the art of war SUN TZU they want us to believe they are disorganized, weak , vulnerble, un prepared falling apart etc etc so that we drop our guard , stop , slow down, become overconfident ... that is what is happening now .... dear God of goodness truth and love please enlighten our darkness on how to deal with evil according to your devine wisdom
Love the analogy of the matryoshka nesting dolls as a way of putting Trump, Putin et al in perspective: you can’t see Trump making his Masonic and Satanic hand signals or hear his stance on the jabs even after the evidence of death and injury from them these past few years and think he’s opposed to the Globalists for real. The Globalists, Trump and his faction serve the same masters in the hidden, deeper level of the nesting doll. How convenient most people don’t know they exist.
And globalism led by the Zionist satanic families who actually worship "Baal" is what MAGA is fighting against and will win. Dems are on the run as everyone can see and the blame game has started.
Half the guys in trumps first Presidency were full blown Zionists.
Yet as there is absolutely no doubt those that control the Democrat party are hell bent on destroying the USA, Trump is at least the better of two evils. Business as usual if there is no one willing to use the 2nd amendment and the Constitution to take their Republic back by force, which is the only possible alternative to the tyranny that exists today.
I guess the mockingbird MSM truly brainwashes people's minds. In the first place, Trump ordered a vaccine and NOT a biological weapon. Paranoia can sometimes be contagious when you listen to doom and gloom prophets. Trump is one of the very few American Presidents that is NOT a mason and that is a fact. You are using "reverse psychology" to point a finger at Trump and make his base believe he is some kind of monster. For your information your brainwashing/propaganda tin hat theories just don't wash any longer. Given what the "deep state" has done to him shows anybody with half a brain that it was nothing other then a witch hunt by the corrupt Biden administration and his DOJ because they feared he would come back and bring real justice against them. Nothing can stop what is coming. Also, judge the man for his achievements as POTUS and not by his orange hair or tweets.
The world is a stage and this is all a show. Any player is on that stage is placed there for our entertainment and distraction by the real powers that remain hidden.
Lots of problems with this. Trump came in, and they sprang COVID on us. Planetary genocide began rolling out. They are about to do it again. We are all being hunted by the 1%.
Just clarify one thing . Pres. Trump got elected which interfered with their plans and schedule however he had nothing to do with this war crime. The one sole thing I hold against him is the fact he STILL won’t call out those vaccines for what they really are. Personally I think he had an idea of what St Anthony and the crew were doing but not a real grasp on the extent of it all. None of us did at that time .
It took me a while having seen a couple of Schwabs and Gates weird commentaries to quit gaslighting myself about what the WEF was up to. At least now a significant portion of the entire worlds population knows very well or at some level highly suspects their own governments nefarious intentions in collusion with these WEF villains.
Yes, I would agree with how you put it, including Trump's role. But yes, he is not speaking up about the vaccines.
I would definitely call out our government for collusion but would go further in looking at DARPA and the military and their role in planning of genocide through bioweapons. They spend all their days and nights coming up with ever-better methods of murdering their fellow human beings, including the search for doomsday weapons in space. What this must do to their psyche is awful to contemplate.
That is right to a point. Their single biggest fear is "we the people" rising and confronting them. There are far more of us then them as you mention. The gig is over and that is proven by the rising masses waking up and standing up against their tyranny as we are observing. Last night's Trump rally in the Bronx was a devastating shock to the Dem mob. They never expected the amount of people attending the rally. This is deep blue country never challenged by a Republican since Raegan. That and Biden's state of mind is a deadly recipe for Democrats. Regardless whether they will put someone else in Biden's place at the Convention the damage is done and is irreparable. Everybody knows Biden does not run the show. The Democrat party and their autocrats in the WH run the whole shit show. People have woken up and they know it. The problem I see will be when these rats are put in a corner. Trump has continuously warned of a fearful backlash from them. It is blatantly obvious given the situation at the border. Tens of thousands of military age Chinese illegals coming through the border unchecked? No Chinese leaves the mainland without their government's permission. The border crisis has been by design. Trump knows it and surely he knows far more them most of us as to exactly what is going on and would have a contingency plan in place in case of such event.
for the first time he mentioned at his rally last night of the possibility of someone carrying a nuclear device inside a small briefcase enough to flatten a city as big as NY. Was that a message? Don't know but Trump has never erred when he throws such crumbs during his rallies. It will get a lot worse before it gets better. I believe in the bitter end things will turn out for the best regardless of the consequences thereof.
We are under assault by a genocidal global conspiracy via COVID and the Vax and the next "Plandemic" coming. I am familiar with all you write, but does Trump offer anything different or better? I would like to see the proof.
We are going through a very delicate time in history. One of those situations where you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Trump's main focus at this point in time is first to overcome the fake court cases against him. Secondly , to do as much campaigning as possible between the court cases which he has had tremendous success as you are well aware. The Democrats have their backs against the wall right now and are at their most dangerous point. They will use anything and everything to discredit and attack Trump. Trump has publicly warned people NOT to fall for the new "virus". I have heard him say it on a number of occasions. He has also emphasized there are certain medicines that would combat this "bird Virus" same as he did with Covid when he recommended hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin instead of the fatal vaccine. He cannot interfere because he is not in charge of the administration at the moment. He can only voice his opinion. Trump is well aware of their diabolical plan and hopes people have learnt from the first experience what to do and what NOT to do.
Please tell me where do I find anything "delicate" about the brutal trashing of just about everything of true value to a wholesome and rational civilisation.
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
I would say that my view is a fairly common veiw of the US and Western political systems as it is today, is more or less the same as ever. Those the believe the vote is more than theatre, will vote for the guy who makes them feel least sick in the stomach.
How can you portray these elites as only Dem's when Bush Sr. ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" ????? Ummm like the whole thing is putrid, not just one party...
"And so what we're seeing right now, but now – and I've talked about this before – you cannot have one system without the other. They need each other and they're mutually inclusive. And so the Soviet Union collapsed."
Capitalism is not really a system. Think tanks put an "ism" on the end of capital (defined as "personal wealth") to create the *illusion* that it's a system. Just like the coined "communism" to equate communes themselves with "socialism" even though communes arise organically in free=non-socialist=capitalist=anarchist societies as ONE type of dwelling option, especially for younger adults and project workers.
Capitalism ie the free market exists best with NO socialism whatsoever, but socialism *cannot survive* without the producers of capitalism, as without the latter, there is no wealth left to plunder because there is no productivity toward market demands.
the art of war SUN TZU they want us to believe they are disorganized, weak , vulnerble, un prepared falling apart etc etc so that we drop our guard , stop , slow down, become overconfident ... that is what is happening now .... dear God of goodness truth and love please enlighten our darkness on how to deal with evil according to your devine wisdom
Love the analogy of the matryoshka nesting dolls as a way of putting Trump, Putin et al in perspective: you can’t see Trump making his Masonic and Satanic hand signals or hear his stance on the jabs even after the evidence of death and injury from them these past few years and think he’s opposed to the Globalists for real. The Globalists, Trump and his faction serve the same masters in the hidden, deeper level of the nesting doll. How convenient most people don’t know they exist.
"How convenient most people don’t know they exist."
Yep, because "The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the World he didn't exist."
PS 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.
And globalism led by the Zionist satanic families who actually worship "Baal" is what MAGA is fighting against and will win. Dems are on the run as everyone can see and the blame game has started.
Half the guys in trumps first Presidency were full blown Zionists.
Yet as there is absolutely no doubt those that control the Democrat party are hell bent on destroying the USA, Trump is at least the better of two evils. Business as usual if there is no one willing to use the 2nd amendment and the Constitution to take their Republic back by force, which is the only possible alternative to the tyranny that exists today.
I guess the mockingbird MSM truly brainwashes people's minds. In the first place, Trump ordered a vaccine and NOT a biological weapon. Paranoia can sometimes be contagious when you listen to doom and gloom prophets. Trump is one of the very few American Presidents that is NOT a mason and that is a fact. You are using "reverse psychology" to point a finger at Trump and make his base believe he is some kind of monster. For your information your brainwashing/propaganda tin hat theories just don't wash any longer. Given what the "deep state" has done to him shows anybody with half a brain that it was nothing other then a witch hunt by the corrupt Biden administration and his DOJ because they feared he would come back and bring real justice against them. Nothing can stop what is coming. Also, judge the man for his achievements as POTUS and not by his orange hair or tweets.
The world is a stage and this is all a show. Any player is on that stage is placed there for our entertainment and distraction by the real powers that remain hidden.
Isn’t that the whole plan. Blow everything up & then come in as saviors
Howard Beale : I want you to go to the window, open it, stick your head out and yell: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore."
Lots of problems with this. Trump came in, and they sprang COVID on us. Planetary genocide began rolling out. They are about to do it again. We are all being hunted by the 1%.
Just clarify one thing . Pres. Trump got elected which interfered with their plans and schedule however he had nothing to do with this war crime. The one sole thing I hold against him is the fact he STILL won’t call out those vaccines for what they really are. Personally I think he had an idea of what St Anthony and the crew were doing but not a real grasp on the extent of it all. None of us did at that time .
It took me a while having seen a couple of Schwabs and Gates weird commentaries to quit gaslighting myself about what the WEF was up to. At least now a significant portion of the entire worlds population knows very well or at some level highly suspects their own governments nefarious intentions in collusion with these WEF villains.
Yes, I would agree with how you put it, including Trump's role. But yes, he is not speaking up about the vaccines.
I would definitely call out our government for collusion but would go further in looking at DARPA and the military and their role in planning of genocide through bioweapons. They spend all their days and nights coming up with ever-better methods of murdering their fellow human beings, including the search for doomsday weapons in space. What this must do to their psyche is awful to contemplate.
That is right to a point. Their single biggest fear is "we the people" rising and confronting them. There are far more of us then them as you mention. The gig is over and that is proven by the rising masses waking up and standing up against their tyranny as we are observing. Last night's Trump rally in the Bronx was a devastating shock to the Dem mob. They never expected the amount of people attending the rally. This is deep blue country never challenged by a Republican since Raegan. That and Biden's state of mind is a deadly recipe for Democrats. Regardless whether they will put someone else in Biden's place at the Convention the damage is done and is irreparable. Everybody knows Biden does not run the show. The Democrat party and their autocrats in the WH run the whole shit show. People have woken up and they know it. The problem I see will be when these rats are put in a corner. Trump has continuously warned of a fearful backlash from them. It is blatantly obvious given the situation at the border. Tens of thousands of military age Chinese illegals coming through the border unchecked? No Chinese leaves the mainland without their government's permission. The border crisis has been by design. Trump knows it and surely he knows far more them most of us as to exactly what is going on and would have a contingency plan in place in case of such event.
for the first time he mentioned at his rally last night of the possibility of someone carrying a nuclear device inside a small briefcase enough to flatten a city as big as NY. Was that a message? Don't know but Trump has never erred when he throws such crumbs during his rallies. It will get a lot worse before it gets better. I believe in the bitter end things will turn out for the best regardless of the consequences thereof.
We are under assault by a genocidal global conspiracy via COVID and the Vax and the next "Plandemic" coming. I am familiar with all you write, but does Trump offer anything different or better? I would like to see the proof.
We are going through a very delicate time in history. One of those situations where you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Trump's main focus at this point in time is first to overcome the fake court cases against him. Secondly , to do as much campaigning as possible between the court cases which he has had tremendous success as you are well aware. The Democrats have their backs against the wall right now and are at their most dangerous point. They will use anything and everything to discredit and attack Trump. Trump has publicly warned people NOT to fall for the new "virus". I have heard him say it on a number of occasions. He has also emphasized there are certain medicines that would combat this "bird Virus" same as he did with Covid when he recommended hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin instead of the fatal vaccine. He cannot interfere because he is not in charge of the administration at the moment. He can only voice his opinion. Trump is well aware of their diabolical plan and hopes people have learnt from the first experience what to do and what NOT to do.
Please tell me where do I find anything "delicate" about the brutal trashing of just about everything of true value to a wholesome and rational civilisation.
Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines" Trump, told the World the vaxx was safe and to take it.
Sadly people believed him.
Seventeen million vaxxed are dead and millions more are sick and dying. Even more are permanently vaxxine damaged, for life.
Funeral Directors report ordering 30% more CHILD-SIZE caskets, up from 20% last year!
And Trump NOT opposing the deadly vaxxines, or even WARNING people!
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
By President Donald J. Trump.
I would say that my view is a fairly common veiw of the US and Western political systems as it is today, is more or less the same as ever. Those the believe the vote is more than theatre, will vote for the guy who makes them feel least sick in the stomach.
Yeah, they are finished, blah, blah, blah ...
How about some proof about all that ...
Seeing them going to prison, something real.
Lots and lots of BS Artists these days ...
How can you portray these elites as only Dem's when Bush Sr. ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" ????? Ummm like the whole thing is putrid, not just one party...
"And so what we're seeing right now, but now – and I've talked about this before – you cannot have one system without the other. They need each other and they're mutually inclusive. And so the Soviet Union collapsed."
Capitalism is not really a system. Think tanks put an "ism" on the end of capital (defined as "personal wealth") to create the *illusion* that it's a system. Just like the coined "communism" to equate communes themselves with "socialism" even though communes arise organically in free=non-socialist=capitalist=anarchist societies as ONE type of dwelling option, especially for younger adults and project workers.
Capitalism ie the free market exists best with NO socialism whatsoever, but socialism *cannot survive* without the producers of capitalism, as without the latter, there is no wealth left to plunder because there is no productivity toward market demands.