Love this lady. I think her signs are helpful to learners. She’s trying to teach a lot of technical stuff to a very broad range of people. It’s overwhelming at first, even if you’ve spent years researching. I found the signs extra helpful when first trying to digest her info, key points I could screenshot.. and look up. Also easy to see she’s been saying the same things since she started talking in 2022, with the same signs. I stand with Sabrina in her RIGHTEOUS ANGER for humanity❤️ Thank you for this rundown.
Maybe these ultra-techy types prefer plain old analog teaching tools. Clif High does the same with his white board and (usually dry) markers. Actually the old stuff is pretty good at getting the information across and pointing out connections and relationships so that the image stays in your mind. Glenn Beck did a great job with his famous blackboards, notably getting himself fired from FOX after he did the unpardonable....brilliantly exposing the Fed in one of his blackboard layouts. He still uses it when he really wants to bust something.
I’m a 54 yr old wife and mom of 3 grown children. Ever since Covid emerged- I THREW myself into topics I never thought I would be researching. Anything from lipid nano particles, to Spike Proteins, VAIDS, corruption and CAPTURE of our Govt, …. Then about a year ago I found Sabrina and my entire paradigm shifted about how I see the world. I paid close attention to her and although much of her vocabulary still goes over my head- I get the overall 40,000 ft view of what is happening. It’s absolutely horrific. These agencies and people responsible need to burn. God will take care of that no doubt.
Thank you for taking a closer look at Sabrina Wallace's videos and pulling all this information together. I'm a long-time Kundalini yogi and recently switched to practicing Falun Dafa. Many Eastern spiritual practices recognize the human biofield as our aura — an ethereal body part that interacts with and influences material dimensions. In some of her videos, Sabrina Wallace explains how our aura protects us from known and unknown harms, and plays a critical role in supporting our biological immune system.
Western medicine, technocrats, oligarchs, and treasonous politicians appear to have conspired against all humanity for quite some time in an attempt to capture us in a multitude of ways: poisoning us with mind-numbing and mind-controlling toxic chemicals (illegal street drugs; pych meds; GMO’s; and forcing us to consume nanoparticles in our food, air, and water that may be activated to influence thoughts and behaviors via wireless technologies); and an endless stream of violent, immoral content (porn; poverty; war-torn populations; and other stories that romanticize/promote harm against self and “others”). This all appears to effectively keep a majority of us sick, subservient, and incapable of realizing our Divinity.
Sabrina Wallace rightly expresses deep indignation with Western medicine for not publicly acknowledging the human biofield, while simultaneously working diligently to hack it for their own profit, power, and absolute domination.
Sabrina has turned up a number of times in my feeds and some of her videos have been sent to me. Something about her screams AUTHENTIC, but in all honesty I hardly understand a thing she says. I do get the bio field “body part” bit kind of, but I REALLY wish someone could explain this stuff in layman’s terms.
I think Nonvaxxer420 channel is Sabrina's. I could be wrong. I ordered a orgonite stone from Hope and Tivon. Her full channel is on Odysee under the name Psinergy.
Same with me. It’s hard to follow. It’s informational overload. But I think she’s the real deal. And she’s extremely intelligent. We are living in the twilight zone and I don’t think there’s any way out. But it’s a good thing we are all learning what’s been hidden and all the lies…
You can also purchase the books she is referring to on Amazon. I bought the Textbook series and the two which referenced what the TCM field calls Meridian points which martial artists, practicing Qi Gong Sifu’s and true Reiki masters refer to - or should.
How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely one of its many stalking horses.
After all, if we were to leave the WHO tomorrow, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Digital Gulag and all of the other horrifying assaults on humanity would still be solidly in place.
The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is: the UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. . All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.
Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.
Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.
If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here, and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach.
The UN Death Machine is set to consolidate its global power with the utterly cataclysmic Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024, after which there will, quite literally, be no chance of withdrawing from anything ever again.
If you would like to reach out to me for further information, please feel free to do so. My email is If you would like to ask me to appear on your show, podcast, forum, symposium or other venue where this message can be shared, the answer is, "Absolutely yes".
We are facing an enemy more well-organized and pernicious, and more comprehensively brilliant, than any in humanity's history. They have laid these pits of destruction for us for more than 140 years and they are just about to spring the final traps.
Are we really going to let them while we focus on secondary issues, each of which is urgently important, but none of which is the root of the problem.
The root of the problem, the cancer, the source of the rot, is the UN Death Machine.
By the way, at the same link,, you will find a legal memo making it clear that the UN, like every other country in the world, is NOT in a treaty obligation with the UN, WHO or any other part of the UN system since treaties only exist between sovereign nations, which the UN is not and never can be.
Thus, all obligations to them are based in fraud and thus null and void.
And we MUST get out of the UN Death Machine before it destroys everything in its path, including humanity.
Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.
Agreed! Hello, Dr Rima - this comment thread got so long I didn't see yours until just now. James Grundvig and I are working on a documentary and I think you should be in it and share exactly what you wrote above. I'll have a word with him about it.
imho crackpotty opinion, Sabrina's the real deal--"zey" are far too unimaginative ta create a psyop like Sabrina.. AND, since I've been listening to her for over a year--I'll add that she DOES promote Tore! In fact she often sez that the only one that totally "gets it" an' speaks out 'bout the cyber-physical backbone stuff IS Tore! I think they may even know each other...(?) Bottom line is fer all us human beans ta learn what she duz natchurally--activate our own biofield, our aura to literally make our own "iron dome" (ha!) against the onslaught of emfs, dna-weapons, an' other deadly crap (high tech tho' it is) they hurl at us (as "zey" are redundant... they got 100 ways ta skin us cats). She's way stemmy an' fer those of us (myself included) who ain't stemmy, a good 75% goes over my head... I aim for the "jist"-- What we all need is a way ta re-engage our auras (lordy that wounds woo) but it's a real thing--an' (from another viddeyo I' heard)... auras extend 'round us a good 6'. Yup... so no wunder keepin' us vibratin' jumpin' beans 6 feet apart--our auras won't connect, intersect that way...
Anywhoo, I dig Sabrina an' her old-skool ways of showin' folks stuff an' I fer one'll look forward ta see her "deciphered" better fer us non-stemmies!
Last bit--she calls out the folks that have these jobs that monitor, control, an' harm us--they take the $, they are truly without empathy--we gotta git to 'em--the young'uns (in their 20s) that are our undoin' --I dunno anybuddy in tech but SURELY some out there do... they're the fulcrum imho
My own take on the "chobs market" where folks are paid ta undo us human beans-
She is mindblowing. Her info is like a workout, you can't just get it all at once. You have to start with a little every day. Then you start to get it. Like now I know that when you activate your pilo-erection, you are generating stem cells. And, I know one thing that helps me with it, is songs that give you goosebumps. One song I just learned that does that is Rock and Roll Hoochi Koo by Rick Derringer! And there are many other songs. She has some pretty interesting songs she seems to listen to also, more electronic.
does the music help ya " activate your pilo-erection"--so cool it means yer "generating stem cells" -- I have not managed it myself from watchin' the viddeyos...
Yes it does! If you listen to music or anything that gives you goosebumps, that's what it's doing. And then I think you can just practice maintaining it. That's just what I've gotten so far.
tee-riffic! thx! I'm a gonna try with music--I had no success tryin' ta do Sabrina tai-chi kinda moves with the vocals she duz (I'm sure I wuz a site too tryin' it!)
I noticed my little nephew does it automatically. He’s under 3 & he makes his hair stand up on his arms like she does. I guess we unlearn it. He does it when he’s upset. It’s amazing to watch
Am I alone is sensing that we're looking at a tightening web of parasitic control and harvesting that is so beyond the technical comprehension of humans that the only possible explanation of its origin is extraterrestrial/interdimensional forces we also do not comprehend? Humans, only 250 years ago, a nano snap of the fingers in developmental time, were simple agricultural animals on this planet, whose known technology was hardly advanced beyond the wheel. We did not come up with all this in that amount of time. And now, where are we, at least those among us who know and deal with black project level manipulations of basic realities? How long has this been going on? How long have we been farmed, by whom and to what purpose? What are we being used for? If they wanted the wretched planet they could have just taken it long ago. If they wished to be rid of us that would have been easy. But they want to enslave and drain us dry, using us in every conceivable way when surely at their level they know better ways to provide for themselves. Why? Does such an advanced technological group need us for energy or energetic wiring? For what??
I understand they want to beta test on us and take the perfected result for themselves. But it goes beyond this cabal. If they are hybrids of a parent off-planet race, something many, including the much of the cabal, believe, why doesn't the parent race just hook them up to the tech they need? I've said many times that all this is too inhuman NOT to be non-human. I don't get it.
Facebook already stated that they beta-tested all of the current accounts back in 2013-2014. Half of its users were fed a negative feed; the other half a positive feed. I noticed this two months into their “psychosocial” experiment. It took FB roughly 1.5 years to admit that they were tracking positive vs. negative “experience” responses (positive responses along with [+] quotes, faster response time + more [likes] resulted in the drastic uptick of more user engagement [equaling] much higher dopamine and adrenaline levels), thus guaranteeing that half of FB users with much higher user engagement equaling a much stronger addiction to FB.
I meant beta-test transhuman technology on us. But it's interesting to find out that addiction to FB has been quantified and linked to dopamine and adrenaline hits. The food industry does the same thing finding just the right "bliss spot" (combination of sugar, fat and salt) that delivers the biggest dopamine hit and metabolically causes the body to crave the substance. They actually have huge $$$ research on that. It's also like the tobacco industry that tried to find something more addictive than nicotine to put in cigarettes but had to give it up when they found nothing is more addictive than nicotine. They're after us for sure.
Oh, and then there's this...the most addicting conditioning pattern is something called intermittent reward. It's a reward that's not coming in a consistent ping, ping, ping. Like every time you press a lever and a food chunk comes out. You don't know when you'll be rewarded. Your brain chemicals go bananas. So you go for broke. Gambling addiction is like that. Maybe also addictive sexual conquest. And FB. People don't really understand that dopamine, adrenaline, and other brain chemicals are the real objects of addiction. They believe they're after the food, the sex, the cigarette, all the various things they think they're addicted to.
I understand all that, and I believe in the concept of ascension, but don't see how that information is directly related to my specific question. My hope, in fact my expectation, is that we will become so oil-and-water, so frequency non-compliant, with the level of consciousness we find in these interdimensionals that we will necessarily part company into a frequency much more in tune with us and we will be done with them. In the terms of ascension lingo, I consider them just a very extreme example of "ego," They can't hold us forever unless we voluntarily accede to victimization. Otherwise, we move out of their range, like turning the dial on a radio.
Well, OK then. I've been reading into this for a while, but your information, at this link and others referred to, is more thorough. So then we have the definition of evil, unable to rise above that status, forbidden from occupying higher consciousness levels and trying to hijack us, body and soul, in order to gain entry into the realms of higher consciousness. In the meantime, they construct elaborate AI and various other almost incomprehensible alien machinery, timelines, false realities, possessions, and so on that ensnare, feed upon, conduct commerce off planet and interdimensionally selling the products they siphon from living consciousness. They don't just want our energy, they want our very essence for the purpose of their advancement into the spiritual realms they are too low in frequency to enter. Am I close? Now, that would constitute the reason I've been asking for. Thank you. They're not just trying to get a few volts out of us to consume.
And the solution is to tap into our own finest and purest spiritual consciousness. The unconditional love level of frequency said to be the frequency of the real God. This is what's taught by all true spiritual traditions including those coming from channeled sources. Know the tree by it's fruit. The primacy of love is what Jesus taught before Christianity perverted it. It's what he meant by the Kingdom of Heaven that was later massaged into something that sounds like one of your artificial realities/timelines, containing fear, retribution and a hate-filled god who's taking names. Among them, YOURS.
I've been reading into Biblical scholarship again recently, picking up a subject I dropped decades ago when it told me that there was no use pursuing the "historical Jesus". Just too much disinformation in the scriptures. And it surprises me to see that a corner may have been turned there in the meantime. One that peals back the ferocious Jesus returning in a cloud to judge at some point in time, to expose a Jesus who spoke of transformation not repentance. (Metanoia in the Greek.) This got misunderstood or purposely derailed into a second coming that was a very useful ET mind controler later, and now. So he spoke of Immediate transformation of spirit...the awakening of the self into this same finest and purest consciousness, not the conventional immediate return on the clouds that never happened . He was speaking of the ascension necessary to escape what your information so well describes. I'm certain he knew exactly what he was exorcising in the Gospel stories. Unfortunately, the scholars are still stuck in trying to justify his miracles with natural explanations, a dry well. What he did pulled in a phenomenal level of spiritual skill, I think the masterful use of quantum realities...well beyond the scope of Biblical scholars' comprehension. Jesus is da man, and as the Christ represents all of us.
Ok, EMERGENCY ALEXANDRA CALL! Given all you know, what do you make of this material???
And to Greg Eldefonso, what is the source of this information.? The references just redirect back into the information itself. Where did this come from?
Wow, I hadn’t considered that they didn’t just think of us as trash to be used as routers but that they’re actually trying to get a deeper harvest of our loosh via 6G LoWPAN…
I didn’t know demons were banished to lower astral. I’m very interested in the topic, though.
I think this kind of Et activity is what JFK found out and wanted to take to the Russians and work together to stop. Right before he went to jail, E. Howard Hunt told one of the Watergate lawyers who Dark Journalist interviewed that Kennedy was killed because he was going to squeal about the "alien presence." He wasn't talking about lights in the sky.
No, these bottom feeder parasites hit the spiritual mother-load with a multidimensional prey, which is what we actually are.... and they intend to use it. Time to up the old frequency.
I've watched a many of her videos over the year and like many of the comments below she can be a bit difficult to understand. I think she is a bit too self centered and still suffering unresolved trauma from her childhood and early adult background to be able to embrace humanity. She doesn't seem to understand the microcosm about the genocide taking place in Palestine and unable to connect the dots on a collective level. She has publicly stated "Palestine is of no concern." Dr. James Giordano basically states the same think with less jargon and much more in a professional manner. I still enjoy watching some of her talks, there are a few gems in them. There are many books out there "The Body Electric." Yoga Books, DR. Giordano mentions some books in his videos...I do realize he's CIA and military intel. Very good article! Thanks for posting!
She is 100% authentic. I fully understand what she discusses. Qi Gong also addresses these meridian points. Americans are too ignorant or just low IQ to understand these physiological concepts. She speaks on shunting and other psychobiological concepts. All true. I read two textbooks on Qi Gong ten years ago. It takes 10-15 years to master your meridian points or reiki fields. THIS is where Traditional Chinese Medicine, intense studies in practically ALL IndoAsian countries have the complete upper hand. Sabrina is 100% legitimate. Buy the books she references. I understand all of the concepts. 99% of most will never understand.
I don’t believe so. I can read people very quickly and I never got the impression that she was conducting a counter-intelligence psyop. I believe she is genuine and I can tell after all of my training and schooling that she indeed wants to help others.
She is a Targeted Individual. Most won’t understand her philosophy, computational coding/math nor her introduction by her parents/others to the world of SRA. Genetically gifted parents (IQ) produce equally gifted children (most of the time). Most Americans can’t name the state Capitols.
I have watched a lot of this gals videos, and what galls me is her presentation. It's difficult to watch, and more to the point, listen to, as it just grates on my spirit, and is unsettling to me. Maybe it's the information, too? It is both, though what I am conscious of continually, as I try to listen, and understand, is the resonance of her voice, as it almost doesn't even sound human, and I know that sounds weird, but it is what I am aware of, in my heart, and in my spirit. I believe, too, that what she is describing, it is fallen angel technology, possessed by those who are demonically possessed (by the disembodied spirits of the nephilim), and I know this in my heart, because it is malevolent, and it feeds on human blood, and suffering, which it absolutely causes, too, and causing human suffering is the point, because it stands opposed to God, the Most High, and Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit, which is the core of our being, when our heart is aligned with Their Spirit, the Holy Spirit... I just can't listen to her. There is something not quite right, and I can't put my finger on it, only that it is very unsettling to me in my spirit. Thank you for sharing, and commenting on this topic. It's important, in some way, which I am unable to exactly describe...and I'm usually pretty good about those things. God bless. May He watch over you, and keep you, always.
Love this lady. I think her signs are helpful to learners. She’s trying to teach a lot of technical stuff to a very broad range of people. It’s overwhelming at first, even if you’ve spent years researching. I found the signs extra helpful when first trying to digest her info, key points I could screenshot.. and look up. Also easy to see she’s been saying the same things since she started talking in 2022, with the same signs. I stand with Sabrina in her RIGHTEOUS ANGER for humanity❤️ Thank you for this rundown.
Her signs are brilliant!
Maybe these ultra-techy types prefer plain old analog teaching tools. Clif High does the same with his white board and (usually dry) markers. Actually the old stuff is pretty good at getting the information across and pointing out connections and relationships so that the image stays in your mind. Glenn Beck did a great job with his famous blackboards, notably getting himself fired from FOX after he did the unpardonable....brilliantly exposing the Fed in one of his blackboard layouts. He still uses it when he really wants to bust something.
Didn't know that about Glenn Beck and Fox. Yes his whiteboard drawings are pretty good!
Exposing the Fed is dangerous business.
I’m a 54 yr old wife and mom of 3 grown children. Ever since Covid emerged- I THREW myself into topics I never thought I would be researching. Anything from lipid nano particles, to Spike Proteins, VAIDS, corruption and CAPTURE of our Govt, …. Then about a year ago I found Sabrina and my entire paradigm shifted about how I see the world. I paid close attention to her and although much of her vocabulary still goes over my head- I get the overall 40,000 ft view of what is happening. It’s absolutely horrific. These agencies and people responsible need to burn. God will take care of that no doubt.
Thank you for taking a closer look at Sabrina Wallace's videos and pulling all this information together. I'm a long-time Kundalini yogi and recently switched to practicing Falun Dafa. Many Eastern spiritual practices recognize the human biofield as our aura — an ethereal body part that interacts with and influences material dimensions. In some of her videos, Sabrina Wallace explains how our aura protects us from known and unknown harms, and plays a critical role in supporting our biological immune system.
Western medicine, technocrats, oligarchs, and treasonous politicians appear to have conspired against all humanity for quite some time in an attempt to capture us in a multitude of ways: poisoning us with mind-numbing and mind-controlling toxic chemicals (illegal street drugs; pych meds; GMO’s; and forcing us to consume nanoparticles in our food, air, and water that may be activated to influence thoughts and behaviors via wireless technologies); and an endless stream of violent, immoral content (porn; poverty; war-torn populations; and other stories that romanticize/promote harm against self and “others”). This all appears to effectively keep a majority of us sick, subservient, and incapable of realizing our Divinity.
Sabrina Wallace rightly expresses deep indignation with Western medicine for not publicly acknowledging the human biofield, while simultaneously working diligently to hack it for their own profit, power, and absolute domination.
Which she also refers to as our aura. She's something! I mean that in a good way!
Sabrina has turned up a number of times in my feeds and some of her videos have been sent to me. Something about her screams AUTHENTIC, but in all honesty I hardly understand a thing she says. I do get the bio field “body part” bit kind of, but I REALLY wish someone could explain this stuff in layman’s terms.
Check out Hope and Tivon.
They have a video specifically on the Bio-field. I can't locate it off hand but I think it may be on Nonvaxxer420's channel.
Also Sabrina endorses these guys.
Here's some of their stuff, they also have their own website.
I love Hope and Tivon, they’re great!
I think Nonvaxxer420 channel is Sabrina's. I could be wrong. I ordered a orgonite stone from Hope and Tivon. Her full channel is on Odysee under the name Psinergy.
Same with me. It’s hard to follow. It’s informational overload. But I think she’s the real deal. And she’s extremely intelligent. We are living in the twilight zone and I don’t think there’s any way out. But it’s a good thing we are all learning what’s been hidden and all the lies…
It's hard to take in everything she says. She must be a genius IQ or close. To me her videos are like a brain workout. Do about 25-30 minutes a day!
She a pdf file that you can download
Yes, she recommends people get and start with that. I downloaded it and need to print it.
You can also purchase the books she is referring to on Amazon. I bought the Textbook series and the two which referenced what the TCM field calls Meridian points which martial artists, practicing Qi Gong Sifu’s and true Reiki masters refer to - or should.
Would you happen to have a link for the PDF? I’ll check her Odessey channel too.
"Sabrina Wallace Energy Ball" is what it's called.
Thanks Jules
As I've said before, that is one dangerous nerd! ❤️
How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely one of its many stalking horses.
After all, if we were to leave the WHO tomorrow, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Digital Gulag and all of the other horrifying assaults on humanity would still be solidly in place.
The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is: the UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. . All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.
Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.
Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.
If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here, and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach.
The UN Death Machine is set to consolidate its global power with the utterly cataclysmic Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024, after which there will, quite literally, be no chance of withdrawing from anything ever again.
If you would like to reach out to me for further information, please feel free to do so. My email is If you would like to ask me to appear on your show, podcast, forum, symposium or other venue where this message can be shared, the answer is, "Absolutely yes".
We are facing an enemy more well-organized and pernicious, and more comprehensively brilliant, than any in humanity's history. They have laid these pits of destruction for us for more than 140 years and they are just about to spring the final traps.
Are we really going to let them while we focus on secondary issues, each of which is urgently important, but none of which is the root of the problem.
The root of the problem, the cancer, the source of the rot, is the UN Death Machine.
By the way, at the same link,, you will find a legal memo making it clear that the UN, like every other country in the world, is NOT in a treaty obligation with the UN, WHO or any other part of the UN system since treaties only exist between sovereign nations, which the UN is not and never can be.
Thus, all obligations to them are based in fraud and thus null and void.
And we MUST get out of the UN Death Machine before it destroys everything in its path, including humanity.
Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.
Agreed! Hello, Dr Rima - this comment thread got so long I didn't see yours until just now. James Grundvig and I are working on a documentary and I think you should be in it and share exactly what you wrote above. I'll have a word with him about it.
Yes, we must de-fund and abolish the UN, period!
Thank you
imho crackpotty opinion, Sabrina's the real deal--"zey" are far too unimaginative ta create a psyop like Sabrina.. AND, since I've been listening to her for over a year--I'll add that she DOES promote Tore! In fact she often sez that the only one that totally "gets it" an' speaks out 'bout the cyber-physical backbone stuff IS Tore! I think they may even know each other...(?) Bottom line is fer all us human beans ta learn what she duz natchurally--activate our own biofield, our aura to literally make our own "iron dome" (ha!) against the onslaught of emfs, dna-weapons, an' other deadly crap (high tech tho' it is) they hurl at us (as "zey" are redundant... they got 100 ways ta skin us cats). She's way stemmy an' fer those of us (myself included) who ain't stemmy, a good 75% goes over my head... I aim for the "jist"-- What we all need is a way ta re-engage our auras (lordy that wounds woo) but it's a real thing--an' (from another viddeyo I' heard)... auras extend 'round us a good 6'. Yup... so no wunder keepin' us vibratin' jumpin' beans 6 feet apart--our auras won't connect, intersect that way...
Anywhoo, I dig Sabrina an' her old-skool ways of showin' folks stuff an' I fer one'll look forward ta see her "deciphered" better fer us non-stemmies!
Last bit--she calls out the folks that have these jobs that monitor, control, an' harm us--they take the $, they are truly without empathy--we gotta git to 'em--the young'uns (in their 20s) that are our undoin' --I dunno anybuddy in tech but SURELY some out there do... they're the fulcrum imho
My own take on the "chobs market" where folks are paid ta undo us human beans-
She is mindblowing. Her info is like a workout, you can't just get it all at once. You have to start with a little every day. Then you start to get it. Like now I know that when you activate your pilo-erection, you are generating stem cells. And, I know one thing that helps me with it, is songs that give you goosebumps. One song I just learned that does that is Rock and Roll Hoochi Koo by Rick Derringer! And there are many other songs. She has some pretty interesting songs she seems to listen to also, more electronic.
does the music help ya " activate your pilo-erection"--so cool it means yer "generating stem cells" -- I have not managed it myself from watchin' the viddeyos...
Yes it does! If you listen to music or anything that gives you goosebumps, that's what it's doing. And then I think you can just practice maintaining it. That's just what I've gotten so far.
tee-riffic! thx! I'm a gonna try with music--I had no success tryin' ta do Sabrina tai-chi kinda moves with the vocals she duz (I'm sure I wuz a site too tryin' it!)
That's so funny! I saw her moves too, and the vocals, and thought, I can never do that! Lol
MIMO - Multiple Input Multiple Output
I noticed my little nephew does it automatically. He’s under 3 & he makes his hair stand up on his arms like she does. I guess we unlearn it. He does it when he’s upset. It’s amazing to watch
Am I alone is sensing that we're looking at a tightening web of parasitic control and harvesting that is so beyond the technical comprehension of humans that the only possible explanation of its origin is extraterrestrial/interdimensional forces we also do not comprehend? Humans, only 250 years ago, a nano snap of the fingers in developmental time, were simple agricultural animals on this planet, whose known technology was hardly advanced beyond the wheel. We did not come up with all this in that amount of time. And now, where are we, at least those among us who know and deal with black project level manipulations of basic realities? How long has this been going on? How long have we been farmed, by whom and to what purpose? What are we being used for? If they wanted the wretched planet they could have just taken it long ago. If they wished to be rid of us that would have been easy. But they want to enslave and drain us dry, using us in every conceivable way when surely at their level they know better ways to provide for themselves. Why? Does such an advanced technological group need us for energy or energetic wiring? For what??
What do they really want from us?
Not aliens … humans doing EVIL 😈.. they had wireless back in the 1800s …
Don't discount aliens doing evil.
The cabal wants to live forever. That's basically it.
I understand they want to beta test on us and take the perfected result for themselves. But it goes beyond this cabal. If they are hybrids of a parent off-planet race, something many, including the much of the cabal, believe, why doesn't the parent race just hook them up to the tech they need? I've said many times that all this is too inhuman NOT to be non-human. I don't get it.
Facebook already stated that they beta-tested all of the current accounts back in 2013-2014. Half of its users were fed a negative feed; the other half a positive feed. I noticed this two months into their “psychosocial” experiment. It took FB roughly 1.5 years to admit that they were tracking positive vs. negative “experience” responses (positive responses along with [+] quotes, faster response time + more [likes] resulted in the drastic uptick of more user engagement [equaling] much higher dopamine and adrenaline levels), thus guaranteeing that half of FB users with much higher user engagement equaling a much stronger addiction to FB.
I meant beta-test transhuman technology on us. But it's interesting to find out that addiction to FB has been quantified and linked to dopamine and adrenaline hits. The food industry does the same thing finding just the right "bliss spot" (combination of sugar, fat and salt) that delivers the biggest dopamine hit and metabolically causes the body to crave the substance. They actually have huge $$$ research on that. It's also like the tobacco industry that tried to find something more addictive than nicotine to put in cigarettes but had to give it up when they found nothing is more addictive than nicotine. They're after us for sure.
Oh, and then there's this...the most addicting conditioning pattern is something called intermittent reward. It's a reward that's not coming in a consistent ping, ping, ping. Like every time you press a lever and a food chunk comes out. You don't know when you'll be rewarded. Your brain chemicals go bananas. So you go for broke. Gambling addiction is like that. Maybe also addictive sexual conquest. And FB. People don't really understand that dopamine, adrenaline, and other brain chemicals are the real objects of addiction. They believe they're after the food, the sex, the cigarette, all the various things they think they're addicted to.
I understand all that, and I believe in the concept of ascension, but don't see how that information is directly related to my specific question. My hope, in fact my expectation, is that we will become so oil-and-water, so frequency non-compliant, with the level of consciousness we find in these interdimensionals that we will necessarily part company into a frequency much more in tune with us and we will be done with them. In the terms of ascension lingo, I consider them just a very extreme example of "ego," They can't hold us forever unless we voluntarily accede to victimization. Otherwise, we move out of their range, like turning the dial on a radio.
NGR Implants.
Well, OK then. I've been reading into this for a while, but your information, at this link and others referred to, is more thorough. So then we have the definition of evil, unable to rise above that status, forbidden from occupying higher consciousness levels and trying to hijack us, body and soul, in order to gain entry into the realms of higher consciousness. In the meantime, they construct elaborate AI and various other almost incomprehensible alien machinery, timelines, false realities, possessions, and so on that ensnare, feed upon, conduct commerce off planet and interdimensionally selling the products they siphon from living consciousness. They don't just want our energy, they want our very essence for the purpose of their advancement into the spiritual realms they are too low in frequency to enter. Am I close? Now, that would constitute the reason I've been asking for. Thank you. They're not just trying to get a few volts out of us to consume.
And the solution is to tap into our own finest and purest spiritual consciousness. The unconditional love level of frequency said to be the frequency of the real God. This is what's taught by all true spiritual traditions including those coming from channeled sources. Know the tree by it's fruit. The primacy of love is what Jesus taught before Christianity perverted it. It's what he meant by the Kingdom of Heaven that was later massaged into something that sounds like one of your artificial realities/timelines, containing fear, retribution and a hate-filled god who's taking names. Among them, YOURS.
I've been reading into Biblical scholarship again recently, picking up a subject I dropped decades ago when it told me that there was no use pursuing the "historical Jesus". Just too much disinformation in the scriptures. And it surprises me to see that a corner may have been turned there in the meantime. One that peals back the ferocious Jesus returning in a cloud to judge at some point in time, to expose a Jesus who spoke of transformation not repentance. (Metanoia in the Greek.) This got misunderstood or purposely derailed into a second coming that was a very useful ET mind controler later, and now. So he spoke of Immediate transformation of spirit...the awakening of the self into this same finest and purest consciousness, not the conventional immediate return on the clouds that never happened . He was speaking of the ascension necessary to escape what your information so well describes. I'm certain he knew exactly what he was exorcising in the Gospel stories. Unfortunately, the scholars are still stuck in trying to justify his miracles with natural explanations, a dry well. What he did pulled in a phenomenal level of spiritual skill, I think the masterful use of quantum realities...well beyond the scope of Biblical scholars' comprehension. Jesus is da man, and as the Christ represents all of us.
Ok, EMERGENCY ALEXANDRA CALL! Given all you know, what do you make of this material???
And to Greg Eldefonso, what is the source of this information.? The references just redirect back into the information itself. Where did this come from?
Wow, I hadn’t considered that they didn’t just think of us as trash to be used as routers but that they’re actually trying to get a deeper harvest of our loosh via 6G LoWPAN…
I didn’t know demons were banished to lower astral. I’m very interested in the topic, though.
I think this kind of Et activity is what JFK found out and wanted to take to the Russians and work together to stop. Right before he went to jail, E. Howard Hunt told one of the Watergate lawyers who Dark Journalist interviewed that Kennedy was killed because he was going to squeal about the "alien presence." He wasn't talking about lights in the sky.
Did you read at the link Greg gave? You must.
No, these bottom feeder parasites hit the spiritual mother-load with a multidimensional prey, which is what we actually are.... and they intend to use it. Time to up the old frequency.
On the home page all of the writings are attributed to one author.
I consider them Esoteric mythical stories.
They further confirm and fill in missing details of other stories.
Excellent comment.
I think what they describe is a reality we don't have to endure further, a "probability" that becomes less probable the more we clean up the act.
possibly it is religious.
I've watched a many of her videos over the year and like many of the comments below she can be a bit difficult to understand. I think she is a bit too self centered and still suffering unresolved trauma from her childhood and early adult background to be able to embrace humanity. She doesn't seem to understand the microcosm about the genocide taking place in Palestine and unable to connect the dots on a collective level. She has publicly stated "Palestine is of no concern." Dr. James Giordano basically states the same think with less jargon and much more in a professional manner. I still enjoy watching some of her talks, there are a few gems in them. There are many books out there "The Body Electric." Yoga Books, DR. Giordano mentions some books in his videos...I do realize he's CIA and military intel. Very good article! Thanks for posting!
She is 100% authentic. I fully understand what she discusses. Qi Gong also addresses these meridian points. Americans are too ignorant or just low IQ to understand these physiological concepts. She speaks on shunting and other psychobiological concepts. All true. I read two textbooks on Qi Gong ten years ago. It takes 10-15 years to master your meridian points or reiki fields. THIS is where Traditional Chinese Medicine, intense studies in practically ALL IndoAsian countries have the complete upper hand. Sabrina is 100% legitimate. Buy the books she references. I understand all of the concepts. 99% of most will never understand.
I've wondered if her job is to dis-empower people.
Same as Selest Salone.
Ever read from...
I don’t believe so. I can read people very quickly and I never got the impression that she was conducting a counter-intelligence psyop. I believe she is genuine and I can tell after all of my training and schooling that she indeed wants to help others.
She is a Targeted Individual. Most won’t understand her philosophy, computational coding/math nor her introduction by her parents/others to the world of SRA. Genetically gifted parents (IQ) produce equally gifted children (most of the time). Most Americans can’t name the state Capitols.
She's incredible!! I hope someone is saving her videos!
I did.
I have watched a lot of this gals videos, and what galls me is her presentation. It's difficult to watch, and more to the point, listen to, as it just grates on my spirit, and is unsettling to me. Maybe it's the information, too? It is both, though what I am conscious of continually, as I try to listen, and understand, is the resonance of her voice, as it almost doesn't even sound human, and I know that sounds weird, but it is what I am aware of, in my heart, and in my spirit. I believe, too, that what she is describing, it is fallen angel technology, possessed by those who are demonically possessed (by the disembodied spirits of the nephilim), and I know this in my heart, because it is malevolent, and it feeds on human blood, and suffering, which it absolutely causes, too, and causing human suffering is the point, because it stands opposed to God, the Most High, and Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit, which is the core of our being, when our heart is aligned with Their Spirit, the Holy Spirit... I just can't listen to her. There is something not quite right, and I can't put my finger on it, only that it is very unsettling to me in my spirit. Thank you for sharing, and commenting on this topic. It's important, in some way, which I am unable to exactly describe...and I'm usually pretty good about those things. God bless. May He watch over you, and keep you, always.
This is an excellent article: well-researched, clear, and intriguing.
She tried going pretty & nice in her first videos that were on Alex Jones.
You should have done some due diligence research 🧐