I understand, a person who has put themselves in the spotlight has to be careful. I haven't filed since the '70s and not paid any federal taxes since 911, but I have made adjustments that have kept me safe for all these years at a certain cost in convenience and even abundance at times, but I have been pretty quiet and off the grid for many years, and I'm old enough I don't worry about it anymore anyway. I am not a target worth their trouble, my assets are not in bank accounts or worth what it would cost them to attempt to confiscate them. I look forward to the day when April 15 will just be another pleasant Spring day for you and ALL of us.
Certainly USG can print money and spend it into circulation. If there is inflation, then they should print less. However, issuing debt provides opportunities for bankers to profit. Plus, the income tax system aids in surveilling the people.
That is the most commonly asked question about federal income taxes. The most common answer to that, from what I have seen, is to keep the masses in subservience and slavery.
Tax revenue barely covers the federal debt interest, much less anything else, so it is really not needed, since they can just create dollars out of thin air. Then, after deducting the immense cost of running the IRS, it leaves even less tax revenue left over for anything.
The question I have is who is pocketing those trillions in federal debt interest?
Ah yes, that answer is rather obvious too, I guess?
Ah yes, but those bankster owners have not disappeared into the fog of history, even as hard as they tried to disappear. Their money trails follow them wherever they go, and are impossible to completely cover up, thanks to the internet, which is why they want to censor or stop it. Until then, enjoy the advantage of that.
For example, It's still a matter of public record that the Rockafellas donated the land and money to build the UN building in NYC. Gates money trails are still easy to follow, as are so may others, for now.
Unfortunately, here in the United States of Israel they can put you in prison to prove a point and make an example of you...when one lives under tyranny, these things are expected.
"Globohomo" is internet slang for the Globalist Woke Elite and their demented agenda to overthrow the planet by shoving trans down everybody's throats and making them colonels in the US military, etc.
Stepping back, The World has tried this solution - Build up the defensive system in order to be protected from the " Enemy" - forever and ever......... To what avail ? As Einstein said, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. " So, yippee, we now have a hot shot laser beam weapon. Lots of brilliant brains, lots of money, lots of time, lots of natural resources have gone into developing this weapon of destruction. Could all these precious things have been put to better use ? What about doing something constructive instead of destructive ? Say the Department of Peace had the same budget as the Department of Defense and went around the world doing good, constructive things. The people in these countries would love us and if their leaders, for whatever fear driven reasons, wanted to go to war with the US, the people would refuse and say, " But no, we love America. " End of problem. What do we have as we continue doing the same thing over and over again ? People in many countries hate America. And, for good reasons............It's not just insanity, it's BLIND INSANITY. " But, this is Normal. What's the problem ? " And, we went to the moon. Five times. LOL............( Loved that moon trip video on your site. )
Coincidentally, I filed mine today. What a humiliating slog! My wife and I together pay so much income tax it's just evil. I hate it so much, but I don't dare not do it because I got myself in tax rebellion trouble before and I know what they will do.
For anyone that thinks they can avoid it, good luck! I hope you can get away with it, but just keep in mind that every single employer or bank (etc.) will rat you out with zeal. Outwardly they act like it's some begrudging thing they're forced to do, but when push comes to shove they happily volunteer to give you, me and everybody up without even being asked.
Alexandra......I hope that you know that you are NOT required to pay Fed taxes?? THEE ONLY people required, BY LAW, to pay these taxes, are those that live in the District of Criminals.
People get thrown in jail for this and if you'd had Big Bro come after you the way that I have, you wouldn't want to die on that particular hill, either.
Plus, they've destroyed my business, so I don't think I owe anything this year.
I understand, a person who has put themselves in the spotlight has to be careful. I haven't filed since the '70s and not paid any federal taxes since 911, but I have made adjustments that have kept me safe for all these years at a certain cost in convenience and even abundance at times, but I have been pretty quiet and off the grid for many years, and I'm old enough I don't worry about it anymore anyway. I am not a target worth their trouble, my assets are not in bank accounts or worth what it would cost them to attempt to confiscate them. I look forward to the day when April 15 will just be another pleasant Spring day for you and ALL of us.
Beware, we already had one FAFO case last week.
If the USSA Ferals just have to print/digitize "money" out of thin air ..... "Why" do we/me/you have to pay Taxes ???
I'm Askin for a frend....... no need to send any FIB-ATF-IRS-EPA-DOA goons I'm a Good Amerikin, Yesiree.
Certainly USG can print money and spend it into circulation. If there is inflation, then they should print less. However, issuing debt provides opportunities for bankers to profit. Plus, the income tax system aids in surveilling the people.
That certainly seems to be the case. I suspect that the banksters aren't the only ones profiting from that juicy federal debt interest.
That is the most commonly asked question about federal income taxes. The most common answer to that, from what I have seen, is to keep the masses in subservience and slavery.
Tax revenue barely covers the federal debt interest, much less anything else, so it is really not needed, since they can just create dollars out of thin air. Then, after deducting the immense cost of running the IRS, it leaves even less tax revenue left over for anything.
The question I have is who is pocketing those trillions in federal debt interest?
Ah yes, that answer is rather obvious too, I guess?
I would suspect the interest goes to the loaners of the "money." The Owners of the Private Bank known as the "Federal" Reserve Bank, Inc.
Whose Current Owners have disappeared into the fog of history since 1913.
Ah yes, but those bankster owners have not disappeared into the fog of history, even as hard as they tried to disappear. Their money trails follow them wherever they go, and are impossible to completely cover up, thanks to the internet, which is why they want to censor or stop it. Until then, enjoy the advantage of that.
For example, It's still a matter of public record that the Rockafellas donated the land and money to build the UN building in NYC. Gates money trails are still easy to follow, as are so may others, for now.
Unfortunately, here in the United States of Israel they can put you in prison to prove a point and make an example of you...when one lives under tyranny, these things are expected.
YOU become the 'tard when you pay illegal taxes!
Globo-Homo?!?!? What thew F....?
"Globohomo" is internet slang for the Globalist Woke Elite and their demented agenda to overthrow the planet by shoving trans down everybody's throats and making them colonels in the US military, etc.
Oh thanks? »Incredible ...all plugged ...to the... IA ...nothing in the pocket all in the......
So stop wasting your time and giving them your money. https://www.freedomlawschool.org/
Understand completely.
Regarding the laser beam weapon video:
Stepping back, The World has tried this solution - Build up the defensive system in order to be protected from the " Enemy" - forever and ever......... To what avail ? As Einstein said, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. " So, yippee, we now have a hot shot laser beam weapon. Lots of brilliant brains, lots of money, lots of time, lots of natural resources have gone into developing this weapon of destruction. Could all these precious things have been put to better use ? What about doing something constructive instead of destructive ? Say the Department of Peace had the same budget as the Department of Defense and went around the world doing good, constructive things. The people in these countries would love us and if their leaders, for whatever fear driven reasons, wanted to go to war with the US, the people would refuse and say, " But no, we love America. " End of problem. What do we have as we continue doing the same thing over and over again ? People in many countries hate America. And, for good reasons............It's not just insanity, it's BLIND INSANITY. " But, this is Normal. What's the problem ? " And, we went to the moon. Five times. LOL............( Loved that moon trip video on your site. )
I think the only reason they haven’t just obliterated most of us already is because they still need to rob their cursed $$ from us to pay for this.
Coincidentally, I filed mine today. What a humiliating slog! My wife and I together pay so much income tax it's just evil. I hate it so much, but I don't dare not do it because I got myself in tax rebellion trouble before and I know what they will do.
For anyone that thinks they can avoid it, good luck! I hope you can get away with it, but just keep in mind that every single employer or bank (etc.) will rat you out with zeal. Outwardly they act like it's some begrudging thing they're forced to do, but when push comes to shove they happily volunteer to give you, me and everybody up without even being asked.
Alexandra......I hope that you know that you are NOT required to pay Fed taxes?? THEE ONLY people required, BY LAW, to pay these taxes, are those that live in the District of Criminals.
People get thrown in jail for this and if you'd had Big Bro come after you the way that I have, you wouldn't want to die on that particular hill, either.
Plus, they've destroyed my business, so I don't think I owe anything this year.
They do not get thrown in jail for not paying taxes; they get thrown in jail for LYING on their tax forms.
Dr. Merritt and Peymon Mottaheddeh from Freedom Law School.
Exposing the IRS scam with Joe Bannister, former IRS Agent
IRS Tax Code vs the LAW--the scam that funds the Banksters
Do you have a business?
The 1040 is an adhesion contract. Think twice before signing.