I’ve met Kay Griggs many many years ago. She was a very nice lady very sophisticated. I knew her daughter quite well while I was in college. We live next-door to each other in Norfolk, Virginia. She always thought her mother was crazy and I think other members of the family did too because of the things that she said. At the time I did not know much about that. I’ve seen interviews with Kay and read much about the things that she has said. I believe her 100%. we all know now, after our eyes have been opened and we are wide awake, it seems completely plausible that everything she said that she found in her husband‘s diary was absolutely true

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The one thing she said in her 4-hr long interview that I think everyone can agree with was, "I think they're trying to destroy America, the basic Christian, Protestant culture." I may have paraphrased a little, but that's the gist. It's been awhile.

Dr. Judith Reisman said almost the exact same thing years ago in The Kinsey Syndrome movie, completely relevant to this topic. A must watch!

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"The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping The Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political And Economic Decline Of The United States Of America," by Dr John Coleman:


A must read!

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Do you know what happened to Kay Griggs? I have watched much of her lengthy interview, and it's clear she is very smart, stable, sophisticated, and obviously very brave. I assume she was murdered. She talked about how the power structure came after her, and I assume it was eventually successful.

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No. She seems to disappear from the internet after 2005.


Her maiden name was Pollard and I think she was originally from Virginia, if I recall from that marathon interview.

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She was very brave.

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Actually, "Pollard" was the name of her first husband. Don't know her maiden name.

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She is very much alive. Knows the damage she has done, has a bodyguard, and keeps a low profile.

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We must normalize these curious conversations

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I’ve NO doubt at all!! The evidence is massive & these secret societies are a huge part of international politics & there is documentation that has been true of several centuries historically. As a counselor, you can hear firsthand accounts of how they work & the complete control they elicit from their “slaves”. Once enslaved in this demonic ritual, very few ever escape with their lives. Globalists are running politics& secret societies are running the globalists. It is all extremely satanic & Will not be going away- they are entrenched in every country on the globe, just under slightly different names!

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Read “Cannibalism , Blood-Drinking, and High Adept Satanism” by Kerth Barker, and listen to the early podcasts of Mark Passio 1-196 at https://whatonearthishappening.com to learn more about multi-generational satanic ritual abuse and how it enmeshed in the black nobility- it is how they carry their agenda forward generationally. Transgenderism and pedophilia are the norm as are cannibalism… in the el-ite layer. It makes a mockery out of the court system and adds a whole new dimension to human trafficking. It is amazing how deep this goes.

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I guess it's time to face it head-on. I went to High School in Brazil and all I can say is that Voo Doo (or "Macumba", as the dark version is called there) - it's very real and I've just tried to avoid it as much as possible! Blecch.

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Forbidden news is garbage

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Excellent reference. If most people knew about this, I think it would drive them insane. This really does go incredibly deep. Generations and generations of these demons walking around in skin bags have desecrated life. They have sought to ruin our beautiful earth because they hate humanity.

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So, many years ago, Bush married Barbara who was a man in drag? Bush was a pedophile? Then a Kenyan Muslim guy called Barak married a man in drag called Mike or Michelle? Then Rothschilds guy was parachute on Paris to be the president of France, Emanuel Macron, who married to guy in drag called Brigitte?

What is the likelihood that so many heads of states are pedophiles or married to the same sex? These evil gang also have children? Where do they rent these kids?

Bizarre? Crazy world? The craziest part of it is billions of people being fooled by lies, and REFUSES to learn the truth.

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I am not one of these people who thinks that ***everyone*** in the public eye was actually born the opposite gender.

I actually grew up with a lot of people who are in the public eye and they are not and were never the opposite gender.

But I do see Hollywood mothers making their children trans before they’re 8 years old - often, their black adopted children - sometimes, with their own blood. I’ve heard this is an option offered in place of the sacrifice of their Firstborn.

There is no shortage of losing your Firstborn, when you hit the Big Time. Just a few, off the top of my head:

Jacques Cousteau

Aristotle Onassis

Carroll O’Connor

Joe Biden

Jamie Raskin

Susan Wojcicki

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Actress/actor Charlize Theron transgendered her two black adopted children. The oldest, Jackson is a boy that she transed to a girl at age three claiming he told her at age three that he said "no I'm a girl." She tells everyone that story and bam, he's wearing girls clothes. The youngest I've always seen dressed like a girl from when she was a baby so I can't prove if she was born a male or not but there's plenty of pics on the internet of the oldest clearly a boy and then other pics he's dressed like a girl. Charlize is trans also. 90% of Hollyweird A listers are inverted from birth. They are all illuminati born from the 13 family bloodlines. It goes way way back, all of the royal families in Europe are inverted. England's royal families are Rothschilds, so was Hitler and Obama. Happy digging!!

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I believe the first part of what you said, about what she inflicted upon her adopted kids (she should be arrested for that!) but I do NOT believe that 90% of Hollywood stars are trans, at all. I think that’s the new Flat Earth, like Dennis O'Neill was saying elsewhere on this thread.

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Doesn't make it NOT true. And the Flat Earth crack was a low blow. Just call her a conspiracy theorist and have done with. You don't know, for sure, so I say never say never.

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Has anyone looked at Charles and Camilla in depth? I used to know a gay man in London who hinted that he had reason to know that Charles was gay (or bisexual, I guess). When you add in Charles's weirdly close relationship with arch-satanist, predator and necrophiliac Jimmy Savile and that other monster, Charles's bisexual pedophile-predator great-uncle "Dickie" Mountbatten (the last Viceroy of India, had a particular penchant for brown-skinned children), it all paints a picture of a rather nasty milieu :(

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Definitely. The British upper classes send their children off to boarding school when they're 8 years old and the buggery that ensues is notorious. They're socialized that way, so Charles would be no different. Weird story though. My brother lived in London his entire adult life and for many years shared a townhouse with food writers and the like.

Somehow, one of Camilla's sons was friends with one of the writers (who was not an upper class guy) and he would come around and they'd all make food together and he was a very decent, likeable chap. Things aren't always as cut-and-dried as we'd like for them to be.

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Yes, Tom Parker-Bowles is a popular food writer and restaurant critic in UK. He seems quite down-to-earth - unlike his father, Andrew!

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And what about Albert and Charlene of Monaco? There's something very fake and creepy about that couple, too.

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OMG! Definitely weird vibes.

I’ve always thought he was “light in the loafers” but I saw him up close nightclubbing in NYC a million years ago and he seemed pretty straight to me, so I was a bit surprised.

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Don't leave out the naked pre-adolescent boy seen crawling out of Buckingham Palace, yes the video exists and his confessions of being Islamic slash Mohammadean and a descendant of Vlad the impaler. Buggery was a part of Britain, when I first heard when the whip comes down by the Stones as a youngster and perceived what I did from what that song spoke of and then heard the who sing tough boys and then came Lola by The kinks onward came the onslaught of buggery from Britain especially towards youthful populations, now being enabled by the British authorities through the pakistanis and the trafficking that Tommy Robinson is doing time for talking about

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Good points!


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I believe anything about the royal families. The inbreeding, the cruelty, the sick torture...they are capable of anything.

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I would imagine it would be frightening to some who still believe the 9/11 narrative. They'd rather believe Pizzagate was debunked, than to believe our world is run by monsters who are evil beyond belief. Satanic rituals? Generational Luciferians? Queen Elizabeth was a child murderer? Stuff and nonsense!

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They clone and extract DNA and build babies in those bubbles.

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I am a hardcore conservative. You're just an idiot

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Lord Acton stated "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." And now we are seeing this live throughout the world...mental illness is a form of that corruption, sexual abuse is part of that corruption...these creatures that continue to hold the world hostage are building their insane asylum and plan on putting us in it...The debauchery and lunacy taking place... don't even try and figure it out...stick with what makes us strong and mentally fit and do not participate in the current insanity and upcoming insanity...you'll just get depress. We all have many layers of strength we must continue to focus on our attributes, we the people are mentally stronger than these oligarchs...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights...Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness!

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Stunning! Our world is led by power-hungry lunatics and sexual deviants.

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Satanists. It's led by satanists.

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I agree with you, and it goes all the way back to the 1700s.

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Unfortunately, I think it goes all the way back to The Beginning; but, yes, things took a turn for the worse in the 1700s with the foundation of The Order of The Illuminati by Jacob Frank, Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild:

"1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance," by Robert Sepehr


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Thanks for the info! Will order and read the book.

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As Daniel of Dark Journalist has often stated, which comes from his reading Steiner, who covers the influence of the occult (both right and left hand paths) in detail, the occult is behind the evolution of humanity. Understanding this, and the role that good, and evil play in our spiritual evolution, helps one to keep all this evil insanity being exposed during this new kali yuga in perspective.

This series will give you a much deeper appreciation for the role that England plays in the evil of today. The Jack the Ripper murders were an occult case involving high level people at the time. The writers, including Ehert misunderstand Steiner and lump him with with the left hand path so it's clear they've never read any of his extensive body of works. This piece is about Newton, and Leibniz, but Ehert has one about Jack the Ripper that is astounding too so you might find it on his substack.


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I read Ehret's Jack the Ripper piece last week.

OMG. Gross.

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The Jack the Ripper piece and the one on Newton, and Leibniz demonstrate how far back in relatively recent history this insanity goes, how many politically, and other prominent figures of history it involves, including even people like Newton, how these evil creatures use the press, how they co-opt science, and our history by theft, and lies, and if it goes back to the Renaissance as the Newton, and Leibniz piece demonstrates we can safely assume it's been going for as long as recorded human history or longer.

When I studied electrical engineering applied to biological sciences, I thought that the contention that Newton, and Leibniz independently developed calculus seemed an unlikely case. It was, in fact, a lie. But mathematicians, and engineers believe it. In his excellent book, "The Closing of the American Mind..." from around 1986, Allan Bloom contended that eventually science would be politicized. When I read that book I thought there was no way that would happen. We saw it in a most profoundly evil way with the global scamdemic. What Bloom, who was an incredible intellectual, didn't know was that math, and science have always been politicized.

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Pls share link to this? Thank you 🙏

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thats just the tip of the iceberg


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There used to be a million transgender videos on YouTube. They are all gone. Even bitchute took most of theirs down after the fake trump shooting. because a lot of them were about the trump family. Heres a good one


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It's true that 90+% of the mass shootings in the US over the past decade have been committed by trans individuals.

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Fake shooting?

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Likely a flat earth, and viruses don't exist nutter too. These wackos make assertions that everything is fake without providing a shred of credible evidence for their assertions.

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Yes, so "fake" a man lost his life, plus the shooter =2 men dead, and 3 shot but still alive. Fake is fake, aka meaning not real. Fake shooting? They weren't nerf bullets.

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Uhm, yes, I’m aware of that.

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My apologies if my response sounded bad towards you. I actually was trying to agree.

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No apologies needed. My response sounded sour.

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Bitchute put all the Transvestigation videos back up. 1,800 of them. Dive into it with an open mind

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Some of them it’s easy to see why they got away with it, the others … 😵‍💫🫤😂

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You do much to discredit the people who provide credible evidence for their assertions about the lie of the gender people like Macron's wife, and others when you assertion without any shred of evidence that all these first ladies were not women, and the attempted assassination of Trump was fake. It's similar what the flat earth and viruses don't exist nutters do. None of them have any credible evidence, and can't answer basic questions about their assertions.

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Did you watch this video?...https://rumble.com/v55xy77-transapocalypse-transvestigation-they-are-all-trans.html. And flat earth? They have tons of credible evidence. The United Nations symbol is the flat earth map. All the mass shootings completely stopped with the fake covid

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I’ve watched the flat earth nutters’ videos. They’re absurd. Many of them imply that water on the surface would fly off into space because earth is rotating so fast, except the nutters who made these vids never took physics because at a constant velocity that’s not what happens. None of these nut jobs can explain the seasons if they’re not caused by esrth’s precession, none of them explain how night, and day happens on a flat plane, none of them explain if the moon, and our planets are flat too. None of them explain how our moon rotates around a flat plane. None of them make the calculation how far above our earth’s surface one needs to be to see the curvature, and none of them know how the ancient Greeks did simple experiments with shadows using basic geometry to deduce the earth is a globe. As I recall they even estimated its radius. They’re just like the viruses don’t exist nut jobs who provide no credible evidence, and can’t answer obvious questions that belie their wacko assertions.

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Flat Earth was a 1950s psyop, originally done, if I recall out of the University of Pittsburgh. It was revived like 10 years ago by this a-hole asset in Thailand.

Not buying it, unless it’s invoking some weird dimensional physics thing I haven’t looked into.

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I dont understand anything you wrote. here in this note. But I salute you for dipping your toe into the oceanic sized cesspool of transvestigation. Bitchute put back 1,800 transvestigation videos

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Gates wife? Hmm!

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The Hershey Highway is paved with good intentions - Big Mike

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Yes, exactly. I'm glad some have the guts to show the Novus Ordo Seclorum club for what they are and believe in. PANdrogeny (Baphomet) and LGBBQ brainwashing for children is Satanic/occult-based, just as the transagenda leads to transhumanism and an electronic mind control grid/prison. 'Artists' like Marilyn Manson (Freemason, Church of Satan) show their agenda with Mechanical Animals, or Taylor Swift's video where she's a witch on one side and an android on the other. Entertainment shows more than the obvious. It's where the mystery school Fr33mason gatek33pers can say they told you so first. It's a code of theirs.

They believe there is perfection in the merging of opposites. When the 4th Reich Whore of Babylon unveils their Antichrist savior, I'd be willing to bet IT will be androgynous. After all this crud they're bringing down on us is too much to bear, they will bring out their savior (Ordo Ab Chao), probably from a fake alien invasion of "greys" like the kind Aleister Crowley conjured up and called Lam. Wernher von Braun warned about it supposedly, and I believe it mainly because it would be the perfect Antichrist for the whole world to gather around for the one-world religion. The only other option is to clone some past figure, like Nero (666) or even Gilgamesh (Nimrod) who can perform 'miracles' in front of everyone. His tomb was found in Iraq (Bablyon) years ago. "Any technology sufficiently advanced enough would seem like magic."

When asked in an interview why he still toured at his age, Bob Dylan replied because he made a bargain with IT, not he or she. He almost slipped and said "deal". You can see it on YT or wherever. I'll bet IT eats a lot of kids when it comes up from the underworld. A must watch is "Clowns Unveiled" by Mind Unveiled on YT, just to tie IT together. Very good channel.

They may say Lucifer illuminated them but it's Satan. It's a 'Saturnalien' cult. The Lord of the Rings, the 6th day (Sabbath), the 6th planet with a hexagonal (6) evil eye at the pole as NASA shows it. IT has everything to do with IT, and I'll bet IT has no gender. Evil little morlocks.

If there's any takeaway from all the things they do to the public, it's that our body temples have abominations of desolation like this thrown on top of our spiritual altars every single day now. It's all some form of attack to make us reprehensible to God and Creation. It's the inversion of EVERYTHING.

The rest is all about attacking his Son and pretending they wrote the story. So go ahead and "Do What Thou Wilt", and be an IT while you're at it.

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Saturn = Cronus. They believe they *have* to eat their kids to stay in power.


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Yes, and the Titans are the same beings as at the Elohim, the Hebrew pantheon. The leader of the Elohim was/is Yahweh-El, The Most High God. It was his son, The LORD God, Yahweh-Jehovah, the God of Israel, the jealous "god," who persuaded Abraham that the Hebrews should abandon polytheism and worship him alone - "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Clearly, there was a choice. Their grift goes all the way back to The Beginning :(

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Clif High says that "Hell" is named after them and it perfectly describes the whole headspace of the Els.

He says the aspirated "H" is an artifact of, I think Ancient Hebrew (or some other ancient language), that you couldn't start a word with "E". You had to add an "H" in front. But there are plenty of Ancient Greek words starting with "E", like "Eloi", right?

I see something similar to this in the Iberian languages that were affected by Arabic, as well as Arabic, itself; they can't start a word with "S" followed by another consonant, they *have* to add an "E" in front. That's why Spanish speakers say "Yunaite Estais", instead of "United States". And "Spanish" is "Espanish".

Italian does not have this: "Sono stanca!" ("I'm tired!") and it looks like French often drops the "S" in favor of just pronouncing the "E" (like "Épinards" for Spinach").

But I digress, because what Clif said made me think that maybe "Hellas" and "Hellenes" are Hebrew exonyms for Greece and the Greeks – but also referring to the Els??? Or maybe people affecting a relationship with or descent from the Els, like the people binding their heads and others invoking the "Divine Right of Kings" throughout time? Just a thought...

The Hellenes were the descendants of the very few who survived Noah's Flood (aka the myth of Deucalion & Pyrrha aka The Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, aka the Maya Popol Vuh, etc,. etc).

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Yes, all languages have rules about what sounds can and cannot follow one another. As you say, the Romance languages add a vowel sound to make the pronunciation of words comply with the rules. The Welsh language, for example - which is a well preserved form of Ancient Assyrian! - has three types of consonant mutation, where instead of adding a sound, a sound is simply changed to a different sound. I think Clif knows what he is talking about, as usual.

The Greeks are descendants of Noah's son, Japheth, so not Hebrew/Israelite; so it makes sense that the gods would present different aspects/personas (ie, Titan) to the Greeks, and Elohim to the Hebrews/Israelites - not to mention the Egyptians, Norse and Ancient British, etc, etc. Joseph Campbell wrote a lot about comparative mythology, eg, "The Hero With A Thousand Faces":


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Oh, I forgot to add that "Greece" and "Greek" are exonyms given by the Romans.

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I want to talk more about this Welsh-Ancient Assyrian connection. My friends at Logosophia Books were telling me about this over lunch last week with a dozen people, so I missed the whole thing. But I've been hearing Irish people claim that they're descended from "Troy" for decades and of course, Robert the Bruce's Declaration of Arbroath (from which the US Declaration of Independence is said to partially derive) begins with the statement, "We, the Scythians", claiming that this is where the Scots are originally from (as is true of all Indo-European *languages*, really, not necessarily the peoples) when he was petitioning the Pope to recognize Scottish sovereignty and to reject English control of their territory.

But I'm trying to finish a post right now and I'm half-asleep...

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Perhaps you don't have time for this, Alexandra, but the historian and author of "The Holy Kingdom," Adrian Gilbert, is giving a series of fascinating lectures for his Invisible College on YT about the so-called "Lost" Tribes of Israel:



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Yes, happy to talk about this any time. It's a particular interest of mine. Here are some sources to look at:

"History of Britain," by R W Morgan, published 1848


"The Great Migrations to Britain of 1527 B.C. and 485 B.C.," by Marchell Abrahams, inspired by R W Morgan, published in March.


"The Trojan War of 650 BC," by Wilson & Blackett (SECOND EDITION)


In a nutshell, the British are not taught their true history. As Morgan says, "The descent of the British People from Troy and the Trojans was never disputed for fifteen hundred years" until the Hanoverians - who were not descended from the Trojans - gained the throne in 1714. To bolster the weak legitimacy of their reign, they re-wrote history to give the British a Germanic/Anglo-Saxon heritage. There were people of Anglo-Saxon heritage in Britain before the Hanoverian accession, but a very small minority.

Sweet dreams!

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Maybe we don't even need to clone Gilgamesh. Maybe we just need to give him some smelling salts and wake him up from his deep sleep?


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MLordandGod! I didn't know she was still around! The channel is still posting 16 videos at a time! Thanks for reminding me!

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Be careful.

Remember Kappy and Ronald Bernard.

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Every visible material problem we see, has at its root a spiritual source.

There is historical evidence which most folks simply are incapable of comprehending, unless or until their eyes are opened to see a dimension to life that is invisible to most. I call it DaGAP.

It is becoming increasingly evident to me that the big question has to be: How is it possible for all the evil work carried out by what we label DaDeepState all over the world, even considering the financial incentives involved to the co-conspirators and their natural propensities for evil - all coordinated with seemingly amazing effectiveness for centuries?

https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/09/the-gap-in-understanding-world-affairs.html?m=0 - no, this isn't about spiritual nonsense - it's about REALITY - for both secularists and churchians!

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Well, that's no surprise re Brigitte Macron being male. The inversion thing is absolutely widespread, involving politics, medicine, finance....everywhere. Here in NZ...ex PM Ardern was male and now present one Luxon is FTM. Study the skeleton, it never lies.

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Humanity is on the brink of a deliberate nuclear disaster and we are kept busy with stories about whether E. Macron rubs his dick on a man or a woman during his sleep ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Btw: We understood that any info about the alleged biological father (other than Brigitte) of the three children is not available (because HE's not real), so where is the research and pertaining info about the BIOLOGICAL mother of Brigitte's three brats she/he fathered before transitioning in his/her 30s ??? ...

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I agree with your comment, yet this problem seems to be at the root of it. President Macron is beating the war drums as hard as anybody, right now.

So, whatever happened to Brigitte Proba Auzière?

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Just waiting for some French civil-registry offices going up in flames ... 🤣🤣🤣

La Grande Nation !!! turns out to be tout petite ...

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We're not on any brink of a deliberate nuclear disaster. That's a psyop that has been run for many decades. Do yourself a big favor and watch the most recent discussion between Daniel Liszt, and Joseph Farrell on Dark Journalist's YouTube channel. We've had fusion and other technology that provides nuclear fission weapon destructive power since the 1950's. Both Liszt, and Farrell have provided ground breaking news over tha past few years some of which has sparked the presstitute media to even cover it, but most of which the presstitutes won't cover. Farrell is abslutely brilliant.

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Radiological leaking Zaporizhzhia, conventional, drones and/or Eric Schmidt's Terminator robots (https://rumble.com/v5bc9dv-former-google-head-announces-plan-for-killer-robot-takeover-of-the-world.html?e9s=src_v1_upp), these MK'd a$$-f@x3rs want to kill as many people as possible, because the Death Shot isn't working fast enough for them. F them!

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Thanks for the comment and the info about Dark Journalists.

You did notice my seven 🤣 behind the ...nuclear disaster ?? Didn't you ?? ...

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I did. ❤️

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Comments here are nearly as informative and interesting as the article

But what an article!

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The WIG was always a dead give a way !!!!

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I watched every series Candace did with this investigation. They were interesting. I watched them on Rumble, not CommieTube.

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