of the Earth is a mere 8000 miles. The chances the Earth occupying the same space on this arc as an asteroid, even if it is moving in the same plane (which is beyond unlikely), is so small as to be effectively zero. Obviously it can't be any higher or lower either, and its path has to be intersecting our path to begin with. You might want to throw in the fact that the Earth covers about 2 million miles a day, so if a God wants to throw his bolt he's aiming at a pretty fast moving target.
If we rescale this to some more manageable examples, say having our orbit be a mile across, then target Earth would be about two and a half inches to aim at. If we set it at one metre then the Earth's diameter is about half the thickness of a human hair at 40 microns. Bear in mind this is just in relation to Earth's orbit, where we are only the 3rd planet of 8, 9 or 10.
Not wishing to belabour this point, but there's then the problem of accurately knowing an asteroid's trajectory, or even seeing it. These things are pretty tiny as space objects go and they don't give off a lot of light and have essentially zero gravitational field so can't show up vicariously. The resolution ability of even the best telescopes, which is defined by the angle subtended, might seem impressive on earthly scales (they can distinguish two headlights on a car on the opposite side of the Earth, again 8000 miles) but that substantially multiplies if your asteroid hasn't even got to the circle of Earth's orbit. How can they possibly know where it is at that sort of distance, let alone know how fast it's going and what its trajectory is? They can't, is the answer. Or, if we give them some credit for ameliorating things by multiple observations and subsequent calculations, they might possibly get an estimate that would generously be described as extremely rough.
Nah, this is just another example of expecting us to believe yet another very tall story. And I haven't even mentioned the probability of this happening in our lifetime when compared to the enormous cosmic timescales they believe in.
oh lordy, glad yer alright!--frankly I dunno where's safe--just sendin' all good wishes yer way fer gettin' thru this-- I'm not sure 'bout the old bald guy (fer many reasons) but without anythin' woo it's clear they are tryin' to just KILL US ALL! yup, fer real.
We went thru hell with "Sandy" (friendly name right?... I'm thinkin' THAT too was engineered but at the time I wasn't aware of just how much they could manipulate the weather... weaponize it!) I think this kinda destruction is preferable to the DEWs they got--in NYC (we were blocks from ground zero--how lucky we were!--not!)--the dust was so foul, all over everythin'--I wonder now if it was dustified bodies I was wipin' off the kitchen counter?! So imho it ain't gonna be a nuke or a DEW just so "they" kin preserve "their" turf. I hadda friend that got told by her brass contact ta head to top of Flurrida--wull, we see it's the same kinda thing--spread a false rumor that the safe places are... X marks the spot! (I think X is one too , natch)
NY Schtadt ain't exempt either--back in August they hit upstate NY (not far from us) with tornadoes! like it wuz Kansas an' it was dogs n' cats flyin'--our car nearly got lifted when we were about 15 min from the thing as we had NO WARNIN'--my hubby's phone started blarin' ONLY with the onset of the storm... an' then DEAD. What happened wuz not near as bad as what yer seein' there but basically it was awful. What went on here--oddly---didn't make it inta the funny papers but a 3 mile radius of residential land (homes, biznesses) was wiped out an' the ripple effect was purdy big--for example, we had fallen trees--huge old ones, no power, roads blocked, an' 2+ feet of water in our basement from which I gotta horrible reaction to the mold that laid me flat fer a week--still recoverin' as we don't have $ for remediation which is spendy indeed (I got an affordable hepa/uv/ozone machine now as a bandaid--it duz help!)--An' what happened here was PUNY compared to what most folks are goin' thru now, near you included.
Oh my YES the water issue is HUGE (an' we've yet ta address it like so many others who say tomorrow tomorrow...)--gotta bucket list (it's on it!) but no bucket! (Meanwhile leakin' roof an' hornets in the house! an' mice and a swimmin' hole in the base-mint an' one bearin' wall a crumblin' make it like a wack-a-mole--what to git to first?...) Everyone warned us against sayin' in NY (state-wize) but we had ta stay (long story/lotsa reasons...)
Meantimes--for cookin' even over a trash can fire I have a friend who has some preppert savvy an' sez this thing--only $35--is a good thing ta own (if ya git up an' runnin' clearly not fer now when there's no way ta git it) --
Bein' a city gal (in spite of my countrifried writin' accent) I frankly haven't a clue--I don't think my "homesteadin'" skills in making kombucha & fermented sauerkraut are gonna exactly save our skins! God help us all--an' sendin' some protections yer way !
omg, that's wurse than us! My older daughter has autism and I'm near-convinced bein' exposed ta all the toxins affected her -- I was 5mo preg. when the towers went down... some kind of a test on killin' us, eh?
Yep, burnt plastic! It stunk!-- we were right offa Cortlandt alley--air was foul, dust baaaad...
I lived on the waterfront of a Peconic Bay inlet during Sandy - THAT was a trip! 11’ surge where I lived on Red Creek.
At least I was able to portage my bike over 4 fallen humungous 300-year-old oak trees and bike 6 miles with my backpack to a Starbucks to post and buy food at the grocery store and I never missed a post of my 7-day/wk newsletter.
1. dang that's a tale and half & 2. talk about dedication!--love it!
When our apt. was marked in whatever zone that said "git out" we made the fool decision to DRIVE to Woodstock (I gotta dear friend there) 'fore they shut off the GWB... As ya know, it's about 2.25 hours from NYC--we made it in about 4 but goin' back after the floods took 9.5 hours! While we were stayin' with our friend an OAK fell on her house! (thankfully we all were ok--not the house tho!--dang fools we--Woodstock got hit way worse than the city...) Oh an' the entire time our doggy (ya know dogs sense electrical energy) was totally freaked out so the poor girl was howlin', wouldn't "go" outside... I mean the whole thing...
Guess we've "soldiered" thru a couple of these events already... never thought (at the time) they were just incremental (ink-ra-MENTAL!) steps to killin' us...
I suspect Clif High's web bots picked up echoes of Mike Adam's podcast about a new interpretation of Revelation Ch 13 - 16. The 7 trumpets and 7 bowls are 7 meteorite impacts.
there is a whole lotta somethin being created, we hit 110 here in the verde valley of az....breaking records since July, water levels extremely low. lived in nc for almost a year and know the area well, hope you find something solid to rest on soon and all the folks and animals......the pictures are beyond words, getting from a fb friend there.....prayers up for you and all the living things. listening to clif for a little over a year....take care, and keep us posted.
Just a thought - this natural disaster - aided and abetted by totally incompetent planning is just a taste of what those folks in Gaza and Lebanon are going through - all aided and abetted by YOUR TAX DOLLARS.
Correction - DaFed's magic $$$$ - created by a click of a mouse and a computer - isn't magic wonderful?
Today is the one to fight harder. All the work that has been done by so many has brought millions of people to realisations of what the Abusers have done and are continuing to do. Regroup and push on forward, opportunity is now. Change is exponential and growing, fee d and care for it.
You can call it the Kabala Genocide Camp bc she's sure not doing much to help the situation. I read something abt "$750" what a bunch of crap for US CITIZENS in crisis.
I agree with you. I use the word Satanism freely nowadays, especially after reading Kerth Barker’s ‘Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism’ - Highly recommended!!!
Glad that you're ok, Alex. I had no idea that you were in NC. Hope that you had/have Preps on hand?!
I, one day soon (wishful thinking), would like to move to East Tenn (yes....I know that some spots there got hit, too), and I have very narrow perimeters of what I'd be looking for. NO living in a valley; NO living near a river/stream/creek (even the smallest streams/creeks can turn into raging rivers); NO living on the side of a mountain (landslides). I want to be ON a mountain.....at least up to 3,500 ft above sea level. And I want to FARM! (a 'small' one) That's ALL that I want to do......live ON a mountain in E TN and FARM!! LOL
That was wild (the video)! Lets hope that this does not happen!! Clif just put out a new vid today.....going to watch that one, now.
I am located just south of you in SC. Hurricane winds, tornadoes have taken their toll here as well! We also have no power and may have something by the 23rd, at last report. We survived 2 floods, Jean and Katrina, but this one was just so surreal. No dairy, produce or meat. You can purchase dry goods at stores, you know, the stuff they are trying to kill us with. No gas, people on septic systems and wells have to go to the fire department to get potable water. I truly believe, like many others, this was a manufactured disaster. Now the government has turned off any of the little bit of federal funds to help the displaced. Chimney Rock, completely obliterated over 1000 people still missing. The media is down playing this event as red state-southern hysteria. It's fucking bullshit! The article you were going to publish is interesting and should not be ignored! What will it take to wake up America to the criminal Satanists who are running things???? I read a comment where someone said if we were all blue states this wouldn't have happened. These retards are delusional, and I'm being nice even saying that! Once I don't have to limit my power to even write this, I believe I will become more political on my platform. I've avoided it because of the rabid nuts that follow me, thinking this was a writers platform when I first joined a few months ago.
I'm going to leave you with something that will really piss off those affected by this manufacturered Hurricane Helena.
Clemson University, unfortunately, my Alma Mater held a home football game on Saturday. They paid the power company big $$$'s to have power while the rest of the town and people all over the state can't get power for weeks or more. "Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt." How true those words, I hate sports!
I appreciate you and you platform. Thank you!
Incredible, Monica!
Thank you for your report from SC!
Yes, this sh!t was HAARPed and nothing like this has ever happened in the mountains. There was no wind, up here, so I didn't think it was a big deal and so I did not prepare properly. It just rained like crazy for 3 days and then waterlogged everything and caused mudslides. I've never lived in the mountains before and not familiar with these dynamics. I've lived on the Atlantic beach for most of my adult life.
Nobody expected anything like this, your area got hit up to 30" inches of rain! I saw a video today where coffins were floating down the French Broad River. In the 32 years we lived in this area, there hasn't been anything remotely close to this. Hurricanes and tornadoes at the same time. Unbelievable!
Similar thing have been happening in New Zealand over this last year... lies all the way.
May love be with you and yours.
A safe place that is, until they found the largest lithium deposit in those mountains to support their Green New Deal. Dont Tesla cars depend on Lithium too? Whats a few hundred inconsequential lives compared to all that $$ they will make!
I heard the very same as there was LIDAR research done throughout the U.S. several years ago that designated high concentrations of natural resources. All United Nations NWO ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT - have plans - AGENDA 2030 & 17 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. All of which leads us closer & closer to the CONTROL they seek over us.
That makes alot of sense!
FYI: UN adopts “Pact for the Future”, Ending National Sovereignty at https://akajshannon.substack.com/p/un-adopts-pact-for-the-future-ending.
🎯 The people of Asheville refused to let the prospectors come and dig up their lithium rich mountains. We all know what happens then...
Any fear of an asteroid hitting us is misplaced on the grounds of probability alone. People generally have a problem appreciating large numbers and things of enormous scale because it's hard for the human mind to encompass. The solar system is one of those things. We are an absolutely miniscule target, to the point that I would say that even if one of the ancient Gods were to deliberately aim an asteroid at Earth from outside the solar system, or even from within it, it would be unlikely to hit us.
The Earth's path around the Sun is about 200 million miles across while the diameter of the Earth is a mere 8000 miles. The chances the Earth occupying the same space on this arc as an asteroid, even if it is moving in the same plane (which is beyond unlikely), is so small as to be effectively zero. Obviously it can't be any higher or lower either, and its path has to be intersecting our path to begin with. You might want to throw in the fact that the Earth covers about 2 million miles a day, so if a God wants to throw his bolt he's aiming at a pretty fast moving target.
If we rescale this to some more manageable examples, say having our orbit be a mile across, then target Earth would be about two and a half inches to aim at. If we set it at one metre then the Earth's diameter is about half the thickness of a human hair at 40 microns. Bear in mind this is just in relation to Earth's orbit, where we are only the 3rd planet of 8, 9 or 10.
Not wishing to belabour this point, but there's then the problem of accurately knowing an asteroid's trajectory, or even seeing it. These things are pretty tiny as space objects go and they don't give off a lot of light and have essentially zero gravitational field so can't show up vicariously. The resolution ability of even the best telescopes, which is defined by the angle subtended, might seem impressive on earthly scales (they can distinguish two headlights on a car on the opposite side of the Earth, again 8000 miles) but that substantially multiplies if your asteroid hasn't even got to the circle of Earth's orbit. How can they possibly know where it is at that sort of distance, let alone know how fast it's going and what its trajectory is? They can't, is the answer. Or, if we give them some credit for ameliorating things by multiple observations and subsequent calculations, they might possibly get an estimate that would generously be described as extremely rough.
Nah, this is just another example of expecting us to believe yet another very tall story. And I haven't even mentioned the probability of this happening in our lifetime when compared to the enormous cosmic timescales they believe in.
We're talking about a FAKE meteor impact, where they will scream about a meteor impact on the news but it will be a DEW attack.
Exactly. An ENGINEERED meteor impact.
Don't be naive thinking they couldnt possible do it.
Monkey werks has the cause before it happens
Karl Denninger on Asheville disaster - https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=252111 - tells it like it is - which is also like much of our infrastructure planning.
I'm an engineer and much of what I see our leadership has done is literally an accident waiting to happen - eventually STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES!
oh lordy, glad yer alright!--frankly I dunno where's safe--just sendin' all good wishes yer way fer gettin' thru this-- I'm not sure 'bout the old bald guy (fer many reasons) but without anythin' woo it's clear they are tryin' to just KILL US ALL! yup, fer real.
We went thru hell with "Sandy" (friendly name right?... I'm thinkin' THAT too was engineered but at the time I wasn't aware of just how much they could manipulate the weather... weaponize it!) I think this kinda destruction is preferable to the DEWs they got--in NYC (we were blocks from ground zero--how lucky we were!--not!)--the dust was so foul, all over everythin'--I wonder now if it was dustified bodies I was wipin' off the kitchen counter?! So imho it ain't gonna be a nuke or a DEW just so "they" kin preserve "their" turf. I hadda friend that got told by her brass contact ta head to top of Flurrida--wull, we see it's the same kinda thing--spread a false rumor that the safe places are... X marks the spot! (I think X is one too , natch)
NY Schtadt ain't exempt either--back in August they hit upstate NY (not far from us) with tornadoes! like it wuz Kansas an' it was dogs n' cats flyin'--our car nearly got lifted when we were about 15 min from the thing as we had NO WARNIN'--my hubby's phone started blarin' ONLY with the onset of the storm... an' then DEAD. What happened wuz not near as bad as what yer seein' there but basically it was awful. What went on here--oddly---didn't make it inta the funny papers but a 3 mile radius of residential land (homes, biznesses) was wiped out an' the ripple effect was purdy big--for example, we had fallen trees--huge old ones, no power, roads blocked, an' 2+ feet of water in our basement from which I gotta horrible reaction to the mold that laid me flat fer a week--still recoverin' as we don't have $ for remediation which is spendy indeed (I got an affordable hepa/uv/ozone machine now as a bandaid--it duz help!)--An' what happened here was PUNY compared to what most folks are goin' thru now, near you included.
Oh my YES the water issue is HUGE (an' we've yet ta address it like so many others who say tomorrow tomorrow...)--gotta bucket list (it's on it!) but no bucket! (Meanwhile leakin' roof an' hornets in the house! an' mice and a swimmin' hole in the base-mint an' one bearin' wall a crumblin' make it like a wack-a-mole--what to git to first?...) Everyone warned us against sayin' in NY (state-wize) but we had ta stay (long story/lotsa reasons...)
Meantimes--for cookin' even over a trash can fire I have a friend who has some preppert savvy an' sez this thing--only $35--is a good thing ta own (if ya git up an' runnin' clearly not fer now when there's no way ta git it) --
Bein' a city gal (in spite of my countrifried writin' accent) I frankly haven't a clue--I don't think my "homesteadin'" skills in making kombucha & fermented sauerkraut are gonna exactly save our skins! God help us all--an' sendin' some protections yer way !
And I lived ½ a block from the WTC when that happened. It smelled like burnt plastic and dead bodies for 5+ months.
Hope you’re faring well in Asheville, Alexandra!
omg, that's wurse than us! My older daughter has autism and I'm near-convinced bein' exposed ta all the toxins affected her -- I was 5mo preg. when the towers went down... some kind of a test on killin' us, eh?
Yep, burnt plastic! It stunk!-- we were right offa Cortlandt alley--air was foul, dust baaaad...
Oh yes, I remember that smell :(
I lived on the waterfront of a Peconic Bay inlet during Sandy - THAT was a trip! 11’ surge where I lived on Red Creek.
At least I was able to portage my bike over 4 fallen humungous 300-year-old oak trees and bike 6 miles with my backpack to a Starbucks to post and buy food at the grocery store and I never missed a post of my 7-day/wk newsletter.
1. dang that's a tale and half & 2. talk about dedication!--love it!
When our apt. was marked in whatever zone that said "git out" we made the fool decision to DRIVE to Woodstock (I gotta dear friend there) 'fore they shut off the GWB... As ya know, it's about 2.25 hours from NYC--we made it in about 4 but goin' back after the floods took 9.5 hours! While we were stayin' with our friend an OAK fell on her house! (thankfully we all were ok--not the house tho!--dang fools we--Woodstock got hit way worse than the city...) Oh an' the entire time our doggy (ya know dogs sense electrical energy) was totally freaked out so the poor girl was howlin', wouldn't "go" outside... I mean the whole thing...
Guess we've "soldiered" thru a couple of these events already... never thought (at the time) they were just incremental (ink-ra-MENTAL!) steps to killin' us...
I suspect Clif High's web bots picked up echoes of Mike Adam's podcast about a new interpretation of Revelation Ch 13 - 16. The 7 trumpets and 7 bowls are 7 meteorite impacts.
Of course there's no telling when that will happen, but the extraordinary levels of sin and wickedness surely deserve some wrath of God.
there is a whole lotta somethin being created, we hit 110 here in the verde valley of az....breaking records since July, water levels extremely low. lived in nc for almost a year and know the area well, hope you find something solid to rest on soon and all the folks and animals......the pictures are beyond words, getting from a fb friend there.....prayers up for you and all the living things. listening to clif for a little over a year....take care, and keep us posted.
There's a reason for everything!
Just a thought - this natural disaster - aided and abetted by totally incompetent planning is just a taste of what those folks in Gaza and Lebanon are going through - all aided and abetted by YOUR TAX DOLLARS.
Correction - DaFed's magic $$$$ - created by a click of a mouse and a computer - isn't magic wonderful?
Today is the one to fight harder. All the work that has been done by so many has brought millions of people to realisations of what the Abusers have done and are continuing to do. Regroup and push on forward, opportunity is now. Change is exponential and growing, fee d and care for it.
May love be with us all.
Everyone is praying non-stop for NC!
Hope you are getting what you need to recover. Lack of local govt PREPAREDNESS AND INEPTNESS makes for one giant mess!
“He concurs with Juan that we are dealing with “Witches and warlocks”.”
Gee, I wish ppl would quit trying to pin this crap on “witches and warlocks” ie Pagans.
This is all being done by Satanists, Luciferians and they are NOT Pagans. They are inversions of xian.
Before we change any election laws it sure wd be great if there was someone worth voting for. No, Trump aint it. Neither is Kabala.
Kabala definitely means censorship, execution of people like me and FEMA camps for you, so it is Trump.
I guess I agree but it's still lesser of 2 evils to me.
DT is not The Savior here.
Got it!
I wish I could be of some help.
You can call it the Kabala Genocide Camp bc she's sure not doing much to help the situation. I read something abt "$750" what a bunch of crap for US CITIZENS in crisis.
I agree with you. I use the word Satanism freely nowadays, especially after reading Kerth Barker’s ‘Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism’ - Highly recommended!!!
Thanks for that book info.
High Adept Satanism, like in the old Hammer Films.
It’s an absolutely brilliant book; as I said, the most book I’ve read in decades!
Glad that you're ok, Alex. I had no idea that you were in NC. Hope that you had/have Preps on hand?!
I, one day soon (wishful thinking), would like to move to East Tenn (yes....I know that some spots there got hit, too), and I have very narrow perimeters of what I'd be looking for. NO living in a valley; NO living near a river/stream/creek (even the smallest streams/creeks can turn into raging rivers); NO living on the side of a mountain (landslides). I want to be ON a mountain.....at least up to 3,500 ft above sea level. And I want to FARM! (a 'small' one) That's ALL that I want to do......live ON a mountain in E TN and FARM!! LOL
That was wild (the video)! Lets hope that this does not happen!! Clif just put out a new vid today.....going to watch that one, now.
Glad you're ok AB! 🕊️🙏🏻💞
I'm so sorry for the sufferings that now surround you and so many.