Official Gov't Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is a Male Pedophile - Media Blackout
The Peoples Voice has now come out with their own report on the mysterious tale of Brigitte Macron. Candace Owens presented an even more detailed investigative series of videos, which were removed from YouTube but one of which I was able to find and replace here.
I am not posting this because it is sordid or because it is, in any way comical. This has nothing to do with "transphobia". It has everything to do with lying and the Father of All Lies (John 8:44).
I am posting this because it may give clues to the uninitiated (such as me), about Satanic Inversion in action; about Magick and the spells that are apparently cast on the public by elite practitioners of the Black Arts.
The information presented here is the product of a an open-source investigation involving many people in many countries.
If true, I can't imagine that what we're looking at is the story of a family who stood by their fellow family member, who was stricken with gender dysphoria 50 years ago – through no fault of his own – during those primitive times, before today's relentless push to make transgenderism the most fabulous thing, ever.
This was not a matter of a family telling a few white lies to smooth things over. There is too much incest and legal chicanery going on. It seems to me that what we're seeing here has to do with deeply-entrenched, multi-generational Satanism or involvement in some other secret Baphomet cult – topics that I generally seek to avoid and of which I have very little knowledge or understanding.
Also, the case of Emmanuel Macron is not an isolated case of a president of a G7 nation facing rumors and allegations of being married to a transwoman: There is also "Big Mike" and the questions about whether Michelle Obama is also a transwoman. What are the odds?
In Candace Owens' report from last March, she said French investigators had determined that Brigitte Macron's first husband, André-Louis Auzière never existed. His identity was invented out of whole cloth. The non-existent André-Louis Auzière was not the father of Brigitte's three children. Brigitte was the father. Brigitte was born Jean-Michel Trogneux.
So, André-Louis Auzière was not the father and he never even existed – but somebody gave birth to these three children and it wasn't Brigitte Macron. What's missing, in all these reports are the current whereabouts of Brigitte Proba Auzière, the First Lady's cousin and the alleged physical birth mother of Brigitte Macron's three children.
Candace reported that obviously, Brigitte Macron’s entire family would have to be involved in the cover-up – most importantly, her cousin, Jean-Louis Auzière, with whom the First Lady was very close while growing up.
Candace reported that Jean-Louis had "extremely close ties" to the intelligence service of France and that it was he who helped to orchestrate the deceit, on the legal side. Jean-Louis Auzière also happened to be the uncle of Brigitte Proba Auzière, Brigitte Macron's cousin and the alleged birth mother of her three children.

With all of this in mind, the spectacle and the debacle of the 2024 Paris Olympics make a lot more sense.
I'm reminded of the 1998 testimony of Kay Griggs, who was married to US Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs Chief of Staff, Marine Atlantic and NATO's Head of Psychological Operations.
Kay found her husband's diary, which contained details of homosexual blackmail in the top ranks of the US Marine Corps and she named leading politicians and military leaders who were involved. She exposed initiation rituals, the raping of young men and blackmail and murders to keep people quiet. She said much of this was related to secret society activity, naming figures like Henry Kissinger and other top government figures.
Brigitte Macron's eldest child, her son Sébastien Auzière was born in 1975, two years before his stepfather. Her eldest daughter, Laurence Auzière was born in 1977, the same year as her stepfather, the current President of France.
In 2020, Brigitte's youngest daughter, Tiphaine Auzière (b. 1984) agreed to be interviewed by the popular French Magazine, Paris-Match, in which she told the interviewer about what it was like growing up with a stepfather who was attending the same school, 7 grades ahead of her, while she was there.
On Emmanuel Macron:
[Tiphaine] always called him "the UFO": so brilliant, so loving towards her mother Brigitte, while also attentive to her [Tiphaine], the youngest, since the day he entered her life. They both studied at the Providence of Amiens. She, 10 years old, he 17; he was "the big one", the one for whom her mother saw a destiny as a writer, the one who she advised to go to bed early to pass the tests, who would closely follow her [Tiphaine's] outings, her friends, her studies at the Sorbonne.
On her father, André-Louis Auzière, Brigitte Macron's first husband:
"My father died, I buried him on December 24 in the strictest privacy. I adored him, he was a special being, a nonconformist who valued his anonymity above all else. We must respect him."
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Sean@TPV: A strange thing happens to journalists and fact-checkers who set out to debunk the claim that Emmanuel Macron's wife, Brigitte was actually born male. These journalists think it's a "ridiculous conspiracy theory" that will be easy to dismiss and debunk. Then they quickly realize that they were wrong – very wrong.
Just as there is a mountain of evidence in the US that Barack Obama's wife Michelle is actually a man named "Michael Robinson", there is even more evidence in France that the President is married to a man who seduced him when he was a 14-year-old boy, before transitioning to life as a woman and operating as the Future President's handler.
If that sounds far-fetched and ridiculous, well, that's what the journalists and fact-checkers thought too, before they became firm believers that Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, is a transgender pedophile who lived as a man for 30 years and is now hiding in plain sight...
French President Emmanuel Macron has lashed out at investigators who have uncovered evidence proving his 70-year-old wife was actually born a male. Much like Michelle Obama in the US, who's been exposed by official government documents as a transgender named Michael, Brigitte Macron also appears to have extremely masculine physical traits.
She also has a history of appearing in public with a bulge in her pants, reminiscent of Michelle Obama on Ellen, just not quite so large.
(Roll video of Brigitte's bulge over the decades)
According to Macron, who vowed to sue anybody who pushes what he called the "False and fabricated theory. The worst thing is the false information and fabricated scenarios!"
Macron is on the warpath and he's even sending French Secret Service to interrogate and bully journalists and citizens who are investigating the truth about his wife's shady past.
But here, at TPV, we refuse to bow to Young Global Leaders when they order us to stop reporting on something.
So, let's examine the actual evidence – because, believe me – there is a whole lot more than suspicious bulges to back up the credible allegations that Brigitte Macron was born male. There are only two photos that have ever been produced as evidence that Brigitte Macron ever lived as a woman before she was 30 years old.
Here is the first photo, a family photo which supposedly features Brigitte as a young child, sitting on her mother's knee. Which is weird, because to everybody who looks at this photo, Brigitte looks like the young child in the checked shirt on the left of the screen. That is clearly her face, it's unmistakable.
The young child on the mother's knee doesn't look anything like Brigitte. Let's examine photo 2, that the elite have presented to try and prove Brigitte had a life as a young girl. There is just one problem with this photo.

Brigitte is over 70 years old now, and if you think this photo looks far more recent, if you think it looks like a color photograph, which has been turned into black and white, well hold on to that thought, because we're going to come back to this photo, later.
While the Macron's are desperate to convince the world that this is all a "crazy conspiracy theory", in reality, this was a 3-year investigation by serious investigative journalists who worked with forensic experts and genealogists and eventually published their findings in a rigorous, 6-part story in the French magazine, Faites et Documents.
Their findings were unequivocal: Brigitte Macron did not exist for the first 30 years of her life.
Let that sink in for a moment: there is no proof in this world that the wife of the French president existed for the first 30 years of her life!
This should be a very easy theory for the elite to debunk. Think about it, if someone came up to you and said, "You didn't exist for the first 30 years of your life," you could show them all sorts of photos from your childhood, your high school yearbook, and photos with your family and friends who would all come forward and vouch for you. But Brigitte can't do any of this.
Don't forget, Brigitte Macron also has 3 children – but she can't provide photos of her pregnant with any of them, nor are there any official records that she gave birth. She can't provide photos of herself as a young mother. Instead, the Macrons are sending the secret service out to intimidate journalists.
While Natacha Rey was working on the 6-part investigative report, she was detained, interrogated, her phone was confiscated, and they demanded to know what evidence she had gathered and who she shared it with. This is not something you do when you are telling the truth. Natasha Ray is not the only victim of the paranoid Macrons.
A liberal journalist, who thought it would be easy to debunk the report – because Brigitte Macron is obviously a woman –found, to her surprise that she could not debunk it.
As she reported, the investigation was watertight, the facts were verifiable and undeniable, and the conclusions drawn by the investigators were unquestionable. She, too was tracked down by the secret service, interrogated and intimidated.
So, what is this rigorously-detailed theory, the journalists have put forward, and why are the elite so desperate to cover it up?
The elite are trying to convince us that sane is crazy and crazy is sane. Archbishop Viganò spoke out against the moral decay of contemporary society this week, highlighting that the Paris Olympics opening ceremony was a symbol of everything that's wrong with Macron's France. Recently excommunicated by Pope Francis for daring to share the word of Jesus Christ, Archbishop Viganò did not hold back in his criticism of Macron, referring to Brigitte Macron as a "transvestite".
The Archbishop also directed his ire towards Barack Obama, describing his wife, Michelle Obama as a "Muscular man in a wig." He could have also mentioned Chuck Schumer's wife, Iris Weinshall and countless other wives of political leaders with dubious backstories.
But let's get back to the first alleged photo of Brigitte Macron and the family scene. The theory put forward by French investigators is that Brigitte Macron was actually born Jean-Michel Trogneux. That is the young boy you are seeing in this photo on the left of your screen. That would make Brigitte Macron 8 years older than she's currently presenting herself to the public.
According to the investigators, Brigitte Macron lived as a man for 30 years before she transitioned. These are credible allegations for a huge number of reasons. First, the investigators pulled together a number of interviews with Brigitte from her 30s and 40s and they found one thing in common in most of the interviews.
Brigitte Macron did not seem to know her own age. In one interview, she references living alone in the United States in 1969 and watching the Moon Landing on TV. Except if Brigitte Macron was really that young girl in the photo, she would have been 16, at the time – far too young to be living alone in the United States.
But if she was Jean-Michel Trogneux, the boy that the investigators are alleging Brigitte lived as, he would have been 24, which is a much more reasonable age to be living in the United States alone. That's just one example. There are multiple examples, where Brigitte did not seem to know her own age.
So this raises the question, where is Jean-Michel Trogneux? If he's actually Brigitte's older brother, surely she can win him out to make the rumors go away. Well, guess what? He's missing.
The genealogists were able to locate plenty of data to prove that he was alive until the age of 30 – but then, at the exact same time that Brigitte Macron emerged in the world, Jean-Michel Trogneux went missing. You can't make this stuff up.
Now let's re-examine the second photo that purports to be the young Brigitte Macron. Remember, this photo that I said looks clearly fake? Well, forensic researchers were able to prove that it's a recolorized photo of Brigitte's daughter, Tiphaine [née Auzière], The mainstream media doesn't even bother pretending that that's a photo of Brigitte anymore. They are now claiming that it was a mistake and it was obvious, all along that it was Tiphaine.
So, how is it possible that Brigitte Macron has three children? Researchers are alleging that Brigitte fathered her three children before transitioning into a woman, in the same way that Caitlyn Jenner fathered her children before she transitioned.
The investigation was so in-depth that researchers even managed to find photos from when Brigitte Macron was a teacher and she covered her neck with a scarf for a whole year. It just so happens that this is the exact same year that Brigitte underwent surgery to remove her Adam's Apple.
It should be so easy for somebody to produce a shred of evidence that Brigitte Macron existed at any time in the first 30 years of her life. But they can't. It should be easy to find Jean-Michel Trogneux, but they can't. They also can't locate Brigitte Macron's first husband. That's right, he's missing too.
They really do think we're stupid. And that's before you even consider the story of how Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte got together. As Candace Owen explains, this sickening tale says everything you need to know about the global elite.
(Roll video of Candace Owens)
Candace Owens: Like I said on Piers Morgan, at best, you are looking at a scenario where Brigitte Macron is a pervert. The story in how they got together is that Brigitte alleges that she was a teacher and Macron was this 14, 15-year-old student that she was attracted to.
What? Yeah, and they just struck up a relationship. She says at the time that she was married with three kids and made the decision to divorce and leave her husband for a 14-year-old boy. Does that register to you as a normal situation?
And then guess what, guys? You're going to find this to be insane. But then you would go, "OK, well, let's just talk to Brigitte's ex-husband."
Yeah, well, when Emmanuel Macron won the election, some journalists around the world were trying to track down the now-First Lady's ex-husband, and they couldn't find him. Nope, without a trace. Could not find this man anywhere.
They were like, "Hey, yeah, where's your ex-husband?" And they kept going, "Oh, no, no, no, he's extremely private. He's extremely private."
And then one day Tiphaine, Brigitte's daughter just randomly announces – as journalists began going, "Oh, this is really weird. Where is your dad?" – that he "Died and they chose to cremate him in a private ceremony."
Don't ask any questions. Yep, dead. Can't find a trace of him. Can't find proof that he ever existed. But "He's now dead and don't ask any questions."
You guys, this is just, well, to put it like Barry Weiss, "That's [batsh!t] insane!"
The truth about the Macrons becomes more apparent when you understand who they are really representing. Macron was a Rothschild banker before he was parachuted into the presidency by hidden hands, without a political party or a platform to speak of. It is less well-known that his wife, the transgender Brigitte, is a Rothschild, directly descended from Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

(Roll video from MEMRI TV, translated from Arabic language TV talk show)
Unnamed Arab Researcher: "Who is Macron? Macron's wife is a Rothschild. Who are the Rothschilds? The Rothschilds control the US Federal Reserve Bank and thereby, America's Financial Empire. And along with the Jewish [banking] families, they command all the banks in Europe.
"Macron was brought by Rothschild to the Presidency of France – may all the advocates of democracy forgive me – but for the first time in the history of democracies, a president without a political party or anything becomes parachuted-in – they paid whatever it took and he succeeded in becoming President.
"So when you see this initiative (to keep Iran in the JCPOA (aka "The Iran Nuclear Deal"), you know that it is the initiative of the people behind Macron. I may be wrong but my analysis tells me that it was at the behest of America's financial bloc and the Rothschilds that –
Off-Camera Arabic Language TV Host: (Interjecting) – The Jewish Capitalism.
Unnamed Arab Researcher: Yes, the Jewish Capitalism – urged Macron to come up with this initiative.
Orwell warned us that the elite will try and convince us that up is down, men are women and war is peace. How right he was! Nowhere is this more apparent than in the games they are playing with us and the wives of prominent world leaders. These are critical times, and here at TPV, we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before it's too late.
I’ve met Kay Griggs many many years ago. She was a very nice lady very sophisticated. I knew her daughter quite well while I was in college. We live next-door to each other in Norfolk, Virginia. She always thought her mother was crazy and I think other members of the family did too because of the things that she said. At the time I did not know much about that. I’ve seen interviews with Kay and read much about the things that she has said. I believe her 100%. we all know now, after our eyes have been opened and we are wide awake, it seems completely plausible that everything she said that she found in her husband‘s diary was absolutely true
Read “Cannibalism , Blood-Drinking, and High Adept Satanism” by Kerth Barker, and listen to the early podcasts of Mark Passio 1-196 at to learn more about multi-generational satanic ritual abuse and how it enmeshed in the black nobility- it is how they carry their agenda forward generationally. Transgenderism and pedophilia are the norm as are cannibalism… in the el-ite layer. It makes a mockery out of the court system and adds a whole new dimension to human trafficking. It is amazing how deep this goes.