Yes, this is what I have been learning, one article, one video, one book at a time, day after day over the last several years. A sad bunch of human beings these monsters are. I would much rather know what is going on than to be blind to it, but we all have seen the old world disappear. Since around the mid-90s it became clear to me that something was turning the world into a place where constant barrages of fear mongering came at us. My husband and I were raising a family of eight on one income and it was not easy to go online and find information, but that changed thankfully, in 2019, so I am fully aware now. Around me, many are still oblivious. I'm in a lonely place now where chit chat with friends and family just doesn't get it.
One thing is to know that you are NOT alone. It's certainly distressing to feel that aloneness and I think all of us suffer from it at one level or another. Sites like this one help immeasurably. They're not in this world just to give intel, they're to provide community for all of us. You do have a community that knows what you know and you are far from alone.
You aren't alone. We also are aware and have knowledge. Our families are not on the same page. It is and does get lonely. Consider yourself part of our family. We are all "family members".
I don’t know if it’s the jabs but no one around me wants to talk about anything substantial anymore … it’s making me insane .. & these are people who were previously wide awake 😢🙏
I knew how shallow peoples' concerns were when I was in my twenties. I thought that might change, but maybe not until the reality outside of the bubble is clear.
I share in your lonliness, and realize that nothing that used to be entertaining entertains me anymore. So I spend time in nature, I listen to solfeggio frequency music to lift my spirit and spend valuable time with the few who know what is happening around us. That is where I am meant to be now. I hope you take solace in knowing that you are not alone.
Thank you, EmEm33! I know one friend who is aware and she is very busy with her family, so we hardly have time to chill and talk. The rest, including neighbours and most family are either unaware or ignoring stuff, or maybe they can't see that we are not conspiracy theorists. I don't know.
The family members who get it are in Michigan and I'm in Canada, another friend is in the UK, one is in Ghana. I admin two Facebook groups of awakened souls, but it is not the same if you communicate only online but that will have to do. I like substack because it's somewhat less hostile and more welcoming toward diverse opinions most of the time than facebook or any other platform. Do you have a link to that solfeggio music? I have Spotify. Could I find it on there? I have heard about it, but didn't know there were online sources. God bless ~Jenni
I definitely can relate to having friends in far away places. At least we can videochat with them when we have time. Here are a few links that I have used before Jenni.
Test out the ones that you like and find useful, and there are explanations in the descriptions below them after you click on their links:
I understand because I feel as if my whole life has been lived in a fake environment. I had my eyes opened to our "healthcare" system when I got breast cancer and 1 yr later the jabs came along. I did not get them but my sister (while I was sick) took my mother and got her a shot and booster. At 83 she got breast cancer (not related to my cancer at all) and dementia. She is now in a memory care center. My younger sister has power of attny and waited while my mom suffered 3 yrs and finally everything went KABOOM! Mom was hearing voices, etc. Most of this happened while I have been sick and I live away from both mom and sister. My sister waited because she did not want to spend mom's money, but mom and dad worked hard for all the money and when my dad passed 10 yrs ago he entrusted my younger sister when he should have trusted my older sister. It is really sad. I use to talk and see mom a lot before I got sick and we would talk on the phone lots. Now, she is like a child and I have lost my mom at one of the lowest times of my life. My husband and I are Christians and so is my mom. I am encouraged that I will see her in heaven. She is in a very nice place and is very happy so I am comforted by knowing she is safe and not afraid anymore. I am so happy to have Jesus as my savior and I want to be in His will and be obedient and faithful to Him. I believe He will rapture us soon and I am ready! I keep my eyes upon Jesus!
Pray without ceasing! Remain hopeful. Forgive and keep loving, no matter how difficult. My mom got the jabs after her doc told her she should. She was 92. After that her health went downhill. She passed at 94.
I know this feeling of loneliness, it’s really hard not to have anyone to talk to about this. My family older and younger just can’t grasp it. My wife tolerates it, and is 50/50, she is still stuck under the idea that government is here to help, and that policing is a good idea. She can’t see the bigger picture which where I think a lot of people get stuck. I get on Substack just to talk to people about what I find through research as new questions and ideas come to me. Substack has been really helpful for this.
Helpful for me too. And yes, the picture is big and the plans have been so well organized for a long time. It's biblical too. At first I didn't see that. Much of the good institutions, foundations, charities have been infiltrated. Young and old people have been fooled. It's a lonely time.
It took me a very long time to see that it was biblical as well, i knew something was wrong, but school painted a picture of the cosmos in my mind that fooled me into thinking I was an atheist in a nut shell. What really sent me down the path of discovery was money, I could never really understand why we needed it. I started to question the national deficit, the federal reserve which lead me to the bankers. I started tracing their linages and there it was. I have been questioning how big it actually is for some time now, the more I learn the bigger it gets. Without out God it would almost be to much to bare when I really saw it, I am very thankful that I found him in this process. It’s almost like it was supposed to happen that way for me. Anyways I’m not sure how many of us there are but we are definitely not alone. God Bless
I am almost finished with the book, "Esau-Edom". Much of this history I know but I never heard it explained in terms of Jacob and Esau. Wow.
There is a guy called Dustin Nemos whom I have listened to. He talks about this also. What he says, is disturbing. But I see it happening.
In fact I have a friend who seems to have two personalities. The one she shows me (tolerant, just, accepting) and the one she keeps hidden, until I discovered it. So sad. Intolerant, unjust and angry at anyone who doesn't agree with her politics and stances on social justice issues, which are far too liberal in my estimation. It sucks that it takes me so long to see this in people, but still, it is there all too often and someone is egging this on!
John Coleman hit the nail on the head the plan is to destroy industrialized nations primarily then social economic collapse will be easy...jabs were strategically targeted at rich industrialized nations same nations flooded with foreigners... middle classes need to be eradicated 1st then depopulation agenda will be trouble free.
I actually also think the jabs have lobotomized people....the zombie apocalypse is real.
Chronic antipsychotic use is akin to a frontal lobotomy. They destroy a person's gray matter. These medications are being wielded against millions who have no history of psychosis while under the guise of treatment, under the guise of care.
And the terrible diseases. My sister had cancer within 6 months of the shot and boosters. She never connected the vax and the cancer. She's one who just can't hear truth and would not believe it if she were told. If I told her, she would probably drop me as she almost did for lesser things I tried to tell her. She's my sister and I don't want to lose her over that. I may lose her to the cancer though. I felt so helpless about it and it was too late because she got the shot before I knew. If she weren't the way she is I could have at least warned her not to take any more of the vaccine. Many people who didn't take the shots themselves are collateral damage in this way. It's like emotional shrapnel and the evil ones know it.
I have family who have had all sorts of health issues from skin conditions,heart attack, epilepsy and dementia all after the jabs and now they don't want to speak to me and seem to blame the people who were warning them!??
DARPA obviously very involved in these jabs... people have literally lost their minds.
Everyone from her line took them. Her two middle-aged kids had the vax and gave it to their children, so everybody had it. I suspect they told her that she needed to get it to keep their kids safe. ( They bought the bullshit that the unvaccinated can give the bullshit virus to the vaccinated.) Millions did the same. Very sad. I've had a lot of trouble with her being rude and more difficult since she took the shot and I think that's related too.
This is not just sad but very scary . I'm very sorry for what happened to you . I really do not know much about what happened in the plan-demic because I live along in the woods . Retired . No doctors , no contact with people . So I was not involved but I remembered what Ben Franklin said . " It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority ." I wish all the luck for you in the future .
What makes me laugh is this information been known for 30 years yet in UK all the brainwashed idiots still worship the fake Windsors who are planning their demise....UK US Western Europe are well and truly screwed.
Hmm, "the New Testament didn't exist until 1600 & the Old Testament is even newer" is an interesting statement indeed that requires further investigation & explanation. Otherwise I find the content makes perfect sense & especially pulls 2gether mucho insights/truths historically & Biblically (also helps explain "Resets"). SoooExcellent2see such great truths all in one article. Much still2be discovered however esp in regards2ancient civilizations, artifacts & Spiritual "systems" (Good v Evil). MuchoKudos👊⭐️
It adds up, 1600, just before the printing press came out, therefore reading books would be widespread. Why not use the old and new Testaments to then tell people what to follow, pass it off as god and jesus. Keep in mind the Scofield Bible and how that was used to program folks to believe we have to stand with a specific piece of real estate in the mid east.
Emperror Constantine elevated a small Christian sect into global religion around 300 ad (Nicaea). He needed a religious tool to solidify his power over Eastern and Western (remnants of the Roman) empire. It ushered in (religious) Dark ages for nearly 1000 years. It is at that time that old texts have been edited and history rewritten (and real history destroyed as much as possible) to further the agenda.
Explains a lot regarding why the world is such a dark mess. The fact that it is becoming known who thinks they own the world after working in darkness for so many centuries I see as a good sign. May we experience what a world without these parasites is really like to live in soon.
So if the Q narrative is an AI program ultimately from the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Malta are from these families, what's actually up? The other day it seemed like the Knights of Malta might be a mixed bag of global intent...some good some bad. We know Q is a psyop, don't we? A huge blue pill disguised as a red pill that has been swallowed by many. So what's actually true? Is what's true the scenario David Icke claims...that all these families are hybrids of the original EL invaders and this planet (and beyond) has been under attack and harvested by this group for ages? I think there's a good chance that's true, if for no other reason than the NON-humanness of their plans. It's out beyond IN-human. What's OUR plan??
Ultimately, I know it's our own spiritual awakening, but what relevance is, say, the election of Donald Trump in 2024, the dismantling of the deep state and so on? The deep state looks like just a harvesting organ of these families, or does the term actually mean these families? The "Fall of Babylon" implies these "people" are going down. How? I watched this13+ part series a while back when the whole series was available. For some reason the conclusion escapes me. Can anyone remind me?
The Q narrative I think comes from in-Q-tel. Some people seem to think its from the kennedy shot in dallas who didn't actually die and has been in hiding, as stipulated by the swiss pascal najadi character who thinks the wars over and the good guys won...
Thanks for the reference, I'll go give it a read. It always feels off when some wealthy leader says we won and its all over now... reads like fulford every other week... ;)
I love this discussion but hate that we have to even have this discussion. Nice you guys are on the same page, that’s refreshing since no one else around me is. I wanted to have hopium, but seeing the Kennedy name as one of the top elitist in the world has squashed any hopium I might have hoped to have. Of course “they’re”tracking everything we read and write as well.
You know...screw them and the horse they rode in on.
I have a friend who believes as Najadi does and WORSE. She says she's trying to red pill me and doesn't get it when I tell her she's the most blue pilled person I know. She falls for all the hopium psyops. She told me JFK is alive at 107 because of med beds. She also believes "they" destroy world cultures every 250 years and we have to rebuild. She believes in every off the wall thing you can think of and says history is fake so we never hear about the world being destroyed. 250 years ago??
I know history is often invention but we have letters, documents, books, a paper trail researched by historians in what's recent history, so the 250 year destruction can't be happening. It's obvious to me there was a major lost civilization though, tens of thousands of years ago. BECAUSE THE EVIDENCE IS THERE. When I ask her what her evidence is for such nonsense, she says she has none but she has people she trusts at places like Telegram who tell her things like flat earth, geocentrism, all political leaders are fakes in million dollar CIA masks or on the way to Gitmo, mud slides, Tartaria, it's-all-a-movie and on and on. I think one has to be a good bit stupid to believe all that because there is no evidence.
Still, I think we will prevail...but only because there is evidence the globalist/satanist crazies have less and less control. The WHO treaty failed yesterday and that's only one of the things they want that they're not getting. So all is not lost. Kennedy is as left as they come being against the 2nd amendment and for climate control. Please!
I know it. My friend, luckily the only acquaintance I have like that, has the attitude that she's the informed one and I'm the dullard...I'll get it someday when I'm finally awake. Frankly, I'd rather have a blue-haired screaming memie around me. There's really no difference in the stupid.
Trump win was engineered, the NWO/globalists need him for something, he has been elevated to “martyr” and “saint” status for a reason, so he is definitely going to do something to usher in NWO. He is a puppet like everybody else. There will be no dismantling the “deep state”, just cosmetic reshuffling ..
I wouldn’t rule that out, at all. These bastards control both “sides”; everybody.
But I still think the Trump win puts us on a slower track to the Globalists’ destination and if God prevails, there may even be a possibility of subverting Globalist goals.
But if Kabala is installed (which may still happen), we are toast, very soon.
The goal remains the same, the Trump "win" is just switching to a more psyop route. It is also much more efficient: why fight 150 million armed Americans and create chaos that may get out of control when you can psy-op them and make them willingly do your bidding because "messiah" told them so.. It is actually amazing (once you step out out of it) how much psyop/conditioning is everywhere in your life. As for subverting globalists goals, I doubt: Who controls the money controls the world.
I am a single-issue voter re: censorship. He has vowed to stop it. We never had it like it has become until he became President and these fvckers broke this country with censorship and insane propaganda, pitting us against each other. He has spelled-out how he's going end that garbage. I'm here for that.
In a world where you are attacked from every direction you pick a single issue? - good luck. World is so fractured and people made to fight each other for tiniest (irrelevant) reasons, there is no saving it. As for the Trump "plan" - it is a joke .. with some crumbs here and there for the faithful.
bingo! been doin' my own "home-grown" research fer the last couple years, came ta the same conclusion--heck, when I started I had no idear 'bout Black Nobility (or the 3 Popes!) let alone the 300 etc.
Truth is, the "Aristocrats"--foul an' crude as it wuz--was beyond an inside joke--foul as it wuz--Gottfried wuz tellin' the truth, a "reveal"--'specially in the comp'ny of Heff who had tunnels below an' KNEW from whut GG wuz speakin'--lotta blood on Heff's hands (an' other parts) so I think this wuz also a roast of an'nuther kind. Poison-ally, I find it interestin' that all the "comics" that either did this joke (Gottfried, Saget too--tho' his execution--pun intended--wuz far cruder ) both of 'em died "suddenly" as "not oldsters" in the past 2 years AS DID other comics that spoke 'bout the Black Nobility via their work ---includin' Rik Mayall ( -- this one kin find but he also spoke of Princess Di's "in house" take out...) an' Trevor Moore (see his illuminati "spoof" skit here: They say Robin Williams wuz gonna let loose on the pedo stuff he knew 'bout too--an' then there's Issac Kappy-- Death to the Jesters... that's fer sure...
Elizabeth Nickson (who gave ya a nice "like" fer this story) has been spot-on coverin' this stuff too. Won't fail to add the incredible work of Frances Leader (I quibble with her portrayal of "the zionists" as bein' all bad--she thankfully doesn't pernt a finger at "the joos joos an' nuttin' but the joos" like most are doin' now (it's all over like white on rice!) but imo not all zionists are baddies--most are ordinary folks, many not supportin' BBGun, many--like those in my own fambly!--that simply either went to Israel bein' misled it would be a "safe" haven from the Czar's purches--OR those in the US who supported the state from afar BUT in both cases not havin' a clue 'bout whut wuz goin' on in the shadows let alone 'bout rats like Lord Balfour or the Rothschilds who ta my own folks were just "fancy winemakers")--BUT such quibbles 'bout the holy land aside, do SEE these 2 from Frances as her research is terrific (imo):
Also check her own comments for added links ta good stuff...
Oh, an' fwiw, many of the SRA whistleblowers--'specially Svali--list these folks, the Black Nobility or the 13 or the Heads of State, or even the heads of covens (Gloria Vanderbilt! Laurie Cabot!) --addin' too that Svali specifically said it ain't "the joos" (some of the MKUltra folks like Gottleib of course are...) but most per Svali are not... Cathy O'Brien too--an' she's besties with Roseanne--I trust she knows who's behind all this too.
In stack land everybuddy (an' his uncle) sez it's "only the chews" (as if Gilbert Gottfried, may he RIP as they say he wuz a true mensch in real life, is runnin' black ops? from his small apt. on the UWS? rilly?)--ergo they conclude that the world will be free if they're rid of (us) chews... (sigh) Thus I'm grateful when writers, however they feel 'bout chews, are willin' ta try ta figger out this mess an' see beyond the sh_t storm of simplified finger "perntin' " ta dig up the whole cast of characters--sure, some gawd-awful chews (Soros who sez he doesn't ident"fry" as one is yet a rotten egg as is Larry-the-Fink, as wuz Heinze K... etc)--but rotten eggs of every faith an' non faith are all "scram-bulled" in one big swamp... together. An' tho' post-Coleman some folks insisted the 300 were all "chews," I read the whole dang book an' it's a small percentage). Problem is, if the laser pointer directs all eyes one way, natchurally the real perps git away! So BOTH b/c it be-hooves us (devil in them details) ta figger out who's who (I LOVE that yer document names so many names!) an' also b/c it will do no good if they take down "the wrong man" (or wrong tribe, whatever) only ta find it's too late cuz when0 everybuddy wuz burnin' the wrong party (an' not in effigy either) the real ones got away...
'Been doin' a bit of my own writin' on this stuff from a wild an' wooly angle here'bouts:
Last but not least, check out the UN an' Madame Blavatsky (later Alice Bailey) an' the Lucius Trust an' Crowley as bringin' in the NWO mebbe orchestrated by the Black Nobility but the "puppets" include the UN an' their theosophy / order of the Golden Dawn... an' all the "New Age" malarkey that got folks away from real faith or at least real morals!
Would love ta see more on the Black Nobility--with solutions ta takin' down their towers (or pyramids)
ps re the viddeyo--Phyllis Diller's best pal wuz Bob Hope--one of the top MKUltra handlers (see Eyes Wide Shut man in the golden mask...) an' I DOUBT she knew nuttin' bout that stuff so it's kinda funny her shocked "reaction" given her own buddies...
From what I've heard, they essentially play a similar role to the Mafia/Cosa Nostra in East Asia. Whereas, you have the highest-level aristocrats committing state crimes, their minions directly beneath them are white collar criminals who rig the financial system and the corporations and further down the line, these multifarious gangs control the more "street"-type crimes.
The Black Nobility's devotion to 'breeding' their own bloodlines certainly explains why they are the developers of EUGENICS/GENETICS.
However, what is the agreement between the controlling families of European descent and the controlling families in the rest of the world? Was it just a bond growing out of Colonialism where the Colonizers connected and rewarded each colonized areas' families who agree to become collaborators/sympathizers? Did the European colonizers empower existing ruling families and/or create new family groups in the colonized world?
I can't help wondering how this worldwide connection of "royal" families works. Because, bottom line, the Malthusian/Darwinian Eugenicists have already shown that they have no respect for the lives of 'people of color'. Note Bill Gates' drug trials in India and Africa -- it doesn't seem to trouble him if his drug tests and vax programs kill and maim people by the thousands; his track record is so disastrous in terms of human lives and suffering, it seems impossible to consider every death is not intentional! My ultimate questions being: How come the non-European "nobility" families would trust the European Black Nobility Families? How would that work when EUGENICS Death Tech is an ultimate tool of power in the hands of The Cabal?
That would be a reverse of the old bigot's epithet that a drop of black blood makes one black? So, a drop of Rockefeller blood makes one a Rockefeller?
Seems there may be no 'science' possible when propagandist breeders are the ones in charge.
This was amazing research.Almost unbelievable.It all makes so much sense how this whole world is being orchestrated.Thank you for this fascinating knowledge
A Kumu map of businesses associated directly with the Black Nobility would be easy to do, using just Wikipedia articles, which list all of the corporations controlled by these families.
These families invest in and especially love to play in the fashion industry, which is a massive industry that includes every suburban mall and a profusion of online retailers. Then, there are the banks and the car factories. They own a lot. They own almost everything.
The original PDF that I received was in English but I could see traces in the verbiage that this was a probably a mechanical translation into English from an original Spanish language document, notably, I could tell from the royal titles; calling the Queen of England, "Isabel".
I've never seen the Spanish language original, although there appears to be a lot of this kind of literature in the Spanish language. I notice that retired Russian spy, whose work I love, Daniel Estulin now writes primarily in Spanish and he also speaks it almost natively. It's pretty remarkable. And he does a lot of videos and has a website. I also recently joined the Telegram Group run by Jorge Guerra Canal de Historia on Telegram - I can almost guess know who's behind the mystery document?
I have felt that since L. Ron Hubbard died in January of 1986 that David Miscavige has been controlled by a hidden nefarious source with the goal to destroy the Church of Scientology. They have done a good job.
Yes, this is what I have been learning, one article, one video, one book at a time, day after day over the last several years. A sad bunch of human beings these monsters are. I would much rather know what is going on than to be blind to it, but we all have seen the old world disappear. Since around the mid-90s it became clear to me that something was turning the world into a place where constant barrages of fear mongering came at us. My husband and I were raising a family of eight on one income and it was not easy to go online and find information, but that changed thankfully, in 2019, so I am fully aware now. Around me, many are still oblivious. I'm in a lonely place now where chit chat with friends and family just doesn't get it.
One thing is to know that you are NOT alone. It's certainly distressing to feel that aloneness and I think all of us suffer from it at one level or another. Sites like this one help immeasurably. They're not in this world just to give intel, they're to provide community for all of us. You do have a community that knows what you know and you are far from alone.
Thank you so much! I need to hear this
It works and it's fun.
You aren't alone. We also are aware and have knowledge. Our families are not on the same page. It is and does get lonely. Consider yourself part of our family. We are all "family members".
Thank you!
We need to stand by each other.
The rabbit 🐰 hole kept coming up in Rome
I don’t know if it’s the jabs but no one around me wants to talk about anything substantial anymore … it’s making me insane .. & these are people who were previously wide awake 😢🙏
Makes most things seem so shallow - as it is.
I knew how shallow peoples' concerns were when I was in my twenties. I thought that might change, but maybe not until the reality outside of the bubble is clear.
I share in your lonliness, and realize that nothing that used to be entertaining entertains me anymore. So I spend time in nature, I listen to solfeggio frequency music to lift my spirit and spend valuable time with the few who know what is happening around us. That is where I am meant to be now. I hope you take solace in knowing that you are not alone.
Thank you, EmEm33! I know one friend who is aware and she is very busy with her family, so we hardly have time to chill and talk. The rest, including neighbours and most family are either unaware or ignoring stuff, or maybe they can't see that we are not conspiracy theorists. I don't know.
The family members who get it are in Michigan and I'm in Canada, another friend is in the UK, one is in Ghana. I admin two Facebook groups of awakened souls, but it is not the same if you communicate only online but that will have to do. I like substack because it's somewhat less hostile and more welcoming toward diverse opinions most of the time than facebook or any other platform. Do you have a link to that solfeggio music? I have Spotify. Could I find it on there? I have heard about it, but didn't know there were online sources. God bless ~Jenni
I definitely can relate to having friends in far away places. At least we can videochat with them when we have time. Here are a few links that I have used before Jenni.
Test out the ones that you like and find useful, and there are explanations in the descriptions below them after you click on their links:
Thanks very much!
I understand because I feel as if my whole life has been lived in a fake environment. I had my eyes opened to our "healthcare" system when I got breast cancer and 1 yr later the jabs came along. I did not get them but my sister (while I was sick) took my mother and got her a shot and booster. At 83 she got breast cancer (not related to my cancer at all) and dementia. She is now in a memory care center. My younger sister has power of attny and waited while my mom suffered 3 yrs and finally everything went KABOOM! Mom was hearing voices, etc. Most of this happened while I have been sick and I live away from both mom and sister. My sister waited because she did not want to spend mom's money, but mom and dad worked hard for all the money and when my dad passed 10 yrs ago he entrusted my younger sister when he should have trusted my older sister. It is really sad. I use to talk and see mom a lot before I got sick and we would talk on the phone lots. Now, she is like a child and I have lost my mom at one of the lowest times of my life. My husband and I are Christians and so is my mom. I am encouraged that I will see her in heaven. She is in a very nice place and is very happy so I am comforted by knowing she is safe and not afraid anymore. I am so happy to have Jesus as my savior and I want to be in His will and be obedient and faithful to Him. I believe He will rapture us soon and I am ready! I keep my eyes upon Jesus!
Pray without ceasing! Remain hopeful. Forgive and keep loving, no matter how difficult. My mom got the jabs after her doc told her she should. She was 92. After that her health went downhill. She passed at 94.
I know this feeling of loneliness, it’s really hard not to have anyone to talk to about this. My family older and younger just can’t grasp it. My wife tolerates it, and is 50/50, she is still stuck under the idea that government is here to help, and that policing is a good idea. She can’t see the bigger picture which where I think a lot of people get stuck. I get on Substack just to talk to people about what I find through research as new questions and ideas come to me. Substack has been really helpful for this.
Helpful for me too. And yes, the picture is big and the plans have been so well organized for a long time. It's biblical too. At first I didn't see that. Much of the good institutions, foundations, charities have been infiltrated. Young and old people have been fooled. It's a lonely time.
It took me a very long time to see that it was biblical as well, i knew something was wrong, but school painted a picture of the cosmos in my mind that fooled me into thinking I was an atheist in a nut shell. What really sent me down the path of discovery was money, I could never really understand why we needed it. I started to question the national deficit, the federal reserve which lead me to the bankers. I started tracing their linages and there it was. I have been questioning how big it actually is for some time now, the more I learn the bigger it gets. Without out God it would almost be to much to bare when I really saw it, I am very thankful that I found him in this process. It’s almost like it was supposed to happen that way for me. Anyways I’m not sure how many of us there are but we are definitely not alone. God Bless
Get the book Who Is Easu-Edom By Charles Wiesman. It will explain a lot of what is going on the the world.
I just ordered it. Thank you. :)
I am almost finished with the book, "Esau-Edom". Much of this history I know but I never heard it explained in terms of Jacob and Esau. Wow.
There is a guy called Dustin Nemos whom I have listened to. He talks about this also. What he says, is disturbing. But I see it happening.
In fact I have a friend who seems to have two personalities. The one she shows me (tolerant, just, accepting) and the one she keeps hidden, until I discovered it. So sad. Intolerant, unjust and angry at anyone who doesn't agree with her politics and stances on social justice issues, which are far too liberal in my estimation. It sucks that it takes me so long to see this in people, but still, it is there all too often and someone is egging this on!
Indeed...I have found that the more information I acquire the fewer friends I maintain.
John Coleman hit the nail on the head the plan is to destroy industrialized nations primarily then social economic collapse will be easy...jabs were strategically targeted at rich industrialized nations same nations flooded with foreigners... middle classes need to be eradicated 1st then depopulation agenda will be trouble free.
I actually also think the jabs have lobotomized people....the zombie apocalypse is real.
Absolutely. It is godawful that our loved ones were lobotomized against their will, without their knowledge. It's very hard to be with this fact.
Chronic antipsychotic use is akin to a frontal lobotomy. They destroy a person's gray matter. These medications are being wielded against millions who have no history of psychosis while under the guise of treatment, under the guise of care.
The Swiss population was lobotomized through the drinking water and the food supply
long time ago . Since then nobody have seen a Swiss smiling . The nation without a soul .
OMG. I've heard that about being there!
And the terrible diseases. My sister had cancer within 6 months of the shot and boosters. She never connected the vax and the cancer. She's one who just can't hear truth and would not believe it if she were told. If I told her, she would probably drop me as she almost did for lesser things I tried to tell her. She's my sister and I don't want to lose her over that. I may lose her to the cancer though. I felt so helpless about it and it was too late because she got the shot before I knew. If she weren't the way she is I could have at least warned her not to take any more of the vaccine. Many people who didn't take the shots themselves are collateral damage in this way. It's like emotional shrapnel and the evil ones know it.
I have family who have had all sorts of health issues from skin conditions,heart attack, epilepsy and dementia all after the jabs and now they don't want to speak to me and seem to blame the people who were warning them!??
DARPA obviously very involved in these jabs... people have literally lost their minds.
People project blame others because it's easier on the psyche. It's certainly not your fault.
Clif high commented on the vax lunacy causing car wrecks he calls "vaxxidents."
Me 2 🙏
look up MMS Jim Humbolt. It does cure many things. There is not way to get rid of what is in people. One day those responsible will pay.
It looks like she did this deliberately . Are you sure she did not have any suicidal tendencies?
No, I think her children convinced her she should do it.
Ok. So , did the children took the jabs ?
Everyone from her line took them. Her two middle-aged kids had the vax and gave it to their children, so everybody had it. I suspect they told her that she needed to get it to keep their kids safe. ( They bought the bullshit that the unvaccinated can give the bullshit virus to the vaccinated.) Millions did the same. Very sad. I've had a lot of trouble with her being rude and more difficult since she took the shot and I think that's related too.
This is not just sad but very scary . I'm very sorry for what happened to you . I really do not know much about what happened in the plan-demic because I live along in the woods . Retired . No doctors , no contact with people . So I was not involved but I remembered what Ben Franklin said . " It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority ." I wish all the luck for you in the future .
What makes me laugh is this information been known for 30 years yet in UK all the brainwashed idiots still worship the fake Windsors who are planning their demise....UK US Western Europe are well and truly screwed.
Hmm, "the New Testament didn't exist until 1600 & the Old Testament is even newer" is an interesting statement indeed that requires further investigation & explanation. Otherwise I find the content makes perfect sense & especially pulls 2gether mucho insights/truths historically & Biblically (also helps explain "Resets"). SoooExcellent2see such great truths all in one article. Much still2be discovered however esp in regards2ancient civilizations, artifacts & Spiritual "systems" (Good v Evil). MuchoKudos👊⭐️
It adds up, 1600, just before the printing press came out, therefore reading books would be widespread. Why not use the old and new Testaments to then tell people what to follow, pass it off as god and jesus. Keep in mind the Scofield Bible and how that was used to program folks to believe we have to stand with a specific piece of real estate in the mid east.
Jason Breshears at "Archaix" YT channel has tons of amazing info on the Bible and just about anything else you may be interested in.
He's amazing!
Yes elfmom, been following JB for several years now and his work and knowledge is nothing short of mind blowingly stunning.
How easy it is for them to fulfill prophecy if they authored the prophecy?
"666", anyone? Pretty strange.
666 is 2/3 of 100 . Their book said that 2/3 of the world will die by the end of times .
Is it the prediction of end of EVIL ?
I’ve often thought the same thing. 🤔
Emperror Constantine elevated a small Christian sect into global religion around 300 ad (Nicaea). He needed a religious tool to solidify his power over Eastern and Western (remnants of the Roman) empire. It ushered in (religious) Dark ages for nearly 1000 years. It is at that time that old texts have been edited and history rewritten (and real history destroyed as much as possible) to further the agenda.
Explains a lot regarding why the world is such a dark mess. The fact that it is becoming known who thinks they own the world after working in darkness for so many centuries I see as a good sign. May we experience what a world without these parasites is really like to live in soon.
So if the Q narrative is an AI program ultimately from the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Malta are from these families, what's actually up? The other day it seemed like the Knights of Malta might be a mixed bag of global intent...some good some bad. We know Q is a psyop, don't we? A huge blue pill disguised as a red pill that has been swallowed by many. So what's actually true? Is what's true the scenario David Icke claims...that all these families are hybrids of the original EL invaders and this planet (and beyond) has been under attack and harvested by this group for ages? I think there's a good chance that's true, if for no other reason than the NON-humanness of their plans. It's out beyond IN-human. What's OUR plan??
Ultimately, I know it's our own spiritual awakening, but what relevance is, say, the election of Donald Trump in 2024, the dismantling of the deep state and so on? The deep state looks like just a harvesting organ of these families, or does the term actually mean these families? The "Fall of Babylon" implies these "people" are going down. How? I watched this13+ part series a while back when the whole series was available. For some reason the conclusion escapes me. Can anyone remind me?
The Q narrative I think comes from in-Q-tel. Some people seem to think its from the kennedy shot in dallas who didn't actually die and has been in hiding, as stipulated by the swiss pascal najadi character who thinks the wars over and the good guys won...
We all had a big discussion in the comments about Najadi earlier this week.
Thanks for the reference, I'll go give it a read. It always feels off when some wealthy leader says we won and its all over now... reads like fulford every other week... ;)
I love this discussion but hate that we have to even have this discussion. Nice you guys are on the same page, that’s refreshing since no one else around me is. I wanted to have hopium, but seeing the Kennedy name as one of the top elitist in the world has squashed any hopium I might have hoped to have. Of course “they’re”tracking everything we read and write as well.
You know...screw them and the horse they rode in on.
I have a friend who believes as Najadi does and WORSE. She says she's trying to red pill me and doesn't get it when I tell her she's the most blue pilled person I know. She falls for all the hopium psyops. She told me JFK is alive at 107 because of med beds. She also believes "they" destroy world cultures every 250 years and we have to rebuild. She believes in every off the wall thing you can think of and says history is fake so we never hear about the world being destroyed. 250 years ago??
I know history is often invention but we have letters, documents, books, a paper trail researched by historians in what's recent history, so the 250 year destruction can't be happening. It's obvious to me there was a major lost civilization though, tens of thousands of years ago. BECAUSE THE EVIDENCE IS THERE. When I ask her what her evidence is for such nonsense, she says she has none but she has people she trusts at places like Telegram who tell her things like flat earth, geocentrism, all political leaders are fakes in million dollar CIA masks or on the way to Gitmo, mud slides, Tartaria, it's-all-a-movie and on and on. I think one has to be a good bit stupid to believe all that because there is no evidence.
Still, I think we will prevail...but only because there is evidence the globalist/satanist crazies have less and less control. The WHO treaty failed yesterday and that's only one of the things they want that they're not getting. So all is not lost. Kennedy is as left as they come being against the 2nd amendment and for climate control. Please!
Ugh. Tartaria. And arguing with Flat-Earthers who invariably have this uppity attitude, like “You’re too stupid!” Sigh.
I know it. My friend, luckily the only acquaintance I have like that, has the attitude that she's the informed one and I'm the dullard...I'll get it someday when I'm finally awake. Frankly, I'd rather have a blue-haired screaming memie around me. There's really no difference in the stupid.
Trump win was engineered, the NWO/globalists need him for something, he has been elevated to “martyr” and “saint” status for a reason, so he is definitely going to do something to usher in NWO. He is a puppet like everybody else. There will be no dismantling the “deep state”, just cosmetic reshuffling ..
I wouldn’t rule that out, at all. These bastards control both “sides”; everybody.
But I still think the Trump win puts us on a slower track to the Globalists’ destination and if God prevails, there may even be a possibility of subverting Globalist goals.
But if Kabala is installed (which may still happen), we are toast, very soon.
The goal remains the same, the Trump "win" is just switching to a more psyop route. It is also much more efficient: why fight 150 million armed Americans and create chaos that may get out of control when you can psy-op them and make them willingly do your bidding because "messiah" told them so.. It is actually amazing (once you step out out of it) how much psyop/conditioning is everywhere in your life. As for subverting globalists goals, I doubt: Who controls the money controls the world.
Cannot disagree about the money.
I am a single-issue voter re: censorship. He has vowed to stop it. We never had it like it has become until he became President and these fvckers broke this country with censorship and insane propaganda, pitting us against each other. He has spelled-out how he's going end that garbage. I'm here for that.
In a world where you are attacked from every direction you pick a single issue? - good luck. World is so fractured and people made to fight each other for tiniest (irrelevant) reasons, there is no saving it. As for the Trump "plan" - it is a joke .. with some crumbs here and there for the faithful.
I voted for him for many other reasons. What, are you mad I didn't vote Kabala? WTF!
Censorship has destroyed my business and it has destroyed this country. Is that not enough?
I can't solve the issue about who controls the right to issue currency. But I can vote against censorship.
You know what? You're just a liitle b¡tch. Goodbye.
Great article!! More please
Balance love and harmony
bingo! been doin' my own "home-grown" research fer the last couple years, came ta the same conclusion--heck, when I started I had no idear 'bout Black Nobility (or the 3 Popes!) let alone the 300 etc.
Truth is, the "Aristocrats"--foul an' crude as it wuz--was beyond an inside joke--foul as it wuz--Gottfried wuz tellin' the truth, a "reveal"--'specially in the comp'ny of Heff who had tunnels below an' KNEW from whut GG wuz speakin'--lotta blood on Heff's hands (an' other parts) so I think this wuz also a roast of an'nuther kind. Poison-ally, I find it interestin' that all the "comics" that either did this joke (Gottfried, Saget too--tho' his execution--pun intended--wuz far cruder ) both of 'em died "suddenly" as "not oldsters" in the past 2 years AS DID other comics that spoke 'bout the Black Nobility via their work ---includin' Rik Mayall ( -- this one kin find but he also spoke of Princess Di's "in house" take out...) an' Trevor Moore (see his illuminati "spoof" skit here: They say Robin Williams wuz gonna let loose on the pedo stuff he knew 'bout too--an' then there's Issac Kappy-- Death to the Jesters... that's fer sure...
Elizabeth Nickson (who gave ya a nice "like" fer this story) has been spot-on coverin' this stuff too. Won't fail to add the incredible work of Frances Leader (I quibble with her portrayal of "the zionists" as bein' all bad--she thankfully doesn't pernt a finger at "the joos joos an' nuttin' but the joos" like most are doin' now (it's all over like white on rice!) but imo not all zionists are baddies--most are ordinary folks, many not supportin' BBGun, many--like those in my own fambly!--that simply either went to Israel bein' misled it would be a "safe" haven from the Czar's purches--OR those in the US who supported the state from afar BUT in both cases not havin' a clue 'bout whut wuz goin' on in the shadows let alone 'bout rats like Lord Balfour or the Rothschilds who ta my own folks were just "fancy winemakers")--BUT such quibbles 'bout the holy land aside, do SEE these 2 from Frances as her research is terrific (imo):
1. ("Black Nobility are NOT Jews or Jesuits, they are atheists and nihilists. " etc) and
Also check her own comments for added links ta good stuff...
Oh, an' fwiw, many of the SRA whistleblowers--'specially Svali--list these folks, the Black Nobility or the 13 or the Heads of State, or even the heads of covens (Gloria Vanderbilt! Laurie Cabot!) --addin' too that Svali specifically said it ain't "the joos" (some of the MKUltra folks like Gottleib of course are...) but most per Svali are not... Cathy O'Brien too--an' she's besties with Roseanne--I trust she knows who's behind all this too.
In stack land everybuddy (an' his uncle) sez it's "only the chews" (as if Gilbert Gottfried, may he RIP as they say he wuz a true mensch in real life, is runnin' black ops? from his small apt. on the UWS? rilly?)--ergo they conclude that the world will be free if they're rid of (us) chews... (sigh) Thus I'm grateful when writers, however they feel 'bout chews, are willin' ta try ta figger out this mess an' see beyond the sh_t storm of simplified finger "perntin' " ta dig up the whole cast of characters--sure, some gawd-awful chews (Soros who sez he doesn't ident"fry" as one is yet a rotten egg as is Larry-the-Fink, as wuz Heinze K... etc)--but rotten eggs of every faith an' non faith are all "scram-bulled" in one big swamp... together. An' tho' post-Coleman some folks insisted the 300 were all "chews," I read the whole dang book an' it's a small percentage). Problem is, if the laser pointer directs all eyes one way, natchurally the real perps git away! So BOTH b/c it be-hooves us (devil in them details) ta figger out who's who (I LOVE that yer document names so many names!) an' also b/c it will do no good if they take down "the wrong man" (or wrong tribe, whatever) only ta find it's too late cuz when0 everybuddy wuz burnin' the wrong party (an' not in effigy either) the real ones got away...
'Been doin' a bit of my own writin' on this stuff from a wild an' wooly angle here'bouts:
Last but not least, check out the UN an' Madame Blavatsky (later Alice Bailey) an' the Lucius Trust an' Crowley as bringin' in the NWO mebbe orchestrated by the Black Nobility but the "puppets" include the UN an' their theosophy / order of the Golden Dawn... an' all the "New Age" malarkey that got folks away from real faith or at least real morals!
Would love ta see more on the Black Nobility--with solutions ta takin' down their towers (or pyramids)
ps re the viddeyo--Phyllis Diller's best pal wuz Bob Hope--one of the top MKUltra handlers (see Eyes Wide Shut man in the golden mask...) an' I DOUBT she knew nuttin' bout that stuff so it's kinda funny her shocked "reaction" given her own buddies...
What about the Chinese triads and the Japanese Yakuza?
From what I've heard, they essentially play a similar role to the Mafia/Cosa Nostra in East Asia. Whereas, you have the highest-level aristocrats committing state crimes, their minions directly beneath them are white collar criminals who rig the financial system and the corporations and further down the line, these multifarious gangs control the more "street"-type crimes.
Great question.
The Black Nobility's devotion to 'breeding' their own bloodlines certainly explains why they are the developers of EUGENICS/GENETICS.
However, what is the agreement between the controlling families of European descent and the controlling families in the rest of the world? Was it just a bond growing out of Colonialism where the Colonizers connected and rewarded each colonized areas' families who agree to become collaborators/sympathizers? Did the European colonizers empower existing ruling families and/or create new family groups in the colonized world?
I can't help wondering how this worldwide connection of "royal" families works. Because, bottom line, the Malthusian/Darwinian Eugenicists have already shown that they have no respect for the lives of 'people of color'. Note Bill Gates' drug trials in India and Africa -- it doesn't seem to trouble him if his drug tests and vax programs kill and maim people by the thousands; his track record is so disastrous in terms of human lives and suffering, it seems impossible to consider every death is not intentional! My ultimate questions being: How come the non-European "nobility" families would trust the European Black Nobility Families? How would that work when EUGENICS Death Tech is an ultimate tool of power in the hands of The Cabal?
Jim Willie says that most of the top members of the CCP are descended from David Rockefeller - like dozens of them.
That would be a reverse of the old bigot's epithet that a drop of black blood makes one black? So, a drop of Rockefeller blood makes one a Rockefeller?
Seems there may be no 'science' possible when propagandist breeders are the ones in charge.
I wish I could stop saying this but… mind blown.
Not mine I figured this out a while back
This was amazing research.Almost unbelievable.It all makes so much sense how this whole world is being orchestrated.Thank you for this fascinating knowledge
Remember Karen Hudes Red Ice Interview? Who controlls the controllers? "It goes off-world".
She's right. The hybrids are swaying our destiny.
Fascinating research, I wonder if anyone has created a map of all these connections, like a kumu map.
Where can I find the original PDF in Spanish? I'd love to read it in its original form. Thank you.
A Kumu map of businesses associated directly with the Black Nobility would be easy to do, using just Wikipedia articles, which list all of the corporations controlled by these families.
These families invest in and especially love to play in the fashion industry, which is a massive industry that includes every suburban mall and a profusion of online retailers. Then, there are the banks and the car factories. They own a lot. They own almost everything.
The original PDF that I received was in English but I could see traces in the verbiage that this was a probably a mechanical translation into English from an original Spanish language document, notably, I could tell from the royal titles; calling the Queen of England, "Isabel".
I've never seen the Spanish language original, although there appears to be a lot of this kind of literature in the Spanish language. I notice that retired Russian spy, whose work I love, Daniel Estulin now writes primarily in Spanish and he also speaks it almost natively. It's pretty remarkable. And he does a lot of videos and has a website. I also recently joined the Telegram Group run by Jorge Guerra Canal de Historia on Telegram - I can almost guess know who's behind the mystery document?
I have felt that since L. Ron Hubbard died in January of 1986 that David Miscavige has been controlled by a hidden nefarious source with the goal to destroy the Church of Scientology. They have done a good job.
You might also recall the netflix documentary on "The Family"... the Family is what members call themselves in the committee of 300. Ironic huh.
Theres also a book called Divina Insidia that talks some more about how the black nobility run their businesses.
As one of the oligarchs, Putin is reportedly worth about 70 billion. Is he involved in the Russian Mafia?
I don't know much about this subject but some Russian émigré friends of mine tell me that he literally owns every restaurant in Moscow.
I think it's unlikely that he's NOT one of them 😯
Sadly I don’t think the remarkable way in which Russia has prospered under Putin could’ve happened without Putin being on the inside & a cult member.