REAL Reason for "Iran Deal": To Pay for the Cover-Up of Obama's Execution of SEAL Team Six
The fake take-out of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan and his subsequent, insanely-fake alleged Viking Funeral always pissed me off!
How stupid are these people, in the US State Department? To think that this was actually a thing to say, that Osama Bin Laden had been buried at sea, "according to Muslim custom"?
There are over a billion Muslims on this planet who know that burial-at-sea is not a Muslim practice! And many hundreds of millions more non-Muslims who ALSO know that this is not the case!
What the Hell was the supposedly Muslim-friendly Obama Regime actually communicating, with that BS?
I'm all ears.
Somebody, please help me get what that was all about, because it was so idiotic and insulting to everyone on the Planet, that this pronouncement had to be some kind of Satanic Ritual, that I cannot even begin to fathom.
The good news, is that the truth is finally starting to come out about that whole disgusting charade!
I reported on this story on October 11, 2020 and it's now cycling back.
Thank God! 🙏
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Gary Franchi: We have a bombshell news report, a whistleblower, a CIA whistleblower dropping hard evidence that implicates Biden, Obama, Hillary, Brennan – that they actually executed Seal Team 6 and covered it up and there is audio, video, and documentary proof...
Now, Anna Khait, she'll be joining me in just a moment. She tweeted-out yesterday – and now, the story is going viral across the web – she said, "Breaking: Alan Parrot, CIA whistleblower, tells Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, who was killed in Benghazi, that Obama and Biden sent $152 billion as a cover-up for the deaths of SEAL Team Six.
"Alan said, 'All of the proof will come out, documents and audio.'"
Now, I'm going to play you the video that's attached here, OK; video of the whistleblower's own words, but first, let's get some background:
Kari Donovan from DJHJ Media reports that the full interview of the CIA whistleblower, interviewed by Charles Woods and Nicholas Snow surfaced on Sunday, where the three talk about the blackmail extortion of $152 billion US dollars, sent to Iran to cover up the deaths of Seal Team 6 by the Obama administration.
Parrot has extensive experience with the Intelligence Community and he's planning on releasing the documents, this week and what he said are going to uncover "numerous crime sprees".
Now, I personally have confirmation that the whistleblower evidence is now in the hands of a member of Congress, with the means to take action, and Parrot said of the evidence, "A heavy price has been paid for what we are uncovering and millions of people want to see. The truth has to come out."
Yes, the truth has to come out. Let's take a look, now at the whistleblower, before we get to Anna. We'll be right back with Anna after this:
Alan Parrot: You think – you'd know not to lie about something so obvious! He said it was a "Muslim burial at sea". Nonsense!
And so, this Big Lie, that you see; Biden, Hillary, and Clinton worked this agreement with Iran, they trusted Iran to move Bin Laden to Pakistan. He did. He was there. But then, they trusted Iran to keep him there – but they moved him out, back to Iran!
And then, the communication from Iran to Obama was, "Hey, we got your neck in a noose. Give us all this money. $152 billion. $2 billion on an airplane pallet was paid-out, for the secrets I wish to reveal, now and to the President, under the terms of Misprision of Treason.
That is to say, this is a secret. These are secrets worth $152 billion, paid by President Obama – and Vice President Biden – paid with the blood of SEAL Team Six when he had them killed.
Charles Woods: So it's blackmail and extortion then?
Alan Parrot: Blackmail and extortion.
Charles Woods: Do you have the documents to prove this?
Alan Parrot: Yes. Now, if Iran –
Charles Woods: Yes, sir. I was going to ask you, if you have those documents, are you willing to personally deliver those to President Trump, if he were to provide the transportation and the guarantee of safety for you to do that?
Alan Parrot: Well, I'm not concerned about safety. There's always an Invisible Hand that protects us, and we're on the winning team. America's on the winning team.
Charles Woods: Not one sparrow falls to the ground, outside of God's will.
Alan Parrot: Yes. It would be my pleasure and my honor to bring this material to President Trump. There's a massive amount – terabytes, documents, video, audio. It needs to go to the President.
Charles Woods: I will do everything that I can to get this video –
Gary Franchi: And now, joining me is Anna Khait. Anna has personally seen and heard the evidence, firsthand. She was there, when the information was transferred to a person of influence in the United States government.
Anna, break this all down for us. This is huge news. What are the implications for Obama, Hillary, Brennan? What did you hear on those audio recordings?
Anna Khait: First of all, I want to say, first of all, thank you, Gary, for having me on. I want to say this is the most explosive information that Americans – and the entire world – will ever hear. I have to say, these men are heroes; Alan, Charles, Nick – they are American heroes!
It's an honor to even be a part of this. I was not expecting this, at all. I was attending the American Priority Conference in Florida, at the Trump Doral. And they were the last ones to speak.
Save the last best for last! Because shockingly, they gave this presentation – dropped this Benghazi bombshell on all of our heads! And we're all wondering, "What in the world just happened?"
I came up to honor these wonderful men. They're Christian men, they're spirit-filled men. As a Christian, I wanted to honor them, as American patriots and heroes and they basically said, "Hey, we need someone to help release this, right now. Would you help us?"
And so, I jumped on the bandwagon. We got to my room, right away, put the stuff out there. They showed me a lot of the documents. I heard the audios. I heard even more audios, this morning.
Gary, it is explosive! The audios that they have – I can't mention some of the names – but I'll tell you, the biggest names in intelligence, the biggest names in the Obama administration: Brennan, Clinton. There's so much. It ties into Joe Biden. There is so much, here.
What this administration has done, is absolute Treason. Now, we all know – and not all of us, in America – are aware that something was wrong with Benghazi. There were red flags there. And there were big red flags with SEAL Team Six, who took out Osama Bin Laden.
It was interesting timing, right? Before Obama's re-election, how this "Bin Laden raid" happened. But it turns out that all of these stories, they're all linked together! This is the best-kept secret in this country – until now. It is time to come forward.
And I'm so blessed that this man, Alan, who has an extensive history in the Middle East – over 20 years, working Intelligence in the Middle East – who regrets some of the things that he has done, but has come forward, as a Christian [Has Parrot been posing as a Sikh for the past 25 years or did Anna get her facts wrong?], saying it's time to release this information.
He has thousands of files, thousands of documents, that are in the hands of these whistleblowers. It's a team effort. A lot of media sources have this information, as you have said, a congressperson has received this disc, last night. I was there. It happened right in front of me.
We're about to see some explosive things surface. I'll tell you a little quick preview of what it's about: Obviously, you have Nick Noe, who is a Benghazi whistleblower, who reached out to Charles Woods, after his son died in Benghazi. He was a sniper up on the roof in Benghazi.
His father, Charles Woods, never knew what happened to Tyrone Woods. He was lied-to by the Obama administration, telling them that they have done "Everything that they could," to protect those men, which was a bold-faced lie!
They did not! Charles Woods explained it, in his presentation, which is up on my YouTube, if you want to see the entire presentation. He explained, Obama wrote him a three-sentence letter, Gary – a three-sentence letter! – completely lying to him!
And what happened was, after Charles went on different interviews and it went viral, there were Intelligence people that reached out to Charles and said, "That is not what happened. You were lied-to. This is what happened."
Benghazi, Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration, they were sending weapon, Stinger Missiles from Libya to Syria and it was going through Benghazi.
And they allowed all those men to be taken-out, because of what they knew. He also found out, in addition to that, which is insane, he found out more information about the SEAL Team Six, with Osama Bin Laden, which is what is – all of this is coming out – it's all connected together.
Gary Franchi: From what I've been able to gather, so far, listening to the whistleblower himself, looking over the different articles that have already been published, in conversations with yourself, other sources – what I'm able to gather, here is that the entire operation, to take out Osama Bin Laden was orchestrated with Hillary Clinton.
So, Hillary Clinton goes off. She sends out SEAL Team Six. They don't tell Obama. They say, "Obama, you're going to have to deal with this," because they've been hiding Osama Bin Laden in Iran! Apparently, I mean, even CBS News –
Anna Khait: And Iran knew about it!
Gary Franchi: They were hiding him there. Back in 2010, CBS News punted a story, because they thought it would be harmful to Barack Obama. So, it was actually known – but they dropped the ball.
So what ends up happening is, you have the SEAL Team Six goes in, Hillary orders the hit, and then Iran sends Osama Bin Laden down to that hideout, where he was supposedly hiding [in Abbottabad, Pakistan] – but then, they switch him out, last minute.
They switch him out, last minute. SEAL Team Six goes in there, and they kill the decoy!
And now, they go up in the air. They finish their mission. But now, they all know that they didn't kill Osama Bin Laden.
But America – everyone's celebrating in front of the White House, that very moment!
So, now you've got a serious problem on your hands. And Iran says, "Guess what? We're going to tell the world that you lied to your people, unless you send us the money!"
Is that basically what we're talking about, in a nutshell, here?
Anna Khait: In a nutshell, that's exactly what happened.
And the implications of this, the administration and cohorts with Iran, protecting Bin Laden – and I have to say, I just heard the audio clip, this morning, this morning of a congressman – he will be named, I won't name his name right now – who is not a good guy – who is on these audio tapes with Alan talking about, "Well, let's hold off, killing Osama Bin Laden, until the time is right, so we can use him as a trophy." The word 'trophy' was used.
Gary Franchi: You heard a congressman say that?
Anna Khait: Yes, I did. I heard it. I don't have the file. They have it. It's being released. It's given to the congressman, last night. Media has it, as well. They're hopefully, soon to release it.
But I heard this. I heard that on the audio, that they said, "Hold Osama until we're ready."
And then, what happened was Iran, last second – like you were saying, last minute – decided to take Osama out. And so, there was a decoy, a double, whatever it was.
When the SEAL Team Six came in, to kill Osama, they had direct orders "Not to take the body back home."
You saw, with Saddam Hussein, it was all over the place. His pictures were everywhere. They took the body. They did a DNA test, confirmed it was Saddam Hussein. But with Bin Laden, it never happened!
It never happened. They told them to basically "Throw his body parts over the mountains," which in the news media, they said they "Dropped his body in the water," which by the way, is haram, which Alan explains having lived in the Middle East over 20 years. He said, "That's haram."
When you bury a Muslim, you bury them in the ground and their head faces Mecca. There is no way, that they would ever, as a Muslim – and John Brennan, being director of the CIA would know that, because he's Muslim, himself – he would know not to ask them to drop it off over the mountains!
So, SEAL Team Six knew what was going on. And I'm sure, they knew they were in big trouble. And obviously, they were all slaughtered and all left to die, by this administration – not this administration – by Obama administration.
And what happened, like you said, Iran – on audio tapes, it's going to come out – of making deals with the Obama administration and Joe Biden's administration saying, "If you do not send us $152 billion, we will release this information and you will not get reelected."
Running Time: 13 mins
Michael Ruppert exposed the real reason why our military was in Viet Nam years ago and it had nothing to do with "democracy" .... it was indeed the item that is still being produced in that region. But now we have fentynal to appease the lost and dazed. Will it stop the dogs of war? doubtful
I received a call several hours before the announcement that "they got Bin Laden" from Col. Sixx, a contributor at my high trafficked alt media web site.
"They are going to announce they killed Bin Laden, but he's already been dead for years." I hadn't put much faith in what he told me, but now I understood Col Sixx was the real deal.
Seal Team Six was murdered to cover up their fake mission. The Bin Laden op was done at that time because the Obama birth certificate was about to explode on impact. Bin Laden's "death" conveniently took the oxygen out of the birth certificate story.
About a year later, I received a call from Col. Sixx's wife telling me he had "committed suicide". (more like Arkancide)