Michael Ruppert exposed the real reason why our military was in Viet Nam years ago and it had nothing to do with "democracy" .... it was indeed the item that is still being produced in that region. But now we have fentynal to appease the lost and dazed. Will it stop the dogs of war? doubtful
I received a call several hours before the announcement that "they got Bin Laden" from Col. Sixx, a contributor at my high trafficked alt media web site.
"They are going to announce they killed Bin Laden, but he's already been dead for years." I hadn't put much faith in what he told me, but now I understood Col Sixx was the real deal.
Seal Team Six was murdered to cover up their fake mission. The Bin Laden op was done at that time because the Obama birth certificate was about to explode on impact. Bin Laden's "death" conveniently took the oxygen out of the birth certificate story.
About a year later, I received a call from Col. Sixx's wife telling me he had "committed suicide". (more like Arkancide)
This guy came out with all of this news several years ago and absolutely nothing happened with what he said was proof of treason by the Obama administration. I would be cautious about this. Why was nothing done about this years ago when The Falconer came out with this information when he did years ago. I am not feeling very confident about this guy.
Deep state was in control of all media then and covered it up, stopped it from going viral. Falcomer isn't to blame for this IMO, it's deep state operating the gear levers again as usual.
Like a lot of scripts from 2020, it got put on hold and is now being trotted-out, once again. And I think it totally deserves to be trotted-out again.
Parrot has changed his tune, it seems. He'd claimed that he was neurodivergent and "private" before. Now, he's copping to being a spook (and who may not have even been Sikh, for the past 25 years, according to Anna Khait).
I always liked him but wow, wearing that tight wrap on your head and not really believing in it and "taking one for the team" with all that pressure strapping your head for 25 years? She called him a "Christian". Methinks that needs to be confirmed.
Who knows what will happen, his time? But I sense some kinda sump'm sump'm hype behind Anna Khait's sails: Audios, documents, etc. We shall see...
Osama died of natural causes in December 2001. Numerous newspapers including in Egypt which I saw reported his death and burial in accordance with muslim tradition. Even Bill O'Reilly at Fox reported his death.
The Abbottabad scam was created 10 days after Obama was embarrassed at a high end fund raising event in San Francisco as he kicked off his campaign for his second term. The event was surreptitiously recorded on video by one of the attendees, and I think it was NBC News that showed it. It was the days of Occupy Wall Street and Bradley Manning had been arrested. Numerous of the attendees were organized, all supported Obama, and after the meal when Obama was speaking and then taking questions from the audience he was extremely embarrassed as many of the attendees stood up with previously concealed small clearly printed signs FREE BRADLEY MANNING. 10 days later the staged event at Abbottabad took place, they resurrected Osama LOL. I suspect there is a connection with Benghazi also, but OBL died in December 2001
...life brings random folks together for fleetin' moments an' my hubby, by chance, encountered a sad piece of this tale.... In the course of work one afternoon he met a nice laydee from Texas, in NYC fer a brief time, an' she had shared with him an' a few others present the tragic story of her son...
Navy Seal Team Six sent him out on that famous mission an' of course as we know--he never returned. A young man (in his early 30's I think?) very proud of his work (special divin' skills too I'm 'memberin') with 2 little kids under 4 an' an'nuther on the way. He wanted ta buy a "good house" fer the fam--they were livin' in a too-small 1 bedroom rental at the time--an' the offer of $ (a hefty amount I gathered...) seemed enuf ta git him that dream home.
He got the call an' felt this would be his last mission on Team 6 (how prescient he wuz but fer the wrong reasons!)--an' then the plan wuz, he'd told his Ma, that he'd move inta some kinda civilian-life with a new bizness trainin' folks for divin' an' related "special skills"--the ones that could be made public an' were not top-secret. He apparently told his Ma that there were, in TX, quite a few deep pocketed "Mission Impossible" wannabees that wanted ta learn such special skills an', in theory, put 'em ta good use as future "heroes" 'er sumthin'....
He couldn't of course TELL his ma WHAT this secret mission call wuz about but he just told her it wuz big--she only knew--by the timin' of it all. But his Ma & Pa had a bad feelin' 'bout it (per her tellin') an' said "DO NOT GO" this doesn't seem right--an' that wuz the end of that poor fella leavin' a young wife an' three kids (one born after his death) behind.
I don't recall all the details after all this time 'cept that that Ma said she had some good company (from the other famblies that lost their sons) in wantin' the thing investy-gated fully.... but got nowhere... She "suspected" there wasn't even a real body at all... that the mission was all a "set up" fer publicity sakes... an' they KNEW the boys were gonna DIE an' they KNEW (as dead men tell no tales). HOW she knew (intuition?)--I dunno--but I just remember hearin' the tale third hand all an' findin' it SO very sad...
No more deets come ta mind; I thought this wuz so tragic cuz the mama cautioned her son, begged as she told it. Our gubbamint is willin' ta sacrifice the lives of a lotta good men--fambly men--trained at huge expense even (which is a factor used ta mask their bein' patsies...) who had NO IDEAR they were bein' set up ta die for a lie....
Of course they're willin' ta sacrifice all of us deplorables...
Ta me it's all the more poignant that this was this fella's last "mission" an' it was all ta buy a home fer his fam.... --the American Dream--purdy tragic, no? I thought so at least...
Those who knew about Seal Team Six knew that they were all sacrificed and Osama never died. this is old news, it is nice to have some evidence...but it is a selection year...and corporate/internet media needs some drama...I don't trust CIA never had never will...there is an agenda taken place here and the powers to be most definitely want Trump in office...My question is: is Trump CFR or Trilateral Commission, a Freemason, Jesuit? I know he is a Zionist and supports the apartheid regime of the occupation in Palestine... Biden is a Zionist along with Kennedy...so who really wins here? I can tell you not the American people....
Will the real Donald J. Trump please stand up. ???
One doesn't come down the escalator, suddenly appear on the Big Debate Stage ... and survive what DJT has without powerful backers. But who? We are never told because we little folk don't really count. There is the always the unstated message we receive. And signifying nothing.
Everything Obama was involved in, was filthy dirty. Right down to his bogus birth certificate and his very identity. He's a fictitious character totally created by the democrat party. AND HE'S STILL AROUND, wreaking havoc.
Yes, I agree Obama and Big Mike are a totally fake creation of the CIA/NAZI faction. Macron and his husband also. There are so many examples. But I don't blame any political party. Electoral/party politics is every bit as fake as the Obamas and the Macrons. Theater, pretense, misdirection, distraction. Don't fall for it.
I blame the democrats for a lot, because they're the interface between the greater evil that directs them to control us and implement they're terrible policies. Yes, they're all actors playing roles, but what do you focus on, if not on those who immediately affect us?
Sorry, I can't agree. RINOs and neocons are just as evil - more so in some ways. The party labels are to all intents and purposes misleading and meaningless. I have no time for party politics. It's all propaganda, lies and nonsense. I think it was Frank Zappa who said, "Politics is the entertainment division of the [military-industrial complex].” I can't take it seriously.
Yes, RINOs and neocons are just as bad, but it seems to me the leftists are more aggressive in negatively changing our country and I would much prefer Trump in charge. I see your point in meaningless labels, but just the same, if they remain in power, they will hasten the globalist agenda.
And when the entire airspace over the US was closed and everyone else was grounded, Bush paid to have a plane fly all over the country to pick up members of the large Bin Laden Family living in the US and evacuated out.
Then bring it on and MAKE IT HAPPEN! I remember this "bombshell" when it came out the first time. I'm tired of getting my hopes up, only to be dashed, yet again. When will these monsters be stopped??
Yep! And... I wouldn't be suprised if Bin Laden, Epstein, Sadam, Gaddafi, et al are still alive. Oh, and I forgot JFK Jr but he's on the right side of history. :-)
I recall reading Parrot's testimony a few years ago: that Seal Team 6 did the fake assassination and were then killed in a helicopter "crash" and that pallets of hundred $ bills were flown to Tehran from DC by Obama, but nothing was done about his story then. The level of awareness has changed today, though, so perhaps something will be done. I just hope the "member of Congress" he gave it to is not corrupt (they all have their AIPAC handlers, you know---except Sen. Massie). I guess we'll see.
Yes, the US was in the throes of the the DNC’s endless “Russia! Russia! Russia” nonsense and fake impeachments, which totally drowned-out Parrot’s revelations
The timing is better now, with the Dems in such disarray.
Forbidden.news: Your reporting and research are phenomenal. Your work is stunning. You along with 2ndsmartestguyintheworld, agent131711, and reinette senum provide the best information by far. Thank you for your dedication and diligence. You all deserve the Humanitarian Award for your work.🏆
Michael Ruppert exposed the real reason why our military was in Viet Nam years ago and it had nothing to do with "democracy" .... it was indeed the item that is still being produced in that region. But now we have fentynal to appease the lost and dazed. Will it stop the dogs of war? doubtful
Michael Ruppert was a true hero and I miss him dearly. May he rest in peace. Thank you for remembering him.
I received a call several hours before the announcement that "they got Bin Laden" from Col. Sixx, a contributor at my high trafficked alt media web site.
"They are going to announce they killed Bin Laden, but he's already been dead for years." I hadn't put much faith in what he told me, but now I understood Col Sixx was the real deal.
Seal Team Six was murdered to cover up their fake mission. The Bin Laden op was done at that time because the Obama birth certificate was about to explode on impact. Bin Laden's "death" conveniently took the oxygen out of the birth certificate story.
About a year later, I received a call from Col. Sixx's wife telling me he had "committed suicide". (more like Arkancide)
We in the conspiracy world, knew team 6 was taken out. The best of us die so the corrupt can continue.
If we don’t wake up the corruption it will continue.
I am so frustrated with the lack of courage in our society.
Maybe the cat-eating-foreigners will move the Karens to open their eyes and stop making fun of those who have. 👀
This guy came out with all of this news several years ago and absolutely nothing happened with what he said was proof of treason by the Obama administration. I would be cautious about this. Why was nothing done about this years ago when The Falconer came out with this information when he did years ago. I am not feeling very confident about this guy.
Deep state was in control of all media then and covered it up, stopped it from going viral. Falcomer isn't to blame for this IMO, it's deep state operating the gear levers again as usual.
I reported on this on 2020-10-11 & 2020-10-13.
Like a lot of scripts from 2020, it got put on hold and is now being trotted-out, once again. And I think it totally deserves to be trotted-out again.
Parrot has changed his tune, it seems. He'd claimed that he was neurodivergent and "private" before. Now, he's copping to being a spook (and who may not have even been Sikh, for the past 25 years, according to Anna Khait).
I always liked him but wow, wearing that tight wrap on your head and not really believing in it and "taking one for the team" with all that pressure strapping your head for 25 years? She called him a "Christian". Methinks that needs to be confirmed.
Who knows what will happen, his time? But I sense some kinda sump'm sump'm hype behind Anna Khait's sails: Audios, documents, etc. We shall see...
Thanks for that info, I didn't know.
Osama died of natural causes in December 2001. Numerous newspapers including in Egypt which I saw reported his death and burial in accordance with muslim tradition. Even Bill O'Reilly at Fox reported his death.
The Abbottabad scam was created 10 days after Obama was embarrassed at a high end fund raising event in San Francisco as he kicked off his campaign for his second term. The event was surreptitiously recorded on video by one of the attendees, and I think it was NBC News that showed it. It was the days of Occupy Wall Street and Bradley Manning had been arrested. Numerous of the attendees were organized, all supported Obama, and after the meal when Obama was speaking and then taking questions from the audience he was extremely embarrassed as many of the attendees stood up with previously concealed small clearly printed signs FREE BRADLEY MANNING. 10 days later the staged event at Abbottabad took place, they resurrected Osama LOL. I suspect there is a connection with Benghazi also, but OBL died in December 2001
...life brings random folks together for fleetin' moments an' my hubby, by chance, encountered a sad piece of this tale.... In the course of work one afternoon he met a nice laydee from Texas, in NYC fer a brief time, an' she had shared with him an' a few others present the tragic story of her son...
Navy Seal Team Six sent him out on that famous mission an' of course as we know--he never returned. A young man (in his early 30's I think?) very proud of his work (special divin' skills too I'm 'memberin') with 2 little kids under 4 an' an'nuther on the way. He wanted ta buy a "good house" fer the fam--they were livin' in a too-small 1 bedroom rental at the time--an' the offer of $ (a hefty amount I gathered...) seemed enuf ta git him that dream home.
He got the call an' felt this would be his last mission on Team 6 (how prescient he wuz but fer the wrong reasons!)--an' then the plan wuz, he'd told his Ma, that he'd move inta some kinda civilian-life with a new bizness trainin' folks for divin' an' related "special skills"--the ones that could be made public an' were not top-secret. He apparently told his Ma that there were, in TX, quite a few deep pocketed "Mission Impossible" wannabees that wanted ta learn such special skills an', in theory, put 'em ta good use as future "heroes" 'er sumthin'....
He couldn't of course TELL his ma WHAT this secret mission call wuz about but he just told her it wuz big--she only knew--by the timin' of it all. But his Ma & Pa had a bad feelin' 'bout it (per her tellin') an' said "DO NOT GO" this doesn't seem right--an' that wuz the end of that poor fella leavin' a young wife an' three kids (one born after his death) behind.
I don't recall all the details after all this time 'cept that that Ma said she had some good company (from the other famblies that lost their sons) in wantin' the thing investy-gated fully.... but got nowhere... She "suspected" there wasn't even a real body at all... that the mission was all a "set up" fer publicity sakes... an' they KNEW the boys were gonna DIE an' they KNEW (as dead men tell no tales). HOW she knew (intuition?)--I dunno--but I just remember hearin' the tale third hand all an' findin' it SO very sad...
No more deets come ta mind; I thought this wuz so tragic cuz the mama cautioned her son, begged as she told it. Our gubbamint is willin' ta sacrifice the lives of a lotta good men--fambly men--trained at huge expense even (which is a factor used ta mask their bein' patsies...) who had NO IDEAR they were bein' set up ta die for a lie....
Of course they're willin' ta sacrifice all of us deplorables...
Ta me it's all the more poignant that this was this fella's last "mission" an' it was all ta buy a home fer his fam.... --the American Dream--purdy tragic, no? I thought so at least...
Those who knew about Seal Team Six knew that they were all sacrificed and Osama never died. this is old news, it is nice to have some evidence...but it is a selection year...and corporate/internet media needs some drama...I don't trust CIA never had never will...there is an agenda taken place here and the powers to be most definitely want Trump in office...My question is: is Trump CFR or Trilateral Commission, a Freemason, Jesuit? I know he is a Zionist and supports the apartheid regime of the occupation in Palestine... Biden is a Zionist along with Kennedy...so who really wins here? I can tell you not the American people....
Will the real Donald J. Trump please stand up. ???
One doesn't come down the escalator, suddenly appear on the Big Debate Stage ... and survive what DJT has without powerful backers. But who? We are never told because we little folk don't really count. There is the always the unstated message we receive. And signifying nothing.
so true, so very true!
It's all so filthy dirty :(
Everything Obama was involved in, was filthy dirty. Right down to his bogus birth certificate and his very identity. He's a fictitious character totally created by the democrat party. AND HE'S STILL AROUND, wreaking havoc.
Yes, I agree Obama and Big Mike are a totally fake creation of the CIA/NAZI faction. Macron and his husband also. There are so many examples. But I don't blame any political party. Electoral/party politics is every bit as fake as the Obamas and the Macrons. Theater, pretense, misdirection, distraction. Don't fall for it.
I blame the democrats for a lot, because they're the interface between the greater evil that directs them to control us and implement they're terrible policies. Yes, they're all actors playing roles, but what do you focus on, if not on those who immediately affect us?
Sorry, I can't agree. RINOs and neocons are just as evil - more so in some ways. The party labels are to all intents and purposes misleading and meaningless. I have no time for party politics. It's all propaganda, lies and nonsense. I think it was Frank Zappa who said, "Politics is the entertainment division of the [military-industrial complex].” I can't take it seriously.
They're worse, in a way because they're double-hypocritical.
Yes, RINOs and neocons are just as bad, but it seems to me the leftists are more aggressive in negatively changing our country and I would much prefer Trump in charge. I see your point in meaningless labels, but just the same, if they remain in power, they will hasten the globalist agenda.
Yes, I know what you mean, too.
So what about Robert O’Neill (not sure of spelling), who was the SEAL who shot Bin Laden? Part of the fiction?
Oh man…and I was so moved by an interview he gave on Memorial Day a couple of years ago.
I guess that’s what he has to do, to not end up like the rest.
Thank you for raising the truth about this again. It is shocking how few people know about it.
It was also reported back just after 9/11 that the Bush family was in business with the oil Ben Lauden Family primarily Osama Brother and after
Yes, they were pals, particularly Dubya and Bandar, who was then the Saudi Ambassador in DC, who was nicknamed “Bandar Bush”.
And when the entire airspace over the US was closed and everyone else was grounded, Bush paid to have a plane fly all over the country to pick up members of the large Bin Laden Family living in the US and evacuated out.
Then bring it on and MAKE IT HAPPEN! I remember this "bombshell" when it came out the first time. I'm tired of getting my hopes up, only to be dashed, yet again. When will these monsters be stopped??
You could be right
Yep! And... I wouldn't be suprised if Bin Laden, Epstein, Sadam, Gaddafi, et al are still alive. Oh, and I forgot JFK Jr but he's on the right side of history. :-)
I recall reading Parrot's testimony a few years ago: that Seal Team 6 did the fake assassination and were then killed in a helicopter "crash" and that pallets of hundred $ bills were flown to Tehran from DC by Obama, but nothing was done about his story then. The level of awareness has changed today, though, so perhaps something will be done. I just hope the "member of Congress" he gave it to is not corrupt (they all have their AIPAC handlers, you know---except Sen. Massie). I guess we'll see.
Yes, the US was in the throes of the the DNC’s endless “Russia! Russia! Russia” nonsense and fake impeachments, which totally drowned-out Parrot’s revelations
The timing is better now, with the Dems in such disarray.
Forbidden.news: Your reporting and research are phenomenal. Your work is stunning. You along with 2ndsmartestguyintheworld, agent131711, and reinette senum provide the best information by far. Thank you for your dedication and diligence. You all deserve the Humanitarian Award for your work.🏆
WoW! This was one of the finest productions, I have yet to absorb - Water under the bridge. Thanks!