The Globalist System Is Collapsing in Real Time, Warns Bilderberg Expert Daniel Estulin
Investigative journalist, author and 24-year Russian military counterintelligence veteran, Daniel Estulin joins Alex Jones to to discuss the collapse of the current world order and how, for the first time in 1,000 years, we are flying completely blind and we have no economic model. The model was to kill us but they failed.
I always look forward to what Daniel Estulin has to say and he is absolutely lit in this latest interview on InfoWars.
Daniel Estulin: If Trump goes through with his plans, it would wipe out those elite who are behind [the] Clintons and the Bidens. In other words, the Wall Streets, the hedge funds, the speculative financial interests, they would remain alive – although things happen – but they would lose their resources they previously had, which is what? The little machine that prints money that you and I don't have.
But why Trump? And why do the elite see him as such a danger to their rules-based order? Because you see, America and the world in general, they need to be perceived not as a kind of united front, but as a, let's call it, matryoshka, nesting doll, hiding at least three Americas.
So the first layer is the America of Wall Street, Washington's bureaucracy, Chicago, Hollywood, Silicon Valley. It's America's 1%. And then there's the second America, the post-industrial or the Corporate America. It stands for production and transnational companies born out of the Second Industrial Revolution. And Trump became their voice. These are the "Deplorables", as Hillary Clinton called them.
And that said, Trump would never have won the elections in 2016, and I don't think he has a chance to win it this year, if the third America did not support him or does not support him. And this is the high-tech America, as you mentioned earlier. It's the America of knowledge, of brain workers, of new technology, of IT that has emerged over the past 40 years.
And so on the global stage, Donald Trump has become a kind of a symbol and a mouthpiece for those forces that are not ready to sacrifice America for global schemes; and will forego them for the sake of America-First ideology.
And this vision represents a radical change in the balance of force of this global arena. And consequently, it represents a change of the direction in which mankind – not only the United States – but mankind is going, because it's an issue of universal concern.
And that's why the fight is not only between the Democrats and the Republicans, but all those who represent collective interests of nation-states on the one hand, and these global parasitical financiers [on the other hand]. And so we're witnessing actors in a process where the world is literally entering a new era.
It's an era marked by this struggle for national liberation of societies, separated by state boundaries and also customs, against the common enemy, which is this all-destroying dominance of this global ruling class against the background of looming social collapse, as a result of what aggression of liberally-minded global profiteers – and in that case, I repeat, the Trumps and the Xi Jinpings and the Putins and the Orbáns and the Ficos, they stand on the same side, not because they're buddies. Okay, that's what the mainstream media wants you to believe.
"Fico is a stooge of Putin." "Trump is a stooge of Putin, because Putin has info on him that will benefit Putin against him." No, that's not the case. They represent a wing against which they need to band together, because the other side is very powerful.
It's the global financial liberal banking financiers. It's the Satanist wing. And so, the idea in the United States right now is, either, as Trump wants to do, you save the United States at the expense of those global financial liberal banking financiers, or if they win, they will destroy the United States from within. And again, the Democrats, the Republicans, it's not a different thing. That's the same thing. Okay, they're all the same thing.
Trump is different.
Okay, but doesn't matter. We're talking about the Bushes, we're talking about, it makes no difference to Clintons. They all represent global liberal banking financiers. The idea that they have is you destroy the United States to save their global liberal system.
And people like the Rockefellers and company, they're not American as much as they have the United States Passport. They're Globalists. And they're in the United States, they're in New York, because that's where the money is.
I think that one of the key reasons why Trump won in 2016 is because of you. And I think that's one of the key reasons why you are de-platformed and hated so much by so many of these global, liberal banking financiers, because you're the cause, quote unquote, okay, the culprit for, in great part for having Donald Trump win –
ALEX JONES: Well, just to interrupt, they say that and believe that. And when I've been in these law firm meetings with top Democrat Party lawyers, they shake with hatred. And I'm like, so yes, they actually believe I did that. I didn't.
My show was a focal point for guests and callers and people to come together. And when they went to the RNC and a third of the people wearing my shirts, yes, that's when they blamed me. And credit's great. I don't care about it, but it's dangerous credit. I don't think it was me, but it was the show that was the catalyst, reaching 30, 40 million a day at that time that did do it. I didn't mean to interrupt, please continue.
DANIEL ESTULIN: No, absolutely. I mean, you're too kind. But the thing is, I mean, you played a key role in having, and even Trump himself, I think on more than one occasion back in 2016, he even said it for himself. He told me that in person.
So the question again of the mid-1960s is still very current: What do we do? We have, you know, this Biblical crisis looming that will turn, you know, this entire world to mush. You'll have revolutions, all kinds of stuff. So what do we do?
Science and development for the 99% of the population. No. For the elite. Yes. And that's where transhumanism comes in. CRISPR technologies, 5G, 6G, et cetera, et cetera. And again, progress is good for humanity and bad for the elite, because it makes us, the people, richer. And the elite need to do the opposite.
Pay attention. The first half of the 20th century, Alex, was a riot of inventions and discoveries. And then if you kind of look, what have we discovered in the second half of the 20th century? Cell phone, internet, personal computer. And all of these things are directly related to control over human beings. And then, at the height of the 1960s, we have Tavistock Institute, it was given the task to kill a cultural optimism.
And so the Western elite made a very simple decision. They began literally to stop scientific progress, technological progress, the elements that would improve the lives of people per square kilometer of space against nature. But to do this, it was necessary to justify why they're reducing progress. And then...
ALEX JONES: And that was my question. I mean, that's my question. Why would they want to kill progress and kill the general public having wealth?
DANIEL ESTULIN: Because if we have wealth, we're stronger together. We don't need them anymore. They need us to be dependent on them.
And the first report of the Club of Rome, as you know, proposed the concept of "Zero Growth". But the only way you can take advantage of the Zero Growth is if the Soviet bloc also participated. And so the Soviet Union was invited to participate in these environmentalist projects as a Club of Rome. And so together, they work together for those people who think that they're opposite ideologies. No, they work together.
Because, for the Soviet Union to the West, the idea of progress was bad, because then it would give people freedom that they didn't want them to have. And then, look what happened in the 1960s and 1970s? The apex of capitalism and then systemic anti-capitalism, which was the Soviet Union; stagnation, technical stagnation, scientific stagnation, industrial progress.
Each of these things were reduced in its own way. But where the capitalist system had room to maneuver, because it was more advanced, the Soviet system did not. And that's why it collapsed when it did.
And so what we're seeing right now, but now – and I've talked about this before – you cannot have one system without the other. They need each other and they're mutually inclusive. And so the Soviet Union collapsed.
And again, I talked about this metaphorical train that came back in 1991 to a station called the Soviet Union. That train is coming today to the station that says the United States of America.
And unfortunately, the result for the United States is going to be exactly the same as for the Soviet Union: Collapse, dismantling of the country. Once there was this country called the Soviet Union made up of 15 republics. Now it's all of these different countries fighting each other.
And so this year, the Bilderberg conference, they're going to be talking about this. Because again, I want to remind you, back in 1991, many people in the West and also in the former Soviet Union thought that the demise of the Soviet Union was a blessing. You have this new era of planetary capitalism – this was beginning in Fukuyama wrote back in 1992, his famous book, 'The End of History'.
So what he wanted to say was that this was an "Age of Liberals" was coming. It should have been clear to people who understood the political economy of capitalism, that the destruction of the Soviet Union was the beginning of the end of the capitalist system. OK, when you're talking about systemically, it's just a question of how long it would take. And now we're seeing it.
ALEX JONES: Exactly, when you get rid of the opposition to it, it's not because you've defeated it, it's because you've now prepared the West to merge with that, which was which was the Carnegie plan since the '20s.
DANIEL ESTULIN: In the '20s, exactly. So they decided it was necessary to create two centers that would face each other, OK, as they're fighting, you know, like wrestling, for example. And so they needed time to carry out their plan. And the plan was, what do we do now?
And the plan was 16 years: eight years, Barack Obama; eight years, Hillary Clinton. OK, but again, but Clinton lost. And in the 16 years, the plan was they would solve the problem of the end of the economic model and the end of infinite expansion, which cannot exist, obviously, on our own finite planet.
And the answer to the problem was really simple, was brilliant from the perspective of the ruling elite, the creation of, on the one hand, Transpacific Community and Transatlantic Community. And these two communities, as the Soviet Union and the United States, they would fight each other. But because both groups were represented by the same group of people behind them at a supranational level, it was a brilliant idea.
But that plan failed. Why? Because Trump won in 2016, in great part thanks to Alex Jones. What did he just say? He said there's a storm coming.
[A full transcript of this amazing interview appears beneath the video linked below].
Running Time: 76 mins
the art of war SUN TZU they want us to believe they are disorganized, weak , vulnerble, un prepared falling apart etc etc so that we drop our guard , stop , slow down, become overconfident ... that is what is happening now .... dear God of goodness truth and love please enlighten our darkness on how to deal with evil according to your devine wisdom
Love the analogy of the matryoshka nesting dolls as a way of putting Trump, Putin et al in perspective: you can’t see Trump making his Masonic and Satanic hand signals or hear his stance on the jabs even after the evidence of death and injury from them these past few years and think he’s opposed to the Globalists for real. The Globalists, Trump and his faction serve the same masters in the hidden, deeper level of the nesting doll. How convenient most people don’t know they exist.