I've seen some of Sabrina Wallace's intriguing videos, scattered around the video-sharing sites but I haven't found a website or anything written down that ties it all together so I'm attempting to write a coherent piece about Sabrina and her claims and this 2022 video appears to be an approximation of that and a good place to start.
She introduces herself and her family background, along with her central thesis that 6G wireless communications uses the human biofield to both transmit and to power wireless communications – and that this is how we will be droned into the New World Order – unless we can stop it, somehow.
She says the human biofield, which she calls a "body part", is one of the best-kept secrets in the world, saying, "Why didn't anybody tell you you were wireless? Because they don't want to give you the remote control to your own body." She says the heart of surveillance is the human biofield. She says our DNA emits this biofield and that MQ-9 Reaper Drones can hone in on the frequency of their target's DNA to kill them.
She also warns about the upcoming "electromagnetic drone warfare" and "plasma charges" and how we need to secure and protect our biofields in order to survive this.
From having studied and written about the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project and from having interviewed dozens of participants in Black Projects and from having seen how the children of these participants are considered as property, to be freely experimented-upon and implanted, Sabrina Wallace says a lot of things that make me think she's telling the truth about being the daughter of two Black Project scientists.
Similarly with the other survivors I've spoken with, there are details in her presentation that don't seem to jibe. As one commenter to my Rumble channel said, "She's computer science prodigy but she's doing videos with sharpees, white boards, notebooks, and grease pens..."
Sabrina presents almost like a female Preston Nichols, sitting in a cluttered basement, sounding hyperintelligent and a bit mad – but really, what would you expect from someone in her alleged situation? If she had professionally-done hair and make-up and lighting and she was presenting expensive CGI videos from a super slick stage set, would that make her presentation more believable or less believable?
I'm aware of other multi-generational participants in Black Projects who were also implanted, one I've met who had been working for NASA since he was a child, who was recently let go and from whom they removed 5 implants. So, this stuff is real.
Sabrina begins this video by saying that she is a multi-generational member of a family involved in Black Projects since the end of World War II. Both her parents have been at the Space Force since 1969, working on Project Salus, which apparently started out as the creation of the Unix Operating System but which she says is now the main Artificial Intelligence platform used by NORTHCOM.
She says Salus "controls every molecular state that we've got going on inside of the human body and out. Now, if you look at Salus now, they're going to tell you 'logistics' and 'motion' and basically 'everything internationally by molecule'. And you go, 'That's impossible!' That's because you don't know about the Nano Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet of Things. And that many of these machine interface systems, they were around in 1958."
The goal of the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Commission) is to have the DoD create a new digital nervous system, end-to-end for the Air Force's Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS), which controls the Internet of Industrial Things and all of the autonomous vehicles, planes, drones, etc. The purpose is to, as she says, "Get the humans out of the process, an end to reasoning, enable the Commander directly, using data science, private cells, AI."
She says she was experimented on for Human Augmentation as a child at the Menninger Foundation, where she was implanted with "John von Neumann architecture", that is a body-machine interface connected to an underground database called "Nick Weil Lange" [sp?], which she says is IBM. She says these computers are underground more for cooling purposes than anything else.
Sabrina says something here that reminds me of things I've heard of Tore Maras: "Since I was a kid, machine-interface into these quantum databases." Tore also speaks of being "enhanced" by the military and to also have access to a quantum computer. Are these two women talking about the same thing? I believe the two are both around 45 years old.
Sabrina says that, unlike her forbears, she was told nothing about her family's involvement in secret government projects. Tore says that she knew her father worked for "the Agency" but that she wasn't allowed to tell him what she did for a living, as an intelligence contractor. There’s a similar pattern of disclosure between the generations, there.
Sabrina's first job was working at a company out of Louisville, Kentucky called High-Speed Access or HSA Corp, which was sold to Charter Communications in 2002. Sabrina claims HSA Corp was actually "The back end of Space Force. The actual back end of this country...So I'm very clear: L3Harris, OC24, all the different ways that we handle with all sorts of intelligence, the NSA's PRISM program – all of it, including datagrams, packets...I have to work with the plant technician and the plant engineer. There's no one higher in a plant than that. And there was no one higher in that position than me, other than the one dude. Yeah, I was 19."
In 2004, she was declared "Permanently Disabled" for being depressed. She adds, "They closed the door and they said, Are you still telepathic? Boeing Black Projects, you know? Well, maybe you don't. (Chuckles)."
The upshot of what she's saying is that the new internet protocols use the 6G Lower-Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6G LoWPAN) uses your physical body to route the data that drives all of the autononous, trains, planes and automobiles.
Moreover, she says, "The DoD is selling curated database access to you, using your name, Census and Doppler and heat and light and where you live and who you talk to, which is why the whole reason that led me here, was when I realized that my county, whoever it is that I live near, my little town of 200, is looking through my bloodstream with a 6G LoWPAN and that freaked me out."
A full transcript of this video appears beneath the video linked below.
Running Time: 44 mins
Love this lady. I think her signs are helpful to learners. She’s trying to teach a lot of technical stuff to a very broad range of people. It’s overwhelming at first, even if you’ve spent years researching. I found the signs extra helpful when first trying to digest her info, key points I could screenshot.. and look up. Also easy to see she’s been saying the same things since she started talking in 2022, with the same signs. I stand with Sabrina in her RIGHTEOUS ANGER for humanity❤️ Thank you for this rundown.
I’m a 54 yr old wife and mom of 3 grown children. Ever since Covid emerged- I THREW myself into topics I never thought I would be researching. Anything from lipid nano particles, to Spike Proteins, VAIDS, corruption and CAPTURE of our Govt, …. Then about a year ago I found Sabrina and my entire paradigm shifted about how I see the world. I paid close attention to her and although much of her vocabulary still goes over my head- I get the overall 40,000 ft view of what is happening. It’s absolutely horrific. These agencies and people responsible need to burn. God will take care of that no doubt.