As Trump answers the question involving natural gas, he brings up how important it is for AI to have enough energy ( Which will be massive). So, he says that people need energy and it's the right thing to do to provide it, but also it's part of this push to advance AI, a-la Ellison and that whole "shit show ". LOL.
As Trump answers the question involving natural gas, he brings up how important it is for AI to have enough energy ( Which will be massive). So, he says that people need energy and it's the right thing to do to provide it, but also it's part of this push to advance AI, a-la Ellison and that whole "shit show ". LOL.
Why does Davos want him back ????
Maybe he's more sinister than I'd hoped - He performs for his followers, even with some major accomplishments. But when it comes to the REALLY BIG SHOW, he's right there. ( New World Order via total surveillance, control, getting rid of a percentage of the population - custom vaccines, of all things. )
My grandmother had a saying, "The constantly chewing towser gets the bone". ( A towser is a dog).
I'm chewing......LOL. ( As I suspect most of this group is ).
This is off topic, but just read that some Amish people went to N. Carolina and built 300 homes, free of charge, in a week for the people there who lost their dwellings. Compare that with FEMA, which Trump may dump - for good reasons.......
I might have been off on how long they spent on the building. But, quite the loving thing to do no matter how long it took. That's not just living in love, it's spreading love via one's actions / example.
What stood out to me most was when Trump said and then repeated that we are moving to a merit based system. The second time he emphasized it, by saying, “and you really need to hear my words”. I immediately thought of the quote outside of one of the Masonic Lodges in New York which says, “I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.” It might have been from John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. What we hear is, “Americans will rise up into positions that DEI has kept us from”, but what he means is people will come legally from other countries and take those positions. Trump says we will need tons of legal immigrants. They believe we are dumb, fat and lazy like in Wall-E or Idiocracy and that people in other countries are more driven, smarter & work harder. The article below explains how I believe he will use H-1B Visas to continue the work of white replacement by overwhelming the country with foreigners only this time legally and perhaps from more acceptable countries. So your choice was a false choice: illegal invasion or a legal one. Either way, the Jews get their white replacement both through intermarriage with foreigners and bioweapon “vaccines”. By the way
H-1B adds up to the Masonic #11. H=8, B=2 so 8+1+2=11
The Masonic Lodge quote may help explain why "they" tell/show us ahead of time what is being planned/implemented. They're responsible for telling us and if we hear/see it or not matters not.
This just clicked for me, via your title. The manifestation of GMO plants should have been a loud warning bell for what is coming/planned. GMO people. How " in our face" all this time.........And, early GMO studies on rats showed that after a few generations the rats fed GMO products became infertile.
Yes and the GMO seeds can be patented and someone owns a patent. The Supreme Court wouldn’t hear Todd Callender’s case asking them to state whether the “vaccinated” can be owned because if they are GMO a 2013 case set case law regarding GMO, that it is owned by the patent holder. Check out his site 5smallstones. There are forms on his site that one could take to their sheriff.
I agree 👍 Trump is not working to make America Great Again! Trump is a Zionist and he didn't put his hand on the Bible when he took the Oath to get sworn in, and that says a lot and is a strong message to America! In my opinion! Also the numbers don't lie, people lie! #11 is a master number and a significant number that they use!
...because he is stating the obvious - People will, and have been, the source of energy for quite sometime. Prepare yourselves for the big die off and even larger collection of human knowledge to be uploaded, in the history of well, the history!
Long story short: Many things tie into the subject; For example, 5G, Jabz, AI, and other tech. Do a bit of research on the most prevalent of topics in these past several years. This in turn, will lead you down a path that will have you hopping like an Easter bunny on steroids!
So, another term used in the article is Psychic Vampire. ( Psychotic Vampire ).
Alright, so one possibility would be aliens who are like super energy vampires, feeding off our fear - having developed this as our mode of existence. I'm thinking of The Matrix sort of deal. So, wars, disasters, etc. are used to create a sort of periodic frenzy feeding festival....... And, can't have those who refuse fear and try out love as an option. Just kill them off..... " I want to drink your fear. "
Hey, could be. Lots of evidence to support something along this line of thought...... It's out there, but so are mRNA custom vaccines. Zounds !!
Parasites, which these aliens would be, excrete fluids that make the person eat what the parasites like. So, the aliens excrete propaganda, influences, agendas that make us become fearful - Yummy. " I want to drink your fear. "
I have a product concept: It's both a dessert topping and a parasitic alien vampire killer. Spray as needed and more, just to be sure.
One problem is that many will look " out there " for their salvation. ( Trump will clean the swamp, etc. ) Heaven is out there, in the sky..... When Jesus and Paul said that heaven is within. ( Hell too. It depends upon whether we live in love or in fear. )
As Trump answers the question involving natural gas, he brings up how important it is for AI to have enough energy ( Which will be massive). So, he says that people need energy and it's the right thing to do to provide it, but also it's part of this push to advance AI, a-la Ellison and that whole "shit show ". LOL.
Why does Davos want him back ????
Maybe he's more sinister than I'd hoped - He performs for his followers, even with some major accomplishments. But when it comes to the REALLY BIG SHOW, he's right there. ( New World Order via total surveillance, control, getting rid of a percentage of the population - custom vaccines, of all things. )
My grandmother had a saying, "The constantly chewing towser gets the bone". ( A towser is a dog).
I'm chewing......LOL. ( As I suspect most of this group is ).
This is off topic, but just read that some Amish people went to N. Carolina and built 300 homes, free of charge, in a week for the people there who lost their dwellings. Compare that with FEMA, which Trump may dump - for good reasons.......
I might have been off on how long they spent on the building. But, quite the loving thing to do no matter how long it took. That's not just living in love, it's spreading love via one's actions / example.
What stood out to me most was when Trump said and then repeated that we are moving to a merit based system. The second time he emphasized it, by saying, “and you really need to hear my words”. I immediately thought of the quote outside of one of the Masonic Lodges in New York which says, “I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.” It might have been from John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. What we hear is, “Americans will rise up into positions that DEI has kept us from”, but what he means is people will come legally from other countries and take those positions. Trump says we will need tons of legal immigrants. They believe we are dumb, fat and lazy like in Wall-E or Idiocracy and that people in other countries are more driven, smarter & work harder. The article below explains how I believe he will use H-1B Visas to continue the work of white replacement by overwhelming the country with foreigners only this time legally and perhaps from more acceptable countries. So your choice was a false choice: illegal invasion or a legal one. Either way, the Jews get their white replacement both through intermarriage with foreigners and bioweapon “vaccines”. By the way
H-1B adds up to the Masonic #11. H=8, B=2 so 8+1+2=11
The Masonic Lodge quote may help explain why "they" tell/show us ahead of time what is being planned/implemented. They're responsible for telling us and if we hear/see it or not matters not.
This just clicked for me, via your title. The manifestation of GMO plants should have been a loud warning bell for what is coming/planned. GMO people. How " in our face" all this time.........And, early GMO studies on rats showed that after a few generations the rats fed GMO products became infertile.
Yes and the GMO seeds can be patented and someone owns a patent. The Supreme Court wouldn’t hear Todd Callender’s case asking them to state whether the “vaccinated” can be owned because if they are GMO a 2013 case set case law regarding GMO, that it is owned by the patent holder. Check out his site 5smallstones. There are forms on his site that one could take to their sheriff.
Well ain't that just peachy.
I agree 👍 Trump is not working to make America Great Again! Trump is a Zionist and he didn't put his hand on the Bible when he took the Oath to get sworn in, and that says a lot and is a strong message to America! In my opinion! Also the numbers don't lie, people lie! #11 is a master number and a significant number that they use!
Replace FEMA with DOAE ( Department of Amish Efficiency ).
I'd like to Witness ( Harrison Ford ) that. LOL.
...because he is stating the obvious - People will, and have been, the source of energy for quite sometime. Prepare yourselves for the big die off and even larger collection of human knowledge to be uploaded, in the history of well, the history!
Blessings ~
" ...because he is stating the obvious" - Meaning that's why Davos wants him back ?
How are people the source of energy ?
Long story short: Many things tie into the subject; For example, 5G, Jabz, AI, and other tech. Do a bit of research on the most prevalent of topics in these past several years. This in turn, will lead you down a path that will have you hopping like an Easter bunny on steroids!
Happy hunting. . .
People being the source of energy is probably a reference to energy vampires?
Thank you.
So, another term used in the article is Psychic Vampire. ( Psychotic Vampire ).
Alright, so one possibility would be aliens who are like super energy vampires, feeding off our fear - having developed this as our mode of existence. I'm thinking of The Matrix sort of deal. So, wars, disasters, etc. are used to create a sort of periodic frenzy feeding festival....... And, can't have those who refuse fear and try out love as an option. Just kill them off..... " I want to drink your fear. "
Hey, could be. Lots of evidence to support something along this line of thought...... It's out there, but so are mRNA custom vaccines. Zounds !!
Parasites, which these aliens would be, excrete fluids that make the person eat what the parasites like. So, the aliens excrete propaganda, influences, agendas that make us become fearful - Yummy. " I want to drink your fear. "
I have a product concept: It's both a dessert topping and a parasitic alien vampire killer. Spray as needed and more, just to be sure.
Ummhmm! They're called archons and they feed on human emotional energy!
Hey, if memecoins sell, why not a parasitic-alien-vampire-killer dessert topping?! What would you call it? Vampire Surprise, maybe?!
FWIW, I think the vampires are more likely to be demonic/inter-dimensional attachments than aliens, but what do I know?
Not cool either way.
Right, " What do I know ? - nothing really. LOL. But, I have to function so I
have current beliefs/assumptions, that change as new information enters.....
As far as sellers go, how about this as a bumper sticker:
The Second Coming - Trump !!
Many people believe that Trump is the second coming!
Well, it's a second coming for him as President.
One problem is that many will look " out there " for their salvation. ( Trump will clean the swamp, etc. ) Heaven is out there, in the sky..... When Jesus and Paul said that heaven is within. ( Hell too. It depends upon whether we live in love or in fear. )
That's true! I believe that the majority of people look "out there" for a savior!
Some think he may be the antiChrist-i.e. takes Christ’s position. I don’t know about that, but a lot of people seem to worship him!
Many people believe in unicorns and The Tooth Fairy!
I do too! Interdimensional entities! They're having a party and a feast Nowadays too!
Only if we let them. We need to learn to be aware and to interdict/shed them. They're parasites :(